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::::::Yeah, I'm on that.  Thanks for the suggestion. :) --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 00:54, 28 July 2006 (CEST)
::::::Yeah, I'm on that.  Thanks for the suggestion. :) --[[User:Chilango2|Aeillien]] 00:54, 28 July 2006 (CEST)
:::::There has been no realm-wide discussion of such a plan, as any Perdanian would tell you. If Queen Clarissa has had private discussion with Eleran or Vlad concerning a deal involving Partora, then I don't know about it. I am, after all, not the Queen of Perdan. It is my personal opinion that giving away Partora to Caligus would be a very bad idea for Perdan. It would not, in any way, convince any of our enemies to declare peace with Perdan. If Vlad were able to work out a peace agreement between Perdan and Fontan as part of the deal involving the transfer of Partora, then perhaps there would be a way to make this deal work. A transfer of Partora to Caligus does not, however, meet Fontan's stated intention of forming a new buffer realm between Perdan and Fontan with its capital in Perdan city. If the Partora deal doesn't meet Gregor's terms, then how likely is Gregor to agree to it? --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 16:17, 28 July 2006 (CEST)
:::::There has been no realm-wide discussion of such a plan, as any Perdanian would tell you. If Queen Clarissa has had private discussion with Eleran or Vlad concerning a deal involving Partora, then I don't know about it. I am, after all, not the Queen of Perdan. It is my personal opinion that giving away Partora to Caligus would be a very bad idea for Perdan. It would not, in any way, convince any of our enemies to declare peace with Perdan. If Vlad were able to work out a peace agreement between Perdan and Fontan as part of the deal involving the transfer of Partora, then perhaps there would be a way to make this deal work. A transfer of Partora to Caligus does not, however, meet Fontan's stated intention of forming a new buffer realm between Perdan and Fontan with its capital in Perdan city. If the Partora deal doesn't meet Gregor's terms, then how likely is Gregor to agree to it? --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 16:17, 28 July 2006 (CEST)
::::::Having spoken with Clarissa on the subject, the deal with Perdan is nowhere near as set in stone as Vlad thinks it is.[[User:DorianGray|DorianGray]] 16:34, 28 July 2006 (CEST)

Revision as of 14:34, 28 July 2006

For this issue, please put topics for discussion in headers, and sigh comments using --~~~~. Thanks. --The1exile 21:26, 1 July 2006 (CEST)


You're sure not holding back on the looting in Lorient. The troops of Itorunt are doing a rather respectable job of looting the place to the ground. --Indirik 14:20, 3 July 2006 (CEST)

Yeah, well, like I said, Clermont was judged slow by Itorunt standards... but at least we're doing the more honourable forms of looting. Taxes and food, I believe. No rape, murder and pyromania for Itorunt troops, unlike Perdan, who revel in such acts. --The1exile 19:30, 3 July 2006 (CEST)
More honorable forms of looting? I'll have to remember to tell my troops that their parent were killed by honorable looting, instead of dishonorable looting. They'll sleep better that way. :) --Indirik 04:50, 4 July 2006 (CEST)
Huh? We haven't killed peasants. Peasants don't die of lack of gold. --The1exile 05:14, 4 July 2006 (CEST)
Why loot in Lorient and not in Clermont? Because Clermont was originally a region of one of the Southern Federation's member-states. As such they are entitled to decent treatment. We are returning Clermont to the fold and thus treat them with leniency as their allegiance to Perdan was unwilling. Lorient is Perdanese through and through... for a little longer. It is necessary to make them understand in no uncertain terms that they will now answer to Itorunt and the South. The harder we drive that lesson home now, the better things will be for everyone in the long run. --Walsh 01:33, 5 July 2006 (CEST)

New Format

Yay! New layout! --Ichigo, Kurosaki Family 21:58, 1 July 2006 (CEST)

I like the new layout. Very nice. --Alex 06:57, 3 July 2006 (CEST)(DeSyrr Family)

