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'''The Order of Morek'''
'''The Order of Morek'''

South of Springdale,there is a land once torn asunder by Easternmen keen on procuring a decent life and the Dwili that took it for themselves. There, The Celestial Order of Morek has recently ousted the Dwili and rules with an iron grip. The numerous rebellions agenst the Dwili oppression produced a worthy insurrection, a heavenly one brought on by the Bloodstars and the “Cloudly One” Deverka Cryfdwr. With the knightly orders established under the views of Saguisastroism, Morek now seeks to make its way to where the Bloodstars shine, where their incorporeal influence drives madness into the Dwili; The “Final Revenge” awaits in the holy lands of the west.
South of Springdale,there is a land once torn asunder by Easternmen keen on procuring a decent life and the Dwili that took it for themselves. There, The Celestial Order of Morek has recently ousted the Dwili and rules with an iron grip. The numerous rebellions agenst the Dwili oppression produced a worthy insurrection, a heavenly one brought on by the Bloodstars and the “Cloudly One” Deverka Cryfdwr. With the knightly orders established under the views of Saguis Astroism, Morek now seeks to make its way to where the Bloodstars shine, where their incorporeal influence drives madness into the Dwili; The “Final Revenge” awaits in the holy lands of the west.

'''The Kingdom of Pian en Luries'''
'''The Kingdom of Pian en Luries'''

Revision as of 03:49, 17 October 2007

This is the page for proposing a background story for the continent which is named Dwilight. It has 4 small realms established on the eastern coast (Madina, Sprindale, Morek, Pian en Luries), while the rest of the continent is unconquered and the west uncharted. Most information has been submitted here. Please add your story below following the format.

Story Submitted by Marc J.

How about we combine some of these ideas? It's a huge continent, we can get away with having more then one story! How about using the one old King who separates his kingdom amongst his three sons for the bottom part, (where that island is).

The King ruled the coasts of both major islands from his island capital until he died. He then gave his oldest son the western coast, his middle son the eastern coast and gave the capital to the youngest son.

That would take care of the bottom... how about for the middle to the top of western island the back story is that:

5 tribes all grew into a concise realm at around the same time. Thus, all had to at lest acknowledge each other's presence. However, over the years, ancient disputes over water rights, animal poaching and some "failed" marriages have soured their relations to the point of almost certain war.

Hmm, time for the eastern island...

An evil king based in his palace by the sea, (that city at the top of the map) made a fortress in the mountains, (that city/stronghold in the mountains) and attempted to crush the wandering Bedouins of the desert and the natives of the forest. Eventually, the natives and Bedouins banded together and managed to beat the King's armies back to the fortress in the mountains. Yadda, yadda, yadda... history unfolds, the natives and Bedouins learn government, agriculture, letters, education... and several realms rise up. One, in the forest headed by the natives, another in the desert, led by the Bedouins and one created on the outskirts of the fortress in the mountains created by both the natives and the Bedouins. Soon, the evil King dies and leaves the northern part of his Kingdom to his youngest son and sends his oldest son down to the fortress to continue the war against those kingdoms. The younger son wishes to live in peace with the natives/Bedouins, but the older brother wants to wipe them out.
The islands in the middle where the result of increased trading and shipping across the (lake? channel? ocean? what's the correct terminology here?). As the years pass, several merchants set up communities where they "keep" their wives and children so they can see them twice as often compared to only when they get into port, (they can see them no matter which way they go). And, as everyone knows, where women go, shops follow. Soon, communities spring up and after that, crude forms of government. The early government organized a large navy for the protection of the merchants, (whose survival they depended on) and paid for it with moderate tariffs. Some of the merchants stopped trading and decided to by land on the islands. Yadda, yadda, yadda, the government grows to include land rights, soon other rights and responsibilities grow, trading and intelligence in trading becomes important skills, the wealthy merchant class and the land owning class comes into conflict...

