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Walking slowly but steady, Luarin turn to King's Cador Castle to celebrate the creation of Luria Ferrata.
Walking slowly but steady, Luarin turn to King's Cador Castle to celebrate the creation of Luria Ferrata.
== 16th August ==
=== Spring Day -- [[Poryatu]] ===
==== Emyhr le Craint ====
The fourteen year old didn't let her finish, taking an excited step ahead and remembering at the last second to offer the Earl her hand.
"Lord Emyhr, I've heard so much about you from my- from Sir Myr! Milord really is everything he said you are!" she blushed pink "All good things, of course!" she added quickly "But I didn't think you were old enough to have gray hair, milord... Why are you laughing, Lady Tyra?!"
Emyhr laughed at the comment from the young woman, following up with a smile.
"It seems the stress of a lordship has gotten to me earlier than it should of.." Brushing his hand through his hair, Emyhr smirked at the young woman before him. "My SILVER hair is an identifying trait of my family, other members also have such hair, however I have not seen them in a long time so they may have changed that style. I shall keep this hair for as long as I live."
Emyhr took a sip from his drink, calling over a steward to being a drink for Dame Alya.
"It is good to meet kin of  Sir Myr, he is a great man and has supported me in numerous ways. It pleases me to see that you have remained within the hegemony. I am sure you will learn a lot under Lady Tyra, I wonder if it is your assistance that Lady Tyra has worm a dress for the festivities tonight."
Emyhr followed this up with another hearty laugh, winked at the young woman and turned back to Lady Tyra. However, she was busy with Earl Solomon who had joined the group that was forming. Busy with conversation, Emyhr just listened, handing the drink to Dame Alya once the steward had returned.
Emyhr felt that the unease he had faced upon arrival within the hall was washing away. The festivities of the night was in full swing and the joy filled atmosphere was soothing to his heart. Out of the corner of his eve, he caught sight of the arriving guests.
"May I present the Messer and Madonna de Medici!"
"May I announce the Lady Veronica Gardarr of Askileon”
Coming from the entry into the grand hall, Emyhr noticed Sir Alessio de Medici walking hand in hand with his wife who had recently given birth to their new child. Followed shortly the figure Emyhr caught a glimpse off upon his arrival, her saphire blue gown sparkling in the candle light of the hall. Many heads had also turned to watch the young noble enter the building.
==== Solomon Greybrook ====
'''Nobles arriving. Sea Cliff Keep Ball, Dantooine.'''
Tyra bowed back, suddenly realizing she didn't remember how to curtsy, and replied still smiling from Alya's previous comment.
"Of course, Marshal Solomon, I've just arrived from Grodno through Giask... The city is in a poor state, with people at half rations. Unrest is always at the next corner, but, well, until we secure more food producing regions for the south... It'll have to do."
The Countess brought a smirk to Solomon's face. It was evident that there was a nervous excitement in the air. There had not been a chance for a very long time for nobles to express themselves in a way that did not involve the military or politics.
The compliment helped the teen recover from her embarrassment, and she made a beautiful curtsy, offering a thankful look. "Thank you, milord, Earl Greybrook. I picked the colour myself, because otherwise, the colours of my family... don't really fit an occasion like this."
Tyra intervened: "Oh, yes, Marshal Solomon, if I may, please, this is a ward of my House, Dame Alya."
Now with knowledge of her name, Solomon felt more at ease as he responded:
"Dame Alya, it is a pleasure for you to be attending. Tell me, if you don't mind indulging me, what does the future hold for a promising beautiful lady such as yourself? Do you aim to get involved in politics? Do you have the same passion for defending Luria as the fellow nobles that you stand with? Or, arguably the better option, to stay out of it all and enjoy what the world has to offer us?"
This ended up with Solomon relaxing more so. Being able to talk causally with other nobles was a much needed relief - as well as making the casual joke.
Turning back to Lady Tyra, while the young ward thought of a responce:
"I think that is enough of the compulsory political conversation between us. What are your plans tonight? Is this a mainly formal occasion? Seeing family? Or perhaps taking the opportunity to dance and listen to the best bards I could find in Earth Hall and Giask?"
While Solomon did not want to boast, it did take a lot of time to find the bards whom could multitask as well as those whom are playing now. The lead bard, whose name alluded Solomon, held a terrific, almost angelic voice that could change the tone and atmosphere within her own whim. She was also a adept violinist as well, which complemented the background music that was to be played until the Ball went into full swing.
Engaging with all three companions of their little group, Solomon finally turned to his friend.
"Emyhr. My friend. How have you recovered from a few days ago? I know that we started behind the keep and got involved with the wine cellar some how. But, in our travels, I did find a fantastic drink that you must try.  Perhaps you would accompany me to open it perhaps a bit later. I would also want your opinion on something I have been..."
Solomon didn't finish his sentence as the heralds announced Messer and Madonna de Medici as well as Lady Veronica Gardarr. Making a mental note to engage with both sets of nobles, he opened up the small group of nobles he was part of to allow space for them to join the conversation as they awaited for them to notice the group.

Revision as of 09:35, 16 August 2018

1st August

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Bennet Selemnir

Bennet walked through the doors of the Suzerain's palace. Several knights passed by on their way out. He did not know their faces. They all bowed in deference, which was appropriate.

He crossed the hall, as silence descended. The tension in the air was as palpable as it was unnecessary. He looked at his boots, and at the trail begind him. So much mud. He should have checked that. An embarrassment to be apologized for later. But the front was muddy, and at least it was not blood.

Suzerain Emperor Nicholas sat the throne. He crossed slowly, the man was being whispered to by an attendant, and had not noticed him. He noted the man looked a little tired. Not an unfamiliar look, his duties had drawn him to the here and there for months, and the weight of the crown could not be easy. It suited him though. In a way Bennet did not anticipate. He hid his smile, as he always did.

A hush fell over the court. Bennet was aware his lack of declaration for one party or another in the upheavals had made him popular to some, and less so to others.

He made eye contact with his friend. There were few he considered that, but this was one. They both knew that; whatever else.

The gaze lingered. The breath in the hall was held. Bennet put his hand on his sword.

A gasp from the attendants.

He paused.... and laid it on his knee as he knelt.

Winter Evening -- Poryatu

Veronica Gardarr

She knew is, he had known she couldn’t get up and he had made it quite clear with his words. It seemed to Emperor like to add subtle nuisances to his droning speeches.

She was still glaring at him when a hush fell over the Court. She could hear footsteps approaching from behind, but she locked her gaze on the Emperor. His eyes shifted momentarily towards someone behind her and then back to her.

Veronica smiled slyly.

A Noble had come beside her and knelt in front of the Emperor, he had withdrawn his sword and even though it caused a hush in the court the Emperor didn’t seem concerned. The new arrival had placed the sword on his knee as he awaited a response from the Emperor.

“You Majesty is of course right in some sense, most of us has to stand on our own two feet, but even an Emperor can’t stand alone all the time, and a Lady like myself even less without support of good friends and allies”.

Veronica tugged at her dress until she could get some sort of traction and reaching out she placed her hand on the shoulder of the noble kneeling beside her. Using him for leverage she pushed herself up still glaring at the Empire, she then focused on the kneeling Noble and looking down upon him smiled and gave a small nod of thanks.

Looking back at the Emperor she said, “I enjoyed our chat you’re Majesty, until we meet again” she still held his gaze as she made a small curtsy before she whirled around and headed to the exit of the Imperial Palace.

Let him stew on that she thought to herself as she headed home.

Sturm Attano

Better late than never Sturm thought to himself as he approached the throne room. He wore a deep purple tunic, a black fur coat and grey fur trimmed boots and gloves. It was just his luck to be stuck in a hole long enough to miss the coronation of an Emperor. At this rate he’d wake up to find Luria split in two.

He noted the crowd was thinning. “Fashionably late, I hope.” He muttered into his moustache as he entered the throne room. He stopped to the back of the room, awaiting the conclusion of Lord Selemnir’s audience.

He absentmindedly rubbed his wrists, still sore from the chains the beasts had used.

Nicholas Archival

Nicholas inclined his head in response to Veronica. She will do fine, he decided. There was more strength to her than the first letters and introductions had suggested, though it needed to be drawn out of her. But there was little time to muse on it, for Bennet had knelt to offer his sword.

In response, he rose to his feet and strode across to meet him. The meaning and importance of the gesture was not lost upon him, and he would dignify it as Bennet was due.

"Marshal Bennet Selemnir, Margrave of Askileon Purlieus," he announced, so that there could be no mistake. "I accept your sword and your service; for so long as I am emperor, your rights and rank shall be championed and defended. You are among Luria's very finest and let all hear this and know it to be true. All the Throne asks of you is that you continue your proud commitment to the realm and to leading those under your command; we can demand no more."

With that, he reached down to rest one hand upon the flat of Bennet's blade, a small and brief physical gesture of acceptance. Then, the imperious tone of the emperor shifted and he flashed a smile, while his hand shifted to be offered to the Marshal.

"Stand, Bennet. The hospitality of the Imperial Palace is yours."

2nd August

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Veronica Gardarr

Askileon Purlieus


Veronica knew her temper caused her more problems than she needed in her life. Oh that smug Emperor, sitting on his high and mighty thrown … he did have a nice roguish look to him though … no Veronica shook her head, she was still furious at him.

Yes, and she would show him. Except now she found herself in the “Wilderness” , she was riding a lovely white mare she had named Cloud, the only problem was she hurt all over, her legs hurt her arms hurt her entire body hurt even her nether regions.

Previous Day

Veronica was in a foul mood as she stepped out of the Carriage as it arrived at Chateau Pinean, her day had court had been a Nightmare. The Emperors not so subtle hints infuriated her. She would show him, she was a strong independent woman.

Snapping at one of the guards she said “Get me Captain Mikael, tell him to meet me in the study!” The guard gave her a quick salute and jogged of to find the Captain.

“Don’t do anything hasty child”, Tess called after her while still getting out of the carriage. “Veronica? Are you listening to me?”

Tess found Veronica pacing in the study. “There you are child, stop sulking” Veronica glared at Tess “He thinks me weak Tess, and he all but came out and said so in front of everyone at court. Oh but I will show him, the pompous, loud mouth silly peach wearing Emperor.” She kept pacing and took out her frustration on a waste basket, with one swift kick she send it flying and then the pain shot up her leg.

So that’s how Captain Mikael came to find the Lady Veronica jumping on one foot and uttering the most foul language that would even make a sailor blush.

“Veronica!” Tess shouted, “That’s no way for a lady to talk”

Veronica hobbled to a chair and dropped into it, massaging her foot. She looked up at Mikael. “Captain, ready the men we are going on a trip”

Mikael frowned as he looked at her “A trip Milady?”

“Yes a trip, we will head to this Askileon Purlieu so I can see these Monsters for myself.”