I hate it! The bright colors hurt my eyes! -Doc Primus Family

Hey, thats the Itorunt crest for ya. It would have been Purple, yellow and cyan but the links screw up on purpleand I can't so the CSS on the wiki. --The1exile 05:14, 4 July 2006 (CEST)

Ubent Tournament

You're not starting these newspaper wars again are you? (Didn't you recently leave a comment on the KI or OR paper's page about them doing the same thing?) Atticus is new at this, and made a simple mistake. It's not like your math or facts are 100% correct, either. This stuff would be a lot more fun if we'd help each other out, and not ridicule each other. I've fixed the math. I have no idea what it costs to run a tournament, so I can't account for anything other than the prizes given. Regardless, the 20 gold fee is pretty high especially for a tournament with so low of a prize. --Indirik 04:08, 19 July 2006 (CEST)

Newspaper wars can be fun as well, assuming that everyone can remember to stay IC, and preferably in-article rather than in-talk. I've already reminded people of that on the talk page of an older issue, and looking at my characters, I'm fairly sure I can't be accused of bias one way or another. Incidentally, the cost of a tourney is only, AFAIK, the cost of the prizes - not sure, it's been a while since I've looked at the 'call tourney' page.
Ok, I used a little inter character knowledge there. Calling a tournament on the far east cost the ruler 770 gold, the prizes were 200 and 100 with 10 or 15 gold entrance fee I think. I believe that the extra costs depend on how many nobles can some to your tournament.
And for the record, I did try and tell you OOC before I wrote that. --The1exile 17:59, 19 July 2006 (CEST)

Nine Hells of Baator

Is this a new religion Itorunt professes? What news do you have of Baator? -- Aurum Bishamon Family 23:55, 19 July 2006 (CEST)

Well, it's kind of complicated. I don't think it's official, but it is a concept most of the family has stuck through for time immemorial (except for San, who deviated a bit). I suggest you have your scribes do research on the topic. --The1exile 23:58, 19 July 2006 (CEST)

Oh dear! What a horrid place! Do you imply that Caligus has become one of the nine hells of Baator? Or is it all nine of them? -- Aurum Bishamon Family 00:02, 20 July 2006 (CEST)

No, the phrase is simply a saying. But if Vlad carries through with his threats, it will be my pleasure to send him through all nine and then to the bottom of the abyss (and yes I know that's somewhat obsolete). --The1exile 00:05, 20 July 2006 (CEST)

Eh, don't become a monster though. I enjoy our frienship, but if you take pleasure in sending people to such places... -- Aurum Bishamon Family 00:07, 20 July 2006 (CEST)

I don't, generally. But if he does what he threatens, I will avenge it. --The1exile 00:09, 20 July 2006 (CEST)

Itorunt and Yssaria getting their asses handed to them

Good surprise weren't they those walls :) And why do you call us monsters?? Celeste attacked us first with a dagger to the back and the Ysissies have ben looting our lands since they broke through Supra. Anyway Alex why were you so quiet at the battle you seemed very talkative at the battle of Ubent Castle where we last met... Oh well I guess you will continue to attack our realm with your pen. Until next time. --Lumberjack 16:58, 22 July 2006 (CEST)

OOC: I was inactive most of that turn. Also I find it a bit against the lightweight aspect of the game that you could buiild walls immediately then which pretty much takes advantage of the fact that the leaders of Div I are on GMT and CET, and therefore asleep when you did it. Annoyingness. But hey, if it's fun for you thats good.
IC: We'll be back. Also, was it not the Caligans who have been assaulting OUR allies (Yssaria), and aided OUR enemies (Ubent)? Then to expect nothing to happen is hardly reasonable, but then to threaten her life (especially when you couldn't even keep her locked up there, perhaps instead of those walls you should have built a better prison?) goes too far. --The1exile 17:31, 22 July 2006 (CEST)

