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headline =  Sirion Takes Avamar|
headline =  Sirion Takes Avamar|
author = Alise Athins|
author = Alise Athins|
article = Sirion forces recently invaded and took over the city of [[East Continent/Avamar|Avamar]].  The loss of the city is devastating. }}
article = Sirion forces recently invaded and took over the city of [[East Continent/Avamar|Avamar]].  The loss of the city is devastating to our cause.  The resurgence in the elves military is a complete surprise.}}

{{Template: FD FontanNews1|
{{Template: FD FontanNews1|

Latest revision as of 17:12, 28 October 2008

Fontan Democrat Header.png
September '08

Printed in Krimml, Karbala, and Fontan City Free

Fontan News
Sirion Takes Avamar
By, Alise Athins
Sirion forces recently invaded and took over the city of Avamar. The loss of the city is devastating to our cause. The resurgence in the elves military is a complete surprise.
Editorial: Response to the Westmoor Times
By, Alise Athins
The Westmoor Times has seen fit to answer my editorial with more lies and mis-information, so let me once again set this farce of a realm straight.

"A failed Ruler made marshal of a fighting force"

Ahh so we now resort to personal insults. I fail to see how I am a "failed" ruler, I choose not to run for re-election.

"First off, Lady Alise, Marshal of Fontan's Fools, Former two time ruler of Fontan (I believe she might have been ruler for a total of 2 1/2 days... wonder why)"

More personal insults. Shows how childish Westmoor really is. With such honor there is no wonder why Fontan calls them a farce of a realm. If this, Hiddukel Kiri-Jolith, who edits their paper is any representation of the nobility of Westmoor, there might just be a lack of nobility. Every Westmoorian I have spoken with so far speaks just like a peasant.

"How stupid is THIS? Does Westmoor fly the Perdan Banner?"

Lets see, it was created by Perdan, using Perdanese armies, and Perdan nobles. Every noble in the "realm" is from Perdan with the exception of one Caligan, and a couple former Confederates (who were in Perdan before the confederacy). And it's ruler is Perdanese Royalty. If it looks like Perdan, stinks like Perdan, and fights just as horrendous as Perdan does, I'd say it's Perdan.

"Did Fontan have that agreement with Perdan to create a new realm in Westmoor?"

I do not deny this we did, but it was voided long ago. Yes, Fontan and quite a few other realms had an agreement to create a new Coimbra. I find this hilarious since Coimbra and Perdan were enemies. But then Perdan didn't seem to want to back us up when OR and Sirion said such an agreement never existed. Then we ended up at war with both of them over the subject. Even then we still wished to create New Coimbra. Unfortunately the few remaining Coimbraians no longer wanted to, including the Duke of Westmoor of the time Sartan MorningStar. Still when we decided to create a new realm out of Kazakh, we approached Perdan, and they refused because we would not name this new realm Oligarch. So you see there was no longer an agreement, this was all just Perdanese aggression and power hunger. But then again I don't expect any of your monarchs to reveal any of these politics to you. (This is the type of stuff you find out as a ruler by the way.)

"Westmoor though, as a new start, offered peace."

"New start," haha don't make me laugh. Westmoor is Perdan through and through. Once again I don't expect you to understand politics, your Queen was just doing that to try and make Westmoor look good, while everyone with half a brain knows her real intentions. Not to mention if we had accepted peace, you would declare war on us naught but a few weeks later once you stabilized you regions. Your ignorance is amazing.

"deceitful fools"

More childish attacks. How has Fontan ever been deceitful? Ohh I'm sorry you mean Perdan is a bunch of deceitful fools. We only signed the UBA with them, and continuously pushed for an alliance. But Perdan would have none of it. THey knew all along that the UBA was just a ruse so that they could do whatever they wanted in the south while Fontan took care of Sirion and OR. What did they do once they were done in the south? Attack Fontan. Not to mention that they had been planning with Gregor behind our backs for months, knowing he would secede, but yet offering peace and fake friendship to Fontan, knowing all along that they would strike us when we were most vulnerable. I don't know how you define deceit, but that fits the definition I know.