Mikael breathed a sign of relieve “Alas Milady, latest report shows no monster activity in Askileon Purlieu, so there is no need for you to make a trip, it would be but a waste of your time”

Veronica tilted her head as she thought “Oh, well then, we will just have to go looking somewhere else then until we find some. But we are going Captain. I will need a horse of course and provisions and something comfortable to wear”

“Veronica dear, don’t be silly. The Wilds is not place for a Lady of the Court …” That was a mistake, and Tess realized it too late. “Court? Who’s Court? That Snobby Emperor … I’ll show him.”

“No more talking I am in charge here and I decide what we do. Captain we leave at dawn”

Tess just watched as Veronica left the study “Captain, thoughts?” she asked Mikael.

Looking at Tess he said “The safest place for the Lady Veronica would be Ciarin Tut, the road from Askileon through Askileon Purlieu towards Ciarin Tut has been cleared of any monsters as per previous scout reports. It is also the gathering ground for the armies of the Moon Court. It would be an uneventful trip and once we arrive, any local threats should have been taken care of.”

“Very well Captain, you know your duty and it seems you where right about getting her acclimated to the situation in Dwilight. This should be a good starting point. But at any sign of trouble her safety comes first, understood?”

“Understood Milady”

“We better get the Child a Horse … a fast one if you can manage.”

Mikael gave her a quick nod and went to make arrangements.


Askileon Purlieu, she hated this foul place. She shifted her weight around in the saddle, it didn’t help. A cold wind started blowing from the ocean, she sighed as she hugged her hooded cloak closer to her. The Light leather padded armour she wore kept most of the cold out but she still felt a chill. It was getting late and dark and she was hungry.

“HOLD! WE MAKE CAMP!” Captain Mikael bellowed out as the men on March went about their routine of setting up the camp.

Veronica was so relieved she could almost cry. Captain Miakel had dismounted and walking over to her he waited as she swung her leg over the saddle, gently he lowered her from the horse.

She thought she would die.

Myr Arnickles Renodin

Anxious keel of the cog swiftly cut through the brine and the teak wood went grey from the water and salt, so did Myr from the sway as in force jerked the line - plucky botswain who smelled of a treacle and malt. With a wave crashing down on the boat's fearful board came a familiar urge prompting bile out the mouth, on the shaky legs knight mumbled recondite word and his muscles gave in when his senses went out. And the last was the thought, perhaps terse but of weight - would Sir Waldred succeed in the mission he serves? Will the secret find rest in a friendly estate, see the treasure secured and the future preserved?

Weary of dodging monsters on the routes of Grodno, seasoned warrior of respectable age cleaned his chainmail of dust with three mighty slaps, as he approached the Sandstone Gate. Heavy knocks resonated through the walls as he punched the gate.

"Waldred of Askileon, former captain of the Redmanes, in service of Sir Myr Arnickles Renodin to Her Ladyship, Countess Tyra Andrasta Bluelake. I do not seek audience, I merely ask for a small amount of Countess' time. I shall await here."

3rd August

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Veronica Gardarr

Ciarin Tut

It was a cold winter morning that greeted the troops of House Gardarr as they approached the mustering grounds in Ciarin Tut. The locals came out and stared at the marching men, some in celebration others with skeptic looks on their faces.

Veronica didn’t notice, her hood was pulled up and her head bowed, she was in a daze. Her red hair was slick with sweat and clinging to her face, the occasional cough escaping from her hooded cowl.

Mikael kept glancing to her as her horse kept pace with his. He was worried, they had not made arrangements for a healer to accompany them on this trip, it didn’t seem necessary at the time, but that decision now came back to haunt him.

Mikael noticed his scout galloping closer, pulling his horse up him gave a quick salute “Captain, orders and dispatches from command” he gave Mikael a sealed pouch. “I have also been informed of our camp site, it not too far”

Mikeal glanced at Veronica again, her head was still down and she was swaying lightly in her saddle.

“Lead the way then”

Mikeal spurred his horse and the men silently marched on. The Scout led them through the amassed men and banners at the mustering grounds. Mikael didn’t have to time to look closely, but the camps where set up in an orderly fashion, each displaying banners indicating the Lord or Lady in command.

“Captain, from what I am to understand the army’s of Luria Nova are split in the camps, our camp ground is with the Emperors Will division. Ah here we are now it’s just up ahead” the scout told him.

“Take ten men and get the Lady Gardarr’s tent up fast” he told him. The scout gave a quick salute and spurring his horse forward he motioned some men to follow him; they broke off in a jog and followed after.

The men where efficient when it came to setting camp, by the time Mikael arrived with Veronica, her tent and the command tent had both been set up. The men spit and started their duties, a latrine area being dug, cooking fires set up, sentry duties assigned and so on. Mikael let them to it; he had more pressing matters to concern him.

Dismounting he led Veronica’s Horse closer to her tent. She had not made a lot of sound except the occasional cough, handing the reins to a guard at the tent; he slowly reached up and carefully pulled her out of the saddle, gently cradling her in his arms he carried her in and laid her on her cot covering her with some blankets.

Stepping out of tent he motioned to one of her guards. “I want you to discreetly ask around for a healer and escort them here, tell them they will be greatly rewarded.”

The guard nodded and set off, Mikael went back into the tent pulled up a chair and waited.

Kiran Mir-Ashtan

Cairin Tut

Winter was tough as always, most crops wouldn't grow which led to the depletion of the Autumn crops that were stored away. To Kiran however, the low temperature was not such an issue his families background burying deep within their own mercenary force of course lent to outside work.

Unlike most of the fellow Lurian Nobility whom preferred to follow through with constant "freedom celebrations" morning and night. Kiran had the preference towards civil work, sure in some nobles view it was not the way for a proper noble to behave and Kiran's response to any such comment would be that he did not give a damnation about their opinion of the matter.

Kiran was more than happy to get his hands dirty alongside his retinue. After all he had always been involved in such activity before his families ascension during these times of chaos, he believed it smarter to keep his retinue and himself fighting fit rather than throwing drinks around and risking your retinue not being in fighting shape. Furthermore, himself and his troops could see to making repairs to fences, mills and the like allowing them to better understand the lay of the land. His healers could keep their skills in shape by treating and aiding the locals and his scouts they would do their normal duties, of course keeping their forces alert for beasts.

His men had suffered casualties but with their healers they had not lost a single soldier that had survived the battle with wounds and his scouts had kept their luck and no scout had gone missing.

Winter Evening -- Poryatu

Andrasta Bluelake

As Waldred waited for reply at the manor's entrance, the desert garden behind him with full view of the Palm Sea, he heard a commotion, and a messenger arrived. The man pulled a rope to the right of the gate and a melodious set of bells rang. A guard's head immediately popped out from a window on the guardhouse to the left. "What do you need?"

"I was sent for Duncan, her ladyship was wounded and is being take to the Fox Hall for treatment."

The soldier nodded and disappeared inside. The messenger considered his duty fulfilled and left. A few minutes later, the guard's head resurfaced.

"You're not with him? What did you want?"

Waldred sighed and repeated.

"Waldred of Askileon, former captain of the Redmanes, in service of Sir Myr Arnickles Renodin to Her Ladyship, Countess Tyra Andrasta Bluelake. I do not seek audience, I merely ask for a small amount of Countess' time. I shall await here."

"Well, you heard the man, she's out for Tor knows how long. I'll tell Duncan. Wait here."

Waldred held himself from fidgeting from frustration and waited with the dignity his master commanded. Soon an older man opened the door, grey haired with a kind demeanour that showed some concern, and was followed by a teenage lad and a younger girl, carrying large knapsacks. He looked at Waldred, measuring him and motioned them on. "Go on, take this to her healers, I'll be right along."

As the children left, the man offered his hand to the captain. "A pleasure to meet you, Waldred. My lady Tyra mentions your master quite often." He decided to keep to himself what exactly those mentions consisted of. "I'm Duncan, her... steward. Used to be her tutor. Can I help you, or do you need to see her personally? I can offer you lodgings within the estate if you wish to wait for her recovery. She's a hardy one, shouldn't take more than a day." star [reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails] [character details] | [give medal: Trust medal Roleplaying medal Fun medal] | [vulgarity]

One day later

She had been inside for the whole day and was going crazy. Duncan finally finished updating her on the region statistics and praising the good work of the Suzerain Emperor in production and morale, to which she couldn't help smiling. He also told her only 19 of her 84 men were left, 9 still being treated at the Fox Hall, which made her just want to leave and see them. Or train the 10 that were fit. Drink to get that damn pain out of the way. Her shoulder had been dislocated and it had taken them three attempts to get it back into place, now it was still very sore. To add to that, she had to stay inside and go see an envoy. At least it was someone coming from Myr. Maybe he had already found a new type of monster and was sending her their heads? Whatever it was, she was sure she would be able to find a way to tease him about it later. That lifted her up a little, as she walked into the hall where Waldred was waiting for her.

4th August

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Myr Arnickles Renodin

Waldred thanked the steward for his offer and pointed that he will need another bed for his companion, waving for a lady in her early teenage years to come over from the doorway.

"Good day Sir!" - said the young lady, confidently striding forward - "I am Alya..."

"Alya here is my travelling companion and a great help with the letters. I've never had time or use to learn." - Waldred cut her off - "Would you be so kind to show us to our lodgings? The travel was exhausting."

A day later

Waldred awaited Countess in the hall since before dawn. Not wavering in his duty. When Lady Tyra finally arrived, he stood straight and bowed his head soldierly.

"My Lady" - he waited for permission to continue and seeing the glint of it in Tyra's eyes he did - "I served Sir Myr for nearly three years as his captain. Now I am a man of singular duty - one of a guard and protector. I came here to deliver this letter, for Your Ladyship's eyes only." - he slid out the piece of folded and sealed parchment, that was tucked underneath his breastplate.

But the letter was too enigmatic to immediately understand what was it that it spoke of.

That very moment a young lady entered the hall. Yawning, she glanced over Tyra and said to Waldred:

"Waldred, would you stop courting the wounded soldier lady already? I want to practice fencing..." - her stomach rumbled - "... oh, but I need some food first. Excuse me, miss warrior, would you bring me some bread and cheese?"

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

Tyra looked at the soldier warmly as he greeted her, bowed and offered her Myr's letter. She remembered him leading the Redmanes to battle and she always had fondness for those she had shared the battlefield with. As the countess read the letter, she started feeling like Myr's gift went as far away from monster heads as possible. For starters, it wasn't a gift. It was a request and a responsibility, linked to a name she couldn't refuse. She shook her head of wild strawberry hair, wondering what could it possibly be, but before she could open her mouth, a young teenage girl entered the hall, like she owned the world. Yawning, she glanced over Tyra and said to Waldred:

"Waldred, would you stop courting the wounded soldier lady already? I want to practice fencing..." - her stomach rumbled - "... oh, but I need some food first. Excuse me, miss warrior, would you bring me some bread and cheese?"

Tyra wanted to bend over laughing but didn't dare to. She remembered all too well being laughed at by adults when she had been dead serious. "Well, Miss Little Lady, you shouldn't fence with a full stomach. Let's go outside and fence first, then Miss Warrior can call for lunch." She saw one of the servants outside run to the kitchen with the new plans. And yes, she was going outside to fence! Life was getting better.

"As for Waldred here, he wasn't courting me..." Tyra looked appreciatively at the man "... though if he did..." She smiled with intent, Waldred actually blushed!, she grinned and continued, as they exited through the door. "Tell me, Miss Little Lady, do you have a name?"

Of course the enigmatic letter was now miles away from the Countess' mind.

5th August

Winter Day -- Dantooine

Veronica Gardarr

It had been a tension filled few days for Mikael, he was pacing outside Veronica's tent waiting on a report from the healer they had acquired from the Camp of Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Knight of Poryatu. The healer had approached his Lord with the request and the Knight had immediately ordered the healer to take on the care of the Lady Gardarr.

Mikael kept pacing, the guards eyes following him, they gave him a wide berth. He came to a stop at the rustle of the tent flap; the healer ducked out caught his eye and approached him.

“She is over the worst of it, the fever broke last night” Mikael drew a sigh of relieve. “She will need to stay in bed for a few more days at least, but I will still make my rounds until I am sure there is no chance for a relapse.”

Mikael clasped the healers shoulder gave it a slight squeeze and stepped past him into the tent.

The healer watched the Captain step into the tent, picking up his supplies he headed back to his Camp to report to his Lord.

Matthew Coffey

Another volley of arrows passed overhead. The scant group of slavering creatures fell, peppered liberally by Luria's finest. The disappointment from the young men and women that Matthew had hired in Askileon was almost palpable. True Lurians to the core, ready to show their worth at the tip of steel and fang. It was safe to say that the rotund King did not share their enthusiasm, but he didn't show it openly. Once the 'battle' was up, the troops dragged their feet back to the royal encampment. This was their lot in Ciarin Tut, and no amount of merrymaking with the locals was going to satisfy the gloryhounds among them.

It had been two days since he had arrived, and the army assembled in the region was formidable indeed. With half a thousand warriors at their backs, and over a dozen noble families, it began to occur to Matthew that this was only a sliver of their forces. He hadn't been on the field for four years, and forgot that since then, Luria had grown considerably in its strength. Before he had arrived, this would have perhaps been all of Luria's forces assembled. Now it was less than half of that. The thought still frightened him of the civil war that could have been.

"Captain Dietrich," the King broke his silent pondering abruptly, something that his new captain was still getting used to, "I leave for the Imperial Marshals camp. The guard is in your charge until I return." A dismissive wave had the captain depart his presence. Now alone, surveying the assembled banners arrayed outside the remains of Countess Kaguyas home, Matthew chartered his course. He didn't walk with much purpose, instead taking a convoluted path through the camps present, eyeing up the various soldiers and nobles he could catch a glimpse of. Nor was he unsociable about it, should any of the assembled aristocracy wish to stop and converse with him. His dawdling probably made him look out of place; an aimless meandering bureaucrat among hardened, scar-bitten warriors. It didn't bother him particularly, and he seemed quite content on his stroll from the perspective of a onlooker.

Kiran Mir-Ashtan

It had come to Kiran's surprise that one of his retinues healers had approached him regarding runner from another noble's forces had come in search of a healer to treat their Dame. Kiran had at least thought that a retinue commander would neglect bringing a healer along with their forces.

Of course, Kiran would oblige the healers request after all he had left them to their own devises with treating the wounded in the area while they were in the process of reclaiming the region since the beasts had pushed out the resident Lurian Forces that kept it out of criminal hands.

Kiran mused on the small comments made to him by the healer but he did not intend to pry into others medical issues all to much if it was not an incident of plague or the like.

7th August

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Solomon Greybrook

Dear Lady Emily,

Speaking on behalf of Earl of Dantooine, Marshal of Luria's Wrath, his household would invite you to Dantooine to coordinate with us on organising and promotion of the Sea Cliff Keep Ball. Your talents have been acclaimed and suggested by the Grand Panetier - a noble whose opinion's my liege respects and values greatly.

If you are interested, please liaise with me, the Earl's chief scribe.


Scribe Harvard. Written on behalf of House Greybrook. House Patriarch

Emyhr le Craint

Sat by the fire, Emyhr was fully immersed into a pile of papers. On many of those, the mark of the earldom of Nid Tek was prevalent. The further Emyhr flipped, the further his faced drop. By the final paper, his face was lost of emotion and feeling, barely keeping himself awake. Shaking himself awake every few minutes returning back to the the papers filling out large segments before falling back into a dozy state.

"Here, I've brought you a drink. Gods know you need it at this point."

Turning around, Gustaf stood behind Emyhr holding two mugs of what can be seen as ale. Emyhr took one of the cups and began to drink, not stopping until he reached the bottom.

"Thanks for that, it seems the work continues to pile up, especially since I am away from the earldom. Hopefully, I will get used to this. I received word that Alfred and the housing staff have now reached the new estate. Additionally, it seems Alfred has put the young woman that I mentioned to work in the kitchen, seems she has an aptitude to cooking, we shall have to test this once we return."

Mid conversation, a messenger came over handing yet another stack of papers. Reading through the first few papers, Emyhr's heart sank and his face dropped once again.

"Remind me once we return I need to hold court. It seems paper after paper is a complaint or a request. Not that I cant understand, a lot of people suffered when the beast came, many have lost their homes. Ive placed some responsibility with Alfred, he has the knowledge that will help the locals so hopefully that will help."

Before long, the sound of the returning soldiers lightened the mood. Previously, Emyhr had sent the men our to interact and celebrate with the locals. Many of whom had lost faith with the Lurian Empire, however the sounds that had come from the local village showed that the locals were feeling better about the hosts. This put a smile on Emyhr's face, he proceeded to put down the papers.

"Come Gustaf, let us join the others. I have done the days work, it is time we join the men and enjoy ourselves. Bring the extra keg, let us make some friends."

Winter Evening -- Poryatown

Turin Erickson

The banquet hall in Askileon sat ready to receive guests. Turin peered into the atrium, many nobles were gathered already, but he did not yet spot any knights or lords. None the less, clad in brilliant red robes he made his entrance with the maid Illyria at his right hand.

Aylwin Gottfried

"My Lord, apparently priest Turin has rented a small banquet hall in your City and invited all nobles. He did so without your permission, should I do anything about it?" Said Chancellor Corban.

"Let him hold his little feast" answered Aylwin, "Most of the nobles are busy with important tasks for the betterment of the realm to be attending banquets at this time, once we have reclaimed our regions I will hold a ball to celebrate that will be quite the spectacle in itself. For now, let us focus at organizing the reconciliation of Ciarin Tut back into Moon Hall." With these words Aylwin moved his attention to the numerous papers that lay on the wooden table in front of him, many of which were for new buildings, recruitment centers and a few bids for the statue depicting Emperor Aldrakar in his youth.

Myr Arnickles Renodin

Young lady supressed a smirk at Waldred blushing. She could not recall his skin colour change ever before. One of those "seasoned warrior" qualities that she found both reassuring and exruciatingly boring.

The warrior lady said: "Tell me, Miss Little Lady, do you have a name?"

"Why of course I do! Why wouldn't I have one?!" - she put a cloak on to protect herself from the morning chill and went straight for the doorway she assumed lead to the courtyard. On her way there she unsheathed her spada da lato and swung it in air several times narrowly missing decorative tureens, plant-pots and armour stands. "I must warn you, I once bested Sir Myr Renodin with my fencing. Easily! Not even breaking a sweat!" - upon expressing her less than truthful gasconade, she walked straight through the doorway in what her not even fifteen year old mind imagined to be a 'confident gait'.

8th August

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Bellatrix Peregrine

The harbour of Askileon was crawling with all sorts of sailing vessels despite the torrential cold rain, habitual here in this time of the year. A small cog, bearing Westgard colours on its sails, manoeuvred almost unnoticed between the huge galleons and barques making their way to and from the docks. As sailors scurried along its deck, preparing for mooring after a long and arduous voyage, a lonesome figure remained completely motionless on the prow. A young woman peered intently into the distance, her gaze not one of wonder and excitement but one of reminiscence and grim resolve.

A parting word with the captain and the woman left the cog getting across the wooden planks in several nimble and perfectly coordinated strides. Two dozen ragged men followed her, all looking like tough war veterans armed with thin pointy blades and huge crossbows, designed to kill grizzly bears it seemed.

The arrived were met on the peer by a small procession of several noble men and women and half a dozen household guards wearing tabards marked with insignias of swooping black falcons on a sky blue field. Her family. They were at the same time visibly happy to see her but also livid at the changes that occurred during her self-imposed exile. A comely coquette who left this very harbour years ago was no more. In her stead a gaunt and lean woman stood before her kin, her body athletic instead of voluptuous, her gaze calculating and intense instead of seducing, her mouth prone to curling in a crooked smile betraying a cruel streak.

But in her heart it was still her, the same little Bella. And tears were shed from her turbid dark eyes as she embraced her mother and then father and siblings. After all these years finally she was home.

Winter Evening -- Poryatu

Donald Augustus Allan

Donald in Askileon

Donald had never been to a religious council before, not that any had convened in many, many years.

The uncertainty of the whole event had captured his attention. What could he even expect? What did this Northern Priest have in-store? Goodness, even the matter of tonight’s attire had troubled him. Did adorn himself with the Marshal’s decorated gambeson or the quilted doublet? Well, it hadn’t been that difficult a choice. Obviously he had picked doublet, far more suited to a social occasion whereas the gambeson would be a finer choice for matters of state. But regardless, an air of uncertainty hung about the meeting.

He handed the reigns of his horse off to the stable keeper and stepped in to the warm air of the atrium where many noblemen and noble ladies had gathered. Donald couldn’t have named any of them though, all far too minor.

He spotted the Priest in question, Turin Erickson. He wore the traditional priestly garment of the Northern Church. Donald had read more and more about Erickson in his studies

Aldrakar didn’t just invite any old Priest to Luria Nova, but a damned former King he pondered He’s a veritable relic himself.

The Knight wasn’t about to greet him just yet. After all, he had denounced his bid for the throne some while back and there was a good chance he might pull something similar. But right now there was no reason to cause a conflict.

So he remained stood in the Atrium and gazed about the awaiting noblemen hoping to spot a friendly face, or some wine. Either would do.

