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Lemon Fame 2

You should do all your fame point speculation on the new Lemon Fame page rather than here :-)


I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that each of your characters can write a book as a mentor. I've had two different characters become mentors and write a book and each of them got a point of fame for the family. I assume the third character the same will happen but I dont know and cant find out (he's a hero).

I've not heard of this before, but it would seem to break the one point per event per family rule, that seems to apply every where else. Perhaps it was some other event. mcsporran 8 October 2005 00:06 (CEST)
It's probably some other event, but don't discount the possibility. After all, the Mentor position is very important to the game, and if anything is going to be a source of "free" fame points, Mentoring would be it. --John 8 October 2005 03:20 (CEST)
I seem to recall that I read some where that the first book written gets your family 3 Fame points and the next book gets you 1 Fame point.Marc J.
I suspect you got the second fame point for passing a certain prestige plateau since writing a book more often then not has a nice sum of prestige associated with it--Aralaiquendi 8 October 2005 08:51 (CEST)

Can anyone confirm that the Duke fame points are still in existence? I had a character who was appointed Duchess this morning, and my fame has remained the same. --Roy 11 November 2005 20:23 (CET)

I don't think it happens instantly, you might have to wait a day. --Nicholas November 12, 2005 07:23 (CET)

Yeah, you're right, I had to wait 24 hours, and then they appeared.--Roy 12 November 2005 10:11 (CET)

Moving the Family Mansion

I heard when Heros moving their family from one place to another will also grant you 1 fame point. Not sure about it though. -- Gsklee 16 November 2005 07:54 (CET)

I remember when I moved my Family mansion as a Hero I received a fame point the next day for it. I had done nothing else at the time to have increased my Fame so it must have been that. Has anyone else experienced this? - Revan
I think this is correct, and somewhere in the copying the moving mansion became moving capital. I've fixed it. mcsporran 10 February 2006 22:50 (CET)
Moving capital is confirmed, moving family mansion is not.--Aralaiquendi 11 February 2006 01:45 (CET)
I moved my family mansion from Al Arab to Ibladesh and i got no fame, though i received some honor. --Xiso 22 Feb 2006
I moved my Family mansion 1 region away into Semall from Ejarr Puutl, for 1 prestige but no fame. Possibly you get a fame point if you move the mansion intercontinentally? --The1exile 18 April 2006 02:40 (CEST)
Nope, I moved mine to Plergoth from the EI, no fame. mcsporran 18 April 2006 18:37 (CEST)
Me neither.. I moved from Portion (Colonies) to Cteduul (Beluaterra) and i didn't get any fame point. Shoenaemaeh 18 April 2006 18:40 (CEST)
Then I guess it's pretty much proven that moving the family mansion doesn't give fame, unless you do it repeatedly maybe? Sadly, not something I can test, I don't intend to go anywhere soon. --The1exile 18 April 2006 21:02 (CEST)

New Fame Points added

2 more possible fame points were added today. Have fun finding them, the maximum is now 40.
--Tom 26 December 2005 13:26 (CET)

I discovered today that I've gained another fame point, and I have absolutely no idea why. As you can see from the bottom of my wiki page I worked out how I got my 18, yet today I discovered I have a 19th. This is only theorising, but the only thing different is that one of my characters was appointed as a local lord very recently. I checked my history, and it's the 10th time that I've been appointed as region commander (not counting Dukedoms, which are seperate and have their own fame associated with them)), so perhaps there's now a fame point for that? It's the only thing I can come up with... --Roy 24 January 2006 14:54 (CET)

As well as the above fame point, I now have another FIVE which are unnaccounted for. That's six in total. If anyone wants to have a sit down and try and work out what they are for, I'd be much appreciative :) My own guess will soon. --Roy 18 March 2006 13:07 (CET)

More fame added

I've added another 6 possible fame points today, bringing the max to 48. I also updated the database so those who have already passed some of the requirements got their fame today. That's how a few of you might suddenly find themselves 1 or more fame higher. --Tom 18 March 2006 14:27 (CET)

