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===How to be a Terran===
=Welcome to [[Terran]]=
Greetings Noble XXXXXXXXX,
Welcome to the realm of Terran! I am Shiro Arrassum and I part of the Strategium. As you might have deduced the Strategium are the Nobles that decide military Strategy.
We are a [[republic]], this means that you are allowed to share your opinion openly just so long as you do so in a way that wont offend anyone else. However in a republic the [[Lord]]s have more say on matters than [[Knight]]s. Your Opinion does matter to us though. If you wish to share your opinion on a matter of strategy then bring it up with the Strategium if you have diplomatic problem please take it up with the realm [[council]] or the Senate. Just remember that we will respect your opinion just so long as you dont insult anyone.
Here is the lessons you will have to study :
* Inalienable Rights
* Not Inalienable Rights
* The Chain of Command - Realm [[Hierarchy]], [[General]], and [[Ruler]]
* Recruitment and Maintenance of Units
* Basic Combat Tactics
* [[Unit]] Settings 
* Letter Types
* Difference between In Character(IC) and Out Of Character([[OOC]])
I would like you to remember that this is more of a Player training in my opinion than character training. So I will be training YOU not your characters in the game. Now anything that you ask me IC I will answer IC. So if you ask me about the difference between IC and OOC in a letter in character I will respond to you in OOC (which is a letter type) and explain it to you in a different way than it tells you in this "book".
= [[Inalienable Rights]] =
These are the rights that cannot be taken away from you. If anyone tries to take them away you should contact your realm ruler and then if they dont do anything to protect your rights you go to the [[Titans]].
* Playing at your own speed, timing and activity level, i.e. logging in as often or seldom as you like, at whatever times you like.
* Choosing which type of unit to command
* Going to [[tournament]]s
* Pausing your character(s) because you have a real life to attend to
* Choosing your [[class]]
== Not Inalienable Rights ==
* Protesting - There is a "silent protest" option precisely for the reason that you can use it to remain anonymous and/or avoid repercussions
* [[Duel]]s - Like in real life, duels can be made illegal, and yet you can still fight them. That is the way it was most of history in the real world, and we find it more interesting to keep it that way in BattleMaster. It also means that in many realms your honour has to have been wronged severely before you consider a duel, because it is not only dangerous but also illegal.
* Voting - this used to be an inalienable right. We removed it in order to allow more politics to flourish. The right to vote is ensured by the fact that votes are anonymous and only in very extreme cases can reliable conclusions about voting behaviour be drawn.
* Playing where you want - If you're banned from your favourite realm, or get deported from the only island you really like, that's simply part of the game. You don't have a right to play where you like or with whom you like. A ban or a deportation, even if underhanded and evil, is not an Inalienable Rights violation.
= The Chain of Command =
==Swearing an Oath of Featlty==
You can swear Fealty to a Duke or Lord by being in the region or City of the Lord/Duke and press "Politics" button and then "Change Alligence" then highlight the circle of the Duke/Lord that you wish to swear Fealty to and type the percent of the Duke's/Lord's [[taxes]] and press make offer. They may or may not accept the offer, and they may offer a counterproposal that you may or may not accept. Most of the time the Duke/Lord will accept the offer though.
===Recomended [[Tax]] Cuts===
City - 3-10%
Townsland, Rural, Wasteland, Mountains- 10-25%
== Diplomatic Chain==
Which Lord or [[Duke]] you are aligned to determines your diplomatic chain.
Please note that in Terran all of the Lords and Dukes have the title of Senator.
*Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal)
* Duchy of Chateau Saffalore
* [[Dwilight/Chateau Saffalore|Chateau Saffalore]] - Senator Vigilans(Duke)
  * [[Dwilight/Chateau Saffalore|Chateau Saffalore]] - Senator Vigilans(Duke)
  * [[Dwilight/Gretchew|Gretchew]] - Senator Hireshmont II(Lord)
  * [[Dwilight/Saffalore|Saffalore]] - Senator Noah(Lord)
  * [[Dwilight/Vashgew|Vashgew]] - Senator Mothman(Lord)
* Duchy of Chesney 
* [[Dwilight/Chesney|Chesney]] - Senator Teniel(Duke)
  * [[Dwilight/Chesney|Chesney]] - Senator Teniel(Duke)
*[[Imperial Region]]s
  * [[Dwilight/Chesland|Chesland]] - Senator Edith(Lord)
So if Knight A swears a fealty to Senator Noah then Noble A answers to Senator Noah while Senator Noah answers to Senator Vigilans while Senator Vigilans answers to Magistrate Vesna.
Knight A -> Senator Noah (Lord) -> Senator Vigilans(Duke) -> Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal)
If Knight B swears a Fealty to Senator Teniel (who is a Duke) it takes a step out of the line and it means that Knight B answers to Senator Teniel who answers directly to Magistrate Vesna.
Knight B -> Senator Teniel(Duke) -> Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal) (Works the same way with Senator Vigilans)
If Knight C swears a Fealty to Senator Edith then Knight C answers to Senator Edith who answers directly to Magistrate Vesna. This is because Senator Edith has decided not to Swear Fealty to a Duchy (or city) which means that she too answers directly to Magistrate Vesna.
Knight C -> Senator Edith(Lord) -> Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal)
There are 5 classes of Ranks among Nobility they are as follows with what makes them as such.
*[[Royal]] - Has been Elected as the Ruler of the realm or used to be the Ruler of the realm or in more extreme cases the Noble lead a successful Rebellion
*[[Duke]] - The Ruler has appointed this Noble to be the rule over a City or Stronghold