Emyhr le Craint

Arrival in Askileon

Emyhr arrived at the gates of Askileon, he was alone having left his captain to attend to the rest of the recovery of Cairn Tut. Riding on his black stallion to those who were less informed he would have looked rather like a demon. Since his last visit, the new set of armor that he had ordered had arrived. His previously shining steel chest piece and adorning pieces had now been replaced with a dark black armor adorned with gold inlaid into the joints and edges. A single golden lion now gracefully centered on his chest piece. Coupled with dark grey gambeson and padded leggings, Emyhr now gave off a daunting aura.

Strolling through the main centre of town, the crowds had gathered around a particular building. Curious, he approached the group to see what was occurring. As he arrived, he noticed Sir Donald Augustus had also arrived. Donald seemed more determined and organised about the matter, hoping to shed some light onto what was happening he approached.

"Sir Donald, apologies for coming unannounced, would you mind explaining whats happening hear? It seems matters of my earldom and the recapture of Cairn Tut have left me unaware of any gatherings. I came to Askileon to oversee a delivery of new farming equipment to Nid Tek and found myself following the crowds."

Looking around, he spotted many minor nobles and other important figure. One man stood at the helm of it all, someone who Emyhr had not met before but could understand he was a priest due to the vestments that he was wearing and the symbols that adorned him.

9th August

Winter Day -- Poryatu

Turin Erickson

Upon Turin's entrance several nobles, mostly women swarmed towards him and Illyria. The women were drawn to her in particular. May commented on her flowing white robe and the silver chevron that adorned her necklace. A few asked Turin for blessings. Turin was sure to act as a gracious host, dispensing blessings, offering wine, but all the while he peered past these guests to the doorway. He spotted two figures of greater rank, a knight in a doublet and the other perhaps a lord, given the exquisite black and gold armor. He wished to sense their auras but the other guests wandering to and fro created a blur. On another night Turin might have bided his time, asked a servant to learn their names, tried not to show interest, but the Maddening was bright once again.

Without even excusing himself Turin strode across the atrium to his new guests, eyes locked on them as if he could see nothing else in the world. Illyria was left to entertain the lower gentry, a task she was more than up to the challenge of. She spoken in a soft deep voice and had the uncanny ability to answer so many questions to communicate so much depth of thought and emotion and yet use barely more than a few words at a time.

Turin wove between guests and servants as he crossed the room towards the doorway. The knight in particular seemed most unprepared to be singled out so suddenly. Turin's haggard face, worn with the lines of care earned from wars and calamities across all of Dwight made for an intimidating sight. He wore his snow white beard cropped to just a few inches leaving him still looking like the old general he once was rather than a man of the cloth. His most perplexing feature was a divot in the center of his forehead roughly the size of a coin. It looked as if he'd lost a small piece of his skull. Many found it difficult not to stare at this defect.

"Well met and hail fellow highborn. May the Bloodstars shine upon our meeting," He announced, "I am Justicar Turin Erickson of the Holy Church of Sanguis Astroism, herald of the second prophet Severina. Forgive me but I do not know your names, or else I know your names but not your faces. Would you do me the honor of introducing yourselves?"

Donald Augustus Allan

"Sir Donald, apologies for coming unannounced, would you mind explaining whats happening hear? It seems matters of my earldom and the recapture of Cairn Tut have left me unaware of any gatherings. I came to Askileon to oversee a delivery of new farming equipment to Nid Tek and found myself following the crowds."

Earl Emyhr la Craint, formerly Sir Emyhr arrived rather suddenly and unexpectedly looking quite puzzled. Donald was a bit dumbfounded.

“Following the crowds?” he said, his voice sounded as confused as Emyhr looked “My Lord, have you not heard? The Priest, Turin Erickson, is holding a kind of religious forum not seen in Luria since… well, I’m not sure exactly”

He shook his head in disbelief, “You’re a Lord now, you ought to be keeping up with these things”

As if to further Donald’s surprise the red robed Priest of the Bloodstars left his solitary spot and appeared, quite suddenly, next to the two young noblemen. His bright red attire made him quite the beacon in the gathered crowd.

"Well met and hail fellow highborn. May the Bloodstars shine upon our meeting," He announced, "I am Justicar Turin Erickson of the Holy Church of Sanguis Astroism, herald of the second prophet Severina. Forgive me but I do not know your names, or else I know your names but not your faces. Would you do me the honor of introducing yourselves?"

Donald realising that he still looked quite surprised, regained his composure and turned to face the Priest. While not exactly of the right religion he tried to at least feign some sort of respect and greeted Turin in the proper manner.

“You’re eminence, I am Donald Augustus of the House Allan, Marshal of Sun Hall and at present, a Knight of Shinnen” he then gestured towards Lord Emyhr, “And this gentlemen is Sir Emyhr la Craint, Earl of Nid Tek and Vice-Marshal of the recently renamed army, Luria’s Wrath"

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

In Grodno, days ago

Tyra smiled and started to follow the girl outside, asking for Waldred's sword on her way out. The man was a bit dismayed and walked after her swiftly. "Milady, but don't you have any questions? Am I supposed to drop her off without you knowing even her name?"

"What? Oh!" The countess stopped dead on her tracks. "That's what Sir Myr meant... He's giving her to me? Is that the gift that had an uncanny resemblance to a monster head?" Tyra started laughing. "So maybe he does have a sense of humour!"

Turning to the teenager, she fell into an easy fighting stance. "You two can tell me all about you over lunch, Little Lady. Right now, you have to try and touch my wounded shoulder with your sword, and I, yours. I'll fight with my left hand..."

Winter Evening -- Poryatu

Emyhr le Craint

“Following the crowds?” he said, his voice sounded as confused as Emyhr looked “My Lord, have you not heard? The Priest, Turin Erickson, is holding a kind of religious forum not seen in Luria since… well, I’m not sure exactly”

He shook his head in disbelief, “You’re a Lord now, you ought to be keeping up with these things”

Emyhr chuckled at this remark by Sir Donald. "It is a tough job being a lord, I suppose I should take my head out of paperwork and look around at the surroundings every once and a while." Emyhr turned and looked around at the crowd, "I had heard mentions of this priest Turin Erickson, I have not had any dealings with him however it would pique my interest to talk with hi.."

Before Emyhr could finish his sentence another voice came out from just behind him.

"Well met and hail fellow highborn. May the Bloodstars shine upon our meeting," He announced, "I am Justicar Turin Erickson of the Holy Church of Sanguis Astroism, herald of the second prophet Severina. Forgive me but I do not know your names, or else I know your names but not your faces. Would you do me the honor of introducing yourselves?"

Emyhr took a moment looking the priest up and down, admiring his clothing and his formal attire. Just as he was about to introduce himself, Sir Donald beat him to it.

"Your Eminence, as Sir Donald Says I am Sir Emyhr le Craint, Earl of Nid Tek. However, I am new to this position so I am just getting myself adjusted. Please excuse my ignorance, I seem to have missed the letter about this event however if you do not mind I would like to stay and listen in. I am not a man of faith however I have found faith to be interesting, hearing what you say about the bloodstars would be fascinating to listen to. "

Looking himself up and down, while also admiring the attire of both the men he turned to the priest once again.

"I must apologize for my appearance, I have just come from the recapture of Cairn Tut and facing monsters of the battlefield, I have become accustomed to constantly wearing my armor even in places of safety. I wish to ask you a question that was posed to me recently, what affect do the bloodstars have on our lives? Do they create the fate of man or is the actions we take a result of our own achievements?"

Turing once again to Sir Donald, he smiled at the wondrous figure.

"I hope you do not mind if I join you while listening on to this speech? The company would be nice. It has been a while since we have been in the same place as each other."

Turin Erickson

"It is a pleasure to meet you both. Sir Donald I am glad you made it. I was hoping there'd be at least one member of the Ecclesiastic Congregation here, when the banquet begins proper I hope you can speak a bit on the subject."

"Lord Emyrh your armor does not offend in the least. It reminds me of my days of fighting monster hordes, although back then we were battling in the West yet sadly it is now the East that is besieged. To answer your question the Blood Stars effect aspects of the human spirit. as the charter says we believe that the Maddening Star influences our raw emotions and impulses that the Auspicious Star influences our reason and capacity for logical thought and that the Austere Star influences our soul and capacity for serenity. There is a complex interplay between them. It has never been believed that the Blood Stars control us like marionettes forcing our every move towards some predetermined conclusion, however they do have an impact on our fate because they influence our character. A person in balance with the Blood Stars will find they achieve more favorable ends then one who is in discord with them. Also there are the prophecies which I have interpreted to be a sort of recurring cycle, they are like the seasons of the year. A balanced person who studies the prophecies will be as a wise lord who knows to send his serfs to plant in Spring, tend through Summer, reap in Autumn and how much grain must be stored for Winter. An unbalanced person ignorant of the prophecies will be as a foolish lord who lets his peasants do as they will, planting and reaping whenever they please and storing nothing for Winter. The wise lord and his peasants will naturally meet a better fate than the foolish, but the foolish lord would be all the more foolish if he tried to claim that the ruin of his lands was an inescapable fate the seasons cursed him with."

10th August

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Solomon Greybrook

Preparing the Ball - The Sea Cliff Ball

Riding ahead from Lupa Lapu, Solomon arrived in Dantooine to personally oversee the preparations for the Sea Cliff Keep Ball. The Keep was finally built and furnished - for which Solomon was stunned. He could see numerous members of the local lower aristocracy filtering through the servants and workers for the Greybrook household that were ensuring that the venue was prepared - a day early.

While the Ball was to occur on Monday, it was clear that nobles could arrive from far and wide - at any time. He invited them as such from a few days before. He knew that Earl Emyhr could arrive relatively soon. He was eager to have a drink with his Vice-Marshal once again. Perhaps with Dantooine wine rather than the local ale they had found in Askileon.

Donning his political formal attire, Solomon ventured into the Keep. Upon arriving, he saw a lavish red carpet that transverse the main passageways of which guests would arrive. Inside, there was lamps and candles despite the plentiful amount of light that flooded the entrance and displayed the truly unique qualities of the grey stone as it shimmered. He had ensured that Harvard was on duty to ensure that nobles whom arrived were greeted properly and announced as they pleased. With the Emperor in particular potentially arriving, everything needed to be ready. Ignoring the staircase, which descended into his living quarters, he turned into the court room.

When Solomon had commissioned this project, he ensured that the court area was multi-functional. Hence, the room held high ceilings and was two tiered. He had ensured that there was two banners draped on either side of the room of the Greybrook crest as well as the Luria Nova.

The bottom tier is what he would consider the dancing area where there was a short elevation for performers or musicians. There was benches along the outside while small tables, decorated with cloth and candles for those whom did not wish to dance - or were awaiting one. Ascending one of the two sets of stairs, which extended half a floor, there was a short railing which again, built for purpose but decorated for occasion. He was glad that it oversaw the dance area with ease but also did not feel detached from the lower area.

Turning around, he saw the main dining and social area. As traditional, these tables were long and made of the best wood he could find in Dantooine. Again, decorated with delightful red cloth and comfortable dinner chairs. However, he Solomon decided, on Carlos' recommendation, that there should only be three. Two were put to the sides of the room while the last one traveled horizontal across the back of the room - as tradition. This 'head' table would ideally sit those of titled status and respected nobles close to the Greybrook family. Nevertheless, these tables could fit all the guests that he expected to arrive. Hence, there would not be a issue.

Into the kitchens, Solomon inquired that the guests would be given a range of foods for a buffet. In particular, there would be spiced pig, the best beef from a cow and potentially some white fish and seafood from the coast - dependent on the catch of the day. There would be of course vegetables and the sort. He made a mental note to ensure that everything was spread around the tables. Of course, there was no need for nobles to actually sit down and eat when they arrived. However, Solomon would not expect his guests to organise their own dietary arrangements - so the option was there.

Sitting down at the head of the table, overlooking the dining area turned ball room, he eagerly awaited the coming days.

Emyhr le Craint

"Lord Emyrh your armor does not offend in the least. It reminds me of my days of fighting monster hordes, although back then we were battling in the West yet sadly it is now the East that is besieged. To answer your question the Blood Stars effect aspects of the human spirit.

Emyhr stood there and pondered the answer he had been given, admiring the resolve at which the priest had spoken. Before speaking, Emyhr looked around at the faces of the crowd that had gathered, the feeling of ease that many of them had gained through the presence of the priest. Emyhr could feel the collective good feeling that had become central the the attending group.

"Your words speak many truths, you eminence. I have always felt that there has been a guiding hand that assist those, however I have never believed that one such being could ever puppet a persons consciousness. The will of the person will always be the strongest force within the mind. I have spent much of my time venturing around the empire, listening to the stories of those who I have met, many of whom believe in the Bloodstars while others believe in another force."

Emyhr pullled a small pendant, onto which was carved different symbols of different faiths. The bloodstars could be clearly seen depicted within the centre.

"My Grandfather was a man of great faith, he achieved all he could knowing that a higher power guided him. For the longest time I followed the same path, he was a righteous man that followed a good cause. However, the day when he was abruptly taken from this world by a pack of monsters, it knocked all that I had known from me. It led me to doubt all that I had understood before this. Now I have come to a similar position in which he was in, I have returned back to the idea of faith, however, I have found it hard to trust in such beliefs."

Emyhr stopped for a second, returning back to the crowd. Their excitement was showing, which once again eased Emyhrs heart.

"Again my apologies your eminence, I wish not to ruin the mood. This is a time for celebration and new beginnings. I wish to continue to hear what will be said here, however I shall not be staying for too long, unfortunately my duties give me little time for respite and peace. Should you allow me to stay, if even for a little bit, I would be most honoured."

Solomon Greybrook

Outside Spaces and Cliffs - Sea Cliff Keep Ball

While attending some preparations, Solomon was greeted by his uncle Carlos. After discussing numerous events of the last week or so, Carlos suggested that there should be some kind of outside area for guests whom attended as well as accommodation. While there was some apprehension at first from Solomon. The sea breeze was lovely in the Summer. However, it had a adverse effect on some during the Winter and Spring. Hence, for safekeeping, Solomon strolled around the estate with Carlos to discuss some of these ideas.

Solomon had hired out a couple of inns that were often used for tradesmen and other administrators for the night so that there was a guarantee that guests could stay very comfortably within the estate. Solomon had purchased furnishings for these inns with a multitude of comfort and style which he considered a grant to the owner in return for excellent service.

Another of these ideas was to position some tables near the barracks and archery range - only a short stroll away from the Keep itself. Carlos suggested that many slightly intoxicated nobles would want to chance their arm in either friendly duel or perhaps a challenge of skill. Solomon approved, only if a decent squad of Greybrook Guard oversaw the preceding directly. On the similar note, Solomon ensured that the barracks was guarded as well as any militia and troop were on alert for trouble makers - showing no tolerance for mischief.

If there was a chance for clear skys, Carlos suggested a outside area near the Keep for those whom grew tired of the festivities. Hence, positioning a few laterns round the back of the Keep but inside the estate, a couple of chairs were placed which faced the Watchtower with a small table. After checking the grounds inside the estate, Solomon led his uncle to the Watchtower. A similar dilemma of space saw that the Greybrook Guard and Watchmen put on alert to assist and ensure the protection of their guests with men on the walls.

However, the greatest concern for safety would be the cliffs the estate was on. Walking through the ground floor of the Watchtower, Solomon was impressed with his uncle's work. Creating a pathway, lit by lanterns, would safely lead guests to the small enclave by the sea 10 minutes away between two low cliffs (which was mostly used by local fishermen) as well as a pseudo-garden for herbs and other supplies. He ensured that guards would patrol these paths as well as monitor the enclave.

Taking a second to look over the Cliffs, the fortification behind him and the pastureland around him, the preparations were ready.

Spring Evening -- Poryatu

Turin Erickson

Turin nods with sympathy at the mention of Emyhr's grandfather.

"This continent has been through dark times," He laments "People forsook the wisdom of the Bloodstars. They dabbled in black magic and invited the blighting of the West. But if we turn back to the Blood Stars they will light our way once again and show us a path through the darkness to a new golden age. You are most welcome, Lord Emyhr, and if time is short then we should begin the forum proper post haste, and if you should need to depart for war before it is concluded no offense will be taken."

With that he calls for all guests to depart the atrium and enter the banquet hall proper. The long table is laid out with the finest silverware, golden goblets and carafes of wine, but the first course has not been brought out yet. Turin and Illyria both have chairs at the head of the table. As the highest ranking nobles Lord Emyhr and Sir Donald are seated nearest them at the first seat on either side of the table.

Before taking his seat, Turin gives a brief address, "Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, may the Blood Stars shine on this occasion. We come to speak of and celebrate the divine, matters of faith and the deepest philosophy. I have come to know Luria Nova well and there is something quite marvelous about this realm. Nowhere else can such a vast number of nobles be found living in one place and as one people. And also I much admire your principles of meritocracy. For this reason I am sad to see the majority of the realm's nobles do not belong to a proper organized religion. I believe however that it is meritocracy which can remedy this, and I hope to show the people here that worship of the Blood Stars is the most meritorious of religious practices. So as we wait for the first course I open the floor to questions, statements of faith or points of discussion,"

With that Turin is seated.

Myr Arnickles Renodin

Coming back from the courtyard Alya had much less happy face than before, while Tyra appeared clearly exhilerated by the curious experience.

Young lady hid her exasperation with defeat by talking - "My teacher said fencing is always superior to classic swordplay! I'll have words with him whenever I'm in Darfix... perhaps we'll go there tomorrow after dinner? Mind it not, I never thought they train you this well in the army. Waldred is very good but he's a Renodinian sworn shield, I would never assume a common..."

"Ahem!" - Waldred cleared his throat audibly - "I had no opportunity to introduce." - he pointed his eyes like daggers at Alya, making sure she knows why he had no opportunity - "This is Countess Tyra Andrasta Bluelake, Lady of Grodno, Dame of Ordo Leonis and our gracious host."

Alya felt her cheeks explode with warmth. She was certain her face must be the colour of freshly baked brick. "M'Lady Tyra, I-uh... I thank you for your hospitality" - she mumbled, her voice almost entirely drawn out by the rumbling of her stomach, twice as loud and demanding as before.

11th August

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Veronica Gardarr

Luria Nova


Veronica was passing through Danturn Town, it was at most what she expected from a rural region. She had a small escort with her, after leaving most of her troops in Lupa Lapu.

Mikael had passed command to one of his subordinates, and insisted on accompanying her. Veronica pulled her cloak tighter around her. She was starting to dislike the ocean, the cold wind tugged and pulled at her and she felt the chill right to her core, Winter didn't seem to want to dissipate with the coming of Spring.

She was over the worst of her bought of sickness, though she still felt sluggish. So when she heard about the invitation to attend festivities at Sea Cliff Keep, she knew she had to get out of the cold miserable camps she found herself in. The more she thought about it the more she realized she was not made for the front line.

And really all this talk of monsters she has yet to see one face to face, they couldn't be such a menace if none was ever sighted. So she would order her troops to do what needed to be done, but she would go where she pleased, she was a Noble after all.

As the small party approached the Keep, Veronica's eye caught the cliff drop leaning to the ocean, she felt a chill again. A great watchtower could be seen and she noticed movement on top of it, her approach had been noticed.

Mikael spurred his horse closer to her as a guard stepped out to bar their way. Veronica pulled up her horse as she glanced at the guard making his way towards them.

"Hold, you approach the Sea Cliff Keep, state your business!"

Veronica turned to Mikael and then realized that they had not actually displayed her banners on approach.

Pulling down the cowl of her hood she brushed some of her hair out of her face and smiled down at the guard.

"I am the Lady Gardarr of House Gardarr hailing from Askileon on invitation from the Earl of Dantooine, Solomon Greybrook."

Veronica noticed another guard behind him talk to a young boy who immediately set of at running speed.

The guard lowered his head and spoke "Milady forgive my tone.." Veronica cut him off.

"There is nothing to forgive, you are doing your duty as you should, but if you would be so kind it has been a long trip and I would like to get out of the cold, please make arrangements for an escort to take us to our accommodations."

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

Tyra gave Alya an understanding smile and a wink. "It's ok, Miss Little Lady, I've done worse... and who might you be? I suppose if Sir Myr wants me to keep you, I should know who you are?"

Emyhr le Craint

Yesterday Evening:

After the evening meeting had passed, once the questions had been answered and the first course of food same through, Emyhr enjoyed talking with people of different backgrounds about the fundamentals of faith. However, time had caught up on the young knight and he had to leave the gathering for his other duties.

Emyhr gave his thanks to the priest and bid farwell to Sir Donald and the gathered minor nobles. Emyhr stepped out into the cold evening, jovial from the food and wine, he made his way to the main gate bidding farwell to the city of Askileon.

The Following Morning:

As the sun crested over the hilltops of the border regions of Nid Tek and Dantooine, Emyhr now warn out from the journeying that he had undertake that previous night with very little rest. Before long, the sight of the sea cliff keep came into view. It seems Emyhr was not the only one to arrive early as a small party led by a female noble was waiting at the gate, Emyhr did not recognize the crest of the noble that was waiting at the gate but none the less would approach with the normal formalities.

As Emyhr neared the gate, he could over hear slightly what was being said nearer the front.

"I am the Lady Gardarr of House Gardarr hailing from Askileon on invitation from the Earl of Dantooine, Solomon Greybrook."

Emyhr pondered over that name, he had heard of this recent arrival however had yet been able to meet here. Hopefully, Emyhr would be able to introduce himself before or during the event. For now, he allowed the dame to continue with entering before Emyhr would approach the gate.

