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{{Inalienable rights|going to a tournament}}
{{Inalienable rights|going to a tournament}}

Revision as of 19:55, 28 July 2005

Tournaments (or tourneys) are an oppurtunity to win a large prize for a small entry fee. They could also grant you honour and prestige. When announced by a ruler of a realm, any troop leaders from any realm on the island may join to drink and fight; matching their various skills against each other. It is a good way for relatively unexperienced troop leaders to gain some prestige, and for more skilled troop leaders to earn that extra bit of gold.

Hosting a Tournament

If you are a ruler of a realm, you have the option to host a tournament. This requires an investment on your part: to dip into the realm's coffers or to have a fundraiser with others in the realm is your own decision. This money then goes to construction and maintenance of the tournament fields; entertainment, food and drink of your guests; and the prize money. You set a price of admission (usually in the order of five to twenty gold) for all competitors, which also helps provide the necessary funds. You also set the date when it will be held (a good time is around a week after you plan on announcing the tournament).

You may make a profit or loss holding a tournament: if the prize money is low and the number of competitors is high, you could make more gold from admission then you spent on your investment. However, it is often that the total gold made will not cover the costs and you will make the loss. Most realms accept that they will likely make a loss, and hold them purely for the enjoyment.


When a tournament is announced, 'Go to Tournament' will appear on your actions page. Remember to factor in the distance to where it is being held when you decide to go; you may find yourself arriving only to find that it is already over. Be sure to pay your men before you go for they will not go with you, and you will not be able to pay them once you have left.

Once there, the amount of time you have is less than normal, due to the inevitable socialising and drinking that will occur. You do, however, have a small amount of time, in which you can train, show off your skills or have another round on you for all the other competitors.

Once it gets down to the competition, the competitors face each other in pairs for the seperate swordsmanship and jousting events. They fight, and the one with the higher skill will most likely be the winner of each match. This continues until two (not necessarily the best) face off in the final match, and the winner is granted the full prize (the runner-up usually recieves a lesser prize). Competing may result in some prestige or honour gains, regardless of the level of competition you achieved.

It is then a day or two for the long ride home.

Be aware that going to a tournament is one of a noble's inalienable rights in Battlemaster. Anyone who gives you orders about going to a tournament should be reported to the Titans or Magistrates.