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::::But deaths caused by looting also reap profit. So there is in fact no contradiction. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 01:29, 13 December 2006 (CET)
::::But deaths caused by looting also reap profit. So there is in fact no contradiction. --[[User:The1exile|The1exile]] 01:29, 13 December 2006 (CET)
:::::How is it contradictory? We were paid to be in Abington, there was no clause in our contract that prevented us from seizing any opportunity. Remember, we are mercenaries, if we have a chance to grab gold along the way, we won't hesitate. I'm getting pretty tired of all this rambling about 'Darka is only in it for the money' or 'Darka kills for fun'. We are MERCENARIES, we care little about doing the most honorable thing, we care about doing the most profitable thing. Something I've said half a dozen times befor, but it just doesn't seem to get through. And let's not forget, the Southern Federation isn't exactly cleared from guilt. You have looted Taran and Ashlantean lands, the same way the Eastern and Northen Alliances looted Federated lands. Over 20,000 civilians died in Ash'rily alone, due to your 'efforts' in battle. Judge not, lest ye be judged. -[[User:Pizarro|Pizarro]]
:::::How is it contradictory? We were paid to be in Abington, there was no clause in our contract that prevented us from seizing any opportunity. Remember, we are mercenaries, if we have a chance to grab gold along the way, we won't hesitate. I'm getting pretty tired of all this rambling about 'Darka is only in it for the money' or 'Darka kills for fun'. We are MERCENARIES, we care little about doing the most honorable thing, we care about doing the most profitable thing. Something I've said half a dozen times befor, but it just doesn't seem to get through. And let's not forget, the Southern Federation isn't exactly cleared from guilt. You have looted Taran and Ashlantean lands, the same way the Eastern and Northen Alliances looted Federated lands. Over 20,000 civilians died in Ash'rily alone, due to your 'efforts' in battle. Judge not, lest ye be judged. -[[User:Pizarro|Pizarro]]
::::::''we care little about doing the most honorable thing, we care about doing the most profitable thing.'' Ah, so we are in agreement. The only thing that matters to you is the money. I find it sickening and not worthy of one who calls himself a noble. --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 03:15, 13 December 2006 (CET)
:::''Given that, your comment about escape clauses is pretty much null and void.'' So, you are fools. You write contracts poorly and sign them anyway. You aren't businessmen, you are small children running around playing with sharp, pointy things.
:::Neither I, nor RedSpan took credit for the destruction of the looters. Da Great Goat works through many instruments and if His instruments were Abington's troops, I cannot question His wisdom. My apologies if I was being too complex for you to understand. --[[User:Habap|Habap]] 03:15, 13 December 2006 (CET)

==Been out sick==
==Been out sick==

Revision as of 02:15, 13 December 2006


Rumor has it that Darka is now begging for someone to finance their war on RedSpan. At least we haven't begged for others to come save us like RedSpan has - LilWolf 17:00, 2 December 2006 (CET)