"Earl Emyhr le Craint, here at the invitation of Earl Solomon. I have arrived early after requesting it of the Earl."

The guard looked the noble up and down before turning and shouting at the guards behind the gate. He waved Emyhr through the gate, unlike the previous noble, Emyhr was without a retinue bringing only his horse with him. Stepping through the gate, Emyhr looked around admiring the work that had been done by the earl since his succession, the keep that had been in ruins when the land was reclaimed was now beautifully rebuilt with grey stone.

Emyhr guided his horse to the stables that had been built within the courtyards, brushing it slightly before tying it up and leaving it within the hands of the stable boy. The Dame was now gone from his sight, Emyhr made his way out into the courtyard finding a place to sit and take the weight of his legs. Emyhr sat and waited for the earl, allowing the dame the first introductions, he admired the work that had been undertaken by Earl Solomon.

Solomon Greybrook

Two New Arrivals - Sea Cliff Keep Ball (Dantooine)

Veronica pulled up her hood again as she slowly spurred her horse on and followed the guard as he made arrangements for an escort.

Solomon was sitting at his desk, working through some necessary paperwork when a guard came in and informed him that Lady Gardarr had arrived.


With a spring in his step, Solomon put on his cloak and headed to the front gate of the Keep. For the ball, Solomon had his beard trimmed again back to the sharp stubble and slicked back hair. Furthermore, his black doublet with a grey linen shirt were complementary to the subtle but ultimately fashionable appearance - there wasn't too many occasion military noblemen such as he had opportunities to look their best outside of court. He had ensured previously that his outfit for the ball was prepared by numerous peoples in Giask and refined in Dantooine.

Approaching the gate, Solomon saw the Lady stand guard alongside one of the watchmen and another soldier that he did not know. Probably left command to a subordinate in Lupa Lapu. When within speaking distance of the Lady, Solomon stopped short and made a slight bow:

"Welcome Lady Gardarr to Dantooine! I hope the travelling was not too harsh. With the end of Winter, the weather should be easier to handle. However, the sharp chill from the sea breeze may take some getting to used to! I do not believe we have directly met before on a social basis, I am Solomon Greybrook, Lord of Dantooine and Marshal of Luria's Wrath. You are the first guest from the higher aristocracy to arrive for the ball on Monday. I believe there will be many more to come and that Luria will enjoy some rest-bite - at least for a few days. Your accommodation will be in the Guesthouses to either the right or left of the Keep. Please just make sure that you inform a scribe which one you are staying in. Each room is fit for purpose with thick rugs and duvets as well. There is a common room for each Guesthouse - which is only for aristocracy. There may already by some local nobles as well in the lodgings - there is plenty of room. Please feel free to explore the estate. If there is anything that you need assistance with, please just ask me personally or hail a local servant. The Greybrook Guard to my right will escort you. I look forward to talking to you more in the coming days my lady."

The Dame was now gone from his sight, Emyhr made his way out into the courtyard finding a place to sit and take the weight of his legs. Emyhr sat and waited for the earl, allowing the dame the first introductions, he admired the work that had been undertaken by Earl Solomon.

As Solomon was talking to his new arrival, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Earl Emyhr ride to the stables. Solomon walked and talked to Lady Gardarr for maybe a minute before excusing himself. Seeing the Vice-Marshal in the courtyard, Solomon walked towards him with a slight grin on his face and embraced his friend:

'Earl Emhyr! I am so glad that you have arrived. Come, walk with me around the estate. Tell me about your adventures or events that have occurred since we last spoke!"

Emyhr le Craint

Not a moment passed by when Emyhr once again spotted the Dame however this time she was being guided by a familiar face. Watching them walk, Emyhr could see the refinement in the clothing between the two, for the first time meeting nobles who were dressed for a fanciful occasion rather than battle was soothing to the young knight. The two separated and Earl Solomon who was guiding the lady headed towards Emyhr.

'Earl Emhyr! I am so glad that you have arrived. Come, walk with me around the estate. Tell me about your adventures or events that have occurred since we last spoke!"

"Earl Solomon, it is good to see you again my Friend. I would love to join you, to be able to see the work you have put into this fine place would be an honour. I must apologies for my outfit, I have not had time to return home however I have sent word for my attendant to bring my outfit for the ball and he should arrive this evening."

Emyhr held out a hand in greeting, the two firmly shaking. Having their last meeting been their swordsmanship match, the atmosphere had a more refined feel with the preparations for the ball completed.

"It has been some time since our last meeting, matters have kept me busy and well traveled I must say. Just yesterday I stumbled upon the meeting organised the Priest Turin Eriksson, I accompanied Sir Donald as curiosity got the better of me. Now that the influx of beast is calming down, it gives me a chance to commit to these social occasions to which I am glad to be able to attend."

Emyhr looked over to the direction that the lady had headed towards before his eye caught a glimpse of the view created by the keeps placement.

"It seem I am not the first to arrive, I had not met Dame Veronica since she arrived however she has made quite a name for herself, I am sure she has some interesting tales to tell. I am impressed at your design capabilities, should I need an architect in the near future I know who to ask it seems. The keep is remarkable, a veritable impregnable fortress while keeping to the beauty of the area. Once the other nobles arrive for the ball I am sure this place will create a wondrous atmopshere."

Emyhr stopped for a second, now coming towards the entrance into the main building, he turned around to catch a glimpse of the entire courtyard.

"I must admit I am quite excited for this ball, never before have I attended such formal event. I even looked up a dance teacher during my visit to Askileon to prepare myself. Like you said, this will be a gathering of the finest men and women of the realm, it would be a disaster should I have not prepared. Enough about me though, how fares yourself? We are on the verge of great changes this season, as Earls ourselves we must be at the forefront of these changes to maintain our lands."

Veronica Gardarr

Solomon walked and talked to Lady Gardarr for maybe a minute before excusing himself.

Veronica tilted her head and glanced at the earl as he walked with her.

"Earl Greybrook, I thank you for the welcome, and i would like it if we spoke some more later, it has been a long trip and I believe I will retire for the day."

Veronica noticed the Earls attention waver to a man riding towards the stable's. She felt a little bit irritated with that, but she smiled none the less as he left her to attend to the new arrival.

Following the guard she decided on one of the guest houses on the left.

Captain Mikael made arrangements for her baggage to be taken to her room and her guards stationed themselves in the common room. Once in the room she dropped onto the bed and pulled a thick duvet over her, it was quite chilly still.

Spring Night -- Poryatu

Myr Arnickles Renodin

"Why of course!" - Alya regained some of her composure as she courtsied and introduced herself, looking countess in the eyes from beneath slightly inclined head - "My name is Alya. Alya Renodin."

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

"Ah!" Tyra gasped, looking at her with redoubled attention. "Now his letter makes more sense... How are you related to- Never mind. I have a thousand questions. Let's get through them over dinner?"

With a little more thoughtfulness, the countess added: "We can do one question each, this way you can also ask about me... But first... Do you know Sir Myr sent you to be under my care? Indefinitely?"

12th August

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Alessio de Medici

The Medici estate of Giask had long been quiet, the family hard at work to conjure ideas of means to make the family more wealthy. Amidst the quiet ponder, came a voice.

"Messere, come swiftly, it is Madonna," called Raskolnikov, barging into the suite of Alessio. "The child is coming!" and so the good sir followed his loyal ally into the lounge where his dear wife, Andrea, was assisted by his mother, guiding her through the birth. The world stood still for Alessio - just some months ago, he was far from the higher echelons of society, labouring with the rest of the family. His triplets were birthed under such, but the new child would truly symbolise the birth of the new era. Through much struggle, the child was indeed born.

Michelangelo, named after his great grandfather, one of the finest Medicis in all of history. He had once said to Alessio that for the good of the family, we must learn to live beyond our lifespan. Alessio was still not yet sure what he had meant - to create a legacy for the House of Medici, or through making new heirs.

Such was worthy to still be pondered upon.

Spring Evening -- Poryatu

Myr Arnickles Renodin

"Of course m'Lady. I was supposed to stay under your care. Teak-sprou... I mean - Myr hoped you would agree." - Alya looked from her hostess to the warrior beside her - "I have to ask, can Waldred stay as well? He's entirely hopeless without my care. Wouldn't know up from down when left to his own devices."

The day went on and food was served. The two ladies talked through all the courses of dinner that took longer than any proper dinner should. When sun started to set Alya was shown to her quarters - she found them quite accomodating, being used to lofty yet rough chambers of Midway House and military spaces of Heir's Gate. The smell of roasted sand carried by the wind from the great Palm Sea was oddly familiar, yet everything else was delightfully fresh and new in Grodno. Life in south beared promisses of being good. She slept with a smile that night.

Goriad Gabanus

The sun was setting and Goriad and his men set up camp for the night. The scouts would alternate in watch duties as Goriad himself finally sat down and wrote in his journal:

The sea route between Askileon and Maeotis was longer than expected and took us nearly five days, but the landing in Maeotis itself went smoothly. To my surprise there were several villages along the cost with improvised defenses to fend off the hordes. All in all the region seemed to be highly visited and according to the merchants with whom we sailed several thousand people still lived in the area. Some in the villages, others nomadic within the area, facing off smaller monster incursions and moving away from the hordes.

If the people can indeed stay ahead of the beasts and move away from their path, it seems that the beasts are not concerned with the slaugther and destruction of all mankind, or there remain few beasts within the area. Only a smaller group of 30 beasts seem to packly travel here now, so they can be avoided. I wonder if these people here know something we do not.

Rettlewood likewise has people living in the forests, although as densely as they are I am not surprised. My mother would not let us play in the forest much as she deemed it dangerous, but these days it is perhaps more safe than the city itself. At least here people can hide in the trees and we have been welcomed in one of the houses about 8 meters above the ground. It is impressive to see, although even here spikes ornate the building, pointing downwards as some beasts in the early days were known to attempt to climb the trees. Now, defended by the spikes and armed with spears and bows the people seem to live relatively safe, although for the night I will have my scouts keep watch.

Kelindun Orobar

It had been an other day in the field for Kelindun and his men. His unit was getting used to this, even more, they were starting to enjoy it. Experience learned them the best ways to battle the beasts. Fighting them evolved into something that could be described as a sport, or a form of art. Men were taking bets, who could kill the most, who could get the best killshot, and so on. Kelindun let them. He knew most of them would eventually get killed themselves. Still, he was proud. These men defended their families with their lives. They were making a name for themselves. These monsters started to fear them. Whenever they spotted the unit's flag, they would sh*t their pants. That is if they wore them, they actually defecated where they stood, right on the streets.

There existed an other kind of men though. Those who gathered in their nice palaces, gave feasts to celebrate things others achieved in their name. He could not respect such men, getting fat and drunk while there were still many dangers lurking. This morning he received an invitation for such an event. He would never attend, not unless it was a direct order. No, he chose to be here, amongst his men. He had witnessed too many horrors. He would never again be able to enjoy a glass of wine by the fire, when women and children were in danger.

Kelindun knew there were others like him. This evening they spotted the Giaskian Swampers under command of Sholan, a unit unmatched in power and bravery. He once heard a story about them. An undead horde came across these warriors, but scared as they were instead of fighting, they apologised and got back in their graves. Just like that. It felt good to know he was not alone. There would always be real men to deal with real threats.

Thinking about his next moves, Kelindun sat besides his campfire. Perhaps new orders would come soon. Until then, they would keep hunting every unnatural being roaming Luria. But first, he would enjoy the carrier pigeon roasting above his fire. Kelindun believed everything should be useful at least once in its life. The time had come for this bird. The animal sure would taste excellent, it was as well fed as its master probably was.

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

Word of the ball had reached her young ward's ears and now Tyra was basically forced to go. Duncan had jumped at the opportunity, he had been looking forward to pushing her into a more social occasion, and Alya was the perfect excuse at the perfect timing.

They would go, both. Tyra was in despair. She was enjoying the teenager's company, much like a little sister, and her curiosity for whatever the countess was practicing and training on was absolutely endless. Yet, she had also heard tales of knights of Luria and wanted to see them all with her own eyes.

So now Duncan had them both measured and fitted for dresses, dresses!!! She felt like ripping it apart when she tried it on, so obstrusive of her movements as it was. The man had relented and allowed the designer to introduce some modifications so it would be slightly more... practical. No chainmail was allowed, though she would wear some light leather underneath, suspiciously similar to a corset.

Alya took it all in a much easier fashion, excitement for the novelty was great, and everything was perfect. Tyra sometimes got wrapped up in the teens plans and hopes, and started looking forward to it herself. She knew she'd be a long time apart from most of the people she'd meet there, and was looking forward to seeing Leif, Matthew, maybe Nicholas again... Perhaps meeting Albanus and the Panetier. For a moment she wondered if William would be there with the Bluelake kid. She should probably check on him eventually.

Miss Warrior conceded it wasn't all bad.

13th August

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Solomon Greybrook

Catching up with Earl Emyhr - Sea Cliff Keep Ball, Dantooine

"Earl Solomon, it is good to see you again my Friend. I would love to join you, to be able to see the work you have put into this fine place would be an honour. I must apologies for my outfit, I have not had time to return home however I have sent word for my attendant to bring my outfit for the ball and he should arrive this evening."

"It is alright my friend. After all, you have time!" After greeting each-other, Solomon gestured to walk around the estate with him. There was not much doubt about where they would end up that evening...

"It has been some time since our last meeting, matters have kept me busy and well traveled I must say. Just yesterday I stumbled upon the meeting organised the Priest Turin Eriksson, I accompanied Sir Donald as curiosity got the better of me. Now that the influx of beast is calming down, it gives me a chance to commit to these social occasions to which I am glad to be able to attend."

"Priest Turin Eriksson? Unfortunately, that is a name that I have not personally heard of. However, regarding matters of religion, there is a possibility that Sir Tohrm Elrath, my own vassal, should be attending the Ball on Monday. Have you met the man? He is quite a intriguing character - as well as his ideas. He has rather audaciously built a monastery within Dantooine without my prior approval. Nevertheless, we came to a agreement as well as discussing some of the concept that the Celestial Scales offers. Perhaps if you have time before the ball, I would recommend either visiting him or catching his eye during the event."

"It seem I am not the first to arrive, I had not met Dame Veronica since she arrived however she has made quite a name for herself, I am sure she has some interesting tales to tell."

"I have only briefly met the Dame. While I have not heard as much about her, I belief I owe her some gracious hosting now. I was perhaps rather rude leaving her to her accommodation - especially how far she has traveled to arrive in Dantooine. Regardless, I hope she is one of many. With the matters of state to be concerned, I would not be surprised to see that many nobles will arrive on the night!"

That thought saw them turn around the corner and get a good view of the Keep and Watchtower from it's side.

"I am impressed at your design capabilities, should I need an architect in the near future I know who to ask it seems. The keep is remarkable, a veritable impregnable fortress while keeping to the beauty of the area. Once the other nobles arrive for the ball I am sure this place will create a wondrous atmosphere."

Solomon smiled at this concept:

"Unfortunately, I did not personally design the Keep - I would have to give that responsibility and gratitude to my Uncle Carlos. As a younger brother of my father, he turned to more academic aspects of study - which has seen him create such a building. I am sure he can lend a good friend to the family some assistance. Do you have such a project planned for Nid Tek?"

"I must admit I am quite excited for this ball, never before have I attended such formal event. I even looked up a dance teacher during my visit to Askileon to prepare myself. Like you said, this will be a gathering of the finest men and women of the realm, it would be a disaster should I have not prepared. Enough about me though, how fares yourself? We are on the verge of great changes this season, as Earls ourselves we must be at the forefront of these changes to maintain our lands."

"I can quite agree with you their Emyhr. I have not had such a formal event since I took the Grand Harbour estate in Giask on my 18th birthday! My intention is that is their is a lady that would want to dance with someone like me - then I hope not to make a fool of myself. Otherwise, as host, I almost get away with overseeing the event. With the coming of the new season hopefully will see the coming of more prosperous times. I would imagine that with the political developments on the horizon, many a noble at the ball with be pre-occupied by such events. For me, I have been busy with the Imperial Marshal regarding plans for the north. As you have witnessed personally, we did attempt to start bringing Lupa Lapu back to the Imperial fold. Luckily, it seems that the rogues that troubled us there have gone back to the Divides."

Finally arriving at the rear of the Keep, Solomon gestured to the servant standing by the rear entrance-way into the Keep, holding two glasses.

"Would you like a drink?"

Let the Ball commence! Sea Cliff Ball, Dantooine

As Solomon rose from his slumber, he looked outside his window and grew confident. Today was the day.

As he descended down the stairs, all hands were on deck as everything was prepared for the days events. The lower aristocracy of Dantooine were already arriving post breakfast and intermingling with themselves and some of the activities that were prepared. Some were peacefully sitting down in the upper area in the main hall, listening to the musical notes of local bards on their flutes, young noble couples getting some last minute rehearsals in before the great show this evening or even some of the nobles whom went about their usual training - through archery or sword-fighting by the barracks.

Regardless, Solomon had ensured that there was plenty to do, if one only went to seize it.

Officially, the Ball would start perhaps a few hours before sunset - when he himself would be getting changed into his formal suit. However, the vibe was already in the air. More and more guests were arriving as the morning trod on.

Solomon patrolled the estate, ensuring that all was well - keeping a eye out for any higher nobles of Lurian society from arriving.

Solomon Greybrook

The Ball Begins: Sea Cliff Keep Ball, Dantooine

As the Sun began to set, Solomon was dressed by his servants and household. Wearing the formal and proper attire for someone of his station, he awaited on a chair near in the ballroom. With a look, one of the bards began to play a soft tune on his instrument as the hall grew with sound.

With minor nobles of Dantooine began to declare themselves and intermingle with each-other, Solomon was pleased but anxious.

The Ball had begun.

Emyhr le Craint

The Evening

"Priest Turin Eriksson? Unfortunately, that is a name that I have not personally heard of. However, regarding matters of religion, there is a possibility that Sir Tohrm Elrath, my own vassal, should be attending the Ball on Monday. Have you met the man? He is quite a intriguing character - as well as his ideas.

"I have exchanged words with the man, I wished to discuss matters of faith with him whether that is during or after the ball I do not mind, maybe I will pay a visit to this monastery."

Emyhr rested his hand against his hip, wiping away a leaf that had seemed to have fallen from a nearby tree and landed on the man.

"Sir Tohrm Elrath is a fine man, and when he announced his conversion to the faith it piqued my interest."

"I am sure he can lend a good friend to the family some assistance. Do you have such a project planned for Nid Tek?"

"As of now, no such plans exist. My foundation at the moment is to repair the damage that was done during the second wave, working with the farms and food production to see that return to normal operation. So far, it is progressing well. Hopefully I will be able to begin plans, while I wish not to change too much of the hard work that was done by our Imperial Majesty during his lordship here, but I do wish to do some work myself."

"I would love a drink." Taking a drink from the hand of the servant, Emyhr held his drink up for a toast. "Let us toast to the success of the ball this coming day."

The Day of the Ball

Emyhr was now prepared for the ball, of which he was excited to attend. Emyhr had replaced his previous attire with a dark grey doublet with silver buttons and inlay. He had accompanied this with similar leggings and black knee high boots. This was different to what Emyhr was used to and as such had ordered his current attire to be made during his last visit to Askileon. He could hear the arrival of many of the guests, some of which he had not met with in far too long, Emyhr was excited to join the festivities.

Stepping out of the guest lodging that had been provided for him, Emyhr stepped out into the afternoon sun and began strolling around the courtyard. Preparations had been complete the previous day and now the low lying sun gave the candles that were being set up a wondrous look. The glow of the sun just breaching over the walls of the keep, leaving the courtyard itself in a area of quaint darkness. Emyhr looked around at those who had arrived or were arriving, keeping an eye out for familiar faces, no doubt Earl Solomon was busy greeting and completing final preparations.

Emyhr stopped for a second, brushing down his doublet and adjusting its position before continuing further into the courtyard enjoying the feeling of the crisp spring air.

Donald Augustus Allan

With little ceremony Lord Emyhr disappeared as hastily as he appeared, his armour clinking softly as he departed leaving Donald the most unusual company that was Turin Erickson. There was however plenty of wine and food, and as the Priest talked he began to eat and drink; sampling all that was available.

"Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, may the Blood Stars shine on this occasion. We come to speak of and celebrate the divine, matters of faith and the deepest philosophy. I have come to know Luria Nova well and there is something quite marvelous about this realm. Nowhere else can such a vast number of nobles be found living in one place and as one people. And also I much admire your principles of meritocracy. For this reason I am sad to see the majority of the realm's nobles do not belong to a proper organized religion. I believe however that it is meritocracy which can remedy this, and I hope to show the people here that worship of the Blood Stars is the most meritorious of religious practices. So as we wait for the first course I open the floor to questions, statements of faith or points of discussion,"

Despite the old man’s unusual appearance he certainly was charismatic, it could not be denied. Lots of emotive, strong language in play.

But the man’s motives weren’t exactly clear and Donald didn’t think he was doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He caught Turin’s attention:

“You’re Eminence, may I get straight to it” he said “His Imperial Majesty Emperor Aldrakar invited you here to preach did he not? What exactly did he believe would come from this? And now that he is since gone what do you intend to do now?”

He scratched his chin for a moment before regarding the red robed man once more before saying, “Well, Your Eminence what I mean to say is, what exactly do you want for the Empire?”