"You had the option of accepting Perdan enforcing the agreement that the Great and FAIR democracy of Fontan conveniently forgot."

Which one? The one that Perdan refused to inforce before or accept? Ohh but wait, monarchs leave their people in the dark about all the twisted things they do diplomatically.

"Yes, OR decided it signed no agreement to it. Does Fontan believe that voids the agreement between Perdan and Fontan?"

Where was Perdan when Sirion and OR were claiming the agreement didn't exsist? Silent as the grave they were, because they were getting exactly what they wanted, a split in the northern alliance so that they could worry free lay Ibladesh, Caligus, and Ubent to waste. What did Perdan say when we tried to honor the agreement still? No thanks. The agreement was voided by Perdan long ago my ignorant friend.

"Above I see Perdan, Old Rancagua, Sirion, and Fontan... do tell what Westmoor has done to you?"

Westmoor is Perdan. Everything Perdan has done to us Westmoor has done to us because Perdan did it to create you. How hard is it to understand?

"Westmoor's people never declared war upon you."

The day Perdan decided to create Westmoor you declared war on us.

"Again, wherever does it say Westmoor has been planned for months?"

"The idea of Westmoor's creation has finally become a reality."
I don't know how you define finally, but I take it as meaning after a long period of time.

"The wishes of Perdan were also to destroy the Fontanese. And for Westmoor to continue the war upon them."

The truth come out!

"So you agree with the entire Realm of Fontan sending their own personal messages to a ruler? You agree with Mikhail harassing Queen Evangeline in such a manner? You agree with such disrespect. That is a shame."

No, but when someone (Evangeline) disrespects them self as much as she has by making as much a fool of herself by saying some of the absurd statements she said, they deserve to have it pointed out to them. But then again Evangeline isn't even a Queen anymore now is she, she is now just a step above a peasant, being a rogue and all. She claims to be the "Queen" of a realm called Westmoor, but all I see is a bunch of raving mad rogues.

Song: Fontan Forever
By, Armstrong Ironsides
Fontan Forever

(to the tune of "Battle cry of Freedom")

It's our time to take the city, nobles, this time we'll enjoy,
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!
We fought them in Negev, we fought them in An Najaf,
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!


Our Fontan Forever! Hurrah, nobles, hurrah!
Down with Confederacy! Up with Democracy!
It's our time to free the city, nobles, our time to right the wrongs,
Shouting the battle cry of victory!

We see a day others will never get the chance, we're
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!
We today will sing this day, singing out our hearts,
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!


Our Fontan Forever! Hurrah, nobles, hurrah!
Down with Confederacy! Up with Democracy!
It's our time to free the city, nobles, our time to right the wrongs,
Shouting the battle cry of victory!

Democracy unites us, nobles, Democracy fulfills us,
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!
Our enemies weep inside, never seeing such glory days, we're
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!


Our Fontan Forever! Hurrah, nobles, hurrah!
Down with Confederacy! Up with Democracy!
It's our time to free the city, nobles, our time to right the wrongs,
Shouting the battle cry of victory!

To the future hear our voice, nobles, to the future remember our song,
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!
They will sing this song of freedom, they will sing this song of pride, they're
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!


Our Fontan Forever! Hurrah, nobles, hurrah!
Down with Confederacy! Up with Democracy!
It's our time to free the city, nobles, our time to right the wrongs,
Shouting the battle cry of victory!

Our flag has returned to grace, nobles, our flag is clean once again,
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!
Tomorrow no true man, will remember the Confederacy, cuz' we're
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!


Our Fontan Forever! Hurrah, nobles, hurrah!
Down with Confederacy! Up with Democracy!
It's our time to free the city, nobles, our time to right the wrongs,
Shouting the battle cry of victory!

Let no soul revive, nobles, the past which is disgraced, so keep
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!
We bury Gregor deep, nobles, we bury tyranny down, we're
Shouting the battle cry of Victory!