Well I got two extra points today, so I'm not entirely sure what the updates were. Using the front page I'm still a good 6 in the dark as to where they came from. Well not entirely, I suspect that when my Hero Lelnor died (He had over 150 honor, and 60+ prestige, was quite old, and died as King and in a huge battle). So that leaves 3-4 still unacconted for, two of which are brand new. My guess is that it has something to do with the bounty board. I've been waiting for that to come up, another is an infiltraitor of a certain skill level, though that I find more dubious as it would likely have to be something more in line with actions. I also have a guess as to losing rulership to rebellion. You might look stupid, but you would be famous. Loren 18 March 2006 15:08 (CET)
I don't know...I recieved 4 out of these new 6 points, and because I've never played a ruler, had an infiltrator or been on the bounty board, I'm inclined to believe that the majority of the new points are time-based. Or at least based upon the lower positions. --Roy 19 March 2006 00:39 (CET)

I got 3 fame points today. The things that I did with my characters:

1. did nothing (literally), just sat around in the capital (500th day in realm = the number of days I've been in the game for)
2. moved into a region with his small cavalry unit, no battle or any events (472nd day in realm)
3. attacked a city (15k CS vs 5k CS), gained prestige and honour: total family prestige rose to 80, individual by 1 to 27; family honour rose above 190, individual to 90
None of them hold any positions. Nylen 22 March 2006 00:53 (CET)

I recieved 3 fame: I have no idea where they came from, but looking at some others, I did collect the highest bounty yet (1550G) with an infiltrator that had 80% skill at one stage. User:Fanta - 22 March 2006 09:27 (CET)

I received a fame point today. The only thing my characters did: 1. fought a battle in a city. 2. moved back and fort btwn territories helplessly confused. 3. Was appointed Marquis (we already have had several barons, counts etc in the family, but an odd number-7 or so I think so thats probably not it) and 4. Initiated a TO in a city. Im thinking it was the last one. Anybody care to confirm this one? Tsubaki 16 May 2006 1:11 (CST)

I got ONE fame point for killing someone in a duel. User:Primus Family - 11 April 2006

Anybody else confirm this ? mcsporran 29 April 2006 10:37 (CEST)
I can try... might take a bit of time though. --The1exile 29 April 2006 10:57 (CEST)
Confirmed. I killed someone in a duel to death and got a fame point. --The1exile 13:44, 7 May 2006 (CEST)

I recieved another Fame point recently, and I THINK it was because I recruited a Large unit--164 men. Largest I've ever recruited, if someone could recruit one that size and confirm, that would be awesome. User:Primus Family - 18 May 2006


Yesterday, I lost another one of my characters in battle. The death of Najib (December) gained me 1 fame point. The death of Kyra (yesterday) gained me 3 fame points. Marouane 23 April 2006 16:31 (CEST)

Same thing happened with my two Heroes - Revan
Just so it's clear: Both of you have recieved 3 fame points for 1 hero death, and 1 more for a further hero death ? mcsporran 29 April 2006 10:37 (CEST)
I think it is supposed to be 1 for the first hero death, then three for the next one. --The1exile 29 April 2006 10:58 (CEST)
For the love of... my third hero kicked the bucket today... logically, I am now awarded 9 fame points :P Marouane 19:08, 22 August 2006 (CEST)

I strongly disagree with stating on this page that first hero death gets you 1 and second gets you 3: this has not, to my knowledge, been verified by Tom, and I *think* (though I'm not certain) that I saw him say somewhere that it has nothing to do with the number of heroes you have who die, but rather with how prestigious the individual hero was. --Anaris 18:05, 12 September 2006 (CEST)

