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<center><b>Back to [[Plergoth Press]]</b></center>
image =|
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title =<font face="Castellar">The Plergoth Press</font>|
title =<font face="Castellar">The Plergoth Press</font>|
price ='''0 Gold = Nobles / 5 Gold = Peasants'''|
price ='''0 Gold = Nobles / 1 Gold = Peasants'''|
quote ='''Editor:''' Luxor Feylonis|
quote ='''Editor:''' Luxor Feylonis|
issue ='''Issue One, December'''|
issue ='''Issue Two, February'''|
other =<center>''' ''The main propoganda and newspaper of Plergoth!'' '''</center>
other =<center>''' ''The main propoganda and newspaper of Plergoth!'' '''</center>
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==A squabble amongst commoners gets serious?==
<i>February 27, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i>
Among the citizens of [[Plergoth]], is a group of commoners who refer to themselves as "The 10". They claim an old mansion in the warehouse district of [[Beluaterra/Creasur|Creasur]] as their own, referring to it as [[The 10 Den]]. During their tenure in Creasur, they appear to inspired disdain from one commoner in particular, [[Hashimashidas Family|Edith Hashimashidas]], a [[Khthon]]ian. She has killed several loyal Plergothian commoners who dared to expose her. Edith is quite likely an spy for [[Khthon]] and one wonders why the authorities have not imprisoned her. One of "The 10", [[Ulistarion Family|Uriel Ulistarion]] has posted notices in Creasur:
:''Reward offered
:''I, Uriel of the 10, will pay handsomely anyone who brings me the head of Edith.
:''Payable upon her death - preferably in a painful, public and humiliating fashion - is a kings ransom:
:''1 Ancient Tome
:''1 Battered Armour
:''1 Rare Woodland Flower
:''1 Topaz
:''Also one gold and three silver
:''Proof that she wailed and begged like an old crone before her all too timely death yields a bonus!
==Weghie TO Stopped==
<i>February 23, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]] with contributions by [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i>
A combined (surprise) army from [[Vlaanderen]] and [[Khthon]] descended upon the dug-in units of [[Plergoth]] earlier today.  Despite only fielding a little under 2/3 their potential [[combat strength]], and outnumbered 10.1K to 7.6K CS, the army of Plergoth held the line for 14 combat turns and inflicted heavy casualties before withdrawing from the field of battle.  Notable wounded enemies included none other than the vile betrayer Valhalla, Vlaanderen's [[Government Position#General|High Marshal]] and [[Rank#Lord|Count]] of [[Beluaterra/Naraka|Naraka]], and Vigil, [[Rank#Lord|Duke]] of [[Beluaterra/Reeds|Reeds]].  Also, review of the battle report shows Valhalla wounded unheroically in the melee and in the early rounds (round 4) of the battle, contrary to the report in the Vlaanderen newspaper.  Despite the [[Takeover|TO]] being ended, with no TL's seriously wounded, Plergoth's army will march back to [[Beluaterra/Creasur|Creasur]] to refit and prepare to meet their enemies once again.
Comment from [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]: Word has it that Valhalla believes that Plergothian archers fired on their own men when the simple truth is that the terror inspired by the slew of arrows had his men turning to flee. As such, Pergothian arrows hit some of his men in the back, leading him to misremember the true events in the haze of his wounding. While some might find his advance position to be that of a brave soldier, far more would point of the folly of his singular assault.
==War spreads==
<i>February 23, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i>
Now, [[Sint]] has declared war on [[Mesh]], spreading the war even further. Sint and Mesh are long-term enemies and it is no surprise that their war would become ''hot'' again. Unfortunately for the Vandals, Sint is still fighting against its former parent, [[Ashborn]] and there is much as to whether this declaration of war means anything beyond moral support.
As flames engulf the continent, [[Plergoth]]ians remain confident of success. The justness of our cause is our shield and the light of truth our banner!
==Vandals face another enemy==
<i>February 22, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i>
Today, the tide turned further against the Vandals of [[Vlaanderen]] as [[Mesh]] declared war upon them. Shortly thereafter, [[Plergoth]] and Mesh signed an alliance. When coupled with recent setbacks, one expects the Vandals to fall back rapidly into [[Beluaterra/Reeds|Reeds]] and hope to negotiate its way out of this Gordian knot.
==Region Lost, and Ally Gained==
<i>February 19, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]]</i>
After 5 days of holding out against the [[Vlaanderen]] hostile [[Takeover|TO]], [[Beluaterra/Worvobaen|Worvobaen]] once again changed hands back to the blood-thirsty invaders.  This region is likely to change hands many times during the conflict, but in the end will fly the banner of [[Plergoth]].
In other news, Plergoth and [[Luz de Bia]] entered into an alliance.  Both of our democratic realms are besieged by multiple enemies and have been victimized by secession, giving us common ground for this political show of support for one another.  We wish our new allies well in their bloody fight.
==Plergoth War Machine Rapidly Expands==
<i>February 16, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]]</i>
The past few days has seen much growth in the Plergoth military, as there have been 3 RC expansions and an additional RC constructed, which is soon to be expanded as well.  With all regions at or approaching 100% production, each TL is seeing more gold, and the mobile army surpassed ath 10K CS mark, after returning (not retreating) to the capitol to refit, even with using most of the realm's gold on the recruitment centers.  Now the equal in terms of CS to the combined enemy of Khthon and Vlaanderen, Plergoth will soon exceed their combined military in CS; this does not bode well for the enemy alliance.
==VonGarrett Recovers, Re-elected Chancellor==
