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About Us Journal Volume: Spring of 17 YD Archives
Our Motto: "Subscriptions Are Mandatory!"

Editorial Meditations Corner
"Symptoms of Apathy and Inertia – The Empire Killer!"


During the Winter season I launched a questionnaire for you to fill out and submit to me. The intention was to gather your noble opinions on a variety of sensitive topics, including the tone of the questionnaire itself – which was deliberately controversial by the way (not to mention that I could not approach those subjects without using a sardonic tone so as to avoid getting in even greater trouble). I hoped this attempt would create a dialogue. That it would get a rise out of you so that we could face each other like real nobles and learn about each other. Not that anything on there was a real issue but something somewhere on there should have piqued you and led you to respond to me. A few of you brave Souls did reply and I am grateful. I now have a thin gauge on the opinions of the Empire over the topics inserted in the questionnaire. One minor issue was addressed to me in private over my remark toward the Empire’s theocratic religion (addressing you as “wimpy star worshiping Astromancers”). I intended for that to be one of the spark points for discussion but instead received a warning from the High Inquisitor. We are still working out how to handle my offensive-prone personality in public. I try to manage it, High Inquisitor, I really do - sometimes.

Ultimately, however, the questionnaire was a failure. Instead of communicating to you in a way that you could speak back, if even to ridicule me or to defend your reputation from my challenge, it fell flat. What happened to you Empire? Are you still there? Have you fallen asleep under the comfort of peace and warm alliances? There are many activities available to draw you out. If you are a sportsman you could join the Convocation of the Sword. Or if you are…uh, well, actually, outside of governance that’s all that is available. Empire, this is a sad revelation. You are as barren and plain as an unsalted cracker!

Apathy and inertia are growing symptoms of a terrible disease called decline. In this editorial I am making the regrettable point that the Morek Empire, the greatest Empire on Dwilight, is declining. Worse still, there are only a few of you who are committed to reversing that. What about the rest of you Empire? Do you not have something to say? Well I have a voice and I choose to attempt to reverse the Empire’s decline.

I believe that a healthy realm is a social realm, and therefore I am declaring the foundation of the New Empire Social Club! Anyone with any interest in the Morek Empire whatsoever, be you lowly knight or the Grandmaster himself, should contact me so we can form a group. Things discussed in this group might become choice topics for this journal or perhaps, with effort, even Imperial policies. It is not enough to sit in councils or to listen to what others may suggest. You must wake up and speak! Empire! Wake up! Knights of the Morek Empire, in this Spring season I invite you to form the New Empire Social Club with me. Wine and cheese will be arranged for our fist meeting.

Next Issue: Theocracy, Bane or Boon for the Empire?

The Ashrak Imperialist Presents: What If Bowie Ironsides Was Never Possessed by a Demon?!

4 YD

Letter from Leon Agenor

Judge Bowie,

There was an error with this weeks taxes that gave you an abundance of the realm’s gold. Please disperse it to the nobility.


Leon Agenor

Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

Grand Duke,

Okay, not a problem.

Bowie Ironsides

Judge of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa

16 YD

Fissoan Obituary

RIP Judge Bowie Ironsides, died at the age of 49 by causes unknown. A husband and father with no enemies; he was quiet, conservative, humble and a loyal knight who only wanted to look after his family in Drowenton. He had no ambitions or vices and never took the opportunity to travel outside of Fissoa. His memory will be tucked away by his few friends and the nobility of the Grand Duchy.
  • Editor's Note: Please find a copy of the Demon of Dwilight! to learn the origins of the infamous Demoniac.

The Morek Empire The Fundamentals of Mysticism
"Travel Guide to the Empire: East, West and the Frontier"

The Morek Empire rests in the northeastern corner of Dwilight in the prestigious address of High Toprak. Although the rest of Dwilight is quickly catching up, High Toprak has the most history and the oldest culture of any other area on the continent. From memorable personalities, to the furthest reaching guilds, to the oldest and largest religion, to glorious conflicts, High Toprak is the source of it all. It is the true centre of Dwilight. Amidst this cultivated and sophisticated region lives our Empire. Closer examination and exploration offers us three distinct cultural spheres emerging in the Empire. You may find yourself living either in the West, the East or out on the Frontier. Most of you probably never noticed this circumstance because you have never visited foreign realms to which you can compare or contrast your own with, or, you do not have the trained eyes to spot such subtle nuances. I have lived in many realms across Dwilight and I assure you with these gentle words that our Empire has a culture and that you must be taught to see it. What sort of an Imperial noble would you be, after all, if you could not boast the greatest exports of your people or the local history of your regions? Consider this article then your brief travel guide to the Morek Empire. I am proud to prime you with this starting point for your own pursuit of Morekanna.

I shall begin with the oldest territory to bear the Morekan banner: the East. The Eastern half of the Empire is comprised of the Duchy of Donghaiwei and the Duchy of the First Temple. It occupies the majority of the Dongeselands. The East is predominately a rural landscape inhabited strictly by the Dongese people. Under our rule they have grown hearty, pious to your Stars and traditional to their old ways. The architecture of the East ranges from the old styled ceramic tiled roofs to more modern but simpler wooden framed buildings with daub exteriors. Next to Donghaiwei, the commercial and ducal seat of the region, the East is the cradle of Astromancy. The High Temple at Caiyun is a site of heavy pilgrimage traffic and worship. The most notable regional product from the East is a variety of dairy products from Linhai. Constant and enduring, the East anchors the Empire to its foundation and heritage.

Following this we visit the Western half of the Empire. Occupying the lower half of the Dalian Expanse, the West is composed of the Duchies of Muspelheim and Aegir. Due to its central location on High Toprak, the West is the cosmopolitan and urban core of the Empire. Inhabited by Nifelians, Dalians and spots of Dongese, the West has a deep history of conflict and change. Our capital Muspelheim stands proud in the West as it squints to see the furthest borders of its Imperial reach. There are many notable regions in the West to which you may wish to visit. Croton has a spill of ancient ruins to discover or explore and rumour has it there is a city buried somewhere beneath it. Nimh is the vacation coast of the Empire with arguably the best beaches and maritime cuisine – particularly their Blue Fish. Popular products of the West include wool, whiskey and cheese from Nidhogg's Mark and silks from Aegir. If you were to visit the commercial district in Muspel you will view a bronze statue of the region’s Marquis Martok Hallisun – well done Marquis!. Celebrated and diverse, the West is the spirit of destiny.

Finally, if you have the time to travel this far in the Empire you will arrive in the Frontier. The Frontier nips the end of the Dongeselands and nubs the east of the Unterlands. A mix of Unterfolk and Dongese, the Frontier is the developing new addition to the Empire. It is the border between civilization and the outlands. Although Shomrak is largely undeveloped and dim from any culture or society, Huanghai and Ashrak carry the Imperial light. The Frontier honours its fallen hero Lord Korio Karr with a statue built to him in Huanghai. Ashrak proudly invites visitors to view its Museum and University Campus, the site of this very journal’s printing. Popular products include rare silks produced in Huanghai and tasty pickles and potent alcohol from Ashrak. Despite frequent monster and undead invasions the Frontier embraces its position and replies with daring and confidence. The Frontier looks forward to being the launching ground for the next phase of expansion and settlement.

As the Count of Ashrak I invite you, Empire, to visit my estate on the Frontier to drink Ashrathe, to eat our famous pickles, and to dance our local dance!

The Demon of Dwilight Has Spoken!