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'''(Nation)Pian en Luries:'''  
'''(Nation)Pian en Luries:'''  
Pian en Luries is a realm of great pain and the power has constantly switched between the Guntor and the Easterners. The peasants constantly latch on to whoever is currently winning in a desperate hope the Pien en Luries will become a stable kingdom, however movement for a different type of stability grows stronger. The people of the Pien of Luries favour light armour and people tend to be very skilled with knives and bows. The people there love art and pottery and it is something of great value. Because of the hills and rough lands. Guerrilla tactics are often used and face to face combat is a rare sight.
Pian en Luries is a realm of great pain and the power has constantly switched between the Guntor and the Easterners. The native people of the mountains, the Lurians, are a poetic lot and when it comes to war, do not like head on battle, so they keep their heads down and let the Easterners and Guntors fight it out over their land, but rumours linger of their resistance. The peasants constantly latch on to whoever is currently winning in a desperate hope the Pien en Luries will become a stable kingdom, however movement for a different type of stability grows stronger. The people of the Pien of Luries favour light armour and people tend to be very skilled with knives and bows. The people there love art and pottery and it is something of great value. Because of the hills and rough lands. Guerrilla tactics are often used and face to face combat is a rare sight. The Pien fortify their own land and plan to live happily within it's borders, but when attacked. The Pien will not hesitate to expand over their enemy.

'''(Hero)Kaennji Shenron:'''
'''(Hero)Kaennji Shenron:'''
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Little Corny but I like it =) [[User:Shenron|Shenron]] 13:11, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
Little Corny but I like it =) [[User:Shenron|Shenron]] 13:11, 5 October 2007 (CEST)

:: Excellent, this works flawlessly save 1 incontinuity. ''"Not the Guntors or the Easterners, they became"'' ; I realized I failed to explain this, but the Easterners are anyone from the other continants, or their decendants, being that Dwilight is the "west-continant." Otherwise very well done. I would be nice if you threw in some other things as your style mixed perfectly with my own. I do suggest you mention Pian's aim for the western island. --[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 22:58, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
:: Excellent, this works flawlessly save 1 incontinuity. ''"Not the Guntors or the Easterners, they became"'' ; I realized I failed to explain this, but the Easterners are anyone from the other continants, or their decendants, being that Dwilight is the "west-continant." Otherwise very well done. I would be nice if you threw in some other things as your style mixed perfectly with my own.if you wish you can create a new history element, perhapse about a racial minority in Pian's lands, that was more or less receptive to the Easterners. I do suggest you mention Pian's aim for the western island. --[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 22:58, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
:::Hmm let me add something then.
'''(History)The shunned Lurians:'''
The Lurians were the native people who lived in the hills. They are perfectly suited to their land and use Guerilla tactics in war. They love art, poetry and pottery and the people are very bright. The buildings are always interestingly shaped and the people are full of energy, however the people do not have any ambition and need leaders to put their power to use.
...and a question. Are these hero's going to be the rulers of these new realms?