Well I'm from malta the walls were completed at about 9 pm so that it would be after your early scout reports. You probably fell asleep after I built them--Lumberjack 20:16, 22 July 2006 (CEST)

Actually nah, I was out at a gig, it's the beginning of summer w00t. --The1exile 20:19, 22 July 2006 (CEST)

Personally, I don't see why you're acting surprized that we won. Fredrich 04:18, 24 July 2006 (CEST)

Uh, becuase if everyone had moved, and if ABishur hadn't been bolted, we would have won. Wait til next time. And Fredrich, please don't edit this page. Cheers. --The1exile 11:39, 24 July 2006 (CEST)

OOC From here on in

Could you please stop this nonsense?
Your Article is enough allready.
You shoudnt overeact this more out of Game.
Discusion pages in wiki should be OOC if i am not mistaken, please keep it decent.
You guys didnt even post my message where i threatened about the Itoruntian infiltrator, so thats why I requested IG Vlads duke to post them so you could all read it in horror.
Thank you, Nosferatus.

Where does it say that? Seriously, for over 6 months all pages attached to the Newspaper have been IC unless stated otehrwise. I have nothing against Caligus OOC, except mauybe a it of distaste towards the name, but my character thinks its time for them to die. --The1exile 14:33, 20 July 2006 (CEST)

Gah, you win alex - I was never good at math, and I didn't know tournaments cost money to host.

The cease fire

Just FYI, that's the agreement almost exactly as Eleran described it to the entire Kingdom, but naturally I've heard nothing from Perdan, which is why my article worded it a little catiously. We'll see. The "Joint article of glorious victory atop the walls of domus" plan seems to have gotten sidetracked, he? No plan survives contact with the enemy, I supposse. Don't worry, I didn't interpret your article as a jibe, just letting you know my sources and the situation. <chuckles>--Aeillien 14:31, 27 July 2006 (CEST)

