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<center><i>The Pen: Mightier than the Sword?</i></center>
<center><i>The Pen: Mightier than the Sword?</i></center>
title = <b>Traitor finally gone, good riddance!</b>|
article =<i>February 2nd, 2007</i>
Despite all his promises of loyalty and willingness to appear in Falasan's dungeons, Cammeroon finally showed his true nature today. The subversive snake is now en route to Andurus, either to sell his services to the [[Cagilan Empire]] or simply to escape his justly deserved imprisonment. Either way, his flight now pulls his words into the sunlight, revealed for the falsehood they are. In the words of Maniac, Arch Priest of Falasan: <i>"So he do have stuff to hide after all."</i> Although he will soon be out of reach of Falasan's justice, at least he will no longer poison the thoughts of Falasan's nobles with his pernicious utterances.
:<i>--Rathkanouros Kalantis</i>
title =<b>Many thanks</b>|
article = <i>February 2nd, 2007</i>
We appreciate the warm welcome given by the [[Tara Times]]. With the conflict soon to grow between Falasan and Tara, we at the Falasan Inquirer look forward to facing you on the field of war as well as that of paper. Although we have the utmost respect for the journalistic competence of those in the [[Tara Times]], we are certain that a certain bias will be always be included, and will work to counter it. Of course, this is not to say that we are not ourselves immune to such bias either...
:<i>--[[Merytis Family|Reilwin Merytis]]</i>

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Reports have been received in [[Falasan]] of a large number of monsters and undead appearing simultaneously almost everywhere on the continent. Their source is unknown, but reports confirm that most of these beasts have congregated on the [[Cagilan Empire]], [[Eston]], [[Tara]] and [[Carelia]]. Some people fear that this may be the prelude to an undead invasion, as frequently occurs on the distant land of Beluaterra.  
Reports have been received in [[Falasan]] of a large number of monsters and undead appearing simultaneously almost everywhere on the continent. Their source is unknown, but reports confirm that most of these beasts have congregated on the [[Cagilan Empire]], [[Eston]], [[Tara]] and [[Carelia]]. Some people fear that this may be the prelude to an undead invasion, as frequently occurs on the distant land of Beluaterra.  
:<i>--[[Merytis Family|Reilwin Merytis]]</i>
:<i>--[[Merytis Family|Reilwin Merytis]]</i>

Revision as of 18:35, 3 February 2007

Falasan Flag.png Falasan Inquirer
Price: 15 silver Editors: Reilwin Merytis, Rathkanouros Kalantis Date of Issue: February 2007
The Pen: Mightier than the Sword?
Traitor finally gone, good riddance!
February 2nd, 2007

Despite all his promises of loyalty and willingness to appear in Falasan's dungeons, Cammeroon finally showed his true nature today. The subversive snake is now en route to Andurus, either to sell his services to the Cagilan Empire or simply to escape his justly deserved imprisonment. Either way, his flight now pulls his words into the sunlight, revealed for the falsehood they are. In the words of Maniac, Arch Priest of Falasan: "So he do have stuff to hide after all." Although he will soon be out of reach of Falasan's justice, at least he will no longer poison the thoughts of Falasan's nobles with his pernicious utterances.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis

Many thanks
February 2nd, 2007

We appreciate the warm welcome given by the Tara Times. With the conflict soon to grow between Falasan and Tara, we at the Falasan Inquirer look forward to facing you on the field of war as well as that of paper. Although we have the utmost respect for the journalistic competence of those in the Tara Times, we are certain that a certain bias will be always be included, and will work to counter it. Of course, this is not to say that we are not ourselves immune to such bias either...

--Reilwin Merytis
Upsurge in monsters throughout Atamara
February 2nd, 2007

Reports have been received in Falasan of a large number of monsters and undead appearing simultaneously almost everywhere on the continent. Their source is unknown, but reports confirm that most of these beasts have congregated on the Cagilan Empire, Eston, Tara and Carelia. Some people fear that this may be the prelude to an undead invasion, as frequently occurs on the distant land of Beluaterra.

--Reilwin Merytis
Troop leader banished
February 2nd, 2007

Cammeroon was banned by Arch Priest Maniac two days ago on the grounds of treason, as an Estonite spy, for sowing confusion amongst Falasani nobles, for seeding distrust of Falasan's leaders and for participating in the underground. Although the first charge cannot be confirmed, many of his previous messages consistently downplayed the authority and trust towards the High Council, and the king's secret police trailed him long enough to confirm his position as a rebel plotter. In his defence, Cammeroon states:

Sir Maniac, and all of Falasan,
I fail to see why you think I am a spy for this great realm? All Idid was call things as I saw it. I :meant no disrespect. Myloyalties are and always will be to Falasan. However, if you wish Ishall :leave. I do not wish to cause any more problems.
Cammeroon (Knight of Picnu)
Letter from Cammeroon (20 hours, 53 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (97 recipients)
Sir Maniac says that I am part of some sort of rebellion. This ispreposterous. I know of no :rebellion going on and would never everbetray Falasan like that.
Cammeroon (Knight of Picnu)

It is interesting to note that although at first he categorically states that he was not part of any rebellion, he later declares in another letter

"To be honest I went into the underground to keep and eye on theamount of people that were going in and out of it. Big mistake onmy part. I was in no way involved with any type of uprising, justwanting to get the nobles here to realize that this may be biggerthan just Eston acting dishonorably and pointing out that some ofthe leadership is perhaps making some mistakes, thats all, nothingelse."--Cammeroon

In what has been pointed out by others as an act of petty revenge, Cammeroon tortured his poor scribe, having him copy over again and again reams of his message log, sending a copy to each of Falasan's 97 other nobles. However, Cammeroon continues to proclaim his innocence, and has asserted that he is willing to enter Maniac's dungeons to prove his loyalty to Falasan.