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::What are Madina's aims for the western island? Morek thinks its a holyland, Pian has not mentioned this, nor has springdale.
::What are Madina's aims for the western island? Morek thinks its a holyland, Pian has not mentioned this, nor has springdale.
::I am willing to hear out suggestions for the multi-national elements, as they do effect everyone, and encourage you guys to use them in your national stories. Make your own if you like, the more we have the more international roleplay options we have. --[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 23:15, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
::I am willing to hear out suggestions for the multi-national elements, as they do effect everyone, and encourage you guys to use them in your national stories. Make your own if you like, the more we have the more international roleplay options we have. --[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 23:15, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
:If you just keep your RP localized, there is no problem. The pirates don't go on much expiditions on foot, i will RP a reason for that too and thus have they never met the outside world.
With the first on the island i mean first on the small Madina island.
Maybe people got them first but they didn't find any signs of native inhabitants, but i am offcourse willing to accept your RP, as long as your RP doesn't make out my history story.
Would be a bit strange to have a ruler ocupying all of Dwilight.
The Madinians established the city by first building normal huts and collecting coconuts for there rum,the sea on the coast of Madina is filled with Fish and thus they had an easy time surviving.
Imiandly they repaired there ship and sended it off to spread the news of this new land, from there more and more other mutinies, pirates and even nobles came to there 'city' and together they started building reall streets and reall houses.
To keep it simple, I'dd like to RP what ever hapened or hapens in MAdina and i am more than happy to work together to RP the rest.
Maybe the Madina island was once ocupied by your native ruler too, but the MAdinians just came later?
There are many ways to RP around it.
I think its cool to have deverse realms with deverse stories. --[[User:Vlad|Vlad]] 10:28, 6 October 2007 (CEST)
: there mayhapse be some misunderstandings.  I understand that what I am perposeing is Multinational, and is not an attempt to RP the nations outside my own, but is a means to facilitate your RP for the rebel prvences and populations that will exist in the west. When I read your Story I was only concerned with its introverted focus on itself , an apperant attempt by you to stay within your boundries and not RP apon someonelse, which is good.
The native Guntor are not played by anyone, although someone may wish to create a resurgent nation later on. If you wish to leave the Guntor completely out, you could mention that the south island was deserted or such claim. I'm not attempting to force my rp on you, and if you wish to ignore the multi-national elements, like the Guntor, that is fine aswell, however I am only asking that you mention the reason your nation does not deal with them, such as the Guntor beleiveing the island was cursed or whatever you feel like.
The perpose being that all the national RPs are both congruent AND completely differant rather than the other continants which are more or less merely the sum of all their parts. Keep inmind this will be a compiled suggestion; It is not me forcing it on you. I am merely asking for the incontinueities to be covered over. I wanted to create a continental RP, one that was a greater community of RP that retained it's distinct national RPs, not just a collection of unrelated RPs. THis way when someone reads your national story, they will also understand its place within the whole continant.
Here is what I had inmind for Madina's summery based on what you supplied, edit as you see fit:
'''(Nation) Madina, Waylayer's Island'''
Madina was founded by a crew of a shipwrecked trading carrack that mutinied agenst it's incompetant captain. Founded on an island considered cursed and forbidden by the natives, the Madinans established themselves despite their isolation and shaky start. In it's short histroy under its respected councilers, Madina grown like a boomtown, now a port known as a haven for orpertunistic seamen and merchants. It views the lands of the other Eastern nations with an opertunistic lear, and the chaotic west as a new source of exotics.--[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 05:44, 7 October 2007 (CEST)
Do you guys Visit the #Dwilight IRC chanel sometimes? or the battle master Channel?
Maybe it's better to discuss there, I think we all misunderstood each other :P --[[User:Vlad|Vlad]] 13:09, 7 October 2007 (CEST)
: Actually that may be a good idea :) [[User:Shenron|Shenron]] 15:15, 7 October 2007 (CEST)
: I've always found it akward, not that wiki isn't. From what has been said as a whole now I think we understand eachother now, Shenron from the start and Vlad now that Ive cleared it up a bit. Do you have any Changes you want to make Vlad? --[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 00:16, 8 October 2007 (CEST)
I'll probably be putting up a small Bio of my character once i settle with a name for him. However, i wont write anything about Springdale itself (well, not much anyways), or atleast not alone. Don't think it would be fair really if one person was going to decide the whole of Springdale's background (second note: I'm aweful at making up background stories anyways :P). If anyone else has anything thought, an idea or even a whole story, don't hesitate with posting it ;) --[[User:Exclude|Exclude]] 21:05, 15 October 2007 (CEST)
Second note: Actually, hold on. A few more days and I'll have story up --[[User:Exclude|Exclude]] 15:16, 23 October 2007 (CEST)
== Any Insider News? ==
If any of the winners get any insider news on the [[Dwilight]] that you can share, please do so. I'd love to keep people inform3ed via the [[Dwilight Daily]]. And I'd like to take the opportunity to plug the [[Dwilight Daily]], and let it be known that we're always in the market for new writers, regardless of what realm you're in. We'd like it to be an island-wide newspaper, with stories from all over the island. --[[User:Indirik|Indirik]] 19:44, 9 October 2007 (CEST)
:A very nice news article, I Wish I knew about it sooner. Unfortunately I think I speak for everyone when I say no news from Tom, I assume he is too busy to say much till Dwilight gets rolling. Ive made some construction progress on [[Morek]]'s Page--[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 03:09, 10 October 2007 (CEST)
==Story Posted[]==
The revised story has been posted in the story suggestion page. It would be nice if I could get a DD plug :)
--[[User:Devercia|Devercia]] 05:40, 17 October 2007 (CEST)
:I'm likin it... -- [[User:Shenron|Shenron]] 18:01, 17 October 2007 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 11:14, 23 December 2008

Triple hurray for the winners! Medium 18:34, 3 October 2007 (CEST)

First of All: Huray I've won and Huray to the others that have won, let us work together to make Diwlight the coolest and creative Continent ever. But Secondly, what now? I would like to discuss the posibilities of my character and specialy in the RP context I had in mind, I hope there is room for some quistions before where droped off. --Vlad 23:44, 3 October 2007 (CEST)