Fontan City Ours Again, Confederacy Officially Dead!
By, Alise Athins
The title of this article says it all. After months in the hands of Tyrany Fontan City is finally back under the Fontanese banner. We have reclaimed our namesake city, it is a glorious day. Adding to it, the take over of Fontan City now officially ends the rebellion. The division cause by Gregor is now at an end. Though we have lost an enemy, possibly two with the cease fire and possible peace with Caligus, there are still hard times ahead for Fontan. The secession in Westmoor gives us another adversary, and we still have Perdan and Sirion to deal with. Fontan will overcome though. We have beat the odds again, and again, something which will never change as long as their are nobles willing to bleed to protect the democracy that they love.

More hope for a bright future for Fontan is Fontan City's new Duke. The Democrat would like to extend a warm congratulations to Duke The Revenger on his appointment. Duke The Revenger is a man of unwavering loyalty to Fontan, and it is certain he will break the chain of secessions Fontan City's last two dukes have created.

Lastly I would like to provide a copy of Chancellor Mikhail's speech, as I believe he said everything much better than I ever can:

Roleplay from Mikhail Romanov (just in)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (128 recipients)

Today is a great day in Fontanese history. It is thanks to all of your combined efforts that we together, as a people, have overcome great challenges and adversity to reunify our realm and put an end to the Confederacy.

I would like to thank the efforts of General Basilius, Duke Sulliven, Lord Ertugrul, the nobles of the Lions, the nobles of OoT, FSR, DG, DA, FR, FA and every single Fontanese who worked together in unison for this event to be possible.

It was only mere months ago that Gregor drove a stake through this realm, causing severe chaos, disunity and darkness. But the achievement that has been done here today shows that we are once again a strong people, who can and will rise to the challenges presented to us, and a people who will continue to live on.

It is with great pride that I appoint according to the will of the people of Fontan one of the most loyal, steadfast and unwavering nobles to ever serve our realm as the Duke of Fontan. I have known The Revenger for countless years, he has been at our realms side in times both good and bad, his commitment to our people and our ideals never failing.

This is a man who we have absolute trust in, and who will never fail us. Fontan City under his leadership will never secede again, this I know.

This however is only but one phase of the long journey ahead of us. We face many fights, many challenges that will test our ability to work together and our strength as a people in the face of hardship. But what has been proven today is that we are a people who do not shy away in the face of the hardships that are presented to us or the lot we have been given in this life, that we do not fear the challenges or difficulties that circumstance has brought us, but that we are a brave and honourable people who see these times as a time of oppurtunity, of history, of the making of great deeds and great men.

We will do great things together, and we will remember these times happily and in nostalgia in the future, because it is times like these that we are tested and we show our true character. We can accomplish great things with the oppurtunities presented to us, but we need the strength, resolve, patience and loyalty of every Fontanese noble to do it.

I call on every Fontanese citizen on this great day to not only celebrate, but to gain strength and renew their strength and commitment to this great realm of ours.

We have a great war to fight, a people to save from the forces Tyranny. Lets do it together.


Mikhail Romanov
Chancellor of Fontan

Editorial: Queen Evangeline, Bold Faced Liar, Ignorant, or Crazy?
By, Alise Athins
A few days ago after the secession of Westmoor, Chancellor Mikhail posted to the realm the discussion that were going on in the rulers of the East Continent channel. These basically consist of Queen Evangeline saying that her realm was innocent, and only wanted peace, ect... Myself personally found them all to be quite humourous as she makes quite a foll out of herself. It brought up the question in my mind; "What is wrong with her? Does she actually believe the filth she is spewing? Which would mean she is either quite ignorant, or just plain loony. Or, does she know she is just feeding everyone a bunch of garbage, making her a liar. I'll let you decide for yourself.

Of course like any good Fontanese I like to discuss and argue. Since I am not part of the ruler's channel, I could not get my argument fix there, so I chose to try a private one with the Queen herself. When I got no reply I chose to well, give my rebuttals to her arguments here. The following is such:

What bothers me is Chancellor Mikhail's absurd notion of denying responsibility for the situation his realm is in. Yesterday I announced that Westmoor would offer peace to every realm, today Mikhail declares war and then tries to claim innocence in the war that will now happen between Fontan and Westmoor.