Submitted by The Himoura Family

In the dark city Nightmarch rules a tyrant. He came to power when he led a revolt against his father after elaborately framing him for an unjust war with the nation's neibhors. The tyrannical son took power and for a time people were content. The tyrant was not satisified with just ruling however, he wanted more. He prayed to his demonic gods and was granted a vision. He began to oppress his people far worse than before, enslaving many and forcing them to construct a great statue of him in Dragon Song. However, harsh conditions lead to a large slave revolt. The tyrant was furious and gave one slave to all his soldieres. On his command, 9,ooo people were murdered all at the single command of one man.

Submitted by The Shenron Clan

In the lands of West Continent. The Three Kingdoms, Gorinar, Aethil and Karas. Eac very religous realm gor ready for war as they each lead their army to battle. Eventually Aethil was destroyed because it was mainy in the middle leaving Karas and Gorinar each with an Island for themselves. TSince it was hard getting to each it other. They started to have internal problems. Rebellion started breaking out in each realm. So the realms signed a peace treaty to deal with their own problems. They were both destroyed leaving several little realms left there but the religions still remained, Goranism, Falasius Aethilius and Ryou Karasa. These religions formerly of the great kingdoms fed throughout the small realms and cause the trouble. Until the realms formed their own versions of the religions and that's when the fighting began again over who was the right religion. There was of course people not out there for religous reasons but that's the fighting started.

Submitted by Robert Wilson and the Twinblade Family

A mighty kingdom carved out in the shape of a diamond stood tall in the west. The Magnificent overlooming capital of Flowrestrom protected the coast, the steadfast stronghold of Balance's Retreat kept the saftey of the Southern Divide from lands beyond, the eloquent city of Understrom protecting the people on the western boarder while a village of fierce warriors, Caiyun, protected the people in the north. The king, a elegant man, yet a feroucious warrior, weilding two long blades of sapphire kept his hand of wisdom upon the people, and guided them through peace and prosperity as well as times of war and poverty. He was a humble man, yet the people respected him, respected his wisdom, as he was a man of morality, that upkept moral principles not only thoughout his lands, but throughout the land surrounding his own. And he would upkeep them through terms of peace or at the point of a lance, whichever the offeneder would choose. And the kingdom prospered under his rule, but alas, peace could never last. Rouges from the Desert of Silhouettes supported by reinforcements from the deomonic inhabitants of Sallowtown launched an invasion in the southern half of the Kingdom, and the steady and strong and the warriors of Caiyun, mighty as they are, could no longer hold off the invading hordes from Donghaiwei. The time had come, it was time to end the threat of the hordes of Donghaiwei and the demonic inhabitants of Sallowtown. They would fall before the Kings feet in submission or perish in thier ignorance.

Submitted by Stefano de Monte and the Nosferatus

3 or 4 realms with only a city and 2 surrounding rural regions, city has 30% of max population, so that they don't get full income, they will have to slowly become more richer and powerful. Rural regions have 40% of max population, so they can offer the city enough food. It's not a story, but its an idea on how I think it would be most fun and interesting to get the West Continent populated by players and realms, this system will allow sucsessions, and especially CTO's which aren't being done on the other islands. Plus with new army system, divided realms will become more and more an issue, dukes will get more power and can succeed more early, we should use these options on the new Continent. The story behind this could simply be that 3 different family's/realms set sail to the island and started to colonize it in the hope to find great glory, there for the low population. This will also get the realms more crowded instead of to full and will make the Island evolve more slowly which will give us way more fun.

Another idea:

Combining the above ideas with a new, totally different idea. War Realms. For example, Two realms, one located in Nifelheim, the other in Muspelheim(right?), these realms are locked in war status, and have the same options as the South west or South East island, so no burros and no diplomacy(neutral stance to everyone always, to prevent them from creating new realms as there allies everywhere). This will combine the total war theme and a BT like theme into one island. Off course this idea can be done with two other city's, but its only about the idea. I think many will find there drive on the new island if you mix different themes into one, plus The player will create the story which is, as i think, very important, that's why i also brought this into my other idea. The player can make up the story while playing, that's how i think. There's enough land, give them just a small starting scenario which will not be to big so there's enough room left for players to colonize or Succeed, and i think everything will become all right.

