Melhed/Government/Republic of Melhed
Melhed Governments | |||||
Pontifex of Flame | Overview | Philosophy | Structure | Offices | Laws |
Empire of Sun | Overview | Philosophy | Structure | Offices | Laws |
Republic of Balance | Overview | Philosophy | Structure | Offices | Laws |
Tyranny of Wolf | Overview | Philosophy | Structure | Offices | Laws |
Republic of Balance
In the Age of Blood citizens of Melhed were obliged, by dint of superior might, to bend their knee to the Emperor Tsu Sun, self-proclaimed God. As the Age wore on great changes were in the works, and when the Emperor vanished his successor, Aldo Unti began to make alterations that would give rise to the Age of Reason and creation of the Senate.
True believers within the Senate consider themselves rulers and servants: furthering the needs of the Republic by balancing the wants of the people with their needs, thus ensuring that the land is well governed and orderly. They may have the power to impose their will upon the citizens of the Republic, but they do so only in pursuit of a peaceful, equitable society. The more rhetoric filled speeches have claimed that cynicism and corruption are not allowed to take root in the Senate, that the collective voice of the Senate’s assembly speaks with flawless logic and complete compassion. Those with a more candid outlook comment that membership is available only to those of the Patrician Strata. Further the only real skill a Senator ever displays is the ability to entice their similarly wealthy contemporaries to vote for them.
The truth remains somewhere between. The Senate has its flaws, despite what the fervent champions will claim, but so too does it have its strengths which the detractors will ignore. It is true, the Senate is prone to lethargy and self interested corruption, yet despite this the Senate allows an avenue of discussion, and open possibilities unrivaled. No matter one's position on the utility of the Senate none can deny that under the Republic system Melhed has become a stable and prosperous nation, and one of the most powerful states in the whole of Beluaterra.
For further information look in the Republic of Balance.
Despite the now lengthy history of the Republic, technically the Senate is still a proxy organization, representing the will and wisdom of the Imperial office. Even if no one holds the office, this inherited function continues to guide the philosophy of the whole Republic by binding the Senate together as a single community. Indeed for legal purposes individuals within the Senate are considered parts of the greater body, and any harm that comes to one is considered an attack on the whole of the ruling structure of the Republic. Similarly the in some cases every word they declare in public is considered an expression of that ruling structure, and every personal action they take is an expression of the will of that structure. Every member of the Senate accepts this burden the moment they takes their seat, knowing that this weight will stay with them until they retire.
Senate Philosophy | |||
The Senate is the Emperor | |||
With the mysterious passing of the Emperor and end to the Age of Blood, his heir, Aldo Unti, began to replace the autocratic rule with a Republican government much to the distrust of the Foederati and confusion of the Patricians. The new government took the form of an oligarchy. At first several handpicked representatives would speak for the Imperial office, and were considered, for legal purposes, to be extensions of the Emperor. To defy them was to defy him. To injure them was to commit the unthinkable: rebellion against the Emperor of Melhed himself. In time, the body of representatives grew and the rule of Melhed was passed from the single man to this collective, and their executive, dubbed the Senate and Consul respectively.
This means the Senate represents the old Imperial office and on the off chance that the Senate agrees down to the last man, not one abstention, nor vote against, their decision is considered to carry the full weight of divine authority, able to work even in direct counter to the laws of the Republic. To date it has never happened. | |||
Order within... | |||
Each Senator that is elected is given a region in the domain to administer. The implicit truth is that good governance of a region demonstrates the ability of the Senator to guide the whole of the Republic. Within their province a Senator is the final word on all matters, enforcing the laws, overseeing the day to day affairs of the region and collecting the taxes from the estates of the Patricians. Nothing is more damning for a Senator than a poorly governed province, causing whispers and scandal in the halls of the Senate. | |||
...Chaos without. | |||
After the devastation wrought by the Defensive Alliance war the Melite people became deeply mistrusting of foreigners. Thus the Senate has a very simple policy when it comes to foreign relations, foreigners should be kept foreign, and occupied. To that end the Senate is always in favour of sowing discord and chaos in the outer lands, picking no sides and funding all of them. The ideal situation for the Senate is for every barbarian nation to be so bloodied and broken they cannot begin to consider attacking the Republic.
Best of all, the system works. The Republic has avoided all conflict thanks in no small part to the Game of Thrones. | |||
Game of Thrones | |||
In summary the players of the game take hold of the outer lands, through means subtle and overt, and use the barbarian kings and people's as pawns. Each faction is goaded to compete with the other, the Senators pulling their strings profiting with each success of their pieces, proving their acumen and enriching their houses. The stakes are high and the 'rules' of the game complex beyond imagining. Layers and layers of agents keep the barbarians from understanding just where the gold and knowledge comes from, meaning they are never aware that their fortunes are made half by their skill, and half by the choices of Senators they might never meet.
The Game has claimed many in it's time, both players and pieces have risen and fallen as their fortunes shift and change. The machinations of the players bring ruin to their opponents, by destroying the pawns they have ensnared, never attacking the holdings of the player themselves. Thousands can die to bring humiliation to a player, the shame afflicted lowering the Senator's standing and costing their house. Thus no player of the Game, who last for long, holds only one faction in their control. Numerous agents are shifted around the board attempting to outflank and defeat opposing players. Tales of the more subtle end games speak of artful manoeuvres being made for nought as the controlling player has shifted resources against his former holdings, the actions of their opponents only aiding. Thus the plots and complexity of the Game increase, efforts being made by players to protect and destroy each other. | |||
Dreams Manifest | |||
With peace assured the Senate and Consul turned attention from war to the Melite people. Great efforts were made to foster the desires and dreams, helping each Patrician to reach their full potential. No expense was too great, no task too insignificant if it brought value and satisfaction. The welfare of the people was paramount. |
The Senate is the governing body of the Republic comprised of all elected patricians holding land, the Consul, the Tribune, and an Auspex of the Old Gods. It determines every aspect of realm governance through voting; in which each Senator, Consul and Auspex has one vote. The Tribune has no vote but may comment on matters pertaining to the lowborn. The Senate gathers to vote, or Conventus, starting Friday and ending Sunday. Senators have until Monday to cast their votes on matters discussed during the week's Consilium, or deliberation. All who do not vote are assumed to abstain.
Senate Structure | |||
Senate | |||
The Senate is a fully populated legislative body, that meets within the Curia of Agyr, whos authority is derived from the old Imperial office. The Senate devises and disseminates the laws of the Republic, representing the interests of every citizen in the domain. Every feature of the Senate operation, from the system of debate that initiates legal change to the formalized posture and gesture of their public speakers, is an evolved melding of past and future. | |||
Elections | |||
Members of the Senate are elected from the Patrician class whenever the Senate decides there is an opening. The vote is equally weighted which means fundamentally the more numerous Patricians will choose who takes a vacant seat. Crucially once a member is elevated to the Senate they hold the office for life, unless they manage to upset enough Patricians and Senators to have a vote to remove them. As a result the Senate has considerable freedom to press authority over the Patricians, without fear of loss in office. | |||
Consilium | |||
Matters brought before the Senate are debated for one week, called Consilium. The debate is open to all members of the Republic in good standing, meaning Patricians. This legislative and executive authority extends to all aspects of life within the Republic, indeed nothing is beyond the Senate's authority as it's power is derived from the Imperial office. The lower strata who are curious can loiter about the Forum outside while Equites speakers retell the events that transpire. Most Senate debates are ad hoc affairs with Senators offering comments and thoughts as it strikes them leading to a final vote or Conventus, on the weekend. However if the debate is particularly lively or contentious Orators may be called to represent the various positions. | |||
Orators | |||
Orators are rare, and only arise when a particular Consilium has become heated or deadlocked. If called upon by the Consul vocal volunteers from among the Senate are invited to take the role of Orator, but if none step forward one will be appointed. They are expected to advocate for a possible solution accurately even if they do not personally agree with the matter. Orators take turns making an initial statement about their position. They may then offer one rebutel for each opponent. Finally the matter is put to a vote at Conventus. | |||
Conventus | |||
The end of the debate sees a three day voting period called Conventus. Stretching over the weekend Senators are invited to vote publicly for their preferred solution to each matter raised during the week's debate. The majority rules.
