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== "Fenris" Rainor Metsamees ==
== "Fenris" Rainor Metsamees ==
[[Image:Metsameesda8.jpg|left|frame|<center><font size=5>Rainor</font></center>]]
[[Image:Thawny.jpg|rigth|frame|<center><font size=5>Thawny</font></center>]]
Rainor born couple of minutes later than his twin-brother Raimond.
Rainor born couple of minutes later than his twin-brother Raimond.
Rainor and Raimond although not identical twins are rather alike in theyr personalitees.<br />
Rainor and Raimond although not identical twins are rather alike in theyr personalities.<br />
In Metsamees clan nature is held in high regard, and so do thees twins.<br />
In Metsamees clan nature is held in high regard, and so do thees twins.<br />
They are eccualy trained and educated in the traditional theachings.<br />
They are eccualy trained and educated in the traditional teachings.<br />
Like war arts, natural phylosophys, herbalism, hunting, fishing, smithing...and suth.<br />
Like war arts, natural philosophy, herbalism, hunting, fishing, smithing...and such.<br />
He was slightly weaker than his brother but abaut as wise, also he has more stamina.<br />
He was slightly weaker than his brother but about as wise, also he has more stamina.<br />
As a person he is similar to Raimond, prefers solitude.<br />
As a person he is similar to Raimond, prefers solitude, perhaps more so than Raimond.<br />
By personality he is level and cool headed and seemingly cold and rather indifferent thowards other people.<br />
<br />
Rainor holds nature in high regard and holds respect thowards natural spirits and animals.<br />
By personality he is level and cool headed and seemingly cold and rather indifferent towards other people.<br />
Rainor followed in the footsepts of his brother, also joining a realm to better evolve in war art.<br />
Rainor holds nature in high regard and holds respect towards natural spirits and animals.<br />
He however soon heard the call of the forrest.<br />
Unlike his brother Rainor believed that barehanded fighting is more rewarding, as one needs to strain himself more, <br />
Rainor shunned weapons and armor, and always fought bare handed, although less results were produced the process was rather gruesome for his enemys to witness.<br />
As a result his abilitys as a fist-fighter were second to none.<br />  
Rainor followed in the footsteps of his brother, also joining a realm to better evolve in war art.<br />
He however soon heard the call of the forest.<br />
At first he though he had lost his mind, so did his men.<br />
At first he though he had lost his mind, so did his men.<br />
However he later realized a prohvecy of ancient times passed down the family from ancient times.<br />
However he later realized a prophecy of ancient times passed down the family from ancient times.<br />
Unlike his brother Rainor has always somehow gotten along with beasts of the wild. There was times in his child hood when he was given a ride home on the back of a bear or escorted by wolfes.<br />
Unlike his brother Rainor has always somehow gotten along with beasts of the wild. There was times in his child hood when he was given a ride home on the back of a bear or escorted by wolfes.<br />
So in this time, he left his troop and went out side the camp, some men came to see where he was going, as soon as they came around the corner they saw a pack of wolves around Rainor.<br />
So in this time, he left his troop and went out side the camp, some men came to see where he was going, as soon as they came around the corner they saw a pack of wolves around Rainor.<br />
The soldiers worried abaut theyr paycheck quickly drwe theyr weapons and started to charge, Rainor how ever stoped them, and calmed the wolfes and disapeared in to the woods with them.<br />
The soldiers worried abaut theyr paycheck quickly drawed theyr weapons and started to charge, Rainor how ever stopped them, and calmed the wolfes and disappeared in to the woods with them.<br />
From there on Rainor had traveld the worlds many plases and ended up in Beluaterra, by then he claimed to be a Woodsyone - something similar to a templar, priest or warrior monk of theyr ancient tradition.<br />
From there on Rainor had traveld the worlds many plases and ended up in Beluaterra, by then he claimed to be a Woodsyone - something similar to a templar, priest or warrior monk of theyr ancient tradition.<br />
He had grown stronger and wiser, and has become the natural enemy of all undead and deemons, all who are unnatural or are tainting the world with theyr presence.<br />
He had grown stronger and wiser, and has become the natural enemy of all undead and demons, all who are unnatural or are tainting the world with theyr presence.<br />
That is also a reason why some humans feel fear or anciety near him, thus naturaly hate him.<br />
That is also a reason why some humans feel fear or anxiety near him, thus naturally hate him.<br />
As for undear and mosters, weak ones fear and flee, strong ones avoid him if possible.<br />
As for undear and monsters, weak ones fear and flee, strong ones avoid him if possible.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Rainors essay on undead and monsters: "[[Metsamees/Fenris/Essence|Essence of tainting beings]]".<br />
During his free time he wrote several books on monsters and undead, theyr caracteriscics and nature by his observation and how to slay them effectively.<br />
Rainors essay on undead and monsters: "[[Metsamees Family/Fenris/Essence|Essence of tainting beings]]".<br />
Rainors essay on natural monsters, composed by his brother after his death, when the brother received his notes and scripts on abaut the subject: "[[Metsamees Family/Fenris/Natural|Natural beings]]".<br />
<br />
<br />
After a long stay in Bellatuera Rainor went to East Continent,<br />
where he found himself a wife with whom he had twin son's, Silvan and Palus.<br />
And he also found his end there aswel.<br />
'''Rainors Death'''<br /><br />
Rainor was sound asleep in his tent, although it was nearly mid day. He had spent his strength on the day before fighting in the vicinity of a liches mound, which left him exhausted and lightly injured, while the lich itself had managed to flee Rainors grasp.<br />
Rainors slumber was cut short, as the lich had came to claim vengeance, (not in person though).<br />
Rainor woke when hearing the rustle the limping undead made while traversing across the terrain.<br />
As Rainor made his way out his tent, his eyes witnessed hundreds of undead, several necromancers, and a feau abominations.<br />
After a deep sigh, Rainor stormed out to batter his foes.<br />
In a agile manner he made his way to a necromancer and buried his fist in the necromancers face, shattering his skull and killing him on the spot.<br />
Unfortunately only a feau undead were under his control.<br />
<br />
Realizing it was the liches undead Rainor tore a hand from the fallen necromancer, and stormed the undead head on.<br />