<i>February 16, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]]</i>
VonGarrett recovered from his archer inflicted wounds in time to be re-elected Chancellor of Plergoth.  He looks forward to continuing to lead the efficient, cohesive, and prospering realm of Plergoth.
==Two Victories over Khthon in Weghie==
<i>February 16, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]]</i>
The past day has seen the army of Plergoth emerge victorious over the forces of Khthon in two consecutive battles.  The first battle saw the Khthonian militia in Weghie effectively destroyed by part of the army of Plergoth, but the battle came at a high price as Chancellor VonGarrett was wounded in the early stages of the battle by bravely leading his infantry as a screen for archer fire; his unit sustained heavy casualties, but fought on well after their leader was hit by a second round of archer fire, causing a serious wound.
Khthon then attempted to hit the forces of Plergoth with their mobile army, but were soundly defeated in a vicious battle, that saw many casualties on both sides.  The past day has shown the resolve and resourcefulness of the army of Plergoth, and Khthon once again is sent back to their capitol reflecting on the fact that they have yet to defeat the army of Plergoth without the aid of their more powerful ally, Vlaanderen.
==Victory for Plergoth arms==
<i>February 10, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i>
It seems the realm of Plergoth still has a few more tricks hidden up its sleeves. Our [[Plergoth]]ian army reached [[Beluaterra/Worvobaen|Worvobaen]] and beat the combined troops of [[Vlaanderen]] and [[Khthon]].
==Worvobaen falls to Vlaanderen==
<i>February 9, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i>
Despite the strenuous efforts of our glorious army, [[Beluaterra/Worvobaen|Worvobaen]] has fallen to the [[Vlaanderen]]s. One assumes that the outlying region of [[Beluaterra/Cwellndell|Cwellndell]] won't last long. Our leaders are marshalling the army to defend the remaining regions and expect good results from our loyal nobles.
==Henning of Khthon Tastes His Own Foot!==
<i>February 8, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]]</i>
A mere few hours after boasting in his "newspaper" that [[Khthon]] was chasing down [[Plergoth]]'s forces and would advance at their own leisure, the remainder of "what Plergoth could muster" appeared in [[Beluaterra/Jaekind|Jaekind]] and utterly destroyed the [[Mandul of the Lost Realm Family|Henning]]-led Khthon forces, even wounding the loud mouthed [[Marshal]] in the process.
A quick look at the 2-on-1 war of Vlaanderen and Khthon against Plergoth reveals tactical mistakes from all 3 realms, and a give and take of several regions.  Plergoth has lost several regions and battles after much initial success, but Khthon's boasting is far from accurate.  I suppose when their "offer for peace" included a statement that they planned on becoming the most powerful of the 3 warring realms, then it is easy to see why the alliance against us hasn't had more success.
The general opinion in Plergoth has actually swayed, based on the statements of Henning and [[Lious Family#Geoff|Geoff]], that Vlaanderen is the less greedy and more honorable of our enemies.  Those who know the history of our two realms (and not the [[Valentine Family#Valhalla|Valhalla]]-written revisionist history), will realize this is a big change in Plergoth's court of public opinion.
Plergoth is far from finished...
==Enzeru Bakos Resurfaces in Vlaanderen==
<i>February 5, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]]</i><br>
The prominent [[Fronen]] rebel [[Bakos Family|Enzeru Bakos]] has been rumored to have joined the appropriately rebel realm of [[Vlaanderen]], marking yet another Fronen traitor to join one of [[Plergoth]]'s enemies; [[Khthon]] now sheltering LouisJoseph.  Plergoth will not allow the rebels from Fronen (or [[Mesh]] for that matter), to find a home in our realm.  Perhaps this policy will lead to an improvement in relations with those great nations.
==Another Vlaanderen Spy Revealed==
<i>February 5, 1007 | By: [[Elroy]]</i><br>
Luxor Feylonis, former Count of Ypsilanti, was found to be yet another spy for the Vlaanderen/Khthon alliance and shall be banned from Plergoth to join the other rebels.  With such a high level spy, there is now little doubt that the recent setbacks suffered by Plergoth were not because of better coordination of the Vlaanderen and Khthon alliance, but rather from being spoon fed our movements and line settings.  There is little concern in Plergoth that Khthon and Vlaanderen will be able to hold their recent gains once again.
==Vandalism comes with a note==
<i>February 5, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i><br>
Late last night, a rock was thrown through the window of this paper, with the following note attached:
:Dear Creasur.
:A your number is up, and its 10. The gang known as the 10 now runs the crime in this city. We dahclare all crime activity to be done under the banner and name of the 10, you ya hood arse is gunna get hanged in da district areas of da city. We can not be stopped, removed or thwarted.
:So here is our warning. If you been breaking the laws of Plergoth, and you AINT down with the got way more to worry bout den some cops or local militia. You got the world's largest crime family hunting you and your mama. Don't end up dead. If yas looking to be a crook, its best to join the family. Those found operating under any other name or on their own, will be delt with by the 10.
:''Signed 6 of 10.''
It is unclear who is responsible and we await word from the glass-maker on the cost of replacing the window.
==Adventurers of Note==
<i>February 5, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i><br>
A recent survey has provided our humble paper with news of a few notable adventurers. Apparently, [[Noble Family|Escent Noble]] ([[Mesh]]) has gained considerable [[prestige]] (10), while [[Archirium Family|Dido Archirium]] ([[Enweil]]) and [[Mueller family|Gretel Mueller]] ([[Vlaanderen]]) are the most [[honour]]able (6). ''information provided by [[Keyderas Family|Nihal Keyderas]]''