How absurd is this? Westmoor wanted peace with Fontan, but wait, the whole Perdanese war against us was so that Westmoor could be created. We were already at war with Westmoor when it was created. You would have to be delusional to see otherwise.

Wrong Mikhail. You did not have to war Westmoor.

This is so hilarious it brought me to tears. We didn't have to war Westmoor? Just like OR didn't have to war the SoA? You have to be joking.

In fact, when I was Queen Fontan promised repeatedly that Westmoor duchy would become its own realm. We had even planned our treaty signing at the secession of Westmoor

Well it would be one already, maybe you should ask OR and Sirion why it isn't. That is after all what started our war with them in the first place.

The realm of Westmoor has done nothing to you,

See above, above and above, above, above.

Your reasonings for warring upon my realm are pathetic and full of flaws.

What? What reason do we have to not be warring Westmoor. It's people declared war on us long ago, when Perdan started the war to create it. That's right Perdan's sole reason for starting their war with Fontan was to create Westmoor, the other reasons they gave were just a ruse to make them look good. Don't believe me? Westmoor's paper clearly states it. I'll even give you a copy of the article:

Westmoor secedes
The idea of Westmoor's creation has finally become a reality. The ideal began with King Nightmare of Perdan, who desired to see the rebirth of his long lost allies, Oligarch. His sucessor King Sangue reinforced the idea and brought Perdan a step closer by leading the realm in a successful campaign against Fontan, capturing the city of Westmoor. Lady Evangeline, former Queen and General of Perdan, was chosen for appointment to lead the ideal. However, since decades have come and gone since the falling of Oligarch the ideal became a new realm, with it own identity and the opportunity to create its own position within the continent. The ideal became Westmoor.

What reason do we have for warring Westmoor? No, no, no, the question is; What reason do you have for warring Fontan?

I don't believe you even understand the magnitude of what you have done. I have always been a supporter of a friendship with Fontan, I fought against warring Fontan in Perdan until I had exhausted every bone in my body and no longer had a chance of stopping it.

So wait, your paper says that Westmoor had been planned for quite some time. And that for quite some time you were chosen to be it's leader. Yet you were against the war to create this realm that you were supposed to lead? How does that make any sense at all? The person who was to gain the most from the war, who had planned out a new realm to be created by the war, was against the war?

I secede a new realm, go against the wishes of Perdan and offer Fontan peace.

The wishes of Perdan were to create a new realm out of Fontanese lands, I'd say that you secession is indee in line with their wishes.

You represent your people so that I don't have to write to 100 odd nobles about the diplomacy between Westmoor and Fontan.

Well way you say things that are as idiotic as you have said, your going to get called out on it.

I guess that's enough. I'll now let you decide. I've attached a poll here: Evangeline Poll. Vote for your prefered choice.

Gregor Escapes
By, Alise Athins
After two unsuccessful attempts, The Tyrant, Gregor, finally managed to escape the executions blade, minuted before he was to be executed. After his escape he sent out this message to the rulers of the East Continent:

Letter from Gregor Relak (4 hours, 18 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (11 recipients)


Recently the Judge of Fontan Duncan Atreides attempted to have me executed. All discussions I had with Fontan about resolving our differences are at an end. I had thought Mikhail to be a man of honor, who respected my protestations against the depredations which had undercut the democratic traditions of Fontan. No more do I think these things, for such a thing could not have been done without his condoning it.

Alas, the fool plot was not to be as hearing of it I escaped in what is perhaps my last heroic deed before I die. Having enterted my seventieth spring I am an old man who may not live to see very many more days. Old age it appears will be my end long before the vengeful blades of my adopted home.

For that reason, should the confederacy fall utterly into ruin I will journey to Al Arab where I was born, to defend its lands as a hero until struck down in battle.

Gregor Relak
Lord Protector of Confederacy of Fontan, Representative of Fontan

The hilarious part in there is Gregor talks about resolving his differences with Fontan, like he still had a chance to. The CoF is destroyed. We have resolved our differences Gregor.

It seems Gregor will be joining with our Friends in Ibladesh. We wish them luck in dealing with this senile old man.

Fontan City's Duke
By, Alise Athins
The votes are in, The Revenger will be the new duke of Fontan City. As the former duke of Karbala he is most certainly fit for the post. We wish him luck.
War... Well Some More
By, Alise Athins
It's official now and the papers are signed, we are at war with Westmoor. Hilariously Queen Evangeline offered us peace. It was obviously refused. There is no difference between the Perdanese scum we have been fighting or the new "Westmoorians." Well we will hopefully not have to listen to anything from the members of this farce of a realm for long.
Gregor Captured
By, Alise Athins
During a skirmish in Fontan City the rebel leader Gregor was capture. His fate has been decided; he will pay for his treachery with his life. He has played many pivotal parts in Fontanese history as a former chancellor. A lesson to be learned from him is that anyone can be a traitor. It is also of note that he made an escape attempt but was thwarted.
Confederates Return
By, Alise Athins
With the death of the Confederacy now only a few days away, Confederates are abandoning ship. A few have already chosen to return home to Fontan. Seeing a possible problem, a plan for re-integration has been set forth by Chancellor Mikhail and confirmed by Supreme Justice Duncan. It is as follows:

1. Sign a registrar which will note your date of entering the re-integration program

2. Sign an agreement that I will submit to you relinquishing all loyalties to the Confederacy and our enemies, that you will not spy for our enemies and swear unwavering loyalty to the people of Fontan and to subject yourself to a period of probation which will include:

-30 day period of good behaviour where your performance will be monitored by the Chancellor and Supreme Justice, and at any time may be banished or exiled for for actions detrimental to the realm (this includes antagonizing certain nobles)

- 3 month waiting period until you are admitted to the Fontanese Assembly
- 6 month waiting period until you are allowed to hold a position of Region Lord in Fontan

3. Publicly state your renouncement of loyalty to the Confederacy, your allegiance to Fontan and your oath as a noble to serve Fontan in any capacity you can.

4. After 30 days of service a vote will be held on your performance and whether the people of Fontan will accept you as one of their own.

It is also of note that the former Confederate Banker and Marshal, Sir Hamilton, has returned and was the first to agree to these terms.

Election Time
By, Alise Athins
The results of this months elections are in and the results are as follows:

  • Chancellor: Mikhail is reconfirmed.
  • Minister of Defense: Basilius is reconfirmed.
  • Minister of Finances: Elberan is reconfirmed.
  • Supreme Justice: Duncan is elected as the new Supreme Justice. He replaces Lady Moira.

The Walls of Fontan City
By, Alise Athins
This happened a day ago, but I chose to save it for the new issue. A combined force of Lions, Rangers, and FSR broke the walls of Fontan City. The Confederacy of Fontan is now nearly destroyed. Our occupation forces are in the process of taking over the city. Its new Duke is still being decided by referendum and we will inform you when the duke is chosen. It is indeed a glorious day as our namesake city returns to us.

World News
News From the North
By, Alise Athins
Yesterday King Sangue of Perdan, declared Perdan would be taking a more active role in protecting their allies in the north Old Rancagua. A large force of Perdan's then moved into the region of Gadlock, which is Sultanate land. The Sultanate swiftly made the war official and declared war on Perdan. The Sultanate also dropped relations with the rogues in Westmoor, who they were originally at peace with, due to them allowing Perdan to use their lands as a stepping stone into the SoA. This just proves these rogues are just Perdanese lapdogs, and we look forward to their destruction.
By, Alise Athins
Perdan's intentions of creating a "New Oligarch" have come to be today as the Duchy of Westmoor seceded to form the monarch of Westmoor. Evangeline, the former Queen of Perdan is to be its first ruler. Once again Fontan will have to fight a farce of a realm to bring our lands back under our control. Westmoor will share the same fate as it's two predecessors, Light of Fountain and The Confederacy of Fontan. The only difference between the three is Perdan was occupying our lands when they were seceded. Fontan's official stance is that we will not recognize Westmoor as a legitimate realm. We lose one enemy with the death of the Confederacy, and gain another. Our armies will once again march to reclaim our lands.