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The Grand Duchy of Fissoa is a growing, predominantly rural realm caught between large, fast-forming empires on the continent of Dwilight, but it has thus far managed to navigate these stormy political seas with - if not always grace - then a surprising amount of dogged resilience and desperation charm. Often overlooked by larger powers, and with a reputation for quiet perseverance, the realm has recently become more active abroad, and has found itself embroiled in a war on its western front against both the Falkirk Freestate and its parent-realm, Aurvandil. After destroying the Freestate, Fissoa has turned its eyes toward Aurvandil, and plans invasions of its western neighbor, looking for revenge.

History of the Grand Duchy (NEEDS UPDATING)

Regent's Era

The history of this time period can be found here.

Common Era

The common era starts after the reinstatement of the Grand Dukes. The first to be elected to the position was Skyndarbau Melphrydd. After a long period of slow decline, the Grand Duchy is now on the rise once again. Noble numbers are slowly increasing, but there's room for plenty more. People with a heart for politics are also very welcome, as the elections for Judge and Banker usually interest but a few candidates. The armies are always in the search for (Vice-)Marshals.

After the long standing problems with the Lurians in the past, Fissoa has now made peace with her former enemies. An alliance with Pian en Luries has been forged, and also with Luria Nova. Solaria is a new player, but a peace treaty is in place as well. But the bonds go further than diplomacy. The Grand Duchy has adopted both Aetheris Pyrism and the Manifest Path, two major faiths in greater Luria.

Fissoa is currently neutral with Aurvandil. It used to be a duchy within Madina that seceded illegitimately, and Fissoa helped her ally to restore justice. The war has come to a stalemate, though, with large forces occupying either side of the Candiels Narrow. The Privateers and the Guardians alternate in setting up watch in Tower Fatmilak.

However nothing lasts long on this side of Dwilight. Soon after talks of a Lurian Empire, the King of Pian en Luries was found poisoned. An attack on the Arbiter of Solaria prompted war. Fissoa attempted to mediate, but this was blunty refused on several occasions by the aggressors. When Luria Nova decided to enter the fray and attempt a land-grab, the Grand Duchy was forced to choose. After deliberation it was agreed the war against Aurvandil was a lost cause. Madina had proven to be inefficient on the field of honour, and tension rose after miscommunication and bad treatment. Peace with Candiels was reached, and it was decided that the Grand Duchy would stand by it's allies in Pian en Luries. War was subsequently declared on Luria Nova.

After a few raids, King Tybalt vowed to lay waste to our lands. Apart from a few incursions and several days of looting, nothing really happened. In the meantime Madina met it's downfall, causing several of it's nobles to join on Fissoa's side. This brought the Grand Duchy to an unprecedented noble population of 22, almost twice the number from a year before.

After warring for several weeks, Pian en Luries surrendered. It fell back into the fold of the Lurian Federation. With this Fissoa's prime objective for the war was met, and peace was sought. This came a cost: Grand Duke Skyndarbau was forced to resign. He did so with reluctance, though sought only the greater good for his Fissoa. He now is on a voyage to visit the different regions of Dwilight.

After a confusingly short election period Grand Duke Eldrond was crowned. He finalised peace with Solaria, Luria Vesperi and Luria Nova. He has also expressed that an election for the crown would happen soon, due to the former being glitchy.

Game Opportunities (OOC info)

The war in the west is heating up, and tensions broil along Fissoa's eastern border. Young noblemen and women are sought after to join the ranks of the Fissoan Privateers, or take up arms as part of the Fissoan Lions. Leadership positions in the military are currently open to clever, quick-thinking nobility, and with Fissoa's recent push to expand onto the Isle of Madina, there is ample opportunity for non-military leadership as well in several vacant lordships. Ambassadors, traders and priests all have vital roles to play in Fissoa, are encouraged and highly sought after. Moreover, infiltrators are prized and well-paid for their unique abilities. There is the makings of an Officer Candidate School in Fissoa as well, that will endeavor to train young nobles to be the next generation of leaders in the Fissoan Military.