If there are Orators, Senators are expected to stand beside their chosen position, signalling their conviction. | |||
Dereliction of Duty | |||
The only way for a Senator to lose their seat is to be brought up on charges of 'Dereliction of Duty'. This serious crime means the senator has failed to comment during any Consilium for a month solid. It is a rare charge, only brought up occasionally, usually by ambitious Patricians eyeing the seat and rival Senators eager to remove an opponent. | |||
Forum Publicus | |||
The Forum is for anyone interested in government that either doesn't want to make decisions, wasn't able to acquire a Senate position, or is just curious. Most things the Senate discusses actually takes place in the Forum so that all patricians (that want to) can listen and make comments. No matter what advice is provided by the Patricians in the Forum, in the end it is the Senate that decides what happens. |
For members of the Patrician strata nearly any goal in life is possible, but the greatest of achievements is elevation to the heights of the Senate and the power that brings. Along the way there stands a multitude of magisterial position, chances to serve the Republic and prove one's capabilities with further refined offices at the highest levels.
Primary Republic Offices | ||||
Auspex | Quaestor | Consul | Praetor | Imperator |
Gods & Prophecy | Bread & Gold | Wolf & Sun | Order & Sun | Iron & Wolf |
The Auspex, or chief Augur, is charged with understanding the will of the Old Gods. Ensuring the people know the flow of the future, and preform the proper rituals to sanctify the Senate. | Administrators, book-keepers and paymasters for the treasury, this magistrate elected once a year, supervise and maintains the public places of the Republic – managing streets, baths, sewers, market places, temples as well as the grain supply. | The 'ruler' of the Republic, the Consul is elected every year by the Senate. Having the power to chair and summon the Senate, issue edicts and proclamations, not to mention enter binding debate with foreign monarchs, the Consul is charged with guiding the Republic through balance and carrying out the will of the Senate. | The Prætor is the judge who administered the highest court of justice. Elected by all Patricians to preside over matters between Patricians and even Senators, the Praetor holds the final say on matters of law that are brought before them by one or another of the parties involved, including foreigners. They also have the ability to chair the Senate, if the Consul was away or had brought a matter to debate forward. | The Imperator oversees the activities of the entire Legion on behalf of the Senate. The Imperator is given considerable freedom to act out their mandate 'to defend the Republic'. Elected once a year by the Senate, it is otherwise very difficult to remove the Imperator from power, who is in turn watched over by a small staff of scribes loyal to the Senate, called the Ordo Tacitus, in case the Imperium is abused. |
Secondary Republic Offices | ||||
Tribune | Aedile | Orator | Legetus | Centurion |
Mob & Tribes | Circuses & Blood | Order & Chaos | Wine & Ink | Gold & Iron |
The Tribune acts as an intermediary between the Foederati and the Senate ensuring a slight check on magisterial autocracy. Beyond all this the Tribune also acts as the final arbitrator on legal matters dealing with the Foederati, though rarely do the Tribes bother with the office, preferring to settle matters their own way. | Organizer of the the public games and entertainment the Aedile presides over chiefly the arena but also watches over trends in leisure and game across the domain to ensure the people get what they want. | A rarely used office for when a debate has become too heated for usual operation. The Orators will take turns representing a position to allow a better flow of the debate for a vote. | The Legate are charged with speaking to foreign powers. Ensuring the Republic is well represented, and smoothing out any tensions. They are expected to provide diplomatic expertise, and inform foreigners of Republic law. | The Centurions are charged with commanding a legion sent out on mercenary pursuits. Ensuring the legion is successful, they have the final authority on matters of the legion during the expedition. |
Fundamental Republic Office | ||||
Senator | ||||
The Senators govern a single province in the Domain, administrating their territory on behalf of the Republic. They collectively make up the Senate, the legislative body of the Republic. Senate positions are determined by election. They are elected upon a province being available, simple majority wins, all highborn may run and vote in the referendum. If the position is a city or stronghold, only current senators are eligible to run. Positions are held until either: retirement, abdication for dereliction of duty, or the territory is lost. In the case where the territory is lost the senator retains their rank for one month, during which they automatically gain the title if the region is reclaimed. A person can run again for office in the future if they wish. |
Constitution of the Republic
The interactions between the social strata are complex affairs of expectations, culture and law, matters with one's peers is relatively free. The state remains uninvolved in personal disputes as much as possible, whether rich or poor. Laws outline expected procedures for settling issues, and if things completely break down into vendettas there are various people in positions of authority who can put things to final rest. The Praetor looks to matters of Patricians; while individual Patricians handle matters in their regions for the Equites, and Plebeians; and the Tribune all matters of the Foederati. Much of life is live and let live, personal consequences for one's actions is the main word of the day, and thus little is expressly forbidden. Conversely if someone manages to anger a lot of people they have nothing to fall back on but their own charm.
