McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Encounter2: Difference between revisions

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(New page: ---- '''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:''' Conrac winced. Ooopps it seems like he had dragged Sorsha into a political cat fight. Conrac looked at a rather chaotic letter from Tenebrioun. ...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:39, 4 July 2009

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Conrac winced. Ooopps it seems like he had dragged Sorsha into a political cat fight. Conrac looked at a rather chaotic letter from Tenebrioun. Hmmm, Conrac looked through it.

"Have you no Faith?" Conrac scratched his head? That was his example of a secular comment? Weird...but then again priests were hardly the most logical individuals in the world. None-the-less, as much as he would enjoy playing games, he had real work to do. Moreover responding would be implying that a spiritual priest was equal to a secular Duke, hardly the message he wanted to respond.

Moreover his argument was relatively flawed. He was claiming that Raviel expanded faster under his reign then under anyone else's? Raviel had the biggest population obviously they gave birth to the most babies, moreover seeing as there had only been three lords of Raviel and one of them had been a traitor that wasn't much of an accomplishment.

Conrac rolled his eyes, what a weirdo but a religious one with the Queen's ears and that made him a dangerous weirdo. Conrac sat and played with his quill for a little bit, he was tempted to respond but that was hardly going to do anything. Religious priests were hardly the type to feel they had to listen.

'Maybe that's why there so good at preaching?' Conrac thought dryly.

He sighed and picked up a piece of paper. It was a report from Pian... He wondered whether he should call up his old friend. But that would leave him information-less on Pian's situation moreover there were obvious benefits in having a region lord as a friend. But then what about his spy in Terran? Conrac played with the idea...before shaking his head and looking back at the letter.

As he continued to read the priest's sermon he could not help but shake his head. It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad. He obviously was viewing the vote as a mandate to speak his mind out.

Conrac thought quietly, 'my vote was for the Queen not for the theocratic church', he sat back and closed his eyes. Pian was moving, Terran as well, Madina stabilizing and Morek finishing off what was left of Springdale. Yet in his eyes it seemed like D'hara was standing still. And yet what could he do? The Queen obviously viewed the church as D'hara, making it clear that if the church's authority was touched she would leave. He slowly rubbed his head. After everything he was doing, it seemed like everything was falling apart. The power of secular Monarchy was toppling. The capital had been given away like a cookie, enemies were rallying around them... his spies were very aware of that fact at least, and the rise of militant religion. Conrac looked out his window, and imagined warships sailing towards his realm.

He clenched his fists, a religion that promoted nothing but arrogance was not one he wanted here. Conrac slowly unclenched his fists he felt like he was forgetting some-

Oh sh*t Sorsha! ______________ Five hours later ______________

Conrac gasped for air, and slowly walked towards Sorsha.

"Sorry for ignoring you!" Conrac smiled cheekily.

"And yes, lets go to Nebel for a small vacation shall we?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

She drank the rest of her wine and set it back to the table with a long tired sigh. Her anger had died down, but her disappointment had not. She had made a complete fool out of herself with Conrac. She knew better. She had against her better judgment taken the plunge and in a poetic fashion felt the inevitable maudlin result.

What was she thinking?

Glancing to the fireplace, she sighed and got up deciding to call it a night. She had only opened the door when out of nowhere Conrac appeared. To say she was surprised by his presence was an understatement. He was so handsome… and so… She was suddenly unable to stop her heart from racing and a smile slowly formed on her lips.

Then she laughed lightly at his words. “Milord, you are in Nebel,” she informed and blushed at what this meant. He did want to spend time with her after all... even if his answer was somewhat late in coming, the fact that he seemed to have all but raced here had to be indication of something…. Hope suddenly flared inside her, and she brought her hand to still the fluttering in her stomach.

Nebel was incredibly luxurious with beautiful scenery giving an unbelievably romantic atmosphere. It was the perfect place, one every noble should experience at least once. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she expressed shyly and looked slightly down at her words. “I feared you would say no… that I wasn’t…” she was unable to voice her disappointment out loud and swallowed.

They both stood in the doorway, unmoving. “My apologies,” she moved back into the room allowing him room to enter. “Here I ramble on and you must be tired from your travel here.”