I know, Aeillien, I know. I actually saw the speech given to your realm from Eleran. But if you look at TRL's article written two days ago, it has far less mention of Caligus giving up Domus and Perdan giving up Partora. And with the rest of the southern federation pushing for peace terms that include taking Aix... well, Perdan loses two cities, and I think it would be far more likely that they would leave their ally out to die than give them a city. Maybe I'm too cynical of perdan. --The1exile 15:31, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
One important thing to note: The Perdan capital move to Partora was done many months ago, when strategic capital moves were legal. It was done on a regular basis by many realms. --Indirik 16:13, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
Ok, but it's almost impossible to find any account outside of Perdan that could tell you when or why it was moved. --The1exile 16:42, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
The "why" should be painfully obvious: the capital was moved from Perdan to Partora to aid the war effort in the south. Remember, that used to be legal. (Or, if not strictly legal, then it was at least a commonly accepted practice, and was never acted on by the Titans. Many realms moved their capitals for purely strategic reasons. That is probably why the capital of Fontan was moved to Krimml.) As for when, that was most likely done sometime around the latter half of 2005. --Indirik 19:39, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
*Can* you confirm any of this Indirik? A little like Alex, my initial response to the agreement was "wow, Perdan sure is being generious to their allies." Which, I mean, they are. It's honorable and everything, but still, it leaves them in about the same state they are now (small and weak) and doesn't leave much of your Kingdom left. Someone in Yssaria theorized you were trying to put Caligus between yourself and Fontan but a) The geography doesn't work out, and b) There's not much to stop them from going to war against Caligus, is there? --Aeillien 17:17, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
Actually, Aeillien, there is a treaty with Fontan that Caligus has. It states that they will not allow Sirion forces to travel through Fontan lands with the intent of attacking Caligan territories. I think it was in the peace they signed before. Fontan would lose a lot of face doing that. --The1exile 17:26, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
Right, I forgot about that. But it doesn't change the fact that the geography doesn't work. "Partora and connecting regions" doesn't block Fontan, especially if the hold onto Bescanon. Best Perdan could hope for is to retake Bescanon and give it away to Caligus, so long as Fontan has that region, they can strike directly into Perdan city. That sure seems like an awful chancy gamble to me, but Perdan may just not have enough territory to give away to everyone at war with her, so I'm not sure how many other realistic options they have. This is, still of course, assuming they actually go *through* with this deal...--Aeillien 17:49, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
My understanding is that there is a treaty between Caligus and Fontan that says each will stay out of the others lands and leave each other alone, or something like that. In order for Fontan to attack Caligus, they would have to break that treaty. As for giving away Partora to Caligus, I have to ask you this: What benefit would a deal like that have for Perdan? Would it buy us peace with Itorunt and Ibladesh? Would it buy us peace with Fontan and Sirion? If the answer to both of those is "no", which, as we can all agree it would be, then what is the point? Any treaty between Caligus and Yssaria would most certainly prevent Caligus from aiding Perdan against the southern federation. Existing treaties between Caligus and Fontan prevent them from helping us against Fontan. So, what good would such a a deal be to Perdan? Yes, it might save Caligus. But the cost would almost certainly be the death of Perdan. We would still be fighting Sirion, Fontan, Ibladesh, and Itorunt. And we would have one less city to do it with.
Let's face it, the only possible way a deal like that could work is if it somehow allowed Perdan to come to peace with Fontan. For the life of me, I can't see how giving Partora to Caligus could accomplish that. Of course, everything could change if Gregor was actually talking to Clarissa. Clarissa has publically apologized for offending Gregor and asked for a resumption of peace talks. However, Gregor still will not talk to her. --Indirik 19:39, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
Indirik, you've confused me a bit more, actually. From the sound of what your saying, you haven't heard of this aspect of the deal, and don't think its actually going to happen. When Elran came and announced that deal to Yssaria, I assumed, that, at the least, Perdan was (nominally) on board, and that there was some tenuous agreement. The other options is that Vlad bartered what he doesn't have, and he is going to be in the uncomfortable position of convincing Perdan to agree to this and save his realm. Either that or Vlad is lying and trying to buy time. Since all I have is the information on my end, and since I have a good amount of confidence in Eleran, I'm assuming he's not just out and out lying to the entire realm about this treaty. Sure, things could get botched in the *execution*, but I assumed there was a (tenuous, nebulous, not yet implemented, broken by the slightest whiff) agreement. From what you’re telling me, Perdan has no idea this is happening? --Aeillien 22:45, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
Aeillien, I suggest you inform Eleran of Indirik's total ignorance of these plans. If he doesn't know, that couldmean there is no agreementand Eleran might need to make preparations about that. --The1exile 23:56, 27 July 2006 (CEST)
Yeah, I'm on that. Thanks for the suggestion. :) --Aeillien 00:54, 28 July 2006 (CEST)
There has been no realm-wide discussion of such a plan, as any Perdanian would tell you. If Queen Clarissa has had private discussion with Eleran or Vlad concerning a deal involving Partora, then I don't know about it. I am, after all, not the Queen of Perdan. It is my personal opinion that giving away Partora to Caligus would be a very bad idea for Perdan. It would not, in any way, convince any of our enemies to declare peace with Perdan. If Vlad were able to work out a peace agreement between Perdan and Fontan as part of the deal involving the transfer of Partora, then perhaps there would be a way to make this deal work. A transfer of Partora to Caligus does not, however, meet Fontan's stated intention of forming a new buffer realm between Perdan and Fontan with its capital in Perdan city. If the Partora deal doesn't meet Gregor's terms, then how likely is Gregor to agree to it? --Indirik 16:17, 28 July 2006 (CEST)
Having spoken with Clarissa on the subject, the deal with Perdan is nowhere near as set in stone as Vlad thinks it is.DorianGray 16:34, 28 July 2006 (CEST)