Talk:Priest Game/Tom's Own Words

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Priests As Lieges

Ok, can somewhere have a Priest as a liege still right? --Kag 18 March 2006 03:54 (CET)

No, in order to become a Priest, you give up all titles and claims to titles. No titles = no vassals. ~ Marc J. March 18, 2006 03:57 (CET)

Religious combat

Will it be possible for members of one religion to engage in religious conflict with other religions? Marouane 18 March 2006 05:03 (CET)

I wouldnt think so, not directly. Maybe dueling. But priests dont have troops: thus no fighting. But realms can pick religions, so they could wage holy wars and such, and when they conquered the enemy, they might raze temples. So the priests wouldnt do the fighting, but their followers would. Vellos 18 March 2006 05:20 (CET)
Members do not have to be priests. As of right now, The Path of the Great Dragon has 3 noble members, and only one cannot lead troops. AlexTurner 18 March 2006 05:26 (CET)
Religions wage wars - but not with the sword. Wait until your religions have grown a little and those options will appear. --Tom 18 March 2006 10:45 (CET)

Priests and money.

How does a priest get his money? People can not transfer money to me, I get no taxes, I have not checked but I think I can only "borrow" from the churce, so where do I get money to buld shrines and temples, etc? --Peter Kolak 27 March 2006 9:17 (PST)

I think (but I don't know either way) that the church automatically gets gold from its followers, so you can borrow from them. Except I can foresee a whole lot of priests in permanent debt to the church that way. Plus, if temples get taxed, that could be a major problem for the whole religion. Weren't churches exempt from being taxed, hence why they were always a major target for like, Viking raids and such? Olik 2 May 2006 18:40 (CEST)