The Estahsism Echo

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Cost: Free Editor: Nikkitanilas Felhand (User:X-anne-x) November 2010

This newspaper is a free, informative newspaper giving up to date news on a monthly basis about the faith of Estahsism as well as the goings on in and around the realm of Bara'Khur. This paper is edited my the High Priest of Estahs, Nikkitanilas Felhand.

The unguided souls of the lost lie in the darkness of their religious slumber. Cold and alone they call out. Call out to the Gods. The Gods of Estahs. They seek the light and the comfort and the guidance, for the Gods are many. It is believed there is a God to represent all aspects of existence. They split themselves into five factions to represent the five main aspects of existence: Lore, Humanity, Nature, Creativity and Darkness. The Gods of Estahs are called such for the Gods dwell in the city that is Estahs. Where the city is, no one knows for it is the dwelling of the Gods and no mortal shall go there, only our immortal souls travel their upon the ending of our lives, where we travel to the Blazimir Forests, resting place of the dead, to find the souls of our passed loved ones.


This Month's Paper

Current Influence
Region Followers Temples
Wudenkin 23% Large Temple
Pel Mark 100% Small Temple
Ippetimbal 97% Primitive Temple
Zisswii 98% Primitive Temple
Gaxano 99% Small Shack
Ren Madragas 99% Small Shack
Naraka 82% Small Shack
Watto 87% Small Shack
Iknopata 100%
Verdomite 40%
Vale 29%
Bajit 96%
Haffemet 49%
Xerus 34%
Dyomoque 24%
Kraake 18%
Tor 17%
Ircymbar 15%
Reeds 12%
Apokh 9%
Weghie 7%
Sheja 6%
Gihalcert 6%
Mokut 2%
Twillen 2%
Junohep 1%
Total followers (est): 42935
Hetland falls Sunday 15th November
The last region belonging to Hetland has now been lost, taken over my the Daimons. Hetland now becomes sixth realm to fall at the hands of the unnatural beings, joining Heen, Mesh, Dominion of Alluran, Avalon, and Riombara, though Riombara has resurfaced in a single region protected by a temple of light. So 7 realms remain. Can we help but ask, what hope is there left for humanity? These realms are lost so easily, can the rest possibly survive? How long until we are turned on to? The Daimons now swamp Sint, once their strongest allies, the Monsters continue their attack in the south on Enweil, the undead continue their fight up in the North. The rest of humanity seems relatively united, can each realm possibly defend itself alone? Even with the blessings of light protecting certain cities, it only protects one region, as even if it protects more, are they not protecting themselves from one evil, by submitting to another?

The Monsters, Undead and Daimons now control half the continant, with most the regions under their control plauged with darkness, never to be inhabbited by humans again. Could we really see the destruction of Beluaterra in these upcoming dark days?

Editor: Nikkitanilas
Third temple of light is erected, while the temple of light in Hetland is taken down Friday 12th November
The temple recently 'blessed' with light in Hetland, a temple of Daishi, is blessed no more. Reports say that a saddened Marta, child of the light, was seen removing the blessing. The reason to this is unclear. Perhaps because of the continual onslaught of the daimons? Though this is surely counter productive as the blessing kept the daimons out the region. Perhaps because attacks began from human realms, as the temple of light was seen as unholy, as it required human blood sacrifices to function.

However at a similar time, another temple was blessed with light, a temple of Eretzism in the single region belonging to Riombara; Grehk. This protects them from the adjacent monsters. But is a single city really the servival of a realm? And can it aid much against the unnatural beings plaguing the continuant?

Editor: Nikkitanilas