With recent incursions of monsters and undead on the mainland, adventurers are needed now more than ever, and the Fissoa Verminators are able to live well off the bounties they collect from Fissoa's regions, as well as from the gold they make by auctioning unique items off to enterprising nobility. Fissoa still struggles to decide on how to look at commoners (simple cattle, useful cattle, rebellious cattle or possible friends?), and as a result political intrigue abounds. The Grand Duchy being an conglomerate of people of different origins, opinions are diverse. The right to express one's opinion is guarded, but of course only up to a certain level. Some commoners have managed to rise to positions of authority within noble households, while others content themselves to sleeping outside under the stars.

Law of Fissoa (NEEDS UPDATING?)

The current legislation can be found here.

The Oath sworn by Skyndarbau Melphrydd, Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

On my integrity as a free man of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, and on my dedication to this realm, it's Nobles and it's people, and in respect to the given support and trust, from this day onwards, I hereby swear to uphold this oath until relieved from by the people, or 'til my death. I swear to lead the realm and love it, to make the right choice where I can, to make the right choice where I must, with aid or anything else. I swear to remain impartial and just, above all but quarrel with our foes. I swear to never surrender in combat, to respect the working institutions and laws in this realm, and the will of the many. So help me the gods.

Fallen Heroes (NEEDS UPDATING)

We honour those who have served our realm as the finest nobles, our Heroes.The names of those who paid the ultimate price in service to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa are placed on this wall. May their name continue to inspire brilliance, courage, duty, honour and loyalty to Fissoa.

  • The hero Bernard Evergreen, General of Grand Duchy of Fissoa, Earl of Drowenton was killed fighting monsters in Kamade.
  • The Tyrant Slade Leonidas. He seized power unrightfully, but he did so for the greater good. His actions might have been unacceptable, but his commitment for a stronger Fissoa is to be admired.
  • Lady Allegria Drakynor, Viscountess of Nuas, disappeared not long after the Lurian Incursion. She was a great noble, and a great woman, and she will be missed.


All nobility are expected to function as a member of one of Fissoa's two armies. If you lack an army designation, request an assignment from your liege lord. After doing so, you will be slotted into an available regiment in the army you are assigned.

Grand Structure of the Fissoan Military

High Marshal

Fissoan Privateers

Army Command



Army Chaplain



    • 1st Privateers Regiment
      • A Company, 1st Privateers
      • Marshal
      • B Company, 1st Privateers
      • Major
    • C Company, 1st Privateers
    • D Company, 1st Privateers
    • E Company, 1st Privateers
    • 2nd Privateers Regiment
      • A Company, 2nd Privateers
      • Vice-Marshal
      • B Company, 2nd Privateers
      • Major
    • C Company, 2nd Privateers
    • D Company, 2nd Privateers
    • E Company, 2nd Privateers
    • 3rd Privateers Regiment
      • A Company, 3rd Privateers
      • Colonel
      • B Company, 3rd Privateers
      • Major
    • C Company, 3rd Privateers
    • D Company, 3rd Privateers
    • E Company, 3rd Privateers
    • 4th Privateers Regiment
      • A Company, 4th Privateers
      • Colonel
      • B Company, 4th Privateers
      • Major
    • C Company, 4th Privateers
    • D Company, 4th Privateers
    • E Company, 4th Privateers

The Lions

Army Command



Army Chaplain

    • 1st Lions Regiment
      • A Company, 1st Lions
      • Marshal
      • B Company, 1st Lions
      • Vice-Marshal
    • C Company, 1st Lions
    • D Company, 1st Lions

Each regiment is led by a Colonel. Both Marshal and Vice-Marshal are designated colonels of 1st and 2nd Regiments.

Each regiment has a second in command, rank Major, to take over in the absence of its colonel.

Each regiment has 4 troop leaders, not including their colonel, for a total of 5 troop leaders each.

Each Colonel is tasked with keeping his regiment up to army standards (this means meeting, at least, minimum army recruitment standards) and with keeping them active. If members of his army are not active, he is tasked with disciplining them. Sometimes, if battle calls for it, he may be asked to relay orders or unit settings to his regiment that differs from the rest of the army as a whole. Sometimes two regiments may be called to work together, splitting the Army.