With the necromancers hand he smashed a feau zombies ending theyr movements, and the hand also shattered and became unusable.<br />
Battle continued, and Rainor bare handedly tore his way through the undead as if they was old rags.<br />
Zombies, skeletons and even ghouls were no match for him, none of them were a challenge.<br />
Covered in rotten blood Rainor faced of a abomination, tore his limbs from its body and as the chunk of meat was pacified he mauled the abomination with its own weapons and slayed it.<br />
<br />
As he was already thinking that the trial was over, little over ten of wraiths came out of hiding.<br />
And with them many specters.<br />
Drenched with the blood and bits of his foes and still holding the abominations cleavers in his hands, he realized his end was near.<br />
He had fought wraiths and specters before, specters werent to much trouble, but wraiths, he had managed to slay some in the past,
one at a time, once two at a time, and that time he nearly died.<br />
But now there was about twelve of them.<br />
He took a glimpse at the sky, took a deep breath, and dashed roaring towards his foes and in to his death.<br />
<br />
Furiously Rainor cleaved at his opponents, tring to find theyr weak spots.<br />
His wounds were hurting him, and the new ones made by specters and wraiths were also painful.<br />
Pain made Rainor only madder, and before long he was engulfed in his own rage, blinded by anger,
he hacked and slashed like a mad beast.<br />
No specters were able to get close to him, and live, and eventually he even killed a wraith.<br />
But one of his weapons broke with its death.<br />
<br />
Rainor already past his bodys limits, his pain was excruciating,  not only from the wounds, but from the exhaustion aswell.<br />
With the death of one wraith, the others backed down for a moment, with the concern for theyr own existrance.<br />
Wraiths have traded theyr bodys for eternal life as a half ghost entity. They fear death, and hesitate to act when the possibility of dieing exists.<br />
Rainor took the much needed breather, but before the wraiths attacked again, he let loose a warcry and threw his last remaining cleaver at one of the wraiths.<br />
Seems luck was with him, as the wraith died, the others in turn sent specters to assault Rainor, iun hopes the underlings would do the dirty work. <br />
<br />
Rainor now unarmed continued to struggle, bashed and pummeled his foes with all his might.<br />
After a while all the specters were put to long-overdue rest.<br />
And the wraiths had no choice but to attack themselves.<br />
Rainor continued to combat them bare handed, and after a long struggle managed to kill another wraith, he took the wraiths weapon and stormed the others.<br />
But soon after that Rainor lost his footing due to the blood loss and enourmous strain on his body.<br />
The wraiths took the opportunity and slayed Rainor, and tore his body to pieces out of anger for the struggle he made the wraiths go through.<br />
<br />
By the next day Rainors body had turned to earth, what sort of sorcery did that, one can only speculate, but at least it was not the necromancers.<br />
Personality traits, bolt mental and physical.
<tr><th>Dead:</th><td>Fallen in Ilbadesh, while fighting undead.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Heavily scared:</td><td>Has meny meny scars on his body and face, evidenting that this man is no stranger to battle or pain, earns him respect amongst others and fear some fear from enemyes.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Very strong and sturdy:</td><td>This man is very strong, capable of riping a limb from a man, and is very sturdy so takes alot of beating before goes down.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Experienced woodsman:</td><td>Can easely survive in the wilderness for extended time, knows how to hunt, fish and gather food or other nesesites. Adept at moving across wilderness and ambushing or takeing camouflage in sutch terrain.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Bulky built:</td><td>Big framed body earn him some respect and authority amongst his troops, but slightly lessens his authority in more noble company.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Herbalist:</td><td>Knows of herbal medicines and herbs, can make poisons or other useful potions/medicin on his own.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Brutal brawler:</td><td>Thanks to his great strength he can easely seriously damage or kill his opponents unarmed, upon witch the other enemys witnessing it will be frightened.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Weapon apprentice:</td><td>Knows how to use a great variety of weapons effectively, but not too well.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Bruiser:</td><td>Shuns weapons and armor, belives that fighting without them brings greater strength.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Gory slayer:</td><td>When killing some one, he does it in the most effective and simplest way, witch often results in a messy execution, in the field of battle he makes use of his great strength and mauls enemies to left and right, granting him awe and respect amongst his troops, and fear and resentment by enemies.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Affinity to nature:</td><td>Enjoys time in the wild, in turn feels out of place in citys.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Hermit:</td><td>Prefers to live alone in the wilderness.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Silent:</td><td>Dosnt speak unless it is nessesary.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Stubborn:</td><td>Is stubborn abaut some things he holds important, and will not waver from the path he has set his sight on. However he also dosnt bend when it is nessesary, and may continue to move in a way he knows is wrong but refuses to change his way cause of his stubbornness.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Calm minded:</td><td>Is emotionaly in controll over himself, dosnt loose his head in confusion nor allowed emotions to over come his actions.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Shows no weakness:</td><td>Shows no weaknesses, (when gets cut or breaks a bone, he dosnt  scream or make face impressions that would indicate that).</td></tr>
<tr><td>Zealous towards family traditions:</td><td>His faith in the inherited religion is unwavering.</td></tr>
<tr><td>Woodsyone</td><td>Woodsyone is a shaman/warrior in theyr religion. A path that can be followed by anyone but most will fail, woodsyones are considderd the warriors of nature, they eliminate unnatural creatures from existence and inturn they dont die, theyr bodys might be killed but spirits are bound to the forests and continue to exist amongst the trees and gain the ability to  take the forms of wendigos (werebear or beast men) and continue to carry on theyr roles as warriors of nature for aslong as the forest stands.<td></tr>

