Lightstar Family

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(User Profile:

Far East

Xarnelf (ZARR-nelph)

The eldest scion of the Lightstar family, Xarnelf has faithfully served the city and region of Idapur since he first joined the ranks of the active nobility. His entire career has been spent in dedication to the Aenil and to his homeland.

Initially, as a simple knight of Taith Aenil, he swore an oath of allegiance to Arcangela Arella Morningstar, the Duchess of Idapur at the time. Then, some time after a dark period of despair clouded the realm, involving the untimely departure of the Arcangela, Xarnelf found himself faced with the choice of either remaining with the loyalists and Paladin Primus Helios Raiva, or joining the rebellion instigated by Pontifex Orphen Vincent and his student Luyten Dell. Loyal knight that he was, he remained to fight against the overthrow of the Old Regime for several battles. However, Orphen had other plans for the young noble and sent a lesser Aenil to distort his memories of Arella and therefore alter his perceptions of the entire situation, casting the rebellion in a favorable light. Thus affected, Xarnelf came to believe that the Arcangela had indeed fallen to corruption and immediately switched sides to help restore order in the new realm of Greater Aenilia.

Since then, he has been entrusted with the important duty of maintaining the capital city of Idapur. He also served a brief term as Haruspex Maximus in Taith Aenil, along with a longer period as Banker of Greater Aenilia, before being appointed as duke.

Selected Adventures of Xarnelf

Yleina (uh-LAY-nah)

(DEAD: Executed by Viracocha zurralius of Soliferum for disrupting travel. How nice.)

A free-spirited and independent girl, Yleina ran away from home as a young lass of seventeen winters to escape the hassles and nuisances of court life. Her adventures took her all the way south to Soliferum before she became homesick and returned to Aenilia. Although her father had removed her name from the records in shame at her leaving, the family welcomed their daughter back with open arms after a few years. Yleina insisted on continuing her wild life of adventuring though, as she took great pleasure in eradicating the monster and undead menaces before they could gather in force to terrorize the countryside--much more so than attending silly balls and court dances in gravely uncomfortable dresses.

She served Aenilia thus for close to two decades, earning the respect and gratitude of the commonfolk many times over, as she patrolled only those regions within her realm. Her name even reached the ears of several prominent members of Aenilia, including the High King and Captain General, who relied exclusively on her skills for repairing their unique artifacts.

However, when disturbing news of an imminent war that would span the entire Far East reached her ears, Yleina found herself pausing in her routines to question whether the life she had chosen was indeed the right one. Her skill with the sword had become exceptional, after a lifetime of practicing, and it might be put to better use elsewhere than her current profession. Indeed, even her brother, the Duke of Idapur, had already urged her several times over the years to reconsider becoming a proper noble lady again, but she had never really listened, until the war between Soliferum and Arcaea broke out just outside her homeland's borders. After much serious deliberation, Yleina the Blademistress, Huntress of the Mark, finally left her life of adventure in the past and announced her return to being an active noble of Aenilia.

Selected Adventures of Yleina


Zinn (ZEN)

(description pending)

Selected Adventures of Zinn