==Many adventurers in Creasur==
<i>February 4, 1007 | By: [[Habap Family|Zal Habap]]</i><br>
Recently, a dozen adventurers have descended upon [[Beluaterra/Creasur|Creasur]] with word on their tongues of many more to follow. While they may be good for hunting down monsters and the undead, it is unclear whether the rabble will be a benefit to the realm or if they will simply fill the taverns.

Working on it
==Joppo is Eradicated==
<i>February 2, 1007 | By: Luxor</i><br>
After weeks of hard work, the Meshians have finally reclaimed back all its land from the ceded city of [[Joppo]]. Joppo, which was once a haven for new nobles, then to a desolate area ravaged by Monsters, has now been eradicated, and its former inhabbitants fled to other realms after surrendering to Mesh.

Latest revision as of 16:44, 12 January 2009 The Plergoth Press
0 Gold = Nobles / 1 Gold = Peasants Editor: Luxor Feylonis Issue Two, February
The main propoganda and newspaper of Plergoth!

A squabble amongst commoners gets serious?

February 27, 1007 | By: Zal Habap

Among the citizens of Plergoth, is a group of commoners who refer to themselves as "The 10". They claim an old mansion in the warehouse district of Creasur as their own, referring to it as The 10 Den. During their tenure in Creasur, they appear to inspired disdain from one commoner in particular, Edith Hashimashidas, a Khthonian. She has killed several loyal Plergothian commoners who dared to expose her. Edith is quite likely an spy for Khthon and one wonders why the authorities have not imprisoned her. One of "The 10", Uriel Ulistarion has posted notices in Creasur:

Reward offered
I, Uriel of the 10, will pay handsomely anyone who brings me the head of Edith.
Payable upon her death - preferably in a painful, public and humiliating fashion - is a kings ransom:
1 Ancient Tome
1 Battered Armour
1 Rare Woodland Flower
1 Topaz
Also one gold and three silver
Proof that she wailed and begged like an old crone before her all too timely death yields a bonus!

