Melhed/Government/Empire of Sun

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Melhed Governments
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Sun icon.png Empire of Sun Overview Philosophy Structure Offices Laws
Melhed-icon.png Republic of Balance Overview Philosophy Structure Offices Laws
RoughPaw icon.png Tyranny of Wolf Overview Philosophy Structure Offices Laws

Empire of Sun

Empire of Sun


Some states have a military, Melhed's military had a state. This encompass the fundamental nature of the Imperial Government. Forged from an unpaid mercenary company the boisterous band had little interest in good governance leaving the plebeians to fend for themselves. Most offices retained a military cast, and the ceremonies were more at home in the camp than the halls of power. This slowly changed under the pressures of the south, molding and shaping the ad hoc structure to one of ridged, mechanical precision.

Emperor Tsu Sun loomed large during this time, even before he was proclaimed God-Emperor. He brought order to chaos and commanded absolute obedience through a combination of charisma and camaraderie. All power was centralized in his hands to the extent that there was nothing else. The Emperor was the state, the state was the Emperor. All served him, gladly, but that lack of autonomy left the nation at a loss during his passing at the end of the Second Invasion. Thus Aldo Unti was the second, and last to hold the Imperial office leading to the next form of the Republic.

For further information look in the Empire of Sun.


The Empire was assembled piecemeal based on changing circumstances and uncertain futures. Ideas and concepts were accepted and discarded quickly to ensure survival. This flexibility and constant adaptability left little room for traditions to form.

Empire Philosophy
The Emperor will Protect
This period saw the north awash in bloodshed and chaos. Thus the Emperor's promise of stability and order was welcome and in exchange he asked for obedience. So long as the Emperor shielded his people from the slings and arrows of grave misfortune the people stood behind him. He never wavered and nor did they.
Adapt or Die
The Melite people were always resilient but the Empire struggled against impossible odds, military occupation, multiple rebellions, inhuman invasion and more besides. The people knew that they must adapt, grow, change and they did so with open arms.
Live for today
The constant threat of danger mingled with the mercenary past leading to a party atmosphere and casual disregard for death and suffering. Melites thought nothing of drinking the blood of monsters, fighting each other for sport, laughing at the face of starvation and singing as they were slaughtered. They had each other, they had their lives, they enjoyed both in equal measure because tomorrow either could be gone.
Honour your deals
Despite it all the Melite people never went back on their word. Even if a deal was unfairly struck, or it caused suffering for them, the Melites would not shirk from their duty. They fought with allies against the tide even when their own lands burned. They would sell food, though their own people starved. They would meet assassins in person to duel, saving their guards. Honour was vital for in the north your word alone kept you safe.
When in doubt, rebel
Melites honour their deals and live for the day, so when confronted with injustice they would think nothing of throwing their lives on the line to right it. This, combined with the general turmoil of the age, saw many revolutions for nearly every purpose. Some were for sweeping social changes like removing the occupation government, others were to adjust the latrine schedule. A popular saying at the time, "Other lands have elections, we have rebellions."


The ad hoc nature of the Empire left little structure or certainty, things would change constantly from week to week as the requirements shifted. These few points were valid for longer than most, but even they were fluid.

Empire Structure
Imperial Palace
The centralized state demanded a centralized bureaucracy and for the Empire that was the Imperial Palace. All decisions, reports and government business was conducted in the halls of this single structure. Eventually the Judiciary was given a separate wing, but that took many years and it was still within the palace. This primacy of the throne over all else was often idealized as efficient, but even then matters had to be delegated, the Emperor could not be everywhere at once.
Eyes of the Emperor
The various functionaries that collected information on the behest of the Emperor would normally be considered instruments of government but the various Eyes had one critical issue: They could make no judgment or enact any policy. The various agents were only authorized to collect information which in turn was brought to the Emperor who would then make a decision before sending out his Hands. As a check multiple agents would be dispatched to verify matters and if there was a contradiction it would not occur again.
Hands of the Emperor
The Hands of the Emperor were his arbiters, tasked with a specific, trivial, assignment and dispatched to accomplish that singular goal. Critically they were not permitted to report on any matters they uncovered during their duties, separating the information and action. It also meant if the hands were at your door there was nothing you could do.
Imperial Axes
The Emperor had a collection of axes, be they for beheading, disemboweling or more beside. They were kept sharp and in constant use.


The Empire had but one office, the Imperial Throne, but there were other roles and duties one could perform for the good of the realm.

Primary Office
The Throne
The Imperial office holds all authority and all power shines from the throne as radiance from the sun. Decisions are made by the Emperor for every act and nothing escapes his notice. |
Secondary Offices
Banker Judge General
Eye of the Emperor Hand of the Emperor Eye of the Emperor
The Banker's only responsibility was to report on the performance of the economy allowing the Emperor to issue appropriate commands. The Judge has some autonomy, though they cannot act against the Emperor they are permitted to handle minor matters as they see fit. The General's only responsibility was to report on the performance of the army allowing the Emperor to issue appropriate commands.


The legal code of the Empire was ad hoc and only began to be codified when Aldo Unti was elected to the judiciary. This move would foreshadow the rising republic after Emperor Tsu's passing.

Imperial Code
Authority Obedience Honour
The word of the Emperor is Law Follow Orders or Suffer None may be better then the Emperor
A decree of the Emperor is sacrosanct and cannot be opposed. Anything falls under his preview and no matter is beyond his authority. We are surrounded by threats and dangers, follow my orders and we will survive. My axes are thirsty, if any are more honourable then I they will meet death by my hand. (it was pointed out that this law would probably lead to a vicious cycle of death but luckily it was never required)

Promises of Judge Aldo Unti

When elected judge Aldo made a series of promises about how he would hold court which eventually became laws until they were replaced.

Rights of a Noble
1) All troopleaders have the right to a fair trial if charges are laid against them. In the same vein, all troopleaders have the right to know the charges against them.
2) No troop leader is to be punished for the crimes of their family (without direct involvement).
3) For trials of a banning offence all troopleaders have the choice of trial by jury (in other words, a public trial) or private audience with the judge.
4) All troopleaders have the right to speak freely. (Try your best to keep your criticism constructive)
5) All troopleaders are entitled to their opinion. On the same note all troopleaders are allowed to disagree with your opinion. Remember opinion is not fact so don’t treat it as such.

Doctrine of Duty
1) All troopleaders are to strive, to the best of their ability, to make the realm a better place to live.
2) All troopleaders are to help their fellows as best they can, or direct questions to others more knowledgeable.
3) All troopleaders are to show respect for their fellows.
4) All troopleaders are to do their best to follow orders issued unless they infringe on a right.
5) Melhed is not a heavy RP realm; however, OOC conversations should be kept to a minimum and used with the OOC conversation option.

1) Using Out of Character info for in character purposes.
2) Abuse of Authority
3) Causing an international incident with a realm we are not at war with -insulting or threatening a foreign TL or ruler -attacking a foreign TL -moving troops into a foreign realm without permission
4) Infiltration actions -within the realm -directed towards allied or neutral realms -on targets otherwise disallowed -Looting without being ordered to
5) Espionage for the enemy
6) Disobeying important orders
7) Wasting gold
8) Disturbing the peace of the realm

1) Verbal warning (Private Message)
2) Verbal warning (Public Message)
3) Fine
4) Asked to leave the realm
5) Banned from the realm
6) Deported to another continent
7) Execution