Talk:Order of the Doughnuts/East Continent

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It saddens me to find The Order of the Doughnuts limited to only East Continent. All islands should be blessed with the gooey goodness that is doughnuts! I have great interest in helping The Order of the Doughnuts expand to the Colonies, specifically, Alebad. It would make for a separate hierarchy (i.e. one Golden Doughnut, Grand Glazer, etc. per island), but easily tracked and organized here or on a seperate "The Order of the Doughnuts - Colonies" wiki page. What say ye, fine members? Shall the love of doughnuts and peace be allowed to expand beyond the borders of just one island? --Calvin November 19:51, 26 May 2006 (CEST)

Ah, Calvin November, how true it is that all islands should have access to the wonder of the doughnuts. I shall forward your message unto the guild members on the continent. I assume you have the means to establish such a guild in the colonies? --The1exile 20:15, 26 May 2006 (CEST)

As Count of Alebad's Vir el Mari heights, yes, I do have the ability to establish a new guildhouse. Of course, I'll have to tempt my fellow Senate members with some yummy dough that's been fried in oil and glazed with sugar for the official okay, but it shouldn't be too tough. --Calvin November 06:28, 27 May 2006 (CEST)

Rackir has given his blessing to establish new sibling guilds across other continents. --Neoro 06:52, 27 May 2006 (CEST)

Excellent. I shall set about it soon and post progress here. Shall the name of the "Colonies" guild be simply "The Order of the Doughnuts" with the approptiate tweaks to the current Order of the Doughnuts wiki page? Information on the Colonies guildhouse(s) could be included on the same wiki page using something like the following example (for the Members of the Guild section):

East Continent Colonies

Grand Glazer
Rackir since 2006-01-14
Shop Managers
Rodon since 2006-01-20
Sumsar since 2006-01-20
Ryndhal since 2006-02-06
Zog Returns since 2006-02-08
Holders of the Book of Recipes
Widfara since 2006-02-28
Aurum since 2006-04-11
Master Bakers
Abishur since 2006-02-11
Denver since 2006-02-13
Destruidor since 2006-02-08
Dough Mixers
Is Est since 2006-01-14
Meryl since 2006-01-15
Achilles since 2006-01-17
Irias since 2006-01-25
Finwe since 2006-01-26
Samson since 2006-01-28
Faragorn since 2006-02-01
Falcor since 2006-02-12
Rendar since 2006-02-12
Storm since 2006-02-14
Alan since 2006-02-23
Tiraldric since 2006-02-26
Baranak since 2006-02-26
speedy since 2006-03-21
Ichigo since 2006-03-21
Artaxerxes since 2006-03-24
Sotel since 2006-03-26
Turbo Returns since 2006-03-26
Terrence since 2006-03-30
Ardor since 2006-04-03
Korin since 2006-04-09
Gadouha since 2006-04-09
Aristullos since2006-04-26
Crais since2006-05-11
Kevin since2006-05-11
Ocean since2006-05-16
Lloyyd since2006-05-22
People who enjoy Doughnuts
Jerry since 2006-04-23
El'rith since 2006-04-26
Black Adder since 2006-05-04
Kamekaze since 2006-05-06
Gwynyth since 2006-05-16
Vlad since 2006-05-24

Grand Glazer
Calvin November since 2006-05-27
Shop Managers
Holders of the Book of Recipes
Master Bakers
Dough Mixers
People who enjoy Doughnuts

Ok, Calvin, theres some things about the titles you might need to know. It's a good idea though. Just make sure that you include prominently where you are located (i.e. Colonies). For example, Holders of the book of recipes are those responsible for typing in the wiki page, so it might not be needed as a position for your guild. In fact, if you want I'll write you you own page, if you tell me the info and stuff.

Oh and about the name, we need something different. We are also seeing about founding another sibling guild on Beluaterra. Names for that?

I suggest when the guilds on other continents are up we move this page and create a sort of disambiguation page here. --The1exile 19:55, 27 May 2006 (CEST)

Gotcha. The more tips & guidance (such as hierarchy) you can pass along, the better.

And I agree. Perhaps 3 separate wiki's ("The Order of the Doughnuts - East Continent", "The Order of the Doughnuts - Colonies" and "The Order of the Doughnuts - Beluaterra") is the easiest plan. The current Order of the Doughnuts wiki page could contain the basic info (here's what we're about, etc.) and provide links to each of the separate guild pages. Otherwise this could get pretty messy fast. Plus, I'm not sure that many people know how to make or edit tables in wiki code.

As for keeping wiki-ness updated, it's kinda fun for me too, but help would not be turned away.

Dah! You know, it's too bad there's no way to communicate across islands in game. --Calvin November 01:18, 28 May 2006 (CEST)