14th August

Spring Evening -- Poryatu

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

They were late, but Tyra was slightly relieved. It meant less time in the actual ball... especially now that she heard the Bluelake family would attend from Poryatu. Alya kept chatting to her in their carriage, and the countess replied in monosyllables. Go slower, go slower...

Tyra Andrasta Bluelake

They had finally arrived, not as late as Tyra had hoped, and had been quickly shown a guest house to the left of the keep. Duncan was absolutely elated. He took every single opportunity to push Tyra's promise to work on becoming Lady-like, but even this he couldn't have foreseen. When the handmaidens finished their tasks and both teenagers were ready and dressed, the old tutor was called in and almost cried from the wave of emotion he felt. It had been over 12 years since he had last seen her in a dress, just a little girl.

Alya wore purple, her light blond hair contrasting nicely. From the top of her nearly fifteen years, she felt like a woman. Tyra, instead of the usual Bluelake blue trimmed with silver, wore a rich graffiti gray, with golden details on the torso and trims. Her pale blue eyes were alternately amused and annoyed, but she knew she looked fine. Just not really like herself... Except for the white agate rose on her hair. That was now part of who she was.

They finally headed to the main hall, Alya suddenly silent, Tyra nervous about meeting Bluelakes. She knew at least Zhou Tai, Alice and the twins had come... She hoped William would be there with Drake. As they entered the large space, full of nobility high and low, some eating, some dancing, Tyra grabbed Alya's hand so they wouldn't be separated, and started looking for familiar faces.

15th August

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Emyhr le Craint

The Ball

As the evening sun descended over the horizon, the ball got into full swing. Emyhr stood at a nearby table with a drink in hand, talking with some local minor nobility that had come from Nid Tek, many of whom seemed to be trying to curry favor from the young earl. In the centre of the gathering, the dancing was underway. Emyhr couldnt help but find himself distracted by the swaying of the couples in time with the music.

Emyhr was aware that Dame Veronica Gardarr would be among the crowd but he could not spot her, maybe she was busy, hopefully Emyhr would be able to meet the young woman and introduce himself. After a short while, Emyhr recognized one of the nobles that had entered the hall, this was someone he had not seen in a very long time and even then only a passing conversation, however as one of few people that were present, she stood out from the crowd.

More importantly, this was someone whom he had never been seen in a dress since he came to the forefront. Emyhr noticed that she was joined by a small girl and could feel a sense of unease coming from the both of them. Calling over to one of the staff that was present, he asked for a couple of glasses of wine. Once this had been brought to him, he took the glasses and headed toward the Young Countess.

"Countess Tyra Andrasta Bluelake, I am glad to see a familiar faced within the nobles attending this ball. I realize we have not met for quite some time, allow me to introduce myself once again. I am Earl Emyhr Le Craint of Nid Tek. We have shared the battlefield quite a few times, however this is the first time I have seen you in a wonderful outfit, you look remarkable. I took the liberty of getting some drinks, I noticed that you might be feeling quite uneasy."

With this, Emyhr held out the glass that he was carrying.

Spring Evening -- Poryatu

Solomon Greybrook

The Ball, Sea Cliff Keep Ball - Dantooine.

As Solomon watched on, he saw that more and more nobles had begun to arrive. Many nobles had slowly ventured across the lower and upper floors. While making the customary hellos and welcomes, Solomon had not had a chance to talk to any Lurian nobles this night. In the grand scheme of things, Solomon should of made a greater effort to find a partner for the festivities - he was surprised that his Uncle Carlos had not tried anything. While there were many lower aristocracy family's whom would be interested, either they were too scared of the embarrassment of being turned down or they knew that the Earl was regularly on military duty.

Was a shame really - he would have to keep a eye out for a potential partner, whether for a dance or something more serious. He did enjoy dancing despite his military background. The family in Giask would never forgive him otherwise. With this in mind, Sir Emyhr conversations in the Keep's wine cellar began to flood back...

After purging the memory out of his head, Solomon began to weave in and out of the gathering crowd to find the Earl of Nid Tek. Spotting the Earl near the entrance of the room, Solomon began to walk over to them. Has he got closer, he also saw the Countess of Grodno, with her blonde hair sticking out in particular in the crowd. Without attempting to interrupt the conversation abruptly, Solomon came to the side of Sir Emyhr and awaited a chance to introduce himself. When the time came, Solomon came into Emyhr's field of vision, which followed with a handshake and acknowledgement. Without haste, Solomon turned his attention to the two ladies standing in front of him and gave a courteous bow:

"Good evening Countess of Grodno and to your family! I am glad that you have traveled so far north to Dantooine and my home. My name is Earl Greybrook of Dantooine, but please call me Solomon. How are you finding the ball? I am expecting more nobles as the night begins to come alight with more entertainment and merry. I am glad that so many are predicted to attend. It is the perfect opportunity for those whom see more of their fair share of military campaigning, north or south. Countess, have you visited Giask recently? I haven't returned to my ancestral home in a couple of months and I do not know it's state."

In an attempt to include all four members of their small group involved, Solomon then turned to the member of the group that he did not know:

"I would like to say that your dress is very stark and empowering - it provides a beautiful contrast to whatever surrounds you. Purple is not a colour that one does not see too often. You wear it really well. It is the best dress I have seen this night."

With a slight bow, Solomon turned his attention back to his fellow nobles as he awaited their reply.

Alessio de Medici

The Medici chariot pulls up outside Sea Cliff Keep, as Alessio, followed by his darling wife Andrea, walk to the doorman. After showing the appropriate paperwork, extra eager to show off the crest of the House of Medici, before walking into the ball.

The couple stood hand-in-hand, dressed in Bordeaux; Alessio wearing a laced doublet with wide and billowy sleeves, and an open neck, full with ruffles. The trousers were roomy and loose, certainly looking puffy. Lastly, his dark brown boots came up to his knees. Andrea wore a much more simple gown, though it was still appropriately frilly. The two stood together in idle chatter, unsure of who else stood around the hall.

To their surprise, a herald called out into the hall: "May I present the Messer and Madonna de Medici!"

Luarin Bowker

The day has come. The day to separate North and South.

Walking slowly but steady, Luarin turn to King's Cador Castle to celebrate the creation of Luria Ferrata.

16th August

Spring Day -- Poryatu

Emyhr le Craint

The fourteen year old didn't let her finish, taking an excited step ahead and remembering at the last second to offer the Earl her hand.

"Lord Emyhr, I've heard so much about you from my- from Sir Myr! Milord really is everything he said you are!" she blushed pink "All good things, of course!" she added quickly "But I didn't think you were old enough to have gray hair, milord... Why are you laughing, Lady Tyra?!"

Emyhr laughed at the comment from the young woman, following up with a smile.

"It seems the stress of a lordship has gotten to me earlier than it should of.." Brushing his hand through his hair, Emyhr smirked at the young woman before him. "My SILVER hair is an identifying trait of my family, other members also have such hair, however I have not seen them in a long time so they may have changed that style. I shall keep this hair for as long as I live."

Emyhr took a sip from his drink, calling over a steward to being a drink for Dame Alya.

"It is good to meet kin of Sir Myr, he is a great man and has supported me in numerous ways. It pleases me to see that you have remained within the hegemony. I am sure you will learn a lot under Lady Tyra, I wonder if it is your assistance that Lady Tyra has worm a dress for the festivities tonight."

Emyhr followed this up with another hearty laugh, winked at the young woman and turned back to Lady Tyra. However, she was busy with Earl Solomon who had joined the group that was forming. Busy with conversation, Emyhr just listened, handing the drink to Dame Alya once the steward had returned.

Emyhr felt that the unease he had faced upon arrival within the hall was washing away. The festivities of the night was in full swing and the joy filled atmosphere was soothing to his heart. Out of the corner of his eve, he caught sight of the arriving guests.

"May I present the Messer and Madonna de Medici!"

"May I announce the Lady Veronica Gardarr of Askileon”

Coming from the entry into the grand hall, Emyhr noticed Sir Alessio de Medici walking hand in hand with his wife who had recently given birth to their new child. Followed shortly the figure Emyhr caught a glimpse off upon his arrival, her saphire blue gown sparkling in the candle light of the hall. Many heads had also turned to watch the young noble enter the building.

Solomon Greybrook

Nobles arriving. Sea Cliff Keep Ball, Dantooine.

Tyra bowed back, suddenly realizing she didn't remember how to curtsy, and replied still smiling from Alya's previous comment.

"Of course, Marshal Solomon, I've just arrived from Grodno through Giask... The city is in a poor state, with people at half rations. Unrest is always at the next corner, but, well, until we secure more food producing regions for the south... It'll have to do."

The Countess brought a smirk to Solomon's face. It was evident that there was a nervous excitement in the air. There had not been a chance for a very long time for nobles to express themselves in a way that did not involve the military or politics.

The compliment helped the teen recover from her embarrassment, and she made a beautiful curtsy, offering a thankful look. "Thank you, milord, Earl Greybrook. I picked the colour myself, because otherwise, the colours of my family... don't really fit an occasion like this."

Tyra intervened: "Oh, yes, Marshal Solomon, if I may, please, this is a ward of my House, Dame Alya."

Now with knowledge of her name, Solomon felt more at ease as he responded:

"Dame Alya, it is a pleasure for you to be attending. Tell me, if you don't mind indulging me, what does the future hold for a promising beautiful lady such as yourself? Do you aim to get involved in politics? Do you have the same passion for defending Luria as the fellow nobles that you stand with? Or, arguably the better option, to stay out of it all and enjoy what the world has to offer us?"

This ended up with Solomon relaxing more so. Being able to talk causally with other nobles was a much needed relief - as well as making the casual joke.

Turning back to Lady Tyra, while the young ward thought of a responce:

"I think that is enough of the compulsory political conversation between us. What are your plans tonight? Is this a mainly formal occasion? Seeing family? Or perhaps taking the opportunity to dance and listen to the best bards I could find in Earth Hall and Giask?"

While Solomon did not want to boast, it did take a lot of time to find the bards whom could multitask as well as those whom are playing now. The lead bard, whose name alluded Solomon, held a terrific, almost angelic voice that could change the tone and atmosphere within her own whim. She was also a adept violinist as well, which complemented the background music that was to be played until the Ball went into full swing.

Engaging with all three companions of their little group, Solomon finally turned to his friend.

"Emyhr. My friend. How have you recovered from a few days ago? I know that we started behind the keep and got involved with the wine cellar some how. But, in our travels, I did find a fantastic drink that you must try. Perhaps you would accompany me to open it perhaps a bit later. I would also want your opinion on something I have been..."

Solomon didn't finish his sentence as the heralds announced Messer and Madonna de Medici as well as Lady Veronica Gardarr. Making a mental note to engage with both sets of nobles, he opened up the small group of nobles he was part of to allow space for them to join the conversation as they awaited for them to notice the group.