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Now the land balances on a knife edge, between the wolf heart and sun mind, between compassion and savagery, between the desire for blood and the tears that follow. Without the balance, without both aspects, the land would not exist. The people remain passionate thanks to the wolf, and enlightened from the sun. Too much passion and all will be destroyed. Too much enlightenment and the cold mechanics of it all will shatter.
Now the land balances on a knife edge, between the wolf heart and sun mind, between compassion and savagery, between the desire for blood and the tears that follow. Without the balance, without both aspects, the land would not exist. The people remain passionate thanks to the wolf, and enlightened from the sun. Too much passion and all will be destroyed. Too much enlightenment and the cold mechanics of it all will shatter.
== Society ==
== Society ==
Melhed encompasses a diverse range of peoples divided into four Strata with distinct responsibility in the hierarchy of the nation:  
Melhed encompasses a diverse range of peoples divided into four Strata with distinct responsibility in the hierarchy of the nation: the privileged Patricians, the wealthy Equites, the industrious Plebeians, and the wild Foederati.
*the privileged [[/Patrician|Patricians,]]
*the wealthy [[/Equite|Equites,]]
*the industrious [[/Plebeian|Plebeians,]]
<center>{{Template: Melhed Strata}}</center>
*and the wild [[/Foederati|Foederati.]]<br>


Revision as of 19:03, 24 December 2019

Republic of Melhed

Melhed History Summary
The lands once encompassed by Melhed occupied Beluaterra's northeastern reaches, for years beyond counting, but that time has passed. Founded by one of the first groups of human colonists to the new continent, Melhed grew to encompass and unify the north of Beluaterra before internal descent and betrayal brought ruin to the once great nation.
ValentiaIcon.PNGAge of MysteryValentiaIcon.PNG
Making a home for themselves in an inhospitable wilderness of ice and cold the early settlers braved the wilds to build a home for themselves. Every step had to be won, every breath snatched from death's icy grasp. Guided by the Pontifex, (2002-2003) the people succeeded against all odds but the struggle took its toll. That wild frontier plagued with constant raids by the inhumans required called to mercenaries from foreign lands. One such group was to be set as a march on the frontier, a shield for the nation but the death of Pontifex Argos did not see this come to pass.
Sun icon.pngAge of BloodSun icon.png
Outraged that the new Pontifex refused to honour the treaties the mercenaries rebelled, claiming the fledgling nation for their own and embroiling themselves in a destructive war with Fronen to the south that would see savage fury be restrained by an occupation. The foreign tyranny did not last and Emperor Tsu Sun brought freedom to the north once more. (2003-2004) A secular ruler, his appearance marked an increased connection between the human nations. However this did not bring peace to the north and the Defensive Alliance War soon followed as every nation in the land invaded Melhed, apparently to defend themselves.
Melhed-icon.pngAge of ReasonMelhed-icon.png
As the inhumans returned the Empire faded to be replaced with the Republic under the administration of the Senate. (2004-2013) This golden age of peace in the north tempered the savage heart with reason. As the rest of the continent descended into anarchy and war the Republic flourished and turned attention inward experiencing prosperity unrivaled. The realms of Valentia and Thalmarkin were founded by colonists intent to reclaim the frozen north leading to the creation of the Four Kingdoms Alliance with the sister nation Old Grehk.

Though none realized it at the time, this contrast between the peaceful north and war-wracked south was by design. With no obvious conflict to distract, the Senate spent its time and energy extending dominion over the continent of Beluaterra to ensure security against another invasion and increase their power. By the twilight of the Republic, all of Beluaterra danced to their tune.

Melhed-icon.pngAge of BetrayalMelhed-icon.png
The golden age of the Republic began to fade with the collapse of the Four Kingdoms Alliance. The infighting among the once great nations was a small concern next to the deep cultural and religious divides that came with the reintegration of Valentia into Melhed. Mistrust grew, and the struggles of the Patrician strata threatened to tear the nation apart. But in the end a compromise was made and the Valentic people turned their attention to matters of faith while the Melites to governance.
RoughPaw icon.pngAge of RuinRoughPaw icon.png
Though the Republic remained for many years it too passed with the rise of the Tyrant Kings. (2013-2015/03/06) Intent on glory and conquest long denied under the seemingly peaceful Republic the kings overthrew the Senate and awakened the savage heart all to march for war. Former client states and puppets shook off the neglected yoke of their master and through relentless warfare shattered the ancient nation.
Now all that remains are shadows and scraps, the record halls and trappings of power trampled in the dust. Who knows, perhaps one day the Melhed Wolf will stalk the lands again.
The complete history of Melhed, to the extent that there is one, can be found within the Agyrian Academy Archives.