*[[Lord]] - The Ruler or in some situation the Duke has appointed the Noble to rule over a [[townsland]], [[rural]], [[wasteland]], or a [[Mountain]] region
*[[Knight]] - A Noble that has sworn an oath to a Duke or a Lord
*[[Noble]] - A Noble that has no oath to a City, region, and possibly no Fealty to a realm
==Military Chain==
* Magistrate Vesna
  *Magistrate Teniel
    *Marshal Kale
      *(Generally the Second in Command would fall here but she is Magistrate Teniel)
        *All assigned to the Pride of Terran
There are 4 ranks in the military nobility:
*[[Ruler]] - Elected as ruler and all answer to the ruler eventually in the Military Chain
*[[General]] - Elected or appointed by the ruler
*[[Sponser]] - Not really a Military rank but they do hold finaical leverage over the Marshal and army
*[[Marshal]] - All Knights/Nobles in the army the marshal is over answers directly to the Marshal
*[[Knight]]/[[Noble]] - The lowest nobilty rank in the military chain that controls the individual units
=Recruitment and Payment=
If you are recruiting a unit when you dont have a unit you can click on the "hints" link on the far right of each type of unit. You want to find a mix of an amount of men that will leave you with enough men that it will give you enough Combat Strength(CS) to be effective in battle. Generally 10 men or more, however you also want to have enough gold to pay them for atleast 1 week unless you know that you will be in a city to cash your [[bonds]] in for [[gold]](you can only do this in cities that your realm ownes) with one week time. After seven to fourteen days your men will start deserting you due to Morale loss. If you are adding onto an exsisting unit then you need to account for the extra pay(this will require you to know how much you pay your men per week). You can bet on anywhere from 2-6 gold per 10 men, this will depend on the how high the equipment armor and weapon percentages(the higher the more per week), how high the training(again the higher the more you should expect to pay per week). Finally in order to pay your men and your Paraphernalia you simply click "orders" then click on "Pay your
==Money Savings Tips==
===Pay Scouts===
Every 8-9 days every scout will require 1 gold for every 9 days.
===Pay Healers===
Every 2 days you pay them 1 gold for every healer you have. This will make it 5 gold for every 10 days while it normally costs 5 gold for 7 days.
===Pay Unit===
Every 5 days you should pay them if your unit's morale is low.
Every 7 days if your unit's morale is relativly high.
Paying your men when they have low morale(below 70% typically) will raise your unit's morale.
Your men's equipment will accumulate damage to them over time. This can come from a variety of places, travel from region to region, battles, civil work and just sitting in a region will all cause damage to your men's equipment.
If you are going to be in a region for quite some time and you can spare doing pretty much nothing for one turn you can dig in and this should bring down [[equipment damage]]([[ED]]) down to 1% at the highest every turn.
There are two ways to repair ED one is extremely uneffective, this would be Foraging the Battlefeild after your realm wins a battle. It can bring down ED 0-7%, it tends to be very random and unpredictable as far as I can tell. This will require 2 hours of your time for your men to forage the battlefeild.
The other way is the orthadoxed way, that is going to the Armor/Weapon Smiths, however this will require some amount of gold on your part and some time as well. Most of the time your capital city will have one of these(this is the case with Terran) but Townsland, and Stronghold regions can get limited Smiths as well.
=Combat Strength=
==How to determine Combat Strength==
Shows how experienced your troops are. The starting training will help determine how much you pay your men. You can bring this number up by training them click on "orders" then click on "training" then pick light normal or heavy training. Training your men will cost you money and time.
Shows how well your troops get along, this will start out lower for the more men you recruit. This number will also get lower if you recruit more men on top of what you already have. This number will go up with the more time your men spend together some types of entertainment that your men really like will bring up the cohesion and training will also bring it up.
===[[Equipment Damage]]===
The higher this number is the worse  your equipment is, the worse your equipment is the the lower your Combat Strength is. The last section tells how to change this number.
Morale will determine if your men will fight til full withdrawl point or if they run away at the first hit of an enemy. If its low enough they could even rout when they get hit with archer fire. If the morale is lower than 20% your men will begin to desert you. Sometimes they will desert after a large battle in which the unit routs. You can raise morale by resting your men, buying them entertainment, or by paying them.
=Combat tactics=
==Unit Types==
===Regular Unit===
This type of unit is used for Doemestic(home) fighting and Civil Work.
===Police Unit===
The only unit that can do Police work and help arrest suspects of rebellions. This unit loses lots of morale if it engages in battle, it is also much less effective in battle than other units. This is the set unit type for Buros.
===Sentry Unit===
Sentry units use there knowledge of the land around them to battle more effective. They are more effective in battle but they get paid 20% more than regular units.
===Vangaurd Unit===
These units move much faster from region to region and are much less effective in battle but they still require 20% more gold than regular units.
===Mercanary Unit===
These units move can move outside of your boarders without morale decrease but they wont feel attached to you at all. They also require 50% more gold than the regular unit.
==Line Settings==

