Oritolon (Realm)/Recent History

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Long War

The long, brutal war between Oritolon, her ally Lukon and the theocratic states of Alebad and Alowca raged for many years and cost countless lives on both sides.

The war had it's roots in the conflict between Portion and Lukon. Portion had invaded their neighbours intent on conquest but with help from their new allies, Oritolon, Lukon pushed Portion back to the point that their capital was under threat. Portion's allies Alebad and Alowca eventually launched an ill-fated attack on Oritolon's army in Windaria. A lone Oritolon infiltrator disrupted the enemy advance so thoroughly that their attack was doomed before it began. With their allies crushed by this defeat Portion soon fell to Lukon's forces.

Oritolon retaliated a short time later, aided by Lukon and even Alebad who had turned on their allies over a political disagreement. Irdalni was taken from Alowca after a hard fight and the Alowcans were forced back to their capital in the face of overwhelming force. There they argued and despaired with many fleeing the continent. A lull in the fighting while Oritolon and her allies refitted their armies provided breathing space to Alowca which allowed them to regroup and to rebuild their army. A stalemate ensued with Oritolon and Alowca engaged largely in tactical posturing with the occasional bloody border engagements and numerous raids on both sides of the border. Though their internal problems in Alowca had weakened them significantly as a realm their military power was enough to keep Oritolon at bay.

Shrewd diplomacy on the part of Alowca's ruler then led to the formation of an alliance that brought support from all the other realms against Lukon and Oritolon. However the alliance was half-hearted and riddled with internal conflicts and failed to prevent Oritolon and Lukon from inflicting heavy damage on Alowca and Outer Tilog. Eventually Alowca and Alebad gained some ground in Oritolon but were driven back again.

Towards the final third of the war The Path of Chivalry was founded in Oritolon as a response to the increased use of religion by Alowca and Alebad as a weapon of war and a tool of intimidation and coercion. The Path's intention was to mitigate such subversion of faith by promoting tolerance and freedom of worship within Oritolon's borders and, later, into those regions so long suppressed by the stifling yoke of theocracy.

For years the war raged on with neither side gaining much advantage. The opposition alliance crumbled, leaving Alowca and Alebad to face Lukon and Oritolon unaided. Faith in the leaders of the theocracies and their continued corruption of their religion led to internal struggles. Their numbers depleted by long years of war and infighting Alebad finally fell to the fury of the armies of Lukon and Oritolon.

Alowca held out for some time under various leaders but their internal struggles for control of the power of the church continued to weaken them. Though they fought long and hard region after region began to fall and inevitably their capital was taken in a massive final assault by the armies of Oritolon and Lukon.

By the end of the war most of Alowca and much of Alebad were now held by Oritolon with some northern regions held by Lukon and the stain of theocracy had finally been wiped from The Colonies. Peace, of a sort, settled over the southern half of the continent.

The Founding of Minas Thalion

Once it became apparent that The Long War could not only be won but could result in the eradication of both Alowca and Alebad and the taking of their lands both Oritolon and Lukon had agreed after lengthy discussion that the best way to manage these new lands would be to found a new realm based around the Alebad duchy and populated by nobles from both Oritolon and Lukon, with government positions shared equally between the conquering realms.

Lukon was slow to finalise and enact this plan following the war but with pressure from Oritolon who were feeling the pain of trying to maintain regions so far from their capitol a deal was eventually reached and the realm of Minas Thalion was duly founded.

Tragically the Oritolon noble who had been nominated to rule the new realm was slain upon her arrival in it's capital during a confused and needless battle brought about by a disastrous case of mistaken identity resulting from the chaotic nature of the first few days after the realm's founding.

The Hvrek Treachery

Hvrek Psyche had been the incumbent Duke of Alowca when it fell to Oritolon and had been allowed to retain his position as a noble of Oritolon after the war. Shortly after the founding of Minas Thalion he led a round of protests against Oritolon's Prime Minister, Antonine Willhelm. Hvrek and his supporters claimed that Antonine was a member of 'The Colonial Brethern', a group dedicated to spreading chaos within the most powerful realms on the continent, and was conspiring to ruin Oritolon. Though these allegations were later rejected at trial Antonine had already been forced from office. By careful positioning of his followers in key areas, and the founding of a religion uncannily similar to that of the former theocracy of Alowca, Hvrek had gained enough support to be elected Prime Minister of Oritolon.

This was seen by many as a coup by forces loyal to the fallen realm of Alowca. Suspicion turned to dismay as Hvrek used his position to appoint his followers to positions of power. Any noble thought to oppose him was banned without question by his puppet judge, Katherine.

Outraged, a group of long established Oritolon loyalists mounted two rebellions and eventually forced Hvrek and his followers from power. The exiled nobles were repatriated and Actrial Erendegard was subsequently elected Prime Minister. Though Oritolon was saved from the brink of disaster the chaos of this coup and counter-coup resulted in Oritolon losing control of many of her regions, including the duchy of Alowca which slipped into anarchy as a result of Hvreks final acts of sabotage.

The Reconstitution of Oritolon

...Ended in a massive failure..... All records was burned by Khain Dragonborn as he refused to leave his legacy in the hands of those who tried to soil it.