Calling for Allies is honourable. Asking for money to fight is not. And our allies do it for loyalty and respect to Redspan, unlike darka who cant even get a realm to finance thier expedition ScottSabin 17:04, 2 December 2006 (CET)
Have you considered the possibility that Darka is currently contracted to someone else? Stomping out goat herders is a pastime for us, not a job. And work comes before play! -Pizarro
Good to know that it's all really about the money, not about honor. Darka knows nothing of honor. When you have time to get back to your extortion scheme, let us know! --Habap 15:02, 3 December 2006 (CET)
Ha! Speak not of honor when you know none yourself, friend. How honorable of us would it be to ditch our employers to raze RedSpan to the ground? We have been contracted, and we will serve our contract until it expires. Now, attacking a banker in his sleep during peace time, for the sole purpose of getting gold, is that honorable? And then claiming to have punished the assassin by taking away less gold than he took, is that honorable? -Pizarro
More honourable than fighting against a realm with out declaring war on them? As you did during the taran/Rs war? I remember we kicked your ass many times and oyu had CE and tara to help you. Lets see if you do any better this time? ScottSabin 19:16, 11 December 2006 (CET)
It sure looks like simple posturing then if you already had a contract and had no intention of coming to RedSpan. Or like simple greed if you took the contract instead of fighting to preserve your honor. The money is, was and always will be the most important thing to a kingdom of sell-swords. --Habap 21:09, 11 December 2006 (CET)
Abington has not issued a formal declaration of war against us, yet their infiltrators cause malice within our borders. It is nice to see that RedSpan and her cohorts employ a set of double standards. Darka is a mercenary realm, we have no need to declare war unless we are directly attacked. We merely join with our contractors and fight their enemies. Your troops have violated the sovereignty of Eston by crossing into their lands without permission, would you call that honorable then? And just to clarify: We did not receive help from Tara or CE. They received help from us. Insulting us because we fight for money is pointless. It is the basis of our realm. Some expand their wealth by invading others, as you have done in the past, we expand our realm by offering our services to the highest bidder. -Pizarro
Cheap and simple street-walkers. --Habap 21:02, 11 December 2006 (CET)
Call us what you want. But I suggest you save your breath for when it matters.-Pizarro
Just because you see no need to declare war does not mean that the international community does not. You are still going to war with another nations. Act like you have a pair and declare war instead of hiding behind a contract and two neighboring realms. You make enemies and perhaps their only way of striking back is to put prices on your heads. --Habap 21:09, 11 December 2006 (CET)
Fear not, as soon as our current contract expires, you'll see our banners approaching from behind the horizon. -Pizarro
Make sure you hold your coin cups out to beg for cash and your skirts hiked up to lure the johns. Oh, and don't bother attaching name tags to the backs of your shirts. We won't be shipping your bodies home, we'll just burn 'em. --Habap 22:05, 11 December 2006 (CET)
you'll see our banners approaching from behind the horizon. your using th horizon as a shield now...i always knew you were cowardly. And we do not fear Darka they could not chaneg the face of the Taran war when they even had CE and Tara to fill out their armies, They wont be able to do anything this time. Oh and your infils are crap to....they got caught even before they reached my tent :D ScottSabin 13:12, 12 December 2006 (CET)
You had Abington and Carelia backing you, and at some point Falasan as well. What's your point? You can hardly compare that war to ours. We hadn't even shown up to settle the score, and you had Abingtonians and Carelians in your capital defending your goats. If you are so confident about our inability to defeat you, why won't you face us one on one? It seems you bit off a bit more than you could chew... -Pizarro