Constitution of the Republic of Melhed, Age of Reason, 2006 | |||
Whereas the Cities of Agyr, Mhed, Lin Helon, Fronepu, Unger have expressed their desire to be federally united into One Domain with the blessing of his God-Emperor Aldo Unti;
And whereas under such a Union would conduce to the Welfare of the Provinces and promote the interests of the Republic; And whereas on the establishment of the Republic by the Authority of the Senate, it is granted the Legislative Authority in the Republic, and also the power of the executive government. |
Slab I - Union | |||
Provinces of the Republic of Melhed | |||
1) The Domain of the Senate extends beyond Agyr into the four territories: the Melhed Circle, the Northern Periphery, the Fronen Frontier, & the Valentic Provinces. | |||
Territory of The Melhed Circle | |||
2) Which contains: Mhed, Hopidrii, Gor Ault, Rengo, Bil Havil, Tepmona, Bisana, Trottie, Ieara. | |||
Territory of The Northern Periphery | |||
3) Which contains: Lin Helon, Orde, Kannoktet, Rafferty, Affkat, Crim. | |||
Territory of The Fronen Frontier | |||
4) Which contains: Fronepu, Seven Rivers, Ieara, Lloringel, Qual. | |||
Territory of The Valentic Provinces | |||
5) Which contains: Unger, Wailing Wood, Winifael, Ukh, Mouzl. |
Slab II - Power of the Senate | |||
Declaration of the Power in the Senate | |||
6) The Executive and Legislative Government and Authority of and over the Republic of Melhed is hereby declared to be vested in the Senate. | |||
Treaty Obligations | |||
7) The Senate and Government of Melhed shall have all Powers necessary to enter into and performs obligations of the Republic of Melhed towards Foreign Kingdoms. |
Slab III - The Senate | |||
Number of Senators | |||
8) The Senate shall consist of all elected patricians holding land, the Consul, the Tribune of the Plebeians, and an Auspex of the Old Gods. | |||
Qualifications of Land Holding Senators | |||
9) The position of Senator can be held by any patrician, not labeled unfit for duty, who holds a legal title to land. | |||
Eligibility for election to Senator of a City | |||
10) Only Senators are eligible for election to a city title. | |||
Tenure of Senators | |||
11) The Senator positions are held until either retirement, abdication for dereliction of duty, or the territory is lost. In the case where the territory is lost the Senator retains their seat for one month, during which the title of the region is retained. | |||
Qualifications of the Consul | |||
12) The position of Consul can be held by any patrician, not labeled unfit for duty. | |||
Tenure of the Consul | |||
13) The Counsel position is held until either retirement, abdication for dereliction of duty, or the end of their term. The position of Consul shall be held for 3 months after which an election will be called. | |||
Qualifications of the Tribune of the Plebeians | |||
14) The position of Tribune can be held by any patrician, not labeled unfit for duty. | |||
Tenure of the Tribune of the Plebeians | |||
15) The Tribune position is held until either retirement, abdication for dereliction of duty, or the end of their term. The position of Tribune shall be held for 3 months after which an election will be called. | |||
Qualifications of the Auspex of the Old Gods | |||
16) The position of the Auspex of the Old Gods can be held by any patrician, not labeled unfit for duty. | |||
Tenure of the Auspex of the Old Gods | |||
17) The Tribune position is held until either retirement, abdication for dereliction of duty, or the end of their term. The position of Auspex shall be held for 3 months after which an election will be called. | |||
Questions as to the Qualifications of the Senate | |||
18) If any Question arises respecting the Qualification of a member of the Senate, the same shall be heard and determined by the Senate. | |||
Voting in the Senate | |||
19) Questions arising in the Senate shall be decided by the Majority of Voice, and when the Voices are equal the Consul shall determine the Decision. | |||
Consul to Preside | |||
20) The Consul shall preside at all Meetings of the Senate. | |||
Sitting of the Senate | |||
21) The Senate sits at least once per week to decide Questions. |
Slab IV - Judicial Power | |||
Declaration of the Judicial Power in the Praetor | |||
22) The judicial power is hereby declared to be vested in the Praetor. | |||
Qualifications of the Praetor | |||
23) The position of Praetor can be held by any non-land holding patrician, not labeled unfit for duty. | |||
Tenure of the Praetor | |||
24) The Praetor position is held until either retirement, abdication for dereliction of duty, or the end of their term. The position of Praetor shall be held for 3 months after which an election will be called. |
Slab V - Miscellaneous Provisions | |||
Duty to Disclose | |||
25) All correspondence from a foreign nation, not dealing with the personal matters of the magistrate in question, are to be made known to the Senate. | |||
26) Magistrates include: the Consul, the Praetor, the Quaestor, the Imperator. | |||
Qualifications of the Imperator | |||
27) The position of Imperator can be held by any patrician, not labeled unfit for duty. The Imperator position is held until either retirement, or abdication for dereliction of duty. | |||
Tenure of the Imperator | |||
28) The position of Imperator is held indefinitely. | |||
Appointment of Position of Imperator | |||
29) The position of Imperator shall be by the Decision of the Majority of the Senate. | |||
Qualifications of the Quaestor | |||
30) The position of Quaestor can be held by any patrician, not labeled unfit for duty. The Quaestor position is held until either retirement, or abdication for dereliction of duty. | |||
Tenure of the Quaestor | |||
31) The position of the Quaestor is held indefinitely. | |||
Appointment of the Position of Quaestor | |||
32) The position of Quaestor shall be by Decision of the Majority of the Senate. |
Slab VI - Amendments to the Constitution | |||
Amendments to the Constitution of The Republic of Melhed | |||
33) Amendment to the Constitution requires a full quorum of the Patricians and the Decision to amend shall require two thirds approval of all Patricians. |
Slab VII - Rights of Patricians | |||
Rights in The Republic of Melhed | |||
34) The Constitution guarantees the rights set out in it, subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrated justified in the interest of the Republic of Melhed. | |||
Fundamental Rights | |||
35) Every Patrician has the following fundamental rights: | |||
a) Right of conscience and religion; | |||
b) Right of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; | |||
c) Right of peaceful assembly; and | |||
d) Right of association. | |||
Mobility Rights | |||
36) Every Patrician has the right to enter, remain in and leave the Republic of Melhed. | |||
Right from Unreasonable Seizure | |||
37) Every Patrician has the right to be secure against unreasonable seizure. | |||
Right from Detention and Imprisonment | |||
38) Every Patrician has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned. | |||
Right to a Fair Hearing | |||
39) Any Patrician charged with an offence has the righ | |||
a) To be informed of the specific offence; | |||
b) To be tried in a reasonable time; | |||
c) Not to be compelled to be a witness in a proceedings against themselves; | |||
d) To be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal; | |||
e) Not to be found guilty on account of any act or omission unless, at the time of the act or omission, it constituted an offence under the laws of the Republic of Melhed; | |||
f) If finally acquitted of the offence, not to be tried for it again and, if finally found guilty and punished for the offence, not to be tried or punished for it again; | |||
g) If found guilty of the offence and if the punishment for the offence has been varied between the time of commission and the time of sentencing, to the benefit of the lesser punishment. | |||
Enforcement of Rights | |||
40) Any Patrician rights, as guaranteed by this Constitution, have been infringed or denied may apply to Praetor to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances. | |||
Imperial Exception where Express Declaration | |||
41) The Senate may expressly declare an Act of the Senate shall operate notwithstanding any rights provided in the Constitution. | |||
Imperial Exception Quorum | |||
42) The Imperial exception shall require the agreement of the full quorum of the Senate. | |||
Primacy of the Constitution of The Republic of Melhed | |||
43) The Constitution of The Republic of Melhed is the supreme law of Melhed, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force and effect. |
Law Code of the Republic
1) Every noble has the right to speak freely.
2) Every noble has the right to sit on the Forum, unless convicted of a capitol crime.
3) All citizens have the right to believe in any religion so long as its practices do not conflict with the law.
4) Putting to death of anyone un-convicted, no matter who they might be, is forbidden.
5) No noble is to be punished for the crimes of their family, without direct involvement.
6) The laws of the republic hold true for all citizens no matter how far they might travel.