Melhed Summary

Melhed is many things. Depending on who you ask you'll hear a wide scope of tales. Their history is punctuated with bloodshed and wonder. People will tell you of savagery, of good humour, of the danger they pose, and needless complexity. You will hear they are peaceful, they honour deals and hold grudges, even as others curse their warmongering, scheming and benevolence. In fact the only certain thing about Melhed is that you'll get no one answer.

That's because there are two.

Melhed is the result of balance between two opposing ideals, the Wolf and the Sun. The Republic is known to be wise, honourable, dependable, and ordered; but just as the other nations do not know that they are cultured and learned, they do not know of the less ideal traits. They are wise, and they are cold, they are honourable and they are byzantine, they are dependable and they are brutal, they are ordered and create chaos. The Melite people have long walked a delicate path between the light of the sun and the dark wolf in their hearts, between civilized idealism and brutal savagery. They know what they are however, and face their choices without justification, without trying to hide behind false pretenses.


Brutality; the north can be best described by that one word alone. Savage wilds, hideous monsters, and bitter cold all make life in the north brutal and the people reflect this. The northlanders are a savage and proud lot, tempered in the sweltering summer heat, quenched in the biting winter chill and bloodied in the battles against the monsters and southeners. So much blood has been split it is wonder the earth is not stained red, the crops weeping as they grow. Indeed blood is the preferred drink of the north, brandy distilled from the ichor of monsters. Nothing is wasted, even the inhumans. The Melite pride is legendary and memory long, no slight, or boon, is ever forgotten. They have faced off against all manner of foe without fear, their savage fury bringing death, uncaring of the loss. Indeed it is that pride and fearlessness that drives their independent nature, sometimes making them altogether uncontrollable, even to themselves. So much so, that many an argument, with man or woman, has ended in a tangled mess of fury and furs.


With Aldo came something a little different from the usual fare of savagery and brutality, there came light. The foederati tribes of the land were forged by Emperor Tsu into a blade of death, but Consul Aldo gave that blade purpose, a thirst beyond mere blood. The land was still savage, the people still blood thirsty and proud, but now that strength had a channel. The tribes had been forged and now they were united. Order was built, to work with the natural tendencies of the people; the Republic was founded. Laws were hammered out that put the individual, not the state, as the main champion. The rituals and legends of the land codified into a great religion, while the myths and occult melded with scholarly pursuit and philosophy in the academy. The fruits of civilization were made manifest, prosperity grew, as did the number of women, and life changed. Magnanimity, honourable, enlightenment, knowledge, justice, these things became the foundation of the Republic.

Now the land balances on a knife edge, between the wolf heart and sun mind, between compassion and savagery, between the desire for blood and the tears that follow. Without the balance, without both aspects, the land would not exist. The people remain passionate thanks to the wolf, and enlightened from the sun. Too much passion and all will be destroyed. Too much enlightenment and the cold mechanics of it all will shatter.


Melhed encompasses a diverse range of peoples divided into four Strata with distinct responsibility in the hierarchy of the nation: the privileged Patricians, the wealthy Equites, the industrious Plebeians, and the wild Foederati.