Revision as of 13:03, 21 January 2009

Welcome to Terran

Greetings Noble XXXXXXXXX,

Welcome to the realm of Terran! I am Shiro Arrassum and I part of the Strategium. As you might have deduced the Strategium are the Nobles that decide military Strategy.

We are a republic, this means that you are allowed to share your opinion openly just so long as you do so in a way that wont offend anyone else. However in a republic the Lords have more say on matters than Knights. Your Opinion does matter to us though. If you wish to share your opinion on a matter of strategy then bring it up with the Strategium if you have diplomatic problem please take it up with the realm council or the Senate. Just remember that we will respect your opinion just so long as you dont insult anyone.

Here is the lessons you will have to study :

  • Inalienable Rights
  • Not Inalienable Rights
  • The Chain of Command - Realm Hierarchy, General, and Ruler
  • Recruitment and Maintenance of Units
  • Basic Combat Tactics
  • Unit Settings
  • Letter Types
  • Difference between In Character(IC) and Out Of Character(OOC)

I would like you to remember that this is more of a Player training in my opinion than character training. So I will be training YOU not your characters in the game. Now anything that you ask me IC I will answer IC. So if you ask me about the difference between IC and OOC in a letter in character I will respond to you in OOC (which is a letter type) and explain it to you in a different way than it tells you in this "book".

Inalienable Rights

These are the rights that cannot be taken away from you. If anyone tries to take them away you should contact your realm ruler and then if they dont do anything to protect your rights you go to the Titans.

