Greybrook Family/Solomon

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Navarch Solomon in ceremonial military regalia.
Status: Alive
Continent: Dwilight
Realm: Tol Goldora
Class: Warrior/Cavalier
Age: 33
Honour: 383
Prestige: 64
Title: Navarch of Tol Goldora
Royal of Tol Goldora
Duke of Golden Farrow
Height: 5'11"
Eyes: Brown
Weapon: Longsword/ Arbalest
Unit: The Gylden Horsemen
The Exalted Arbalests
Army: Golden Host of Tol Goldora
Religion: Church of the Tidemother
Guilds: Grand Pantry of Luria
The Great Halls of Luria
Gylded Bank
Ordo Volpes
Royal Rangers
Current Unique Items: Royal Blade
Previous Unique Items: Cursed Essay
Glowing Armour
Whispering Blade
Screaming Wreath
Realms Served: ¤
Government Positions Held: ¤
Duchies Held: ¤
Lordships Held: ¤
Armies Served: ¤
  • Marshal of Iuvenilis Attingas Parvulorum
  • Marshal of Luria's Wrath
  • Marshal of The Golden Host

Solomon Greybrook is the current head of House Greybrook. Starting from humble origins in Giask, Solomon has obtained a decorated noble career. His renown largely contributed by his extensive military career, he now serves as ruler Navarch of Tol Goldora. As of now, he is currently fighting in the Gold Sea Conflict to return Tol Goldora to Golden Farrow.


Luria Nova

On his 18th birthday, he ascended to the house patriarch of the Greybrook family and through this ascendancy, he entered the arena of politics in Giask and wider Luria. Seeking to prove himself, Solomon was assigned to the military auxiliary arm, known as the Iuvenilis Attingas Parvulorum. Fighting across the Western regions of what is known now as Luria Ferrata, under his tutor and long life friend, Sir William Fitz Roberts. After serving for a couple of months, his ability and recognition for potential saw him being promoted to Vice-Marshal.

One expedition to the northern regions of Luria made Solomon consider a alternative path he did not consider before. After Duke Matthew Coffey of Earth Hall held a conference to discuss Lurian issues, Solomon requested to join Earth Hall and follow in both his tutor's and the Duke's vision for Luria in Earth Hall. With the Iuvenilis Attingas Parvulorum re-purposed under the William Fitz Roberts reforms as Imperial Marshal, Solomon continued his duties as Vice-Marshal. However, shortly after reforms had been implemented, which included nobles assigned to their Duchy's army, Solomon was nominated to become the Marshal of the Iuvenilis Attingas Parvulorum. Working alongside William Fitz Roberts, Solomon joined the Ordo Volpes, a rival of the now defunct Ordo Leonis.

Numerous campaigns in the north continued which saw battles concerning the peripheral regions of the Empire through political turmoil. However, his efforts were recognised when he was declared Earl of Dantooine. Through his lordship, Solomon re-ignited Lurian culture and values in the region and investing in numerous projects while repairing the Sea Cliff Keep as his new estate and administrative centre. It was during this time that Solomon began his friendship with his good friend Emyhr le Craint.

After the political turmoil known as the "Split of Luria" into Luria Nova and Luria Ferrara, Solomon led the northern army which was declared Luria's Wrath. This new era for Luria Nova, led by Emperor Nicholas Archival, saw Earth Hall prosper in it's new found autonomy against monsters and undead which came from the seas and the Divides. Part of this surge of activity and prosperity was the Dantooine Ball, hosted at the newly built Sea Cliff Keep, by Solomon and his uncle Carlos.

Once the realm had split into two, Solomon reluctantly led a raid into the Divides in a search for desperate gold and food for the realm. However, as the realm began to settle and discussions on how the realm raged on, the sudden disappearance of the Emperor Nicholas caused more political turmoil. Through the political legislation, the Duke of Moon Hall, was able to guarantee his election to the king position. However, in opposition to this, Solomon chose to run against the Duke as a counter candidate. Campaigning to change the political system to ensure that Lurian nobles were heard, Solomon managed to secure support to support his efforts post election. Solomon and allies publicly requested and then protested the election result. As a reaction to this, Solomon was removed from office as Marshal of Luria's Wrath, unlike his friend Sir William whom had been exiled.

At Solomon's proudest hour, the Battle of Nid Tek ultimately changed his life. Planning on marching to Dantooine to see his uncle, whom was under seige by rogues got wounded in the battle and only saved by his ex-Vice Marshal, Emyhr le Craint. Days past and Solomon finally awoke. However, his worst fears had been realised. Reports had been confirmed that Dantooine had fallen and that Sea Cliff Keep had been overrun with no survivors.

Eventually, protest against the would be King forced his resignation along with arranging a election for which each lord had a vote. This election would see Solomon run against his good friend, Imperial Marshal Bennet Selemnir and the Duchess of Earth Hall, Ciarghuala Dubhaine. Ultimately Bennet was elected the King of Luria Nova. However, with the pain of the loss of his family in Dantooine, Solomon retreated to his temporary estate in Nid Tek. After a few days, studying the history of his family with the few books he had taken with him from the ancestral home, Solomon turned to calling that he had resisted for many years. The urge to explore and sail West.

Tol Goldora

Acknowledging the necessity to leave Luria to explore, Solomon traveled with Emyhr le Craint to Sol to understand the lives of other nobles on the Western continent. Here, Solomon met likewise nobles whom wanted to travel westward and set up a colony in Golden Farrow. Seizing the opportunity, Solomon took on the responsibility for the Marshalship of the Golden Host. Sailing across the sea, the Host landed in Golden Farrow and took the city in two days. Soon after, the towns-land known as Farrowfield was taken. Recongising his ability to lead, Solomon was awarded the lordship of the towns-land and it's development as well as continuing his Marshal responsibilities of the Host. While Solomon remained to build the fortifications of Farrowfield, the host successfully took Demyansk. After half a month of work, Solomon and the other founders of the expedition and new privateers established the realm known as Tol Goldora. Here, Solomon was announced as the realm's General and preceded to oversee the migration and improvement of infrastructure of Tol Goldora.

However, the ruler of Westgard Aeon Rosalind Foxglove, sent a missive to all rulers of Dwilight proclaiming that Westgard had a claim to the recently occupied city of Golden Farrow, the founding Capital of Tol Goldora. The missive declared that the Nobles of Tol Goldora would have three days to respond to the missive and decide between relocating from Tol Goldora with military aid and financial reparations from Westgard, or war would be declared on the fledgling nation and the Nobles of Tol Goldora forcefully removed. While the Tol Goldoran nobles, especially those among the founders, believed this was simply a ploy. However, after one day, the realm of Westgard had declared war on the realm and attacked the city of Golden Farrow, in the midst of early summer, year 47.

With the Golden Host scattered and unable to refit and fight back, Navarch Medrawt Camlann had no choice but to order the Host to rally and prepare for the war to come. Prior the invasion, Tol Goldora had envisioned travelling further west to take the old deserted city known as Via. However, the necessity dictated that the nobles whom now made up Tol Goldora made Via their new capital and temporary home. Upon their arrival, there was all but one peasant. Taking on this mammoth task, Founder and Vestarch Umerith took the responsibility of rebuilding Via. Meanwhile, the newly reformed Lurian Empire rallied to Tol Goldora’s cause in entering alliance and declaring hostilities against Westgard. The first campaign lead by Solomon saw a dramatic and ultimately calamitous battle between Tol Goldora and its ally’s vs Westgard. While the invaders and their infamous special forces were defeated by the cavalry charge notably led by Sir Cador Andrasta, too much damage was taken to successfully maintain momentum to siege Golden Farrow. Therefore, while Tol Goldora was able to take back Farrowfield, during the next refit, the townsland was lost again to Westgard.

Realising that Tol Goldora needed a stronger infrastructure to fight the war and siege down the walls of the cities they build, Navarch Medrawt and Solomon saw a need to expand their capabilities. Therefore, Solomon led the Golden Host towards the Far West where the old city of Echiur and it’s townsland awaited. While this campaign was ongoing, Westgard had allied itself to Avernus, Arnor, Astrum. Seeing the strength of the Lurian Empire, the self-proclaimed League of Free Nations declared war on Sol and proceeded to sack Unterstrom. The Capital was sacked for four days and four nights but still stood after the Lurian relief force arrived in the beginning of that Winter. It was not until the Spring that Tol Goldora had successfully took the city of Echiur.

In Tol Goldora’s new strength, multiple campaigns were sent out to the surrounding Golden Reach to raid the Westgardian bushel supply throughout the Summer and Autumn of Year 48. It was a well-known fact that Westgard was struggling for bushels for a couple of seasons and the intention was to starve Westgard out of the Farrowlands. However, while these campaigns which included an expedition to the Westgardian heartlands by Imperial Marshal Wassgandr Felsenbach, Westgard maintained its ground. Whilst the war was ongoing, the Zuma had resurfaced down in Dragon’s Root and Nightmarch was once more active with the coalition of human tribes. Their rapid expansion up to Kosht was noticed by Solomon but was unable to act. It was only until he encountered a Daimon in the Barrow Peaks. While approaching eachother, the Exalted Arbalests and the Daimon known as Zyx fought an undead horde together. For Solomon, the sight was rather grotesque and confusing for meeting the Daimons for the first time. Showing encourage infront of his men, he attempted to engage the Daimon, yet to only receive a deafening screech that echoed throughout the peaks whom made some soldier’s ears bleed. Without much more to say, the Daimon left the soldiers alone.

