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==Judicial System==
==Judicial System==


Revision as of 13:43, 1 May 2009

The old Norland site had temporarily been moved to Norland history.
Norland website

For horribly outdated information on Norland, check out the Norland News! For a more up-to-date report, pick up a copy of the Asgard Informer!

Judicial System




War: Barony of Makar against Norland The Barony of Makar was the agressor as far as I know. Norland's armies pushed them back, however, taking Egret's Rock, Uforth, Makar, Jerkel and Yule, before former BoM region Lamia defected to Eston and before Upper Tell was handed over to Eston, thus cutting Norland off from the Barony. Barony was promised to get the two regions back from Eston after the peace treaty, but Eston did not cooperate. This triggered the Barony of Makar - Norland alliance later on.


Falasan - Tara war Norland sends armies to help defend Falasan's territories. This marked the beginning of Tara's decline.

Campaign against Tuchanon III The first Eastern Alliance united front campaign against Tuchanon III, which was based in Tucha. Norland did not participate in the second one that eventually destroyed the realm.


War: Norland and Barony of Makar against Eston Very long story. The agressor was Norland, who had enough of the treaty that Eston had them sign after a war that Norland lost ages ago. Barony of Makar joined Norland in the hope of getting former regions from Eston and Norland back. After a couple of Eston defeats Talerium and Darka were drawn into the conflict on Eston's side. Darka pulled out later and the vikings asked for help from Minas Ithil. Both Talerium and Minas Ithil pulled out before the war was officially over. The event that triggered the peace treaty was the secession of Massilion in Eston (led by former leaders of Eston who wanted the continuation of the war they started).

Eston lost Upper Tell, Lamia and Fiddleford to Barony of Makar, Ashmoor, Moramroth, Belegrond and Barad Riel to Norland (latter two were handed over as a result of the peace treaty), Amdor, Amriel and Elost to Minas Ithil. What Eston gained was better relations with Norland and BoM, due to the change of leaders and attitude in their realm. Norland handed over Yule, Jerkel and former BoM capital Makar to the Barony for their dedication in the war. Uforth was also to be handed over, but Sordnaz (dictator of BoM) decided to let Norland keep it as a symbol of good-will on the part of the Barony.


Tournament in Brackhead (and also in jousting and swordfighting ^_^) With the participation of 250 troopleaders Norland hosted her first tournament ever. People from all over the continent started arriving soon after the competition was announced. With the exception of Alexandra there wasn't one person who didn't get drunk. The main program of the day was usually to drink enough to remain drunk. Some claim they'd sobered up by the time the swordfighting and jousting started, but we have to wait and see the drug-test results.

The winner of the swordfighting competition was Malfix from Abington, Diruo of Minas Ithil being the runner-up. The most successful viking was Simone from the Barony of Makar, who beat Adrick, the best swordfighter of Norland in the quarter-finals, only to be beaten later in the semi-final.

The main event (jousting competition) was won by DrSeptre of the Barony, with Travis from Eston as his final opponent. The viking that got furthest was obviously DrSeptre, while the most successful Norlander was Palthos, who made it to the semi-final.


War: Norland and Barony of Makar against Minas Ithil A few months after having demanded Amdor, Amriel and Elost back from Minas Ithil (which Dead Angel3 didn't hand back, but insisted we take them over instead) Norland and the Barony of Makar declared war on the south-eastern neighbor, as that's what their god, Thor commanded them to do. The god saw Dead Angel3, king of Minas Ithil as a menace to his followers, so the aim of the war is to reduce his influence. The leadership of Norland saw two possibilities to achieving this:

  • Taking Winwich, Dunstoke and York (cities which once belonged to Norland) from Minas Ithil, weakening the realm under Dead Angel3's command, thus weakening the king himself
  • Making the Ithilians realize that they follow a dictator, so that they demand his resignation

Phase 1: Norland and BoM against Minas Ithil

With Norland declaring war Minas Ithil rallied her armies and met the viking army in Winwich, which Norland already invaded. Soon the Barony of Makar also joined the fight, leading short looting-raids into Minas Ithil. At this stage the war was fairly balanced. Minas Ithil was repelled in Mansbridge, but entered Norland through Elost soon afterwards. The Ithilian army was beaten back soon after their takeover of the region began and now it was Norland's turn to go on the offensive. The viking armies were again pushed back from Lyton and Winwich and it seemed like neither sides are going to be able to make a progress...

Phase 2: Norland and BoM against Minas Ithil and Cagilan Empire

Dead Angel3 called for help against Norland and received some from the largest realm in Atamara... the armies of the Cagilan Empire were headed towards Norland. Just 2 days after the defeat of the Ithilian army in Mansbridge the Cagilan army entered the same region in the belief that Norland is still taking care of his wounds somewhere in the capital. They were wrong. Norland unexpectedly arrived to the battlefield and defended the fort against the incoming Cagilan army and the Ithilian support-troops.

Phase 3: Norland, BoM and Abington against Minas Ithil

With the entry of the Cagilan Empire to the war Abington decided it was time to repay the visit of Minas Ithil from a few months earlier, and even the odds. Just as the Cagilan army arrived home, Abington entered Minast Ithil. It was at this time that the Cagilan Empire decided to pull out of the war, claiming that whatever Abington is doing, it must be the right thing to do. Minas Ithil's army met the enemy in the middle of the realm, but was defeated. Norland arrived with a new army and invaded Winwich and Dunstoke. Abington burned down whatever they could and tried to hurt Minas Ithil as much as possible. They did a good job. With the economy in ruins the Ithilians had to concentrate on rebuilding it, rather than defending the borders. Barony decided it was time to pull out from the war, and so they returned to the north. Norland took over Winwich after several days, but got reports of Abington battling Talerium on their way home. Talerium was coming...

Phase 4: Norland against Minas Ithil and Talerium

Dead Angel3 was once again lucky enough to receive help from the former enemies of Norland. Winwich did not have a fort, and the enemy was stronger than the viking army, so it was up to General Balian Da Hadez to think of a strategy that would bring victory to Norland's side. The Talerian and Ithilian armies arrived to the region with the morning sunlight, but since there was a troopleader from Makar among the viking ranks the Talerian army refused to fight, since they were at peace with the Barony. The Ithilian army had been slaughtered, and the Talerian leaders declared the Barony of Makar a neutral realm. Both armies prepared for the upcoming second battle, and as the sun started setting the aggressors charged at the viking troops... the result was another heroic victory for Norland though it cost General Balian Da Hadez his life.

Phase 5: Norland against Minas Ithil

With Minas Ithil and her two strongest allies beaten Dead Angel3 approached Norland with the offer of a treaty to keep the war solely between the two realms. Despite Minas Ithil's greater resources and Norland's suspicions of treachery to come the treaty was agreed. Norland stood her ground admirably against the superior odds until a bloody stalemate prevailed with both sides taking heavy losses for months. Eventually, however, lack of resources, battle weariness and the deaths of key nobles left Norland vulnerable. All it took was for Norland to falter in two critical battles for Minas Ithil, her coffers swollen from a recent tournament, to gain the upper-hand. Despite the heroic efforts of Norland's remaining forces under General R'Guard Da Hadez, Elost was finally lost to Minas Ithil and in quick succession Amriel, Barad Reil, Melmoor, Hernepoole and Moramroth fell to the invaders. Though Norland managed to oust Minas Ithil from Hernepoole and Melmoor it was obvious that their backs were against the wall.

Phase 6: Norland, BoM and Eston against Minas Ithil then Peace

During Minas Ithil's invasion into Norland's territory the vikings' allies Eston and The Barony of Makar had beseeched Norland to break the one-on-one treaty and allow them to move against their enemies. Norland had consistently refused such aid on the grounds that they could not break the treaty honorably. Eventually Eston and The Barony took matters in their own hands and moved against Minas Ithil themselves in order to save their ally from approaching oblivion. In the bloody weeks that followed Minas Ithil were pushed back out of Norland's territory, Eston took control of Barad Reil, General R'Guard Da Hadez stepped down over a matter of personal honor and Dead Angel3 fulfilled an earlier promise and stepped down as king of Minas Ithil. A three-week ceasefire was declared to allow Minas Ithil to host a tournament to bid farewell to their departing ruler. With Dead Angel3 gone, replaced with the apparently honorable former general Raoul De La Fere, peace came quickly with all sides agreeing to cease hostilities and return borders to their pre-war state.

Phase 7: Northern Federation re-enters the war with Minas Ithil

Months after the peace treaty with Minas Ithil and with Norland somewhat repaired the Northern federation came to the decision of re-entering the war with Minas Ithil. Norland being the main belligerent in the war with Eston and Barony Of Makar supporting their forces. The invasion came swiftly and after multiple battles Norland quickly retook Winwich and began expanding even further into MI lands with Eston and the Makarian's looting Ithilian regions in conjunction with the Norland army. At one point Norland had taken over Winwich, Cheltenborne and Dunstoke while also brutalizing other regions. during this time Norland lost the hero Branimir in fire storm of battle. but amends where to be made over this and many of Dead_Angel3's atrocities would also be somewhat punished when Norland's Grand Executioner Gunner 'Serpent' had Dead_Angel3 executed, through being speared by Odin's spear. By this time however Eston had stopped fighting Minas Ithil due to a surprise attack by Darka and where soon overwhelmed, this was a direct factor in the breaking up of the Northern Federation. This also comes in conjunction to a joint Carelian-Caergoth-Suville attack on Minas Ithil.

Phase 8: Northern Federation splits

When Eston was severely beaten by Darka they where given the chance to recreate their alliance with Darka, cast aside their federated brothers and take back the regions they lost in the Viking wars. Much to our own shock and disgust Eston agreed to this and broke from the Federation and to further aid our shocked disgust the Barony Of Makar also broke Federation, though there reasoning is unknown but suspected to be greed, even though they currently have about two or three of Norland's regions which they are merely maintaining 'till Norland can take them back. The Makarian's have cast aside many years of brotherhood and federation and have created a Viking schism in their greed, though Norland remains true to its Viking honour and they remain the only true Vikings. On the 20TH of February 2009 a small and rather weak L'eston army attacked Belegrond, but due to the sudden break up of the Federation Norland was not prepared for this attack and they won the battle against a minuscule defending force.

Phase 9: Death Throes Norland

After repeated attacks on Norland's borders regionsour defences eventually folded, loosing Belegrond in the opening moves, with Barad Riel withstanding many attacks until part way into April where a combined 45k C.S attacking army lay waste to the defenders. However due to a deal with Eston prior to the siege the region was quickly handed over in exchange for a cessation of agression. During the repeated sieges of Barad Riel Eston moved to take other regions after securing Belegrond, Moramoth, Elost and Amriel where taken while they mantained pressure on Bara Riel. Barony Of Makar moved southwards to take "former Makarian regions" and Minas Ithil took Mansbridge. Leaving Norland with Hernepoole, Brackhead, Shiverwood and Ashmoor.
Phoenix sized.png Phoenix sized.png
(Flag) (Coat of Arms)
Continent / Island Atamara
Capital Brackhead
Largest City Brackhead
Government System Republic

Valak of the Scipii
Janna Da Hadez
Gorhero Capelo
Omlink II Belios

Region Numbers 5 (12th)
Population 25035
Players 30
Last Statistics Update 2009.12.13