Title Description Common Activities
Patricians The Patricians of Melhed hold proud lineages and wealth. Privileged statesmen, scholars and warriors, the Patricians have the luxury of choice and the ties and titles to back it. Either noble paragons of Melite virtue, or greedy knaves, they are the soul of the Republic. Seeking political advancement to the senate or Tribune, Aeldie, Augur, Centurion, and Legetus, not to mention serving select senators for power, skirmishes with barbarians and inhumans, leading armies, matters of faith as priests, debates in court and lesser meetings, parties with foreign and local elite.
Player Nobles
Equites Not everyone has noble blood, and not everyone without it is poor. Melding wealth with lowborn blood the Equites stand as the scribes, messengers, merchants, healers and teachers of the Republic. They are the lifeblood which keeps Melhed running and have prospered as a result of their unique opportunities. Research and study of unusual things, administering, shuffling papers, leading soldiers, organizing trade, making fine goods, tricking Patricians.
NPC Noble Staff
Plebeians The diverse Plebeians are the most numerous of all citizens within the Republic, easily outnumbering the other Strata combined. Bound together across the domain by a strong work ethic and unrelenting determination, the multitude are the bones of the Republic and have beaten back the wild frontiers, claiming the north on behalf of humanity. Crafts, farming, trade, fighting pointless wars for ungrateful... are they looking?, being in the military/militia, religion as followers, paying taxes, relaxing, being attacked by bandits and inhumans, being beaten around by all other classes above
Region Population
Foederati On the fringes of society is the tainted remnant of an ancient age, the Foederati tribes that wander the land of the Republic and yet only nominally follow the laws. The shadows of the Republic are ostracized and yet valued by the other Strata for their strange gifts. The roving bands consider themselves their own masters and struggle desperately against the wilds. Adventuring, being beaten, finding strange treasures, being beaten, saving fellow plebeians from certain doom (while being beaten) stumbling into mysterious sages with magical lore, having magical lore stolen by patricians (with beatings), being pawns in the political games of patricians, paying tolls, getting in jail, saving damsels and lords from certain death, not getting paid nearly enough (except in beatings)
Player Adventurers


The vast dominion of Melhed has one unifying concept at their core: cold. From the farthest icy reaches of Lin Helon to the relatively temperate Fronepu there is not one part of the domain not touched by ice and a bitter wind. Despite this the west sees a vast forest, the Wailing Woods, so thick it blocks the sun even during mid day. To the east is the vast Emerald Plains where the majority of the farming takes place. To the north tundra takes hold, the icy ground never thawing but warmed somewhat by the Bay of Souls. The Gold River weaves down from the Roof of the World mountains bringing water and wealth to all at the great capitol Agyr.

Senatorial Domain
Melhed Circle Red
Periphery Blue
Frontier Green
Valentic Province Fuchsia

Melhed-icon.pngSenatorial DomainMelhed-icon.png
Melhed Circle
Agyr | Hopidrii | Gor Ault | Rengo | Bil Havil | Tepmona | Bisana | Trottie | Mhed
Lastfell | Orde | Kannoktet | Rafferty | Lin Helon | Affkat | Crim
Fronepu | Seven Rivers | Ieara | Lloringel | Qual
Valentic Province
Unger | Wailing Wood | Winifael | Ukh | Mouzl

Guide to the Regions of Melhed - tourists welcome

Melhed-icon.png Agyr - Ancient Capitol


Agyrian Academy Archives
Icon Age Years Government Description
ValentiaIcon.PNG Age of Discovery 2003 Pontifex of Flame From the first human settlements on Beluaterra until the 1st Invasion and arrival of the Mercenaries.
Sun icon.png Age of Blood 2004 Empire of Sun The end of the First Invasion until the fall of the Emperor and start of the 2nd Invasion.
Melhed-icon.png Age of Reason 2005-2007 Republic of Balance The Rise of the Republic after the Second Invasion until the collapse of the Four Kingdoms Alliance during the 3rd Invasion.
Melhed-icon.png Age of Betrayal 2008-2010 Republic of Balance After the collapse of the Four Kingdoms Alliance, through the 3rd Invasion and up to the 4th.
Melhed-icon.png Age of Blight 2011 Republic of Balance Beluaterra is consumed by the Blight and the marked lands swallowed by the shadow in the 5th Invasion.
RoughPaw icon.png Age of Ruin 2012-2015 Tyranny of Wolf From the end of the 5th Invasion into the Rebellion of the Wolf Tyrants and the destruction of Melhed before finally reaching the 6th Invasion.
Incindia-icon.png Age of Shadow 2017- From the end of the 6th Invasion through to the Return until....

Melhed-icon.png The Agyrian Academy - History, and Lore.