A few weeks later, a letter from the Zuma general known as Tar’goz, made an ultimatum to Tol Goldora to release Echiur and its townland to the wilds in failure of recognising the ancient Zuma heritage in the land. Therefore, the Daimons demanded why Tol Goldora settled the lands of the Far West. Informing the Zuma general that it was Westgard that pushed them so far west, the Daimon was unable to recognise the causation. Therefore, failing to meet his ambiguous demands, the Zuma gave Tol Goldora to leave the lands within the month, which Navarch Medrawt obliged.

By the end of Autumn, the founders met to decide what would be best for Tol Goldora’s continued war against Westgard. This is when Navarch Medrawt announced that he seeked to rejoin the front lines and not seek re-election as Navarch. Personally, requested by Medrawt and unanimously supported by the Founders and the realm, Solomon was elected the second Navarch of Tol Goldora in the beginning of Winter Year 48. As his first act, Solomon saw an expansion into the Wynwest and took the city of Itau to further improve Tol Goldora’s strength. Like Via, Itau was a shadow of it’s past and needed complete re-invigoration. This task fell to Sir Beryl Blue. Although not a founder, he was a well respected noble within the Founder’s ranks and could be trusted with such a task. It was during this time that Vestarch Umerith found faith and founded the Church of the Tidemother. Worshiping the Goddess of Water and Air, Solomon found solace and purpose within the faith, after the collapse of the Celestial Scales and became one of the Thurderborn of the Church of the Tidemother.

Going into the next summer, Solomon continued to build up the Tol Goldoran military to a point where they could seriously contend against the walls of Farrowfield. Following their preparation, the region of Mozyr continued to rebel against their Westgardian oppressors and joined Tol Goldora. While peasants have no right to choose their lords, Solomon was chosen as the leader of Tol Goldora. The beaucracy insisted to the peasants of Mozyr that Solomon could not be lord if he was not a duke. With the peasants not backing down and the obvious benefit to Tol Goldora, Solomon was thereby named the Duke of Mozyr. While the region was forced back under Westgardian control, Solomon kept his new title as a sign of recognition but also a way for other regions to join the cause. By mid-summer, Solomon continued the relationships that held the alliance of Luria Nova which needed to be in line with the diplomatic changes enforced on the realm of Dwilight. Once this was settled, Solomon led the forces of Tol Goldora to siege Farrowfield. The battle itself went rather poorly, not one siege engine was able to breach the walls and Solomon was wounded. However, seeing the attempted siege, the peasants of Farrowfield revolted against their oppressors, led by Stratarch Roose. This was a tremendous victory for the scattered forces of the Golden Host. Yet, the success was not meant to last, despite the quick refit and the arrival of the Lurian forces led by Imperial Marshal Wassgandr, the takeover of Farrowfield was completed before a response was made. After this event, Stratarch Roose stepped down to allow another fight against Westgard, the Royal Medrawt took up this mantle.

The proceeding campaign during that Summer saw great strides into the Westgard and saw the destruction of the Eidulb Outskirts walls and saw the takeover of the regions of Dunnbrook, Walefishire and Duil. This progress had created the right momentum for Solomon to agree to a siege of Farrowfield. By the end of Autumn Year 50, Farrowfield was successfully under Tol Goldora control after three large battles against Westgard where the combined forces of Tol Goldora and Luria Nova were victorious. For the following year, Solomon was stationed in Farrowfield and defending against occasional rogue hordes. It was during this time that he initially proposed to the Margravine Sairyn Son of Golden Farrow. While this was necessary to bind the West together, Solomon slowly got more irritated by the stubborn pride of Westgard in their lack of reply or response to peace. Therefore, in the Summer of Year 51, Solomon joined the raiding party to Gelene Outskirts. Here, Solomon requested that the Aeon Rosalind met him outside of Gelene to begin peace talks. It only came to pass a few days after this request that the Aeon had chosen to step down to Solomon's surprise. Seeing that the former royal was not to meet him, he returned to Tol Goldora over the course of the Autumn. In the winter, Solomon once again attempted to negotiate with Westgard's new ruler to no avail. Furthermore, the capture of Duke Nigel and his resulting deporting to the colonies saw Solomon take up the mantle of Duke of Golden Farrow.

It was in the Spring of Year 51 where times changed for Solomon. After many seasons of hard work, Tol Goldora finally laid siege to Golden Farrow with Solomon at the helm where Tol Goldora began their freedom celebrations...