1) All patricians have the right to a fair trial, and know the charges against them.
2) Trials are to be held in public so all patricians know the evidence and crime.
3) The Praetor may only use his authority in punishing of those convicted.
4) If someone is called to go to court, he is to go. If he doesn't go, then he should be captured.
5) Only a landowner can offer collateral for another landowner. But any civis (citizen) can offer collateral for a civis.
6) If one shall permit himself to be summoned as a witness, if he does not give his testimony, let him be noted as dishonest and incapable of acting again as witness.
7) For matters where the Praetor is in doubt, but not so much so that they should be removed, the Senate should appoint another to oversee the trial and their decision abided by. If the Praetor is in great doubt he should retire from office so the patricians can elect another.
8) For matters where the guilt of a person is without question, having been caught in the act of malicious action with forethought, no trial need be brought to the realm and the Praetor may decide based on the laws.
9) Should a civis fail at a task and thus be labeled as unfit for duty, dishonest, shunned, lacking conviction, or any other state listed herein then the mark is to be placed in the national census for all to see.
10) Should a civis have a label listed it can be removed by a Senatorial vote.
1) The penalty shall be severe for a Praetor or Senator, legally appointed, who has been found guilty of receiving a bribe.
2) Treason: he who has roused up a public enemy, handed over a civis to a public enemy or worked in the name of a public enemy must suffer exile or death.
3) Someone who has brought a false claim to the Praetor, and does not buy the peace of the accused, shall be brought before the Praetor, and shall pay a double penalty.
4) Those who tell falsehoods about their fellow civis, and do not buy their peace, will suffer the penalty of shunning.
5) The holdings of a patrician are theirs, to do with as they wish so long as they break no laws.
6) If one has maimed another, physically or otherwise, and does not buy his peace, let there be retaliation in kind by the wronged or the Praetor depending on the need. Should no agreement be reached the Praetor may assign the fee.
7) Any person who destroys by burning any building or heap of food shall be bound, scourged, and put to death by beheading provided that he has committed the said misdeed with malice aforethought. However if he shall have committed it by accident, it is ordained that he repair the damage or, if he be too poor to be competent for such punishment, he shall receive a lighter punishment.
8) If a theft has been done by night and the owner kills the thief in the act, the thief shall be held to be lawfully killed. If a theft has been done by day, or the thief not killed, then the thief is to be charged and sentenced in just court to serve those they would rob as a slave for a time. If they can or will not, then their hand is to be removed.
9) A patrician, captured during honourable battle, is to be treated as an honoured guest of the Praetor, provided with comfort and not harmed as fitting a patrician of honour.
10) A patrician, captured during dishonourable battle is to be treated as a blackguard, their safety is forfeit and comfort rendered irrelevant by their disregard of honour.
Plebeian Tort
1) No plebeian shall be permitted within the walls of the Senate.
2) Matters of justice among plebeian are to be settled by the Senator who is their lord. The Praetor may assist.
3) No plebeian may raise his hand against a patrician, nor hurl insults or make damage upon their property.
4) A patrician cannot be found guilty of a crime committed against a plebeian. However another patrician can challenge the offender to combat and whoever loses owes the other reparations, which may in turn be paid to the plebeian. Refusal to meet the challenge is not punishable but the patrician is thus known as lacking conviction.
5) The Tribune represents the interests of the plebeians on the senate. They are responsible for conversing with the plebeians and arranging matters of the plebeians to be brought before the senate. The Tribune does not vote, but may sit in the Senate. The Tribune is elected from the patricians by a joint vote of all patricians and all plebeians in the capitol on the day of the election. They hold office indefinitely, but may be challenged for election once a month.
6) Plebeians not associated with a particular region are the responsibility of the Tribune. With the Tribune acting as their Senator.
Legal Labels
Unfit for Duty: can not legally hold office, and are considered to hold the same rank as pelebeians in all legal matters
Dishonest: known liar, and in contempt of court
Shunned: known to use slander
Lacking Conviction: not willing to defend their actions
1) What actions result in Dereliction of Duty?
Whatever the accuser believes counts and the Senate agrees with
2) Where lies the Power of the Senate?
The Senate, as a full body, is the God-Emperor of Melhed. If a unanimous decision were to be reached it would carry divine authority, otherwise it is the lesser agreement which must follow the laws of the Republic.