  • Playing at your own speed, timing and activity level, i.e. logging in as often or seldom as you like, at whatever times you like.
  • Choosing which type of unit to command
  • Going to tournaments
  • Pausing your character(s) because you have a real life to attend to
  • Choosing your class

Not Inalienable Rights

  • Protesting - There is a "silent protest" option precisely for the reason that you can use it to remain anonymous and/or avoid repercussions
  • Duels - Like in real life, duels can be made illegal, and yet you can still fight them. That is the way it was most of history in the real world, and we find it more interesting to keep it that way in BattleMaster. It also means that in many realms your honour has to have been wronged severely before you consider a duel, because it is not only dangerous but also illegal.
  • Voting - this used to be an inalienable right. We removed it in order to allow more politics to flourish. The right to vote is ensured by the fact that votes are anonymous and only in very extreme cases can reliable conclusions about voting behaviour be drawn.
  • Playing where you want - If you're banned from your favourite realm, or get deported from the only island you really like, that's simply part of the game. You don't have a right to play where you like or with whom you like. A ban or a deportation, even if underhanded and evil, is not an Inalienable Rights violation.

The Chain of Command

Swearing an Oath of Featlty

You can swear Fealty to a Duke or Lord by being in the region or City of the Lord/Duke and press "Politics" button and then "Change Alligence" then highlight the circle of the Duke/Lord that you wish to swear Fealty to and type the percent of the Duke's/Lord's taxes and press make offer. They may or may not accept the offer, and they may offer a counterproposal that you may or may not accept. Most of the time the Duke/Lord will accept the offer though.

Recomended Tax Cuts

City - 3-10% Townsland, Rural, Wasteland, Mountains- 10-25%

Diplomatic Chain

Which Lord or Duke you are aligned to determines your diplomatic chain.

Please note that in Terran all of the Lords and Dukes have the title of Senator.

  • Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal)
  • Duchy of Chateau Saffalore
* Chateau Saffalore - Senator Vigilans(Duke)
  * Chateau Saffalore - Senator Vigilans(Duke)
  * Gretchew - Senator Hireshmont II(Lord)
  * Saffalore - Senator Noah(Lord)
  * Vashgew - Senator Mothman(Lord)
  • Duchy of Chesney
* Chesney - Senator Teniel(Duke)
  * Chesney - Senator Teniel(Duke)
  * Chesland - Senator Edith(Lord)

So if Knight A swears a fealty to Senator Noah then Noble A answers to Senator Noah while Senator Noah answers to Senator Vigilans while Senator Vigilans answers to Magistrate Vesna.

Knight A -> Senator Noah (Lord) -> Senator Vigilans(Duke) -> Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal)

If Knight B swears a Fealty to Senator Teniel (who is a Duke) it takes a step out of the line and it means that Knight B answers to Senator Teniel who answers directly to Magistrate Vesna.

Knight B -> Senator Teniel(Duke) -> Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal) (Works the same way with Senator Vigilans)

If Knight C swears a Fealty to Senator Edith then Knight C answers to Senator Edith who answers directly to Magistrate Vesna. This is because Senator Edith has decided not to Swear Fealty to a Duchy (or city) which means that she too answers directly to Magistrate Vesna.

Knight C -> Senator Edith(Lord) -> Magistrate Vesna(Ruler/Royal)


There are 5 classes of Ranks among Nobility they are as follows with what makes them as such.

  • Royal - Has been Elected as the Ruler of the realm or used to be the Ruler of the realm or in more extreme cases the Noble lead a successful Rebellion
  • Duke - The Ruler has appointed this Noble to be the rule over a City or Stronghold
  • Lord - The Ruler or in some situation the Duke has appointed the Noble to rule over a townsland, rural, wasteland, or a Mountain region
  • Knight - A Noble that has sworn an oath to a Duke or a Lord
  • Noble - A Noble that has no oath to a City, region, and possibly no Fealty to a realm

Military Chain

  • Magistrate Vesna
 *Magistrate Teniel
   *Marshal Kale
     *(Generally the Second in Command would fall here but she is Magistrate Teniel)
       *All assigned to the Pride of Terran


There are 4 ranks in the military nobility:

