Arrassum Family/Shiro

From BattleMaster Wiki

Shiro Arrassum


Shiro Arrassum is the oldest by 10 minutes and he has claimed the head of the family even some of the older family members look up to him. Shiro has Strategy skills along with high charisma in leading units into battle. Shiro has a sound mind for legal matters because of his logical thinking and he has long hours of studying to learn about how to manage finances. He has high aspirations and wishes to rise above the ranks of lowly Knights.


Shiro started in the realm of his families mansion after spending some time doing civil work and retaking region after region that Shadovar lost he gave up and went on a journey as a trader to purchase food. On his way there he got into the rebellion to meet people that wanted start a new colony after some time in the rebellions secret meetings he found someone else that wanted to start a new colony. He contacted the wrong person and after he returned from his trading expedition he was banned from Shadovar as they were extremely against the creation of a new colony on the main land.

Life as a Rouge

After he was banned from Shadovar he left the lands that he was born, raised and protected with his own blood. However not without trying to take a piece with of its land with him... he went to Rural Raviel and dueled the current lord of the region to loot his lands. He failed and then went to the mainland and fought a couple rounds at Paisly with uglies against Madina before continuing onward to join a new colony in Chateau Saffalore.

The Colony of Terran

The Colony that he had joined was later named Terran.

The Colony slowly improved and took more and more regions.

He was appointed Magistrate of Trade for sometime before he had to leave on some family business.

Terran Its Self

He then served in Terran as a mentor at the age of 29.

Shiro's Mentoring Book

Upon return from this family business he began a military career. He served on the Strategium as an SiC and Marshal for every army in the history of the realm.

He also at one point served as the Lord of Larur.

The Colony of Koshtmor

As the only mentor of Terran he began to discuss many things and after some time of doing this many of his students and himself decided to make a new colony. He used his military and political experience and influence to get Terran to allow this action.

Shiro Stillgar Dallas Elias and Tharian were the original Colonists. They made two attempts before being forced to wait for a month before another attempt.

The Return

Shiro went on personal leave for about 6 weeks. Upon his return from personal leave he found that all the current colonists which included Shiro Stillgar Tharian Riana and Dallas were to disorganized poor and undermanned to successfully pull off a colonization. Because of this Shiro decided that they would wait until after Terran tookover and stabilized Shokalom.

Shiro is currently serving as the SiC of the Pride of the Highlands army. He is also a Mentor and 34 years old.