Bridgebuilder Family/Eirik II

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Eirik II was first born in Rancagua during the days of the civil war. He had a hard time in his youth. his father was being abusive to him, and beat him badly when he was young. At the age of 15, he ran away from home. For ten years, no-one knew where he was, how he was doing - or if he was even alive.

Ten years later. The Rancaguan civil war was ended - Rancagua died, and the rebels in Old Rancagua had won. The family spread with the wind, and his father was trying to seek out Eirik II to offer reparations to him. He found him in the Grand Lodge of Lunaria, where Eirik II had become a Pontifex and a noble. Eirik II did, however, not want to see his father, and ordered the black robes, Lunaria's current Royal Guard, to have him exiled, and killed on sight if he ever returned. In this period sometime, Eirik II freaked out, and started to belive in the beliefs of the Chaos Requiem.

After a few weeks Nobdy tricked Eirik II to appoint him lord over Todtpiz, where he constructed a guildhouse for the Chaos Requiem. The nobles objected to this, and Eirik II, arrogant as he was, ignored them. Many others had been deserving it people said. Eirik II then ordered people to be quiet - He was the ruler, it was his divine right he claimed. Anyone not willing to follow that was to be taken by the inquisition. It ended with Eirik II getting protested out of office, but not banned, as he was of royal blood, and banning a royal is unthinkable.

Eirik II from that day tried to get his throne back. After some time, Kunininonoyynishili was hit by an assassin (what a coincidence, eh?), leaving Eirik II as only elegtible candidate. He was voted in, by one vote (guess who's vote?). Unfortunately, Brian the "honourable" rebelled on him a day later and won, with the support of his brother Tiernan, Tiernan's lady friend (and future wife) Anya Merry, and Brians good friend San Exiled. Eirik II was now forced in exile in the Sanctum of Casshern.

He didn't stay long there though, before he wanted to wreak revenge upon his former master and tutor, Valius. He tried to kill him in his own bed, but unfortunately the guards caught him. Not only once, but twice. On second offence, he was banned - and this time he went to the League of Anacan.

His time in Anacan went quickly. He trained his skills in infiltration for weeks, as he was offered an assignment - to hit and kill Ziode, Pontifex of Lunaria. After some time, the LoA was gangbanged attacked by many realms, also known as the Batesaor Syndrome, and it quickly died right after Eirik II died.

Death of Eirik II