Yeah, I had a really cool RP for my hero character =P. What's gonna happen with that? -- Shenron 12:25, 4 October 2007 (CEST)

Why don't we create a background story for Dwilight based on our collective hero Characters? We each throw in our characters' bios as well as some story elements then when its all done we can conbine and edit it in the background story suggestion page [1] Throw in your character bios and try to tie it in with the national orgin of the contry that you made the banner for. Later on I will compile them into a single cohesive background story. The ones I'm giveing for all but Morek are just suggestion.Here are my elements:

(History)The Guntor Kings; Apathetic Masters The Guntors are the indigudous people of Dwilight. They are known for the grey skin tones aswell as their distrust and disloyalty. Before the people from the eastern continants came, they lived disunified in non-familial, despotic tribes constantly battleing each other. In later centuries, kingdoms emerged all over Dwilight and the Age of Apathy began, lasting for a mellinia, the Guntors got on with thier lives with little concern. Migrants from many of the contanants trickled in and were seen by the guntor as inferior. The Easterners led many rebelions due to the exploitation of the Guntor.

(Nation)Springdale; Icy resolve:( left vague) of the 4 nations of Dwilight, Springdale is known for its resistance of Guntar overlordship during the Age of Apathy. Although it was a constant strugle to keep itself Eastern from both inside and out, It's prolific fields remained apart from tight fisted Guntor hands.

(Obsolete) (Nation)Pian en Luries; The Ignored Ones: (left vague) Pian is a harsh land, protected by mountain, sand, and unfriendly neighbor from the clutches of the Guntor. The Guntor have made a place for themselves in Pian but it was by merit, not hostile force. The Guntor here are so in name only, as most are so interbred with the Easterners.

(Nation)Morek; Celestial Rise: Morek was ruled harshly by the Guntor and rebellion was commonplace. The guntor treated the foregners as filth and cheap labour. During one rebellion an omen was sighted, 3 red stars shown bright in the western sky. The major faction of the rebels placed these on their banner, and defeted the Guntor at the village of Armstock. The story spread quickly and soon the whole region was in rebellion. after many victories the state of Morek was established, and the bloodstars evolved into a psuedo-religion, made holy and consitered good luck. now that Morek is on its feet, it seeks to make its way west, twards the Bloodstars, to some yet unknown holyland. Moreker knights are known to wear long-skirted surcoats with waist high slits up the sides rather than the front and back. Even those that afford to wear plate harnesses wear mid-calf legnth skirt over thier flaud.

(Obsolete) (Nation)Medina; Glorius West: Medina was established after the Guntor had fallen from power for the wayward migrants from the east that continued to flood into Dwilight. It now seeks more liveing space for its people by opening up the west to Colonization.

(History)The BloodStars; Fall of the Guntar: THe age of Apathy came to a close as a strange constellation appeared in the sky. 3 red stars peirced through the night sky. THese stars did not move across the sky like the others, but stayed over the western lands of Dwilight. Due to their static nature they are not vissable from the other parts of the world. The Bloodstars as they came to be known wax and wane unpredictably, usually appearing twice a year. Some while after their apperance, many Guntor went mad for unknown reasons. Some became so insane that the ones inpower could not contain them and the Guntor kingdoms collapsed into many minor factions. Those in the eastern island were absorbed or repelled by the Easterners. Most of the mad Guntor are now dead and the Guntor are slowly comming back to power in the west, soon to feast on the vacuum of power.

(Hero)Deverka "the cloudly" Cryfdwr: Deverka of the Cryfdwr family was a migrant from Atamara. Born an albino he has become known as "the cloudly" among the people of Morek. During the great rebellions he held the village of Armstock agenst a greater Guntor host, rallying the local villagers with the image of the Bloodstars apon his coat of arms. He professed that the Bloodstars were an omen that he claims to be a devine sign that Moreks time to rise had come. He is now hailed a national hero by the people of Morek. Deverka's Black and gray coat of arms has been adapted by the people of Morek to green and red, and made the national colors.

(Religion)Sanguisastroism Sanguisastroism is the religion surrounding the Bloodstars, a static constelation the in sync over the western island of Dwilight and is the official religion of Morek. Sanguisastroism does not contain a creation myth, or god. However the Bloodstars are reviered as a source of luck, purity, and devine retribution on oppressors. Among others they are an ill omen of pestilance, famine, and degeneration. It is widely beleived, even outside Sanguisastroism, that the stars cause insanity amoung the Guntor and the stars are detested by them.--Devercia 01:56, 5 October 2007 (CEST)

Well, I have the RP of Madina worked quite out, the Realm founders i wish to RP have built the city them selves after 'acidently' bumping up against this new land.

