Talk:Volcanic Hot Newsletter/December '06 issue

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Revision as of 14:46, 18 December 2006 by Habap (talk | contribs) (→‎News tip: linkage without undescores)
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Macho heroes

Begging your pardon, dear sirs, but I do think that you declared war nearly a month ago. We're getting bored waiting with our allies for your arrival. Please excuse the speculation about why you have failed to appear. It was fueled by the pronouncements of your King and discusssion amongst your leaders that perhaps RedSpan and her allies were more than a match for Darka. Not having much experience myself, I assumed that these discussions and the request for someone to fund Darka's venture indicated an unwillingness to engage in combat.

We shall expect your prompt arrival to resolve this matter. I hope you can understand our confusion. Cowards often avoid battles, as you have for the last month, so we have been confused. --Habap 17:06, 14 December 2006 (CET)

If i m not mistaken RedSpan begged for this war not to happen ,of course back then they hadn t begged from help from their Federation,so Darka decided to give them sometime to think and meditate on their actions.Darka is a busy realm and before pleasure or personal matters ,job comes first.You see that is the life of a professional.But your lack of experience,as you stated yourself,justifies you.Be patient,we will visit you in time.-Lavigna
Of course we don't want a war. It is also obvious that we would call upon our Federation partners in response to attempted extortion. It is, however, difficult to conclude that the internal discussions of Darkan leaders indicate anything other than trepidation at the idea of meeting enemy forces in RedSpan. If you do manage to get someone to pay you to come down, do let us know. We'd hate to think that your declaration of war was the mere posturing which it appears to be. --Habap 22:12, 15 December 2006 (CET)

The declaration of war to RedSpan was made for a very specific reason.The assasiantion of MrJones.It is an act that should get punished as it is a war RedSpan and Darka should fight alone.But RedSpan obviously didn't want to fight this war alone and asked the help of it's friends.Since you brought others in this personal conflict i don t see why we shouldn't try to gain something from it as well.Maybe you should consider more the idea of RedSpan taking advantage of this war in order to make it a war of your Federation against Darka.Accept this war as 1vs1 war and we will see who fears to meet the enemy in it's lands.---Lavigna

  • You have been through this with Pizzaro at your newspaper discussion. We have each other's thoughts, please let this end it:
Haha I must say, about half way through reading this I ask myself "Why did I start reading this again?" I wonder if you guys realize you both said the same thing in alternating spaces for about, oh, 48 kilobytes worth the stuff?! I could sumerize it all in one paragraph for you, using nice incomplete sentences and phrases to keep it simple. AJ attacks Darkan Judge, Darka mad, RS fines AJ, Darka thinks it's not enough since he still profited, Darka declares war on RS right away, Darka must complete contract first, RS calls in Abington and Carelia in the meantime, Darka mad, wanted one-on-one since it is a personal matter, Darkan King asks some ally for help beacuse the war won't be one-on-one, now RS enjoys making fun of Darka while they wait for contract to be fufilled. See? Simple. And it only took 10 lines. ~A Concern Reader

News tip

Urpo, brother of KK has made article about Darka vs. RS war.

Since it has that _RS_ thing, link is broken on ingame messages, so if you could place link on your news paper?

If you type [[Atamara News/Darka RS War]] in-game, it should link there properly. --Habap 15:46, 18 December 2006 (CET)


A lot of the newspapers here put the most recent stories at the top, pushing the older stuff down the page. This makes it easier for someone coming to check on the latest news to see it immediately. You might also use sections to create headlines -- use == before and after each headline to make it into a section. The other nice thing about that is once you have 4 or so sections, it automatically adds a table of contents, allowing easier navigation. Good luck! --Habap 14:56, 16 December 2006 (CET)

Well, I put in some template. Crescent can yell at me later if I did them wrong :) - LilWolf 16:45, 16 December 2006 (CET)
Looks good. Also, I think referring to the King's interview as the KKK interview might not be very funny, due to the racist implications of using those three letters together. --Habap 22:39, 16 December 2006 (CET)
Good point. Renamed the article title. Jezralhm 03:54, 18 December 2006 (CET)


Juan's suggestion of goat-buggery, which might be acceptable in Darka, disgusts me to no end. If he chooses to have relations with his animals, that is his vile business. To suggest it to others is beyond the pale. Suggesting that one do such with goats is pure heresy. --Habap 15:45, 18 December 2006 (CET)