Weghie TO Stopped

February 23, 1007 | By: Elroy with contributions by Zal Habap

A combined (surprise) army from Vlaanderen and Khthon descended upon the dug-in units of Plergoth earlier today. Despite only fielding a little under 2/3 their potential combat strength, and outnumbered 10.1K to 7.6K CS, the army of Plergoth held the line for 14 combat turns and inflicted heavy casualties before withdrawing from the field of battle. Notable wounded enemies included none other than the vile betrayer Valhalla, Vlaanderen's High Marshal and Count of Naraka, and Vigil, Duke of Reeds. Also, review of the battle report shows Valhalla wounded unheroically in the melee and in the early rounds (round 4) of the battle, contrary to the report in the Vlaanderen newspaper. Despite the TO being ended, with no TL's seriously wounded, Plergoth's army will march back to Creasur to refit and prepare to meet their enemies once again.

Comment from Zal Habap: Word has it that Valhalla believes that Plergothian archers fired on their own men when the simple truth is that the terror inspired by the slew of arrows had his men turning to flee. As such, Pergothian arrows hit some of his men in the back, leading him to misremember the true events in the haze of his wounding. While some might find his advance position to be that of a brave soldier, far more would point of the folly of his singular assault.

War spreads

February 23, 1007 | By: Zal Habap

Now, Sint has declared war on Mesh, spreading the war even further. Sint and Mesh are long-term enemies and it is no surprise that their war would become hot again. Unfortunately for the Vandals, Sint is still fighting against its former parent, Ashborn and there is much as to whether this declaration of war means anything beyond moral support.

As flames engulf the continent, Plergothians remain confident of success. The justness of our cause is our shield and the light of truth our banner!

Vandals face another enemy

February 22, 1007 | By: Zal Habap

Today, the tide turned further against the Vandals of Vlaanderen as Mesh declared war upon them. Shortly thereafter, Plergoth and Mesh signed an alliance. When coupled with recent setbacks, one expects the Vandals to fall back rapidly into Reeds and hope to negotiate its way out of this Gordian knot.

Region Lost, and Ally Gained

February 19, 1007 | By: Elroy

After 5 days of holding out against the Vlaanderen hostile TO, Worvobaen once again changed hands back to the blood-thirsty invaders. This region is likely to change hands many times during the conflict, but in the end will fly the banner of Plergoth.

In other news, Plergoth and Luz de Bia entered into an alliance. Both of our democratic realms are besieged by multiple enemies and have been victimized by secession, giving us common ground for this political show of support for one another. We wish our new allies well in their bloody fight.

Plergoth War Machine Rapidly Expands

February 16, 1007 | By: Elroy

The past few days has seen much growth in the Plergoth military, as there have been 3 RC expansions and an additional RC constructed, which is soon to be expanded as well. With all regions at or approaching 100% production, each TL is seeing more gold, and the mobile army surpassed ath 10K CS mark, after returning (not retreating) to the capitol to refit, even with using most of the realm's gold on the recruitment centers. Now the equal in terms of CS to the combined enemy of Khthon and Vlaanderen, Plergoth will soon exceed their combined military in CS; this does not bode well for the enemy alliance.

VonGarrett Recovers, Re-elected Chancellor

February 16, 1007 | By: Elroy

VonGarrett recovered from his archer inflicted wounds in time to be re-elected Chancellor of Plergoth. He looks forward to continuing to lead the efficient, cohesive, and prospering realm of Plergoth.

Two Victories over Khthon in Weghie

February 16, 1007 | By: Elroy

The past day has seen the army of Plergoth emerge victorious over the forces of Khthon in two consecutive battles. The first battle saw the Khthonian militia in Weghie effectively destroyed by part of the army of Plergoth, but the battle came at a high price as Chancellor VonGarrett was wounded in the early stages of the battle by bravely leading his infantry as a screen for archer fire; his unit sustained heavy casualties, but fought on well after their leader was hit by a second round of archer fire, causing a serious wound. Khthon then attempted to hit the forces of Plergoth with their mobile army, but were soundly defeated in a vicious battle, that saw many casualties on both sides. The past day has shown the resolve and resourcefulness of the army of Plergoth, and Khthon once again is sent back to their capitol reflecting on the fact that they have yet to defeat the army of Plergoth without the aid of their more powerful ally, Vlaanderen.