Likewise, requests from troop leaders in a regiment are passed first to its commanding colonel - this includes requests for funds, as well as reports on activity/ability to move, etc. These reports are then to be forwarded by colonels to the Marshal or Vice-Marshal, depending on who is available and leading the Army currently.

Each troop leader within a regiment controls a company, with their Captain handling day-to-day training and manuevers under their supervision. Companies are identified by a letter, often pronounced using the Fissoan Phonetic Alphabet, or FPA.

Unit Identification and Naming

A Company, 2nd Privateers: '2nd Privateers | Arrow Company'

This describes the first company (A Company) in the second regiment of the Privateers, as would be led by the Vice-Marshal.

Fissoan Phonetic Alphabet, FPA
A Arrow [*] M Mare Y Yoke
B Bridge N Nag Z Zeal
C Chariot O Ore 0 Zero
D Dagger P Pipe 1 One
E Eagle Q Quail 2 Two
F Fire R Royal 3 Three
G Gold S Sword 4 Four
H Honour T Tar 5 Five
I Ichor U Uncle 6 Six
J Jester V Victor 7 Seven
K Kestrel W Wheat 8 Eight
L Lion X -- 9 Nine

[*] After the murder of Alvin Windblack at the hands of Falkirk Freestate torturers, military high command has redesignated 'Arrow Company' as 'Alvin Company' henceforth.


High Marshal: controls all Armies, and dictates military policy

Marshal: controls a single Army, also 1st Regiment within that Army

Vice-Marshal: controls a single Army in absence of its Marshal, also 2nd Regiment within that Army

Colonel: controls a regiment

Major: second-in-command of a regiment, takes over the regiment in their Colonel's absence

Chaplain Major: a rank made available to any priest a part of an army

Current Campaigns

Currently, the Grand Duchy of Fissoa is at war with Aurvandil after destroying its puppet-state, the Freestate of Falkirk.

Military Honours and Awards

Current Medals and Awards

Campaign and Service Medals
Privateers Service Ribbon
Lions Service Ribbon
Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
TBA Campaign Ribbon
Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon
National Defense Service Medal

Privateers Service Ribbon

Awarded to all members of the Fissoan Privateers after assignment to a regiment.

Lions Service Ribbon

Awarded to all members of the Fissoan Lions after assignment to a regiment.

Falkirk Campaign Ribbon

Awarded to all those who served during the Campaign Against the Falkirk Freestate.

TBA Campaign Ribbon

Awarded to all those who served during the to be announced.

Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Awarded to all those who served during the Aurvandil-Fissoan War.

National Defense Service Medal

Awarded to all members of the Fissoan Armed Forces.

Personal Decorations
Golden Lion
Crossed Spear and Shield
Silver Spear
Bronze Spear
Battlement Crown
Soldier's Medal
Prisoner of War Medal
Medal of the Broken Sword

Golden Lion

Fissoa's highest military honour, the Golden Lion is awarded for bravery and heroism beyond the call of duty. Any recipient of this award will have, in service to the Grand Duchy of Fissoa against her enemies, distinguished themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their own life in the face of the enemy.

Crossed Spear and Shield

Awarded for killing an enemy noble in battle.

Silver Spear

Awarded for capturing an enemy noble in battle.

Bronze Spear

Awarded for wounding an enemy noble in battle.

Battlement Crown

Awarded to the commander of the first unit to breach enemy battlements.

Soldier's Medal

Awarded for uncommon valour on the battlefield.

Prisoner of War Medal

Awarded to Fissoans who have been captured by the enemy and held as prisoners of war.

Medal of the Broken Sword

Awarded to any Fissoan Noble wounded in battle.

Unit Awards
Last Honours
Valor and Honour Regimental Citation
Regimental Combat Readiness Citation
Regimental Commendation for Gallantry

Last Honours

Awarded to all surviving members of a regiment that has suffered catastrophic losses against the enemy. After receiving these honours, the regiment is disbanded and its standard is never raised again.

Valor and Honour Regimental Citation

Awarded to all members of a regiment that has, in battle, come to the aid of another regiment and saved it from destruction or decimation.

Regimental Combat Readiness Citation

Awarded to all members of a regiment that has, through its organization and leadership, shown itself to be exemplary, and a paradigm for all other regiments.

Regimental Commendation for Gallantry

Awarded to all members of a regiment that has displayed exceptional courage in battle.

Current Recipients of Awarded Medals

Alterf Blackmore

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Amador Damiano

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon

Aran Ivansen

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Ari Cicero

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Atreus Bhranthan

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Ayrl Huntmaster

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Baal Zephon Beldragos

Daichar Voeder

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Edward Blackmane

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Edwina Arcastle

Eldrond Nabarl

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Eleri Thalis

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Lions Service Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Evelyn Challon

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Lions Service Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Gedsaro Frith

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Georj Lontath

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Guy de Blanc

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Lions Service Ribbon
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon

Kinsey Keralth

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon
  • Bronze Spear

Lerdan Rezun

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Loathin Fantom

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Mastraacht Abjur

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Noctum Verlash

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Lions Service Ribbon

Ormond deVoss

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Periurium Baceolus

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Selene Aristilien

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Skyndarbau Melphrydd

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Soren Argent

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon
  • Medal of the Broken Sword
  • Battlement Crown

Teal'c Turambar

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Tyruss Eldrikson

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Lions Service Ribbon

Vallyn Rothach

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon

Waldor Graves

  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Privateers Service Ribbon
  • Falkirk Campaign Ribbon
  • Aurvandil Campaign Ribbon


The Grand Duchy of Fissoa, once a part of Madina declared independence from the Republic of Madina after experiencing increased cultural division through its proud army, the Fissoan Privateers.

The people of Fissoa are diverse; most inhabitants are simple peasants and live on the country side while the richer folk and traders live in the city of Fissoa or the outskirts known as Fissoa fields. A townsland in the north called Drowenton has a sort of independence within the Duchy.

While peasants do enjoy some simple freedom within the duchy, any instance of rebellion is crushed without remorse: Exile into the desert is common punishment for those that rebel and considered even worse than a quick execution due to the rampaging monsters.

All boys are conscripted into the army school at the age of 6 and are taught basic writing and reading, history, law, wrestling, running, and other useful knowledge and skills. Normally they can visit their homes once every 3 months for a few days but only the richest can afford these trips for their sons. At the age of 16 boys are considered a man and are allowed to return for their families. The wise scholars and capable fighters and usually opt to stay on in the service.

Training includes being sent off into the dense forest region of Kamade, where they are tutored in the use of weapons such as the spear, sword and shield. If they survive training and pass their final tests they will serve with the small regular forces of the Grand Duchy. The brighter pupils are trained to aid the government in their daily tasks. They are the bureaucrats, doctors, and inventors within the duchy.

Guilds and Religions (NEEDS UPDATING)

Recently the Fissoa Verminators Guild has been founded by Skyndarbau Melphrydd, it's homebase situated in Munawai.

The capital also houses the Academy of the Arts. As a young institution, it is still looking for Theologians, Tacticians, Philosophers, Governers and Merchants.

Lastly but not the least, a new religion has emerged from Fissoan soils. The first temple and foundation of Path to Eternity was built by Alvin Windblack in Fissoa Fields. Still in its infancy, its follower numbers are growing steadily.


The Grand Duchy does not have an official newspaper. Copies of the most important papers of the continent can be found in the city of Fissoa within few days from the newspaper release. Some nobles may have a subscription and receive a copy of the newspaper at their current location.

Notable Roleplays (NEEDS UPDATING)

  • A Roleplay by Sir Balewin Duckmane, with a beautiful song about the Green Maurauders, his unit.


Treaties with Madina:

  • The Southern Pact
  • Open Welcome agreement
  • Roaming Neighbor Pact


Map of the Grand Duchy.