Latest revision as of 17:03, 17 February 2011

"Fenris" Rainor Metsamees


Rainor born couple of minutes later than his twin-brother Raimond.

Rainor and Raimond although not identical twins are rather alike in theyr personalities.
In Metsamees clan nature is held in high regard, and so do thees twins.
They are eccualy trained and educated in the traditional teachings.
Like war arts, natural philosophy, herbalism, hunting, fishing, smithing...and such.
He was slightly weaker than his brother but about as wise, also he has more stamina.
As a person he is similar to Raimond, prefers solitude, perhaps more so than Raimond.

By personality he is level and cool headed and seemingly cold and rather indifferent towards other people.
Rainor holds nature in high regard and holds respect towards natural spirits and animals.
Unlike his brother Rainor believed that barehanded fighting is more rewarding, as one needs to strain himself more,
Rainor shunned weapons and armor, and always fought bare handed, although less results were produced the process was rather gruesome for his enemys to witness.
As a result his abilitys as a fist-fighter were second to none.
Rainor followed in the footsteps of his brother, also joining a realm to better evolve in war art.
He however soon heard the call of the forest.
At first he though he had lost his mind, so did his men.
However he later realized a prophecy of ancient times passed down the family from ancient times.
Unlike his brother Rainor has always somehow gotten along with beasts of the wild. There was times in his child hood when he was given a ride home on the back of a bear or escorted by wolfes.
So in this time, he left his troop and went out side the camp, some men came to see where he was going, as soon as they came around the corner they saw a pack of wolves around Rainor.
The soldiers worried abaut theyr paycheck quickly drawed theyr weapons and started to charge, Rainor how ever stopped them, and calmed the wolfes and disappeared in to the woods with them.
From there on Rainor had traveld the worlds many plases and ended up in Beluaterra, by then he claimed to be a Woodsyone - something similar to a templar, priest or warrior monk of theyr ancient tradition.
He had grown stronger and wiser, and has become the natural enemy of all undead and demons, all who are unnatural or are tainting the world with theyr presence.
That is also a reason why some humans feel fear or anxiety near him, thus naturally hate him.
As for undear and monsters, weak ones fear and flee, strong ones avoid him if possible.