We anxiously await you. With no meat shields, either Darkan troops will have to act as meat shields or you will be mowed down like weeds before Da Goats. I imagine that at the very least, Darkan sell-swords will not be filling any contracts for a while. A service to all civilized realms. We have Da Grill ready for many Darkan carcasses. --Habap 16:22, 12 December 2006 (CET)
'We'? As in 'me and my realmmates' or 'me and everyone I could find to protect me'? Because if it's the first, I doubt we'll be needing much meat shielding. We'll just take the corpses of your fallen troops and put them to good use for a change. And after all that boasting, we'll be very disappointed if it turns out you're hiding behind 2,000 Abingtonian and Carelian troops. -Pizarro
Still haven't found anyone to pay for your trip? Abington and Carelia came without having to be paid. They came because they are our allies. They only way anyone would help you is if you paid them. No one loves a mercenary. Expect to be disappointed - you've been disappointing us for weeks with your mere posturing. --Habap 16:54, 12 December 2006 (CET)
I believe we should use the next contract fee to pay for some reading lessons for your people, because I have said two times before that we are still under CONTRACT. As such, we are CONTRACTED to the people who CONTRACTED us until the CONTRACT expires. And unlike you, we do not find it necessary to call in our friends over a personal matter. And then you question our honor? First you send assassins, cowards who attack from the shadows, and when we decide to hit back you immediately hide behind your friends. Very honorable indeed. If you had any honor in you, you would take responsability for your actions yourself, rather than having your friends stand behind you just in case the people you messed with turn out to be stronger than you, you spineless worms. And make no mistake, in one-on-one combat, we will tear your armies apart like wet parchment. And as for your alliance, where were you when Abington was under attack from six realms? You obeyed your arch enemies' orders rather than helping your closest friend. It seems the Darkans are more loyal to their contractors than the goatshaggers are to their federation partners. If I had a hat on, I would take it off, just for you. It's a shame I am no longer a warrior... but I guess I could tell your people a thing or two about the true nature of their masters. With some luck, they may realise they are governed by cowards. -Pizarro
It's a shame I am no longer a warrior... Wait, so, like Vatticus, you are also not coming down to fight us? How many skulking cowards with big mouths can there be in one realm? If you can't stand up to the challenge of fighting those you declare war on, don't bother declaring war. We know you only care about the money you're trying to extort from us, not some concept of honor. You reek of soap and perfume! I bet your men all wear, dare I say it, pants! --Habap 17:13, 12 December 2006 (CET)
Who said I wasn't coming down there? Even if it's not for the fighting, I'll be there for the show, and to incite religious unrest amongst your people. Who knows, I may even temporarily take a step back from preaching by the book to spread my beliefs by the sword. And I shouldn't say again that if you can't stand the challenge of suffering the consequences of your actions, you should not pick fights with stronger realms, only to have your allies behind you... or put yourself behind them, as you seem to be doing. If we do what you do and call upon our allies ourselves, we would have the exact same war we fought for years, and it would result in the thing: RedSpan weaseling out and Abington being under attack from all sides. Why don't you lot grow a pair, send your friends home and do your own dirty work? By the way, it's a rhetorical question, and the answer is 'because you don't have the spine'. -Pizarro
I'd say I'd finally gotten your goat, but I know no goat would put up with you. Your arrogance continues to amuse. You're a bully and you're trying to extort 1200 gold from us. You continue to claim to be too busy to protect your honor, claiming prior commitments. We'll believe you once you can be bothered to come down here. Until then, go boast to your volcano - it will take you more seriously. --Habap 18:08, 12 December 2006 (CET)
You know ive had just about as much of your BS as i can take. One thignn redspan has friends, Allies help each other. Are your allies helping you? No. becasue they dont want to get involved with your warmongering. Our allies help us, as we helped them. Maybe not militarly, but diplomaticly and with food and money. You see help dosent always have to be in the form of the sword. Oh and were not the ones who declare a war but dont show up. And dont give me that crap about a Contract. If you took the contract after declareing war you are wasting our time. if you ahd the contract before you declared war, then it was a false impressions, so cram it with the contract excuse, come up with another one. Redspan dosent wealse out of anything. We arnt like you, who say "sorry our contract is up we cant fight with you no more" When things go bad. But why dont we settle this once and for all. Come down here and find out what your reception woud be like. ScottSabin 18:12, 12 December 2006 (CET)
Wow, into one ear and out the other. Yes, we will come. And yes, we will serve out our contract before we do, despite the fact that you seem to tink we are using it as an excuse not to come. Also, I fail to see how signing a contract before AJ decided it was a good idea to stab our banker is 'false impression'. Are we supposed to take into account goat shaggers stabbing our banker before we agree to a contract? And how can we say "we can't fight you no more", when we have yet to run through a single goat shagger? Whether we declared war when we did or declare war when we set foot into your lands makes no difference. The declaration is merely a formality, and I'm willing to bet good money that if we had postponed the declaration, you would be crying bloody murder about the blood-thirsty Darkans invading poor innocent RedSpan for no reason, because you seem to have a knack for playing the victim all the time. And all your jabbering still doesn't change the fact that you don't have the marbles to handle this on your own. This conflict concerns neither your allies nor our own. This is between RedSpan and Darka, and you know it as well as I do. The question is, can you take responsibility for your actions instead of having others do it for you? Darka had and has every intention of keeping this straight-forward, one on one, which is more than can be said about you. You play with fire, you get burned, deal with it, but don't cry and ask mommy to kiss the boo-boo away like a crybaby, because that is exactly what you're doing. The only reason you have a big mouth is because of Carelia and Abington. Without them, you'd be begging for Darkan mercy once we slaughter your army and level your towns. And don't say it's not true either, because lying makes the Volcano cry, and when the Volcano cries, it will be raining stones, ash and lava all the way down in Stargard. In short: keep your filthy mouth shut unless you intend to make this a one-on-one fight like it's supposed to be. -Pizarro
It surprises me not at all that one who sells his services like a street-walker has no understanding of alliances. The reason one has allies is so that bullies cannot extort hundreds of gold from you. A bully always picks the smallest kid on the playground and insists on a one-on-one fight. Friends and allies stand up to bullies. Of course, all you understand is money. Bring it on, you cheap, perfume-using hoors. --Habap 19:11, 12 December 2006 (CET)
So now Darka is the aggressor? Correct me if I'm wrong, but your infiltrator attacked one of our council members during peacetime. All we understand is money? Greed is what drove AJ to perform his crime in the first place. You have just removed the only moral highground you may have had in this conflict. Either you lot are greedy, or just like to cause trouble for kicks. And don't give me the 'Oh, but we fined him 500 gold' routine either, because a) AJ is still up 100 gold and b) whether AJ or Ralph the Third gets the gold, it's all the same. Assassinating a council member over a gold reward, what more do you expect us to take on the chin and smile afterwards? Perhaps you'd like a free shot at our Judge? Our King, maybe? Heck, why not take the tour and assassinate every bounty in Northern Atamara. I'm sure everyone will just let your murderers have their way. Make no mistake, friend, you brought this on yourselves. And the looting of Abington... we did that for free, to show our allies that we are, in fact, allies. Is that friendly enough for you? -Pizarro


(new section so we don't have to scroll so much to edit) Yes, Darka is the aggressor. AJ was punished for his act. He was later punished again by your Judge in her torture chambers. RedSpan does not condone his action and he was punished. You chose to blame RedSpan for it and attempt to extort 1200 gold. We have no intention of paying.

Now, let's look at the reason so many of your leaders have bounties on their heads. It's not just because they are hated, but because your enemies would need to march through your allies' lands to get to you. Now who's hiding behind their allies? --Habap 21:13, 12 December 2006 (CET)

Did i not hear something that you just did it to show the continent that you could perfome a military action against an engaged enemy? And didnt Abington turn around and smash your army? Ah yes I remember now. Oh and it seems intelligence isnt that good up the north so let me repeat a few things. I fail to see how signing a contract before AJ decided it was a good idea to stab our banker is 'false impression' The whole fact that you declared war, knowing full well you wouldnt participate in it is just showing who you really are. Cowards, plain and simple.Oh and let me get this straight would you hav efought against MI if the NF/EA war kicked off? yes thats right there your friends. Do friends fight against each other? No i thought not, well you do.
And all your jabbering still doesn't change the fact that you don't have the marbles to handle this on your own. Doesnt it now? so how can you explain that Darka couldnt get any one to join in their "crusade against Redspan" Yes...i remember now, you king asked for help to fight against Redspan. Oh...didnt he tell you that.. maybe he missed it off. So this crap about a one on one fight is a load of bull. It just shows that Rdspan has friends that help her out, and Darka is just a lonley git, that people only be friendly with to stay on their good side. ScottSabin 21:17, 12 December 2006 (CET)
Minas Ithil, our friends? When did that happen? We joined into an alliance after they decided to join in on the Abington assault. We are mercenaries, we do not outline the course of battle, we follow it. We dropped out of the alliance as soon as the war was over. Yes, our King asked for support, AFTER we received reports of Abington and Carelia sitting in Stargard, that's a tad different from asking for support in what was, at the time, a one on one conflict. What we did is try to bring a sword to a swordfight, you brought a sword to a fistfight. And for the last time, we didn't "declare war, knowing full well we wouldn't participate in it". If a war between the NF and EA had broken out, we would have fought it until a peace treaty was signed and we were sent home, and then come to RedSpan. As I said probably a million times by now, we are mercenaries. When contracted, we can't simply bail out to go goat hunting. Our leaders have bounties because they are contract killers, not the most friendly occupation. We are 'hiding' behind our enemies because frankly, that's how the realms are located on the map. We fought against Talerium in the past, hell, we fought amongst ourselves in the past. We are merely reaping the benefits of the events that occured. Admit it, you would like nothing more than have an allied 'buffer' surrounding you. -Pizarro
We understand your money is too important for you to abandon to protect your honor. You don't have to keep saying it. We understand you worship your contracts and wouldn't give the money back no matter how stained your honor becomes.
Every realm is seeing now that there is no risk in collecting bounties on Darkan heads. If Darka is too busy with a contract, they won't bother to seek retribution. Sleep well, dear prince. --Habap 22:07, 12 December 2006 (CET)
Actually, we are paid before we even move out of Azzal on assignments, so we could very well leave our contractor's land, come down south and still have all our money. Now, would you call it honorable to abandon someone who has paid for your services? Imagine your men bailing out on you prior to a battle, after being paid in advance? Does that sound appealing to you? If that was the best closing argument you could come up with... well, let's say I wouldn't want you representing me before a judge. You are correct though, that we do not seek retribution when we are too busy with a contract. That would be very bad advertising for the Darkan Mercenary Company, not to mention a breach of contract, something your federation knows all about. Thank you so much for summarizing all that writing above. If you had been able to come up with that conclusion a bit earlier, you could have saved me a lot of ink and parchment. But better late than never, I guess. And don't worry about the money for the ink and parchment. I have a feeling I'll recover it soon enough. Tenfold, if I'm lucky. With some goat meat for dessert! -Pizarro
No, the honorable thing would have been to refund the money to your client and leave the contract immediately. Are your contracts so ineptly written that there is no escape clause? If your clients thought you had any honor, instead of simply greed, they would understand. Of course, they know you have none and are only interested in their money. They can only be thankful their enemies didn't outbid them for your services. Glory in your money.... We choose instead to Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto Da Great Goat the things that are Da Great Goat’s. --Habap 23:36, 12 December 2006 (CET)

Plundering Suville

I guess the Abington First newspaper's report that Darka's illegal looting of Suville was not part of a contract was correct. It must have been to advertise your "superior military" to potential clients. Disgusting. --Habap 22:17, 12 December 2006 (CET)

Disgusting? That's a pretty strong statement for a pantless goat worshipper. To be precise, it was mostly for fun, and just a little bit in revenge for looting and raiding the lands of our contractor's protectorate. It's not our fault Abington left her biggest and wealthiest city wide open. Blind paraplegics could have stormed it. Suville was ripe for the taking and we took it. We took pretty much everything, really. If only I had been there myself... -Pizarro