They are mutinies caught up in a storm which led them to Madina. --Vlad 09:09, 5 October 2007 (CEST)

Ha, good idea, Devercia. Let me have a go.

(Nation)Pian en Luries: Pian en Luries is a realm of great pain and the power has constantly switched between the Guntor and the Easterners. The native people of the mountains, the Lurians, are a poetic lot and when it comes to war, do not like head on battle, so they keep their heads down and let the Easterners and Guntors fight it out over their land, but rumours linger of their resistance. The peasants constantly latch on to whoever is currently winning in a desperate hope the Pien en Luries will become a stable kingdom, however movement for a different type of stability grows stronger. The people of the Pien of Luries favour light armour and people tend to be very skilled with knives and bows. The people there love art and pottery and it is something of great value. Because of the hills and rough lands. Guerrilla tactics are often used and face to face combat is a rare sight. The Pien fortify their own land and plan to live happily within it's borders, but when attacked. The Pien will not hesitate to expand over their enemy.

(Hero)Kaennji Shenron: Kenji grew up through hard times. He was constantly watching men die of the Sanctum of Casshern as his father, Kazuma, who did all he could to defend. Because of this Kazuma sent him away to a safe place in Greater Aenilia. Here, Kenji was tutored by one of the founders of Greater Aenilia. Lord Luyten, Arch-Priest of Greater Aenilia, Duke of Nahad. Lord Luyten and his father were on very bad grounds with each other and Kenji learned from both men quite a lot, this turned him into a very diverse person. He found himself able to see many sides of things, however Kenij grew tired of being constantly rejected when his father didn't let him come back every year, and Luyten's ideas were stressing his teenage feelings, so he decided to explore Idapur, the capital of Greater Aenilia, a bit. During this, he found himself wondering on the far beaches of Idapur. Here he saw a ship anchored not far off shore. Shortly after, he saw men approaching him... and everything went black.

Next thing he knew he was on a boat to a place the men called Dwilight. Apparently these men were rebels in a realm called the Pien en Luries. These men brought him to Dwilight and gave him a briefing of the situation. Kenji, being one of the few nobles with the rebels, took leadership of them, he renamed himself as Kaennji to make a statement of his dedication, and they were introduced as a new force. Not the Guntors or the Easterners, they became the Freedom Fighters and promised stability to the Pien of Luries.

Little Corny but I like it =) Shenron 13:11, 5 October 2007 (CEST)

Excellent, this works flawlessly save 1 incontinuity. "Not the Guntors or the Easterners, they became" ; I realized I failed to explain this, but the Easterners are anyone from the other continants, or their decendants, being that Dwilight is the "west-continant." Otherwise very well done. I would be nice if you threw in some other things as your style mixed perfectly with my own.if you wish you can create a new history element, perhapse about a racial minority in Pian's lands, that was more or less receptive to the Easterners. I do suggest you mention Pian's aim for the western island. --Devercia 22:58, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
Hmm let me add something then.

(History)The shunned Lurians: The Lurians were the native people who lived in the hills. They are perfectly suited to their land and use Guerilla tactics in war. They love art, poetry and pottery and the people are very bright. The buildings are always interestingly shaped and the people are full of energy, however the people do not have any ambition and need leaders to put their power to use.

...and a question. Are these hero's going to be the rulers of these new realms?

Madina This is the style of realm i have in mind :P --Vlad 14:41, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
Very nice page you made there. Your story is yours to make and is nicely embellished. However there are some holes in it as far as its relationship with the other nations, and the multi-national story elements. The perpose of these Elements is so that we can each make our own unique national history, and still have it so that they don't conflict each other. For example two nations cant claim to be the first nation to be constituted. Here are some incontinuities your story has with the collective story:
How did a ships worth of men establish , run, defend, and even occupy not only a city but a nation? (note that the Guntor lost domination only 5-15 years ago.) I suggest that either they took control of the Eastern migrants in the area and established a government over them, or turned the native Guntor into slaves.
How did Medina deal with the Native Guntor? (see suggestion above)
What are Madina's aims for the western island? Morek thinks its a holyland, Pian has not mentioned this, nor has springdale.
I am willing to hear out suggestions for the multi-national elements, as they do effect everyone, and encourage you guys to use them in your national stories. Make your own if you like, the more we have the more international roleplay options we have. --Devercia 23:15, 5 October 2007 (CEST)
If you just keep your RP localized, there is no problem. The pirates don't go on much expiditions on foot, i will RP a reason for that too and thus have they never met the outside world.