During his free time he wrote several books on monsters and undead, theyr caracteriscics and nature by his observation and how to slay them effectively.
Rainors essay on undead and monsters: "Essence of tainting beings".
Rainors essay on natural monsters, composed by his brother after his death, when the brother received his notes and scripts on abaut the subject: "Natural beings".

After a long stay in Bellatuera Rainor went to East Continent,
where he found himself a wife with whom he had twin son's, Silvan and Palus.
And he also found his end there aswel.

Rainors Death

Rainor was sound asleep in his tent, although it was nearly mid day. He had spent his strength on the day before fighting in the vicinity of a liches mound, which left him exhausted and lightly injured, while the lich itself had managed to flee Rainors grasp.
Rainors slumber was cut short, as the lich had came to claim vengeance, (not in person though).
Rainor woke when hearing the rustle the limping undead made while traversing across the terrain.
As Rainor made his way out his tent, his eyes witnessed hundreds of undead, several necromancers, and a feau abominations.
After a deep sigh, Rainor stormed out to batter his foes.
In a agile manner he made his way to a necromancer and buried his fist in the necromancers face, shattering his skull and killing him on the spot.
Unfortunately only a feau undead were under his control.

Realizing it was the liches undead Rainor tore a hand from the fallen necromancer, and stormed the undead head on.
With the necromancers hand he smashed a feau zombies ending theyr movements, and the hand also shattered and became unusable.
Battle continued, and Rainor bare handedly tore his way through the undead as if they was old rags.
Zombies, skeletons and even ghouls were no match for him, none of them were a challenge.
Covered in rotten blood Rainor faced of a abomination, tore his limbs from its body and as the chunk of meat was pacified he mauled the abomination with its own weapons and slayed it.

As he was already thinking that the trial was over, little over ten of wraiths came out of hiding.
And with them many specters.
Drenched with the blood and bits of his foes and still holding the abominations cleavers in his hands, he realized his end was near.
He had fought wraiths and specters before, specters werent to much trouble, but wraiths, he had managed to slay some in the past, one at a time, once two at a time, and that time he nearly died.
But now there was about twelve of them.
He took a glimpse at the sky, took a deep breath, and dashed roaring towards his foes and in to his death.

Furiously Rainor cleaved at his opponents, tring to find theyr weak spots.
His wounds were hurting him, and the new ones made by specters and wraiths were also painful.
Pain made Rainor only madder, and before long he was engulfed in his own rage, blinded by anger, he hacked and slashed like a mad beast.
No specters were able to get close to him, and live, and eventually he even killed a wraith.
But one of his weapons broke with its death.

Rainor already past his bodys limits, his pain was excruciating, not only from the wounds, but from the exhaustion aswell.
With the death of one wraith, the others backed down for a moment, with the concern for theyr own existrance.
Wraiths have traded theyr bodys for eternal life as a half ghost entity. They fear death, and hesitate to act when the possibility of dieing exists.
Rainor took the much needed breather, but before the wraiths attacked again, he let loose a warcry and threw his last remaining cleaver at one of the wraiths.
Seems luck was with him, as the wraith died, the others in turn sent specters to assault Rainor, iun hopes the underlings would do the dirty work.

Rainor now unarmed continued to struggle, bashed and pummeled his foes with all his might.
After a while all the specters were put to long-overdue rest.
And the wraiths had no choice but to attack themselves.
Rainor continued to combat them bare handed, and after a long struggle managed to kill another wraith, he took the wraiths weapon and stormed the others.
But soon after that Rainor lost his footing due to the blood loss and enourmous strain on his body.
The wraiths took the opportunity and slayed Rainor, and tore his body to pieces out of anger for the struggle he made the wraiths go through.

By the next day Rainors body had turned to earth, what sort of sorcery did that, one can only speculate, but at least it was not the necromancers.

Rainors End.jpg