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Plebeian Overview

The daily life of the multitude of farmers, soldiers and craftsmen that comprise the mob has not changed greatly by the transition to the Republic. They toil the soil, fight the monsters and build all the trappings and tools of civilization, however they do so for themselves first and foremost. Mandatory serfdom was abolished with the rise of the Senate freeing the Plebs to strike out on their own. Those freemen who ply their own trade without a feudal oath instead pay taxes, at a rate that is often higher than the feudal obligation that they would otherwise hold. Life is filled with hard work and toil, the sweat of their brow providing daily bread and the surplus going toward coin or storage for hard times. Thus the hardworking prosper and the lazy wither. This hardy nature and strong work ethic carries through to the military life that many are called to.

Plebeians, making up the vast majority of the Republic, also make up the bulk of the Legions. The vigorous and extensive training of the military only adds to the already sturdy nature of the Strata The difference between military and civilian life in the domain is minimal at times, a farmer or craftsman might take up a call to arms against a barbarian incursion one year, only to fight against raiders he had been struggling with for all the last few months. This isn't to say that the Legions leave defense in the hands of the civilians, nearly every danger is thwarted before it begins. This is especially true of human efforts, be they raiders or bandits, however humans are often the least of one's worries.

The most dangerous of all things to the safety of a Plebeian remains as it always has, hungry monsters. The roving bands of nightmare creatures like nothing more than to take vengeance on the human colonists who steal their lands. Many a patrol march by smashed homes and bloody fields, the grim soldiers having little to do but tend to what little remains there might be. The Republic's long history of battling the abominable creatures combined with the importance of hard work gives the Strata a grim sense of communal pride, especially when dealing with outsiders. If you mess with one Plebeian you mess with all of them. This has it's own problems when tempers flair or drink flows, problems which are often aggravated by the leeway given to the mob when it comes to weapons and training in their use.

Most nations of the Old World take one look at the idea of arming the masses and balk, giving such unworthy people the ability to fight is an insult to the Patricians, not to mention dangerous. However the Beluaterra is a vastly different place and nearly all the colonizing nations have a history of local struggles that just can't be handled by a professional force. As a result the Senate sees nothing wrong with Plebeians dealing with local problems themselves if they can, costs far less than trying to station a legion in every village. Needless to say a cohort or two always reside in major settlements, ready to respond to anything more pressing, and deal with any of the Strata who might use their weapons for unsavoury acts like banditry or struggles against the authority of the Republic. For the most part such occurrences are kept in check, sometimes by the Legion, but often by the Plebeians themselves, life is hard enough without wasting time rebelling. On the off chance that the masses do rise up the Republic takes an exceedingly dim view, and the results are often brutal and savage. The primary reason for this of course is that the Senate has taken great lengths to change one aspect of Plebeian life, the nature of justice and treatment in law, and when those opportunities are just ignored action is swift. <br
So while in times past and lands far removed the Strata has little say at all when it came to the their betters, that is somewhat changed. If a Patrician wants it is the duty of the Plebeian to provide and woe be to any who refuse, but there is a certain amount of reason built in. Should a Patrician ask for something that is too much, the Plebeian has the option to take the matter up with the Tribune. This can be tricky to accomplish but if the matter gets to the Tribune and they happens to agree that it was unreasonable reparations are made. The systems is far from flawless as there are many things that once lost, cannot easily be regained, bu it is more than most could hope for. The other aspect that helps to compliment this is that the Senators themselves take a dim view on Patricians wandering around territory they have a stake in disrupting things. When a Senator's holdings are troubled it raises uncomfortable questions about that Senator's ability to lead the entire Republic, as a result any troublemakers are often very swiftly handled once news of them comes to light. Between the two factors, and the laws that are written with some commonality in mind, the Plebeians have a better lot than many of their kind.


Membership into the Plebeian Strata isn't that difficult, and can be considered more of the default state, the work goes into getting out. Anyone with land or a trade who does work of some form basically covers it.

Strata Philosophy

Plebeian philosophy is often very direct, much as they are.

Hard Work Brings Rewards

If you work hard you prosper, if you don't you don't, it's really that simple. The land is hard and the weather harsh, things are always ready to kill you, but if you keep sharp and fit you can not only best these challenges but gain from them. The members of the Strata pride themselves in being able to tackle any challenge and succeed.

Live Passionately

The hardest thing to do in the north is live, not exist, though that is hard enough, but really live. The Plebeians believe that you should never strive just to survive, but always for something greater. Dreams should be accomplished, not ignored. Never wish for something, do it. Don't suffer quietly, don't plod along, instead always try the hardest to enjoy every last moment that you might still have.

Loyalty is Life

The upper Strata might have time to lay about and plot against each other, but the Plebeians don't. If you need help, you ask, and if someone asks you, you'd better agree. Nothing is easy but more hands can lighten the work and watch a back.

Common Personal Beliefs

A hard life also means hard play. Plebeians probably have the most rituals to spice up life.


Explained in more detail in chapter 3 under Structure of the Republic

One with the land

Most have holdings and land

Feast of Flesh

wolf feast, hunt a monster

Dawn of a Thousand Swords

Soldier feast, go a stabbing

Titles and Duties

  • Plebeians don't hold titles, but they do have duties, lots and lots of duties.
  • A Farmer usually owns their own land and work it to provide for their family and whoever else wants to trade.
  • An Infiltrator has taken the darker path, unworried with the noble and good they have decided to get rich and be successful, what more is needed?
  • A Labourer anyone who does unskilled work in the towns and cities, such as cleaning or shipping.
  • A Priest shepherds the masses and communes with the Gods, seeking to understand the divine by dint of their shared link.
  • A Tradesman who works a job that is of greater use to his fellows than the rich and thus hasn't made enough to advance to the Equites.
  • A Soldier has entered military service in the Legions. Training can range from melee to archery to even the rare cavalry.

Stereotypes of the Strata

  • Senate: Not our problem.
  • Patricians: Usually won't pay any attention, when they do it's rarely good.
  • Equites: They look down sometimes, but only those who haven't done an honest day's work.
  • Plebeians: One day at a time, one job at a time, we'll get there.
  • Foederati: Drifters and unreliable ones at that, still they can help if pressed.
  • Foreigners: We see you there, the question is, why are you here?