With the first on the island i mean first on the small Madina island. Maybe people got them first but they didn't find any signs of native inhabitants, but i am offcourse willing to accept your RP, as long as your RP doesn't make out my history story. Would be a bit strange to have a ruler ocupying all of Dwilight. The Madinians established the city by first building normal huts and collecting coconuts for there rum,the sea on the coast of Madina is filled with Fish and thus they had an easy time surviving. Imiandly they repaired there ship and sended it off to spread the news of this new land, from there more and more other mutinies, pirates and even nobles came to there 'city' and together they started building reall streets and reall houses. To keep it simple, I'dd like to RP what ever hapened or hapens in MAdina and i am more than happy to work together to RP the rest. Maybe the Madina island was once ocupied by your native ruler too, but the MAdinians just came later? There are many ways to RP around it. I think its cool to have deverse realms with deverse stories. --Vlad 10:28, 6 October 2007 (CEST)

there mayhapse be some misunderstandings. I understand that what I am perposeing is Multinational, and is not an attempt to RP the nations outside my own, but is a means to facilitate your RP for the rebel prvences and populations that will exist in the west. When I read your Story I was only concerned with its introverted focus on itself , an apperant attempt by you to stay within your boundries and not RP apon someonelse, which is good.

The native Guntor are not played by anyone, although someone may wish to create a resurgent nation later on. If you wish to leave the Guntor completely out, you could mention that the south island was deserted or such claim. I'm not attempting to force my rp on you, and if you wish to ignore the multi-national elements, like the Guntor, that is fine aswell, however I am only asking that you mention the reason your nation does not deal with them, such as the Guntor beleiveing the island was cursed or whatever you feel like.

The perpose being that all the national RPs are both congruent AND completely differant rather than the other continants which are more or less merely the sum of all their parts. Keep inmind this will be a compiled suggestion; It is not me forcing it on you. I am merely asking for the incontinueities to be covered over. I wanted to create a continental RP, one that was a greater community of RP that retained it's distinct national RPs, not just a collection of unrelated RPs. THis way when someone reads your national story, they will also understand its place within the whole continant.

Here is what I had inmind for Madina's summery based on what you supplied, edit as you see fit:

(Nation) Madina, Waylayer's Island Madina was founded by a crew of a shipwrecked trading carrack that mutinied agenst it's incompetant captain. Founded on an island considered cursed and forbidden by the natives, the Madinans established themselves despite their isolation and shaky start. In it's short histroy under its respected councilers, Madina grown like a boomtown, now a port known as a haven for orpertunistic seamen and merchants. It views the lands of the other Eastern nations with an opertunistic lear, and the chaotic west as a new source of exotics.--Devercia 05:44, 7 October 2007 (CEST)

Do you guys Visit the #Dwilight IRC chanel sometimes? or the battle master Channel? Maybe it's better to discuss there, I think we all misunderstood each other :P --Vlad 13:09, 7 October 2007 (CEST)

Actually that may be a good idea :) Shenron 15:15, 7 October 2007 (CEST)
I've always found it akward, not that wiki isn't. From what has been said as a whole now I think we understand eachother now, Shenron from the start and Vlad now that Ive cleared it up a bit. Do you have any Changes you want to make Vlad? --Devercia 00:16, 8 October 2007 (CEST)

I'll probably be putting up a small Bio of my character once i settle with a name for him. However, i wont write anything about Springdale itself (well, not much anyways), or atleast not alone. Don't think it would be fair really if one person was going to decide the whole of Springdale's background (second note: I'm aweful at making up background stories anyways :P). If anyone else has anything thought, an idea or even a whole story, don't hesitate with posting it ;) --Exclude 21:05, 15 October 2007 (CEST) Second note: Actually, hold on. A few more days and I'll have story up --Exclude 15:16, 23 October 2007 (CEST)

Any Insider News?

If any of the winners get any insider news on the Dwilight that you can share, please do so. I'd love to keep people inform3ed via the Dwilight Daily. And I'd like to take the opportunity to plug the Dwilight Daily, and let it be known that we're always in the market for new writers, regardless of what realm you're in. We'd like it to be an island-wide newspaper, with stories from all over the island. --Indirik 19:44, 9 October 2007 (CEST)

A very nice news article, I Wish I knew about it sooner. Unfortunately I think I speak for everyone when I say no news from Tom, I assume he is too busy to say much till Dwilight gets rolling. Ive made some construction progress on Morek's Page--Devercia 03:09, 10 October 2007 (CEST)

Story Posted[2]

The revised story has been posted in the story suggestion page. It would be nice if I could get a DD plug :) --Devercia 05:40, 17 October 2007 (CEST)

I'm likin it... -- Shenron 18:01, 17 October 2007 (CEST)