Another posibility, A roleplay realm, A realm with a roleplay policy like the Far East with only alowing people into the realm who roleplay there character and actions. This will aslo create diversity in culture and maybe even conflicts around this diversity.

So eventualy a big diversity of realms will come.

  • Religious realms(Who focus on religion)
  • War realms(With locked diplomacy, look above)
  • Roleplay realms(With a strict FEI RP policy and theme withing there realm like outer tilog)
  • Normal realms(Less active, less cultural and less religous realms for part time players)

Submitted by LilWolf

  • Every city forms a realm. For balances sake some might have two cities, so that everyone is about equal in income etc.
  • All regions belong to some realm
  • ..
  • War! :)

Simply put, the West Continent is occupied by a large number of different tribes and cultures(let the players joining each realm decide what sort they are). Not one has been able to gain a significant advantage over any other one. This has been the case for a long time, all the way up to the point where people from foreign lands started to arrive in the lands, bringing with them tales of large realms and alliances. The thirst for power spins the island into chaos and war..

Submitted by Chénier

The continent is populated by indeginous people (hence the cities), and recently a fleet has stumbled upon the continent after being hit by a large storm, a continent that is surrounded by very unstable seas, which only the very lucky (such as the first people to arrive) or those who know the path (hence why people will be able to emigrate freely) may pass.

  • Realms are set up in 10-13 regions at first:
    • Eidulb
    • Giask
    • Golden Farrow
    • Libidizedd
    • Madina
    • Mimer
    • Paisly
    • Port Nebel
    • Port Raviel
    • Sallowtown
  • As well as perhaps:
    • Askileon
    • Darfix (Surely)
    • Fissoa
  • The rest is rogue.

Submitted by Archbane Family

This is modification of Chénier's story =)

A small convoy of trading ships from East Continent got blown way of course during a storm. Many were destroyed in the storm and only 3 ships made it to this huge island quite populated but with no sembalance of government, with each region ruled by their own baron.

They managed to capture a city, which led to them taking a few regions around. The senior captain became the king of the realm of Soranis, named after his ship, after a conference with all senior officers of the three ships.

It was peaceful for awhile. But, all the while, the captain of the second ship was pretty ambitious and resented the senior captain for taking the post. One night, his ship Fullerton left the harbor and disappeared. He went to a harbor city on another island and called his realm Fullerton.

A priest decided to start his religion and well lets just say the authorities in Soranis didnt like his preaching and tried to catch him. Some of his followers sacrificed their lifes to allow him to flee. It wasnt safe in the realm, so he and a group of his followers ran to join Fullerton, but they couldnt find it. But they came upon another city inland where the Lord was kind of supportive of his preaching. So the theocracy of Kai-Xin. Which is chinese for happy. Figure out what the religion would be based on. =)

Well guess the captain of Fullerton wasnt a real popular guy, and his second officer ran off with a third of his men, they found another city inset and proceeded to form a democracy out of it, called Ragnoria

The captain of the third ship decided to return to East Continent, and he related his story to his family. But as usual, someone ratted such a huge story to the press, and soon, every young adventurer felt he could seek his fortune there.

4 starting realms -Soranis, Beside water, Island 1 Monarchy -Kai-Xin, inland, Island 1 Theocracy -Fullerton, beside water, Island 2 Monarchy -Ragnoria, inland, Island 2 Democracy

Rogue militia in random regions where some local lord might have their private army.

Submitted by TheGuardian Orgauth Family

  • The continent should have a rich cultural and religious diversity allowing a rich RP
  • Example.. some realms based on indigenous or eastern cultures something that would make this continent unique
  • Initially many regions should be rogue allowing players to shape their realm borders
  • Encourage creation of more new relams as the game develops.