  • Ruler - Elected as ruler and all answer to the ruler eventually in the Military Chain
  • General - Elected or appointed by the ruler
  • Sponser - Not really a Military rank but they do hold finaical leverage over the Marshal and army
  • Marshal - All Knights/Nobles in the army the marshal is over answers directly to the Marshal
  • Knight/Noble - The lowest nobilty rank in the military chain that controls the individual units

Recruitment and Payment

If you are recruiting a unit when you dont have a unit you can click on the "hints" link on the far right of each type of unit. You want to find a mix of an amount of men that will leave you with enough men that it will give you enough Combat Strength(CS) to be effective in battle. Generally 10 men or more, however you also want to have enough gold to pay them for atleast 1 week unless you know that you will be in a city to cash your bonds in for gold(you can only do this in cities that your realm ownes) with one week time. After seven to fourteen days your men will start deserting you due to Morale loss. If you are adding onto an exsisting unit then you need to account for the extra pay(this will require you to know how much you pay your men per week). You can bet on anywhere from 2-6 gold per 10 men, this will depend on the how high the equipment armor and weapon percentages(the higher the more per week), how high the training(again the higher the more you should expect to pay per week). Finally in order to pay your men and your Paraphernalia you simply click "orders" then click on "Pay your

Money Savings Tips

Pay Scouts

Every 8-9 days every scout will require 1 gold for every 9 days.

Pay Healers

Every 2 days you pay them 1 gold for every healer you have. This will make it 5 gold for every 10 days while it normally costs 5 gold for 7 days.

Pay Unit

Every 5 days you should pay them if your unit's morale is low. Every 7 days if your unit's morale is relativly high. Paying your men when they have low morale(below 70% typically) will raise your unit's morale.


Your men's equipment will accumulate damage to them over time. This can come from a variety of places, travel from region to region, battles, civil work and just sitting in a region will all cause damage to your men's equipment.


If you are going to be in a region for quite some time and you can spare doing pretty much nothing for one turn you can dig in and this should bring down equipment damage(ED) down to 1% at the highest every turn.


Foraging There are two ways to repair ED one is extremely uneffective, this would be Foraging the Battlefeild after your realm wins a battle. It can bring down ED 0-7%, it tends to be very random and unpredictable as far as I can tell. This will require 2 hours of your time for your men to forage the battlefeild.

Smiths The other way is the orthadoxed way, that is going to the Armor/Weapon Smiths, however this will require some amount of gold on your part and some time as well. Most of the time your capital city will have one of these(this is the case with Terran) but Townsland, and Stronghold regions can get limited Smiths as well.

Combat Strength

How to determine Combat Strength


Shows how experienced your troops are. The starting training will help determine how much you pay your men. You can bring this number up by training them click on "orders" then click on "training" then pick light normal or heavy training. Training your men will cost you money and time.


Shows how well your troops get along, this will start out lower for the more men you recruit. This number will also get lower if you recruit more men on top of what you already have. This number will go up with the more time your men spend together some types of entertainment that your men really like will bring up the cohesion and training will also bring it up.

Equipment Damage

The higher this number is the worse your equipment is, the worse your equipment is the the lower your Combat Strength is. The last section tells how to change this number.


Morale will determine if your men will fight til full withdrawl point or if they run away at the first hit of an enemy. If its low enough they could even rout when they get hit with archer fire. If the morale is lower than 20% your men will begin to desert you. Sometimes they will desert after a large battle in which the unit routs. You can raise morale by resting your men, buying them entertainment, or by paying them.

Combat tactics

Unit Types

Regular Unit

This type of unit is used for Doemestic(home) fighting and Civil Work.

Police Unit

The only unit that can do Police work and help arrest suspects of rebellions. This unit loses lots of morale if it engages in battle, it is also much less effective in battle than other units. This is the set unit type for Buros.

Sentry Unit

Sentry units use there knowledge of the land around them to battle more effective. They are more effective in battle but they get paid 20% more than regular units.

Vangaurd Unit

These units move much faster from region to region and are much less effective in battle but they still require 20% more gold than regular units.

Mercanary Unit

These units move can move outside of your boarders without morale decrease but they wont feel attached to you at all. They also require 50% more gold than the regular unit.

Line Settings