Thank you for noticing that I wear no pants and that I fulfill my duties in worshipping Da Great Goat. It should help me to have it documented should Da Goatly Inquisition ever target me. Kradus, take note!
Raping and looting for fun? Sigh. Your lack of nobility again springs to the fore.
I hear tell that none of the troops involved made it home alive, which would make the comparison of your troops to blind paraplegics apt. Da Great Goat strikes down those that offend Him. --Habap 23:29, 12 December 2006 (CET)
First off, it is surprisinlgy fun to dish out an 'eye for an eye' punishment. Abington and cohorts plundered lands and killed civilians, Darka and cohorts plundered lands and killed civilians. It's the merry-go-round of war, and everyone paid for a ride. Are you really going to point fingers and call someone else the bad guy? Every party involved has innocent blood on their hands. Whether it is a single drop, or covering your skin all the way up to your elbows, it remains the same. Second, it is rude to take credit for other people's work. RedSpan didn't decimate the Darkan looting party, Abington did, and they alone deserve credit for their victory. I hear they handled themselves surprisingly well against the onslaught of six realms. You, however? You sat on the sideline watching. Lastly, you're talking to a former mercenary. We don't kill because it's the honorable thing to do, we kill because we are paid to kill. Whom and why we kill is of lesser importance. Given that, your comment about escape clauses is pretty much null and void. Our contractors paid for a contract, we fulfill the requirements stipulated in that contract. How would you rate a mercenary's worth if he abandons his employers for a personal matter? We'll have plenty of time to march into RedSpan once the contract has expired. When does it expire? Watch the horizon, and you'll know. All in due time, my friend. -Pizarro
Ah, of course! You kill because you are paid to. Except when you kill "for fun," as you yourself say. Typical Darkan - contradicting yourself and your own countrymen, unable to hide your barbaric and foolish nature~ House Olik
But deaths caused by looting also reap profit. So there is in fact no contradiction. --The1exile 01:29, 13 December 2006 (CET)
How is it contradictory? We were paid to be in Abington, there was no clause in our contract that prevented us from seizing any opportunity. Remember, we are mercenaries, if we have a chance to grab gold along the way, we won't hesitate. I'm getting pretty tired of all this rambling about 'Darka is only in it for the money' or 'Darka kills for fun'. We are MERCENARIES, we care little about doing the most honorable thing, we care about doing the most profitable thing. Something I've said half a dozen times befor, but it just doesn't seem to get through. And let's not forget, the Southern Federation isn't exactly cleared from guilt. You have looted Taran and Ashlantean lands, the same way the Eastern and Northen Alliances looted Federated lands. Over 20,000 civilians died in Ash'rily alone, due to your 'efforts' in battle. Judge not, lest ye be judged. -Pizarro
we care little about doing the most honorable thing, we care about doing the most profitable thing. Ah, so we are in agreement. The only thing that matters to you is the money. I find it sickening and not worthy of one who calls himself a noble. --Habap 03:15, 13 December 2006 (CET)
Given that, your comment about escape clauses is pretty much null and void. So, you are fools. You write contracts poorly and sign them anyway. You aren't businessmen, you are small children running around playing with sharp, pointy things.
Neither I, nor RedSpan took credit for the destruction of the looters. Da Great Goat works through many instruments and if His instruments were Abington's troops, I cannot question His wisdom. My apologies if I was being too complex for you to understand. --Habap 03:15, 13 December 2006 (CET)

Been out sick

I had a urinary tract infection, so have been away for a few days. I tried logging into BM from the hospital's TV browser, but it wasn't correctly displaying the game screens (i.e. blank screens!) I should be back online later today after I am released from the hospital. 30 days of antibitotics await. I should be completely normal (and back to working full days like normal) in a day or two. --Habap 15:50, 11 December 2006 (CET)

Hope you feel better. And dont worry, all the grammar errors will be awaiting for when you get back :P ScottSabin 17:50, 11 December 2006 (CET)



  1. A fine spreads all gold deducted between all the nobles of the realm
  2. That gold remains in realm unless otherwise distributed by th nobles of said realm

What the actual acceptable thing for RedSpan to do would have been to demand AJ transfer that gold and some more back to darka, or be banned. It is not acceptable to harbour bounty hunters and then give them a tap on the wrist thahat supports your own realm. --The1exile 00:40, 13 December 2006 (CET)