Submitted by Le-Fay family

There was a wise king who ruled over all the land. The land prospered and people thrived. However, there was one problem. The King had no heir. When he died, petty fiefdoms sprung up and warlords made claims to the throne. 28 realms sprung up and brutal wars raged. There was a brief period when it seemed that peace would return to the land. A King, Droz, had command of over half the continent. The rest would soon fall. He was noble and brave. But disaster was doomed to come down upon him. His enemies, under the guise of starting diplomatic relations, secretly murdered him in a cowardly attempt. His only son was exiled and started a 29th realm. Many others claimed they had a better claim to the Droz's throne. Wars sprung out again and lasted for another 500 years. Finally, 500 years later, their descendants came into power. They emulated Droz in every respect. Rumors were abound that they had been touched by the Wise Prophet, who spoke of War and Honor and he had given them wisdom. The Prophet said that they were the lucky generation. The war would end under their command. There would be one ruler.They had finnaly managed to bring their own realms under their total power. They had different beliefs, different forms of government. But they shared a common dream. Unite the Continent!!

Submitted by the Great Family

A land ruled by natives, never before had any other eyes seen the ancient land of Dwilight. Millenia ago the cruel king Azdgkal ruled from his throne in the great mountains. From there he subjugated the entire continent, killing at will, and taking anything he wanted until the peasants prayed to the gods for help. The gods destroyed the mountains, creating the ocean dividing the continent. The peasants rejoiced for they were free, but tensions grew among ethnic groups, and the island splintered away further. Now, there are a few confederations of tribes vying for control over the continent.

Perhaps, there can only be like... two or three realms to start? One in Giask, one in Darfix, and one in Port Raviel? And then everywhere else there are serious amounts of monsters and undead.

Submitted by Tim4106

A land divided. There is a 'king' but he is a puppet. There are few realms and one is far more powerful than the others. But in this realm nobles fight each other for control. Knights who swear allegence to the king try to keep the peace but others try to control the king and the land. The story is that the present 'king' is the last of a long line. He is only a very young child and can be swayed easaly. This would mean some work for tom, as the king, who would have to bestow honnors on strong knights who fight for him and the land. But while they fight for the king others could take control of him and make him bannish the knights. Huge amounts of opptions for players, who could support the king and try to free him for the 'advice' of 'allies', or the could give him 'advice' as 'allies' while seacratly controling him and makeing themself rich or powerful.

Submitted by Tim4106 (again)

The land is wild. Each city is a realm. And you will need to expand quickly to gain domnance of the island. The other reagions are conntroled by robber barons, un-alined milita who fight anyone who invades them.

Submitted by Solo

This is a well-established continent because of its size. The western island is more united than the eastern island because there are fewer geographic boundaries. The west island has about 9 realms or so divided by natural boundaries such as wastelands, rivers, and mountains. The esatern island (which includes the island south of it connected by two bridges) has about 12 realms. Because of the fighting by realms to get a foothold on the other island it was decided that the islands would be buffer realms neutral to all sides and used only for trade. As a result we have 6 island realms.

The many different region types leave us with some interesting religious RPing opportunities. The western island has the only temple regions. This could be roleplayed as two different religions that are at odds with each other causing much fighting to take place in the middle of the island. Dragon Song could be the center for a religion that worships an evil entity and does its bidding because of its proximity to the volcanoe. The Shrine of Seeklander could be worshipers of an entity of light. Perhaps one that they think is ignoring them (because of the names of the nearby mountains). The people on the islands could all worship a sea gods. They would be very superstitious. The eastern island wouldn't have much religions. Because they are slightly more fractured they would be less civilized and more prone to barbarian cultures.

I think to start off the West Continent shouldn't have many rogue regions, but enough to spike some conflicts, especially on the eastern island. The neutral islands should all be well established, as well as realms that cover open plains. I have a few more ideas, but they aren't necessarily background. I really only created a background, but a story could be created for this as well.

Submitted by Devercia [1] with help from Shenron [2], and Nosferatus banner contest winners[3]

note that the other winners of the banner contest participated in the makeing of this excepting Exclude, whom won the banner of Springdale. I have taken the liberty of filling the RP of springdale in vaguely.

In the Times before the Easterners

Dwilight is a land separated from the East. The oceans that surround it have isolated it for many years. However it still contains indigenous people, the Lurians and Dwili or Guntor as they call themselves. The Dwili are a distrustful people. They despise being ruled over, but constantly scheme to do so over others, leading to constant strife among them. Despite this they formed several powerful kingdoms in the past. For thousands of years they feuded over the west and east Islands. The Dwili have considered the southern island cursed since time immemorable. The Lurians are a people that live on the central and southern portion of the western island. Much more affable than the Dwili, the Lurians are hill dwellers, blessed with keen vitality. This becomes evident in their warfare, which is based on hit-and-run, and guerilla tactics. The Lurians are very artistically affined. The amiable nature of the Lurians means that leadership and ambition are rare in their culture.

The Great Migration

The Dwili and Lurians were not destined to occupy Dwilight alone. Some six centuries ago, apon ships of wood, shuffled forward by the muscle of hardened men, those from the eastern continents began arriving. The first to come settled their families on the north shore of the eastern island. Isolated from the natives, as well as each other, These villages were of little consequence to anyone, but they were a harbinger of what was to come. Three centuries later, a growing inundation of Easterners began to flow into Eastern Dwilight. In the high north, the Easterners were unwelcome by the Dwili, but the Dwili did not have the presence in the pasturelands of the north to resist. Those further south were not so lucky, and became subjugated by the Dwili. Those still further south were met peacefully by the Lurians, but struggled with the Dwili for local power.

It was not until recently that the nations that now rule the eastern and southern islands began to form. In the North, The Easterners constituted a monarchy known as Sprigdale [[4]]. South of Springdale, a bloody war of independence, religious zeal, and hatred for the Dwili sparked Morek [[5]] to distinguish itself. In hills, mountains and badlands to the south, Pian en Luries [[6]] formulated despite its constant power struggle. On the southern island, the shipwrecked men of Madina [[7]] made their colony, now a thriving boomtown.

The Kingdom of Springdale

In the north, where the first colonies of the Easterners arrived, the Monarchy of Springdale forged itself a mighty holding on the northern lands of Eastern Dwilight. Its great cities ruled by equally great leaders, such as the Miriel Family. This land of bounty is rich with prosperous farmland and industrious people ready to spread their way of life to the west.

The Order of Morek

South of Springdale,there is a land once torn asunder by Easternmen keen on procuring a decent life and the Dwili that took it for themselves. There, The Celestial Order of Morek has recently ousted the Dwili and rules with an iron grip. The numerous rebellions agenst the Dwili oppression produced a worthy insurrection, a heavenly one brought on by the Bloodstars and the “Cloudly One” Deverka Cryfdwr. With the knightly orders established under the views of Saguis Astroism, Morek now seeks to make its way to where the Bloodstars shine, where their incorporeal influence drives madness into the Dwili; The “Final Revenge” awaits in the holy lands of the west.

The Kingdom of Pian en Luries

Still further south, in the mountain, hills, and steppes of Pian en Luries lives the culturally rich native Lurians. Pian en Luries is a land divided internally by ethic differences. The political sway of its three peoples is constantly in motion. A gentle sway or a violent shift, both are common place in this land. An Easterner of Casshern, Kaennji Shenron Has been seen of late, A leader of the Lurians, making new waves in this rugged land. As a more peaceable era descends on the people of Pian en Luries, it’s attention is now looking outward.

The Republic of Madina

On the southern island, sailors and mutineers fell apon the broken splinters of their vessel. Forced by their fate, they settled on the deserted island under their new captain, Abbot the Acelet. The port town quickly became a trade hub for all of Dwilight, a boomtown known as Madina. Under the leadership of the republic it rapidly expanded to cover the whole island in the south, and the shores beyond. The influx of traders, buccaneers, sailors, smugglers and a multitude of other transients has left Madina with a new need for open land to harbor these men, and their vessels.