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:

Rathan slipped into Port Nebel silently, and made his way to the Duke's residence, and allowed himself in. He put a few silver coins in a servant's hand, and made his way further in, to where he found the Duke. Stepping forward, Rathan spoke.

"The situation here is rather grim, wouldn't you say my friend?" he said with a large grin on his face.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

"If the situation is so grim, why are you smiling." Conrac smirked as he signed a document.

"Sigh...I scheduled a trip to Nebel with Sorsha but it seems like once again, I will be kept busy."

He quietly wiped his desk and several sheets of paper fell to the ground.

"Tell me what you think of the situation Rathan?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha woke feeling light with a radiant smile which seemed to make her glow. She had already decided on a few places she wished to take Conrac, and a couple of things she wanted to do. The first of was to show him a wonderful place she had discovered on one of her solitary excursion. It was a beautiful expanse of land, filled with tall lush grass, with a sheer cliff drop which overlooked the ocean. It was winter, but as soon as she had discovered the area, she’d had a small estate built there; therefore it should take care of any drop in climate.

She got dressed and walked down the hall hoping to meet Conrac on the way there but he was nowhere to be seen. “Still sleeping” she mused to herself and instead came across Lorlan who bowed upon seeing her. “Milady, food has been prepared and is ready for you. I took the liberty to set it for you in your study. I know you enjoy the view,” he quickly added and she smiled his thanks. “Very well, when the Duke awakes, pray, tell him where to find me.”

“That won’t be necessary Milady, the Duke left this morning. He seemed… preoccupied. He did not say much, business I assume…” he let trail off and her heart sunk and she swallowed, “oh,” she answered in a small voice and tried to hide the disappointment on her face but it was too late and Lorlan’s face showed sympathy in return. She tried to regain an air of happiness but it kept slipping away from her and instead turned unable to face his pitying look. “In that case, I will be in my study,” she informed him quietly.

She stayed there the entire day, wondering the real reason for his leaving and thinking what an utter idiot she was for allowing herself a small bit of hope, she knew better, she had asked for it.

The least he could have done was to send word, a letter even if they had been riddled with false words to spare her feelings, but no all she had gotten from him was silence complete with his disappearance.

Hadn’t she learned from her brother the art of keeping women on strings? Making them yearn for more…even if he had no real interest but for the sake of being pursued. Was that to be her fate?

Not if she could help it.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:

"I smile because of what I think of the situation. It is filled with opportunity if you are ambitious enough my liege. Think of what you could make for yourself... For us.. For Sorsha." Rathan paused to let that thought sink in.

"Whatever you wish to do though, my sword is yours. I also have come to ask you something. Word of your library has spread far and wide. I wish to access it... All of it."

Rathan paced, his hands behind his back, a slight clinking noise could be heard when he walked... A sword, nay, a dagger on a fine layer of chainmail.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Just then a small servant knocked on Sorsha's door. He handed her a note and waited for a reply.

Dear Sorsha,

Umm yes I uhh apologize again (The words are crossed out with a big ink X)

I am greviously sorry (Words are crossed out)

I wallow in my own- (Words are crossed out)

I'm really sorry for breaking our meeting. However, I promise that I'll meet with you tommorrow even if D'hara is burning into the ground! Please prepare a nice pot of tea for me!


The servant cocked his head politely "Would you like to send a return message?"

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Conrac smiled "Ah Rathan as always you seek to carve out a better world. If D'hara had ten swords as sharp as yours, I would not fear Morek and Pian combined."

As Rathan talked about his library Conrac thought a little. "If you wish to access my library I would like to know what you intend to use that knowledge for. Some of the artifacts that adventurers have brought me are downright dangerous. One brought me a forbidden scroll of thunder that apparently can fire lightning in the hands of a warlock. Another one brought me this shield."

Conrac picked up a small shield near his desk. "This shield for some reason has the properties of being immune to fire. As you can see Rathan."

He put the shield back down. "I need to know why you wish to access my library. Rathan I know you as an honorable man, rigid in your sense of what is right and what is wrong. I hope your not intending something reckless. Some things in my library aren't there to be read, there in my library to keep people from reading them."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:

"You should now by know my hunger for knowledge is unmatched. But I have questions, and I fear they may only be contained in forbidden texts... And this scroll you speak of intrigues me very much. I would give anything to study it. But, if you must know what I am here to research..." Rathan's voice trails off and he looks around, checking to see if anyone was in earshot, when he was assured nobody was (ooc: thus the contents of this RP are NOT common knowledge) he continued.

