Caerwynian Chronicle/Latest Edition: Difference between revisions

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(Updated Ticker news, updated news stories)
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| width="33%" valign = "top"|<u>'''''May 3, 2008'''''</u>
| width="33%" valign = "top"|<u>'''''May 7, 2008'''''</u>

'''Mozyr Taken!'''
The storm clouds gather...
The difficult situation surrounding the newly created colony in Libidizedd continues to deteriorate as the High King of Everguard continues to maintain his hardline approach to the negotiations. In true Fisc-ian style, which typically promotes a foreign policy built upon simply issuing threats and ultimatums without actual compromise, his demands for the removal of the new Morekian colony from the city are being met with equally stoney responses from the Grandmaster of Morek.
However from information garnered from the discussions, it is clear that a great deal of the conflict arises from a Everguardian claim to the city and its surrouding islands, a claim that no-one knew about prior to the installation of the colony in the first place. The negotiations are on-going, but given their lack of progress, and the stoney resolve of all parties involved, it is clear that we are likely to see the second war on the continent of Dwilight being intitiated.
''Caerwynian expansion continues!''
In the past few days, the Caerwynians armies have had their most sweeping success so far in the campaign to bring light to the darkest regions on the earth. With the acquisition of Mozyr, the regions of Knazyes and Walefishire were also converted shortly after and only a matter of days apart. The takeovers themselves both took less than a day to complete each, with the local populace eager to submit themselves to the rule of a local Caerwynian government.
With the townsland of Walefishire added to Caerwynian holdings, our northern border is complete and secure, and now the attentions of the Military Command can be directed elsewhere, towards the south and also the region of Grazne.
''Demyansk overrun!''
Whilst the bulk of the Caerwynian armies have been occupied in the north, a massive force of monsters and undead numbering over 3,000 in estimated combat strength has overrun the southern region of Demyansk. Terrorising the populace, consuming or destroying the limited food stores, and slaying valiant Caerwynian soldiers caught in the region, the fiends have caused significant damage to the area. Indeed, their appearance in such numbers only reminds us that though the realms of humanity are gaining sway over the island, we are still very vulnerable to the rampant fury of these most deadly of enemies.
Despite these setbacks however, the Caerwynian military is responding quickly, with fresh forces amassing in Demyansk preparing to deal with the problem. Doubtless this will be a difficult struggle however, the enemy is numerous, and strong....
<u>'''''May 6, 2008'''''</u>

The rural fiefdom of Mozyr was brought under the control of Caerwynian forces occupying the region as dusk fell yesterday evening. After a relatively uneventful takeover, which lasted but a day and a half, an interim regional government loyal to Caerwyn was installed, and shortly after Sir Deli Haydar was appointed as the new Viscount of Mozyr. The peaceful occupation of the region was only broken once, but the actions of an unidentified looter, who pillaged an outlying town on the borders of the region. Unfortunately, their identity remained unknown, and thus no action could be taken against them.
''Supreme Arbitrator re-elected''

With the heartland of Caerwyn now secured by regions on all sides, the military leadership of Caerwyn is now debating as to what the next step will be in our campaign to colonise the far reaches of Dwilight...
In the only elections this month the encumbent Supreme Arbitrator, yours truly, was re-elected to office for another month. I thank all those who voted for me.

<u>'''''May 2, 2008'''''</u>
<u>'''''May 3, 2008'''''</u>

'''Another Colony in Dwilight...'''
'''Another Colony in Dwilight...'''
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The Chronicle has to wonder however if either realm really has the capacity to maintain the regions, irregardless of their wish to hold the land, given their distance from the respective capitals of Fissoa and Pian En Luries...
The Chronicle has to wonder however if either realm really has the capacity to maintain the regions, irregardless of their wish to hold the land, given their distance from the respective capitals of Fissoa and Pian En Luries...
'''Mozyr Taken!'''
The rural fiefdom of Mozyr was brought under the control of Caerwynian forces occupying the region as dusk fell yesterday evening. After a relatively uneventful takeover, which lasted but a day and a half, an interim regional government loyal to Caerwyn was installed, and shortly after Sir Deli Haydar was appointed as the new Viscount of Mozyr. The peaceful occupation of the region was only broken once, but the actions of an unidentified looter, who pillaged an outlying town on the borders of the region. Unfortunately, their identity remained unknown, and thus no action could be taken against them.
With the heartland of Caerwyn now secured by regions on all sides, the military leadership of Caerwyn is now debating as to what the next step will be in our campaign to colonise the far reaches of Dwilight...

