Orgauth Family

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Revision as of 22:32, 30 September 2009 by TheGuardian (talk | contribs)


The basics is done now I will need to work on the history, I hope you'll like it

Telamond Orgauth


Status: Ok
Continent: Dwilight, early life on the Far East
Realm: Astrum
Titles Held: Count of Duil
Class: Hero
Honor: 91
Prestige: 24
Age: 46
Height: 1.93m
Weight: 95kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray

MiniOrgauth.png Telamond Orgauth MiniOrgauth.png

A paladin! Pious, devout, faithful, loyal, merciful, just, and now becoming wiser and less reckless. Telamond is a typical medieval paldin of legends. Though now that he is getting older he is learning to be more calm and thoughtful. And now after many adventures on the Far East, Pian En Luries and Caerwyn he had settled on Astrum where he was received with open arms by Duke Aram Stien and became Count of Duil, the region prospers under his just rule and he has recntly founded the Silver Order

"I am the Torch that brings the light, I am the Judge that condemns darkness, I am the Shield that protects civilization, I am the Sword that strikes down evil, Demons, Undead, Monsters and Villains you would do well to flee my wrath!".

Telamond Orgauth about himself.

History will go here once I finish writing(rather long), at least I am working on it now :)

Nihilus Orgauth


Status: Deleted(disappeared,what happened or if he will come back is unknown)
Continent: Last seen in Beluaterra, but his entire career was on the Far East
Realm: Heen(realm)
Titles Held: Knight
Class: Cavalier
Honor: 85
Prestige: 26
Age: 38
Height: 1.87m
Weight: 81kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

MiniOrgauth.png Nihilus Orgauth MiniOrgauth.png

A calm and pragmatic warrior, he lives for reason, logic, loyalty and honor, does his best to keep things in perfect order, and does not fear doing things some would find disgusting,(including himself) if necesary for "greater good". He is a man who places heavy value in nobility and self-control and is quick to judge others, still he is somewhat popular for his firm actions and paternal behaviour, wise and humble he does his best to defend what he cares for, he is a realist and knows when to accept defeat. On more recent years with time to think about his past he eventually became more happy and tolerant with others around him, still shortly after this change happened he disappeared amidst the sands of Heen (Realm)

"I have served many realms and lords, I have led regions and armies of great kingdoms, still I am nothing more than strategist who made his best to help molding the shape of the Far East.Tired, for the second time the kingdoms I defend fall, and the Far East ushers in a New Age. I am a man the Old Era and I fear there is no place for me here anymore, let me seek new lands and opportunities, greater glory yet awaits me"

Nihilus Orgauth about himself

Same as above, Nihilus memories however will make quite a nice lil book, while most of Telamond's are rather dull and full of righteous rants

Plagueis Orgauth


Status: Deleted (will come back)
Continent: Beluaterra
Realm: Heen
Titles Held: Knight of Latlan
Class: Priest of Qyrvaggism
Honor: 10
Prestige: 1
Age: 46 (due to many injuries)
Height: 1.81m
Weight: 72kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gray

MiniOrgauth.png Plagueis Orgauth MiniOrgauth.png

A religious fanatic ? Yes, but a very uncommon one, Plagueis is happy man who likes to have the best of life, he is easily irritable, but laughs often (and very loud), drinks a lot, and is known to have courted (and a bit more) with many young women from the low nobility and rumours persist that he has even made a few unofficial meetings with peasant girls, and that he has many bastard sons through Heen, most of which he doesn't even knows. Devouted to Qyrvagg entirely he is ready to embark on a new and mysterious quest in the name of the great God of War, which will most likely make him disappear from public view for a long time...

"Bah! Forget all these formalities, I am no great lord or member of the royalty, in fact during so many years of my profession I have spent much more time with peasants than with nobles (though of course I am better than them), still there is something to learn in the crowds, as a Preacher I can see there is much power to be drawn from them"

Plagueis Orgauth about himself

Same here, Plagueis memories will be rather interesting too, but they involve fights for spiritual domain over Heen rather than the continent-shaking wars Nihilus was involved I'll also be adding the other newer chars as soon as I can