If that's the case, his code is bugged. Najib was far more prestigious than Kyra, yet Kyra's death bagged me 3 fame points as opposed to Najib's 1 point. Also, I've heard two other people say they got 1 fame point after their first hero died, and 3 after the second died. I lost 4 heroes in total, and I didn;t get fame points for the two last ones. Which leads me to believe that you get 1 point for the first, and 3 for the second dead hero. -Marouane 21:04, 12 September 2006 (CEST)
While it has been speculated that prestige is what defines a "legendary" hero, it is far from confirmed. In fact, I think Tom has said it's not that simple. Thus, it's entirely possible that Kyra was more legendary than Najib. Furthermore, since you can only ever get each fame point once, once you have had one non-legendary hero die and one legendary hero die, that means you'll never get another fame point for hero death. And finally, my understanding of the purpose of this page is to track confirmed fame points--that is, fame points that Tom has said, "Yes, you found one, good job," not just fame points where a couple of people have noticed a pattern (which may or may not be coincidence) and decided that that must be the fame point. --Anaris 21:47, 12 September 2006 (CEST)
Trust me, Kyra can never have been more legendary than Najib. Najib was around for close to a year and fought in 3 different wars. When he died, his H/P was around 90/30. Kyra was around for a month, fought two major battles and died with H/P at 30/15 or so. Also, people who lost 40 year old heroes who had very high H/P and who had been in pretty much every governmental or regional position also got only one fame point for their first dead hero. And I don't believe in coincidence either. If three people report the same exact thing happening, it is a certainty for all I care. -Marouane 22:10, 12 September 2006 (CEST)


What defines a legendary hero is one that has died in a huge battle, i.e. the whole ocntinent will know that that hero died. What could be more famous than that?

Whether or not Tom will confirm this is not an issue as of writng, with Tom being wawy, but I can say almost certainly that it is not prestige that determines it. When I had a hero die in a governemnt position and he had 25 prestige, 1 fame, yet someone died with 27 prestige in a huge battle and gained 3 fame.

This is just what I think but it's definitely a likely possibilty and I would ask Tom to confirm or deny when it is an appropriate time. --The1exile 23:13, 12 September 2006 (CEST)

Also, I doubt that size of the battle decides whether or not a hero is legendary. For one, that would be grossly unfair. Someone who has just declared himself a hero may die in a huge battle, whereas some of the most experienced heroes may die in a simple skrimish (like Sargon of Perdan and Formidus the True of Taselak). Second, the battle that killed Najib was larger than the battle that killed Kyra (8,000 vs ~15,000 as opposed to 8,000 vs 8,000), so according to your speculation, Najib's death should be more 'legendary' than Kyra's. -Marouane 01:01, 13 September 2006 (CEST)

Fame from duels?

Someone in Nighthelm asked this a while back. He had gained 2 fame points in 3 days, without doing anything noteworthy apart from dueling a lot. In another realm, he won his 25th duel, and won 10 duels in a row. Perhaps one of those things earned him a fame point or two? -Marouane 16:30, 5 October 2006 (CEST)

Hmm, I like the look of this one; I have a char with 90% sword skills, and have dueled a lot with him and only lost about 1 or two in every hundred, while also having 4 undiscovered fame points. --The1exile 16:56, 5 October 2006 (CEST)
That would require the game to keep track in a database each characters duel records and Im not sure it does that.--Aralaiquendi 18:50, 5 October 2006 (CEST)
This should not be a hard job for the code to handle. All you need is a few more variables attached to the characters. -- Gsklee 04:25, 24 October 2006 (CEST)

Tom's Hints

"Only one fame point has not yet been collected - all other fame points have been earned by at least one, usually many. This one un-discovered fame point can be earned in battle."

Hell, no idea. -- Gsklee 04:25, 24 October 2006 (CEST)

"There is fame in religion"

Building a Grand Temple? -- Gsklee 04:25, 24 October 2006 (CEST)

"There is fame for exceptional skill(s)"

Now I guess this is why some people reported back that they thought they gained a fame point for participating big battles, because the fact is their characters raised their skills above a certain threshold in the various fighting skills. -- Gsklee 04:25, 24 October 2006 (CEST)

"There is a trader-specific fame point"

Now there's motive for being traders... -- Gsklee 04:25, 24 October 2006 (CEST)