<u>'''''May 2, 2008'''''</u>
<u>'''''May 2, 2008'''''</u>
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| width="66%" valign = "top" style="background:#FFFF66;" |<u>'''''May 2, 2008'''''</u>
| width="66%" valign = "top" style="background:#FFFF66;" |<u>'''''May 7, 2008'''''</u>
'''Region Takeover:''' [[Caerwyn]] has taken control of Walefishire , a former rogue region.
<u>'''''May 6, 2008'''''</u>
'''Region Takeover:''' [[Morek]] has taken control of Shomrak , a former rogue region.
<u>'''''May 4, 2008'''''</u>
'''Region Takeover:''' [[Caerwyn]] has taken control of Knyazes , a former rogue region.
<u>'''''May 2, 2008'''''</u>

'''Region Takeover:''' [[Caerwyn]] has taken control of Mozyr , a former rogue region.
'''Region Takeover:''' [[Caerwyn]] has taken control of Mozyr , a former rogue region.

Revision as of 05:14, 7 May 2008


Disclaimer (and for those who have had a little trouble with our writing): The Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Caerwynian Government.
Chief of Staff: Teniel Dell, Supreme Arbitrator of Caerwyn

Reporter: TBA

Battle Reporter: TBA

Interviewer: TBA

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
May 7, 2008

The storm clouds gather...

The difficult situation surrounding the newly created colony in Libidizedd continues to deteriorate as the High King of Everguard continues to maintain his hardline approach to the negotiations. In true Fisc-ian style, which typically promotes a foreign policy built upon simply issuing threats and ultimatums without actual compromise, his demands for the removal of the new Morekian colony from the city are being met with equally stoney responses from the Grandmaster of Morek.

However from information garnered from the discussions, it is clear that a great deal of the conflict arises from a Everguardian claim to the city and its surrouding islands, a claim that no-one knew about prior to the installation of the colony in the first place. The negotiations are on-going, but given their lack of progress, and the stoney resolve of all parties involved, it is clear that we are likely to see the second war on the continent of Dwilight being intitiated.

Caerwynian expansion continues!

In the past few days, the Caerwynians armies have had their most sweeping success so far in the campaign to bring light to the darkest regions on the earth. With the acquisition of Mozyr, the regions of Knazyes and Walefishire were also converted shortly after and only a matter of days apart. The takeovers themselves both took less than a day to complete each, with the local populace eager to submit themselves to the rule of a local Caerwynian government.

With the townsland of Walefishire added to Caerwynian holdings, our northern border is complete and secure, and now the attentions of the Military Command can be directed elsewhere, towards the south and also the region of Grazne.

Demyansk overrun!

Whilst the bulk of the Caerwynian armies have been occupied in the north, a massive force of monsters and undead numbering over 3,000 in estimated combat strength has overrun the southern region of Demyansk. Terrorising the populace, consuming or destroying the limited food stores, and slaying valiant Caerwynian soldiers caught in the region, the fiends have caused significant damage to the area. Indeed, their appearance in such numbers only reminds us that though the realms of humanity are gaining sway over the island, we are still very vulnerable to the rampant fury of these most deadly of enemies.

Despite these setbacks however, the Caerwynian military is responding quickly, with fresh forces amassing in Demyansk preparing to deal with the problem. Doubtless this will be a difficult struggle however, the enemy is numerous, and strong....

May 6, 2008

Supreme Arbitrator re-elected

In the only elections this month the encumbent Supreme Arbitrator, yours truly, was re-elected to office for another month. I thank all those who voted for me.

May 3, 2008

Another Colony in Dwilight...

At nightfall on the first day of May, 1008, the island city of Libidizedd in the central sea of Dwlight was taken over by Morekian forces, who promptly formed the 11th realm and 7th colony on Dwilight. Formed by the religious Faithful of the Church of Sanguis Astronism the realm will become a Theocracy, governed by religious elders who hold the island of great religious importance.

However, the birth of the new realm has been mired in further regional disputes which have become endemic of the Dwilightian political landscape of late. With the ever gracious High King of Everguard once again attempting to throw a log in the wheels of colonisation near his realm. High King Fisc immediately contacted the religious elders of Sanguis Astronism, as well as the Grandmaster of Morek, to register his displeasure at the colony being formed on his doorstep, and to promise an immediate military response to the situation. The Chronicle here in Caerwyn knows well the events which surrounded the movement of our colonial holdings further south in response to the machianations of the monarch of Everguard.

Laying claim to the city as further domains of his realm, it seems that High King Fisc Arylon wishes to maintain claims upon lands he will undoubtedly be unable to maintain in the long term, give the difficulty maintaining regions within the immediate vincinity of his Capital. Indeed, through information garnered from the correspondance between Everguard and Morek, it seems as though Everguard wishes to maintain control over the entire northern half of the western continent, whether under their own direct control, or through surrogate colonies in the cities of Darfix and Chrysalantys. Astronian Elders and Morekian leaders continue to debate the situation within Church channels and inter-realm discussions, as to how the situation should be resolved, though it is likely that war is on the horizon...


Yesterday saw the fires of human combat burst forth upon the hitherto peaceful continent of Dwilight, with the eruption of bitter conflict between the fledgling realm of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, and the continental powerhouse Pian En Luries. From information garnered by observers and correspondance shared between both rulers publically, the roots of the conflict lie in regional claims made by the Lurians over lands desired for conquest by the Fissoans themselves.

At current, the townslands and rural fiefdoms of Aveston and Moon Bay (to the far north of Fissoa, and the far south of Pian En Luries) are at the centre of the dispute, with Queen Alanna Anaris steadfastedly drawing an expansive line in the sand to curtail the efforts of the Fissoan Nobility. Insisting that there is plenty of room to the east of Fissoan lands, rather than to the north, the Queen of the Lurians has already promised retribution for the unfortunate outcome of the negotiations, demanding the surrender of Fissoa as recompense. In response, Grand Duke Leon Agenor of Fissoa, has promised a war to the death for the rights to the lands, and with the distances involved in such a conflict, it is likely that this war will be a long-lasting affair.

The Chronicle has to wonder however if either realm really has the capacity to maintain the regions, irregardless of their wish to hold the land, given their distance from the respective capitals of Fissoa and Pian En Luries...

Mozyr Taken!

The rural fiefdom of Mozyr was brought under the control of Caerwynian forces occupying the region as dusk fell yesterday evening. After a relatively uneventful takeover, which lasted but a day and a half, an interim regional government loyal to Caerwyn was installed, and shortly after Sir Deli Haydar was appointed as the new Viscount of Mozyr. The peaceful occupation of the region was only broken once, but the actions of an unidentified looter, who pillaged an outlying town on the borders of the region. Unfortunately, their identity remained unknown, and thus no action could be taken against them.

With the heartland of Caerwyn now secured by regions on all sides, the military leadership of Caerwyn is now debating as to what the next step will be in our campaign to colonise the far reaches of Dwilight...

May 2, 2008

Takeover in Mozyr

With the regions of Mech Derris and Demyansk secured, and the reconstruction of Farrowfield progressing quickly, the attentions of the Caerwynian armies turned northwards to the region of Mozyr, where a takeover was initiated yesterday. With overwhelming forces in the region, reports from amongst the commoners suggest that the installation of a Caerwynian regional government will be completed within the day, and the circumvallation of the Caerwynian heartland complete. Attentions can then be directed westwards and northwards, and the rich regions which lie in that direction.

A new month!

With the events of April still fresh in the minds of the colonists of Dwilight, we take further steps towards taming the wild frontier as May unfolds before us. With wars looming, and colonisation continuing, May looks to be one of the most interesting months in Dwilight yet!

May 7, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Walefishire , a former rogue region.

May 6, 2008

Region Takeover: Morek has taken control of Shomrak , a former rogue region.

May 4, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Knyazes , a former rogue region.

May 2, 2008

Region Takeover: Caerwyn has taken control of Mozyr , a former rogue region.

May 1, 2008

Region Takeover: Morek has taken control of Libidizedd , a former rogue region, and established a colony there.

May 1, 2008

Region Takeover: Grand Duchy of Fissoa has taken control of Palm Sea , a former rogue region.

Public Execution: The dishonourable rogue Adventurer, Doctor, was publicly tortured to death in Askileon earlier today.

Extras: Archive Editions