"The History of Dwilight, and anything and everything known about Daimons."

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Conrac closed his eyes. " interesting subject to be sure. They are less a race, and more an amalgamation of many races. They have been known to convert whole regions into "breeding grounds", at least during the invasion on Beluaterra. It has been theorised that this is what they are trying to achieve in south western Dwilight, destroying whole regions of land for their own purposes."

He quietly shook his head. "Horrible monsters to be sure but a deadly weapon as well." Conrac smiled softly.

"A friend of mines in Pian is going to give me a visit in a few days. He's recently acquired a portal stone... If we find more it could be a dangerous weapon indeed, can you imagine it? Creating a portal to the netherworld right in the capital of an enemy realm? It would be horrifying weapon of last resort to say the least."

Conrac sighed. "Unfortunately I will need to gather more, and my friends are having trouble finding the number I require to make them a useful tool. Eight are required to begin the ritual a number I am having trouble obtaining. Still I am sure I will be able to do so, there are advantages to having contacts from all over Dwilight. Hopefully one of my friends in Morek or Terran will discover a few more."

He turned his attention back to Rathan. "Very well Rathan, I give you permission to access my library. Just a word of warning there's one book about Daimons made of human skin, in section 1013 of the library. Make sure to use leather gloves to handle it... For some odd reason it burns the flesh... That said I wish you luck on your studies." Conrac saluted with a small smile on his face.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:

"Yes, I have heard of the Beluterra Daimons... But I can tell you this: The Daimons here are much, much different. I'm not sure of their goals, but there aren't just swarms of them everywhere. They are masters of a race of humans, the Zuma. The only Daimons I've encountered were very powerful."

Rathan grins and salutes back.

"Keep me updated on the portal stone situation. I should love to examine it."

And with that, Rathan was off to the library, knowing its location through his connections with Conrac's staff, and leaving Conrac wondering how Rathan knew his way around so well.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha held the letter in her hands, and looked out over the horizon and then back to the young servant waiting for her answer… “No,” she said softly, “I will not send word.”

The servant bowed and left. Sorsha read the letter again, easily making out the crossed out words, showing several attempts on his part. Sighing she set it in on the table sitting atop the rest.

In a very odd sense, she could see why this happened…his life was reserved for his paperwork and hers to military duties. That was only one controversy topping so many others, like the fact that he was her Duke, also the entire arranged marriage custom that hovered around in the shadows. She gave a tired sigh and pressed her fingers to her temples. “You’re a dreamer Sorsha,” she repeated the words her brother had told her so many times. “Yes Alec…” she answered quietly as if he was truly there, “it’s time to stop dreaming.”

Having spent the day thinking, she had thought of this and what she had been lax on. He had quickly returned to his work without a second thought and she on the other hand made hers wait…

Maybe Conrac would still arrive like he said he did, but she would not be there… she had duty to attend to. Maybe he would understand… After all, duty before everything else...

She gathered her things and informed the household staff of where she was going, but she never left word behind. She just left.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Conrac blinked... Alright maybe just maybe he deserved this.

A servant sat down next to him, he was in Nebel and had been informed on the situation.

"In all fairness you DID stand her up three times," the servant nodded wisely.

"It wasn't like I planned to do so! Rathan was knocking on one door and a friend had just told me that he has found..."Conrac rubbed his head.

"And I mean I got her a present to say sorry" Conrac pointed to a small wrapped box.

"What's in it?" The servant looked at the box, knowing the Duke's social skills there was a pretty strong chance that it was something no one would want.

"Its a doll..."

"A doll?"

"Yes! Someone told me all girls like dolls, its just like how all men like swords..."

"A doll...nice to see the originality?"

"She doesn't liked dolls?"

"I don't know Duke..." The servant and the duke pondered for a bit. Conrac thought back about the letter he had received from his friend. His friend had never been much for words...

______________ Brother,

I have found a portal stone. I will send it to you as soon as possible.


That said...he wondered how long he would be waiting... Conrac took out paperwork from his pocket. Might as well be productive while he waits.