Dominion of Alluran

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dominion of Alluran
The Dominion Crest
Realm Council

Lord Protector
Imperial Magistrate
Imperial Chancelloress

Celyn Haerthorne

Sainth Eldrake
Manky Scallywag
Juan De-Legro

Realm Information

Government Style



Destroyed early in the fourth invasion. The Dominion was one of the first assaulted during when the invasion began, with Monster running rampant throughout her lands. They signed a peace agreement with the Monsters, incorporating all their lands into the Monsters realm.

Long have the emerald fields of the Neallyn river, dotted by flowers and saffron, been the heartland of those who have followed the call of Alluran. Atop the cool waters of the great river’s delta sits the great city of Eno, her white spires piercing the skies from which tall banners of every noble house in the Dominion billow from as the riches of the world pass through the ports and bridges beneath. From Xween to Cagamir and north to Epinotke and the gates of Eylmon, we are set to grow against the blackened ruins of the old Kingdom and finally scatter their twice-burnt ashes into the greying skies of war. Though the fields have not known the savagery of steel in many long years, the wheat and barley shall feed on loamy, blood soaked soil once again.

Here is a land of wealth and good cheer, of valour and arms linked in victory. A land of promise and greatness for those still young and grandeur for those now old.

Raven.pngHalls of EnoRaven.png

Rebuilt in the first year of Queen Belinde's reign by the inventor, engineer and architect (with many other skills beside) Sir Celyn Haerthorne, the Palace of Eno was resized to house the organs of a sovereign state as well as the signature flairs and extra rooms.

Arcana Imperii Map.png

Raven.pngThe AsideRaven.png

We promote a fair atmosphere here in the Dominion of Alluran, and of course accept and encourage people yelling, laughing, dancing, fighting and, above all else, roleplaying. It is like the mercury lining atop an in-laws wedding cake, or the friends and family that make all the difference between a few nibbles and a piranha infested river. So please, remember that people being noisy whilst managing to fight well is what makes a good realm.

 The Dominion of Alluran
Duchy of Eno

Eno | Brovyl | Bolkenia | Cagamir | Ovujemeh | Xween

Duchy of Eylmon

Eylmon | Epinotke

Duchy of Jidington

Jidington | Bym