--Reilwin Merytis
Guile and deception abounds amongst Estonite leaders!
February 2nd, 2007

Eston finally attacked, after a long period of dissembling, duplicity and hypocrisy. Its leaders continually misled Queen Cathrine with promises of peace and friendship, all the while continually preparing for war. Eston's excuse for attacking? The presence of several Falasani troop leaders on Estonite lands, present without orders simply to help Eston eliminate a band of monsters. The following letter documents the treachery lying behind Estonite cunning:

Queen Cathrine,
During our war with the vikings, we saw what a danger a strong Eastern Alliance was to Eston. I have worked tirelessly to see the power of the eastern alliance reduced.
I will not insult you by playing political games any longer: Falasan proved itself a danger to Eston during our viking war and since. Now Eston is moving to reduce that danger. We seek no gains in the war, gains will be made by your neighbors to the south.
The Cagilan Empire will be marching on you in less than a week also. Tara will be regaining their lost territory.
The wheel turns.
Sir Basil
High Marshal of Eston, Duke of Massillion

Eston continued its double-dealing ways, as it invaded, looted, pillaged and ravaged the regions of Belegmon and Nazia without any formal declaration of war. Eston's hypocrisy is particularly evident when it protested the mercy shown by Maniac, Falasan's Arch Priest. Although he could have executed Marcus Magnus, the assassin, he simply deported him, in spite of the great temptation offered to him by his prisoner:

Your prisoner Marcus Magnus has sent you a letter:
So you have me in your clutched again, but what are you going to doabout it? Your queen is still a conniving snake who does notdeserve the crown. Even the gods themselves have seen it andpunished her. Your people are blind though and when she reclaimedthe crown you all just bowed and groveled at her feet once more.This land is corrupt and has a stench to it unmatched in all thelands of all the islands. Your best bet is to kill me before Ireturn again and again to cause chaos until change isaccomplished.

Promises of peace were suddenly sent after Queen Cathrine fell ill and Tank was elected king, declaring that as long as Falasan did not invade Eston, Eston would do likewise...despite this, an Estonite infiltrator, Cornic, was captured not long afterward. Double-talk from Eston continued, as shown in the excerpt below:

Letter from Basil (just in)
As to why we attacked, I never said that it was a lie. We attacked because we were told that you were a threat to us. We saw your troops move into our land. Those troops refused to move when asked to do so. Only one of those TLs was invited in.
I offer nothing to you. If you want peace, we will have it. If you want war we will have that too. My reasons for attacking you are still valid. I believe that Falasan was convinced that Eston was her enemy and planned to attack us.
Sir Basil
High Marshal of Eston, Duke of Massillion

All this, in spite of the words he had spouted earlier, "I will not insult you by playing political games any longer: Falasan proved itself a danger to Eston during our viking war and since. Now Eston is moving to reduce that danger."-Sir Basil

Most likely, Eston realized that aid would not soon be forthcoming as negociations between Tara and Falasan resumed. Playing for time, Eston is now a vulture, waiting to stab into Falasan's back once it has become fully engaged with Tara.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis
Wrath of the gods?
February 2nd, 2007

Hordes of monsters have suddenly appeared throughout the realm of Eston. Already, there are mutterings that this is but fitting retribution for their deceit and treachery. To each, their just desserts.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis
Confusion results as neutral Eston attacks
February 2nd, 2007

Puzzlement was prominent in the expressions of nobles throughout Falasan, as reports reached them of an invasion by Eston without a declaration of war. Despite this, they girded themselves for battle and headed to Barad Falas. Sadly, festivities the day before left many knights inebriated, and when orders were sent to reclaim Belegmon, few were actually in a state to comply. Estonite troops withdrew from Falasani lands soon after they received news of Queen Cathrine's illness, laudably leaving King Tank some time to arrange his affairs. Eston's leaders assured King Tank that they would remain neutral until talks between Falasan, the Cagilan Empire and Tara were concluded.

--Reilwin Merytis
Perfidy and Dishonour
February 2nd, 2007

Does Norland's rapaciousness ever end? After some great sword-shaking and shield-beating on the part of Norland, and further backed by the newly created Northern Federation, he finally forced Minas Ithil to cede 3 of her regions in return for peace. Although those lands had been rightfully obtained from Norland (as an inducement for the aid of Minas Ithil in a past war against Eston) Norland demanded the return of those regions, and obtained them. However, did it end there? No! Norland attempts to fob off his insatiable greed on the decrees of his 'gods', declaring a holy war on Minas Ithil and stating his intent to restore Hasland. If this war was truly declared for religious reasons, then I'll eat my horse.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis
Norland declares war on Minas Ithil
February 2nd, 2007

After a moment of peace, brought about by Minas Ithil's concession to Norland's demands for the return of 3 regions, Norland declared war on Minas Ithil. Although the use of the term "Holy War" is highly suspect, this surprise move was most likely brought about due to the new change in the leadership of Norland, from Prime Minister Krypton the Bold to Derack the Daring.

--Reilwin Merytis