Victory for Plergoth arms

February 10, 1007 | By: Zal Habap

It seems the realm of Plergoth still has a few more tricks hidden up its sleeves. Our Plergothian army reached Worvobaen and beat the combined troops of Vlaanderen and Khthon.

Worvobaen falls to Vlaanderen

February 9, 1007 | By: Zal Habap

Despite the strenuous efforts of our glorious army, Worvobaen has fallen to the Vlaanderens. One assumes that the outlying region of Cwellndell won't last long. Our leaders are marshalling the army to defend the remaining regions and expect good results from our loyal nobles.

Henning of Khthon Tastes His Own Foot!

February 8, 1007 | By: Elroy

A mere few hours after boasting in his "newspaper" that Khthon was chasing down Plergoth's forces and would advance at their own leisure, the remainder of "what Plergoth could muster" appeared in Jaekind and utterly destroyed the Henning-led Khthon forces, even wounding the loud mouthed Marshal in the process.

A quick look at the 2-on-1 war of Vlaanderen and Khthon against Plergoth reveals tactical mistakes from all 3 realms, and a give and take of several regions. Plergoth has lost several regions and battles after much initial success, but Khthon's boasting is far from accurate. I suppose when their "offer for peace" included a statement that they planned on becoming the most powerful of the 3 warring realms, then it is easy to see why the alliance against us hasn't had more success.

The general opinion in Plergoth has actually swayed, based on the statements of Henning and Geoff, that Vlaanderen is the less greedy and more honorable of our enemies. Those who know the history of our two realms (and not the Valhalla-written revisionist history), will realize this is a big change in Plergoth's court of public opinion.

Plergoth is far from finished...

Enzeru Bakos Resurfaces in Vlaanderen

February 5, 1007 | By: Elroy
The prominent Fronen rebel Enzeru Bakos has been rumored to have joined the appropriately rebel realm of Vlaanderen, marking yet another Fronen traitor to join one of Plergoth's enemies; Khthon now sheltering LouisJoseph. Plergoth will not allow the rebels from Fronen (or Mesh for that matter), to find a home in our realm. Perhaps this policy will lead to an improvement in relations with those great nations.

Another Vlaanderen Spy Revealed

February 5, 1007 | By: Elroy
Luxor Feylonis, former Count of Ypsilanti, was found to be yet another spy for the Vlaanderen/Khthon alliance and shall be banned from Plergoth to join the other rebels. With such a high level spy, there is now little doubt that the recent setbacks suffered by Plergoth were not because of better coordination of the Vlaanderen and Khthon alliance, but rather from being spoon fed our movements and line settings. There is little concern in Plergoth that Khthon and Vlaanderen will be able to hold their recent gains once again.

Vandalism comes with a note

February 5, 1007 | By: Zal Habap
Late last night, a rock was thrown through the window of this paper, with the following note attached:

Dear Creasur.
A your number is up, and its 10. The gang known as the 10 now runs the crime in this city. We dahclare all crime activity to be done under the banner and name of the 10, you ya hood arse is gunna get hanged in da district areas of da city. We can not be stopped, removed or thwarted.
So here is our warning. If you been breaking the laws of Plergoth, and you AINT down with the got way more to worry bout den some cops or local militia. You got the world's largest crime family hunting you and your mama. Don't end up dead. If yas looking to be a crook, its best to join the family. Those found operating under any other name or on their own, will be delt with by the 10.
Signed 6 of 10.

It is unclear who is responsible and we await word from the glass-maker on the cost of replacing the window.

Adventurers of Note

February 5, 1007 | By: Zal Habap
A recent survey has provided our humble paper with news of a few notable adventurers. Apparently, Escent Noble (Mesh) has gained considerable prestige (10), while Dido Archirium (Enweil) and Gretel Mueller (Vlaanderen) are the most honourable (6). information provided by Nihal Keyderas

Many adventurers in Creasur

February 4, 1007 | By: Zal Habap
Recently, a dozen adventurers have descended upon Creasur with word on their tongues of many more to follow. While they may be good for hunting down monsters and the undead, it is unclear whether the rabble will be a benefit to the realm or if they will simply fill the taverns.

Joppo is Eradicated

February 2, 1007 | By: Luxor
After weeks of hard work, the Meshians have finally reclaimed back all its land from the ceded city of Joppo. Joppo, which was once a haven for new nobles, then to a desolate area ravaged by Monsters, has now been eradicated, and its former inhabbitants fled to other realms after surrendering to Mesh.