The Fronen Commentator/Edition:2
Price: Free ----- Printed In Fronepu, ----- Editors: The nobles of Fronen ----- January '06 ----- PLEASE NOTE: The Fronen Commentator is for opinions and propaganda. The Face of Fronen does not have that bias. If you'd like a neutral point of view please look there. This newspaper doesn't represent the Fronen Government and is completely created by simple Fronen nobles with their own opinions. |
Enzeru Escapes
In a stunning new twist to the Enzeru case, Enzeru Bakos has escaped hanging in Fronepu. Enzeru was scheduled for death by hanging today in Adras' Square. Everyone expected a swift, simple execution after the success of rebel Grimbaldus' execution. However, the clever and ever resourceful Enzeru has managed to elude the law again. While no-one save Enzeru is completely sure of how the escape was done the most likely scenario is as follows. While being taken to the gallows in an open cart, Enzeru had various rotten vegetables thrown at him by Fronepu's commoners. According to sources, one of Alexius' guards slipped a cloth covered blade into the cart. The cloth-covered blade was hidden inside a tomato so as not to attract the suspicion of onlookers. The man was a secret sympathizer to the rogue's cause. While the guards eyes were averted, Enzeru slipped this small blade into his mouth. He continued on in silence until the cart reached the gallows. Grand Justiciar Alexius made a speech announcing his crimes and had the noose to be placed around his neck. When Alexius gave Enzeru a chance for his last words, Enzeru opened his mouth, pulled out the cloth and knife, and cut the rope he would've been hanged by. The traitorous guard who supplied the paring knife protected Enzeru as the man ran off through the streets. The guard who allowed his escape was captured. The rope was replaced, and the guard who helped Enzeru was hanged. The crowd was stunned at the event. Authorities do not yet know where Enzeru has gone, but it is believed that he is still in Fronepu. This long manhunt which seemed to be at its end, now drags on.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on January 29
Formerly Prominent Fronenian Captured
Enzeru Bakos, former Prime Minister, Grand Justiciar, leader of the Bureaucratic Corps, Steward of the Great Dragon and Contributor to this very paper has been captured earlier today for his crimes. Enzeru was along with the now dead Grimbaldus Sterkskin the greatest traitor the Republic has ever seen. As everyone in Fronen knows, Enzeru at the height of a rebellion stepped down from his position, allowing the tyrannists to take power without an election. Had it not been for the superb work of Fronen's infiltrators wounding Grimbaldus, Enzeru's despicable plot to destroy the Republic and its freedoms might have succeeded.
Fronenian authorities have been hunting Enzeru for over a week now. As we've reported, Enzeru was at one point thought to be trapped and wounded inside a Temple of the Great Dragon in Mhed. That report has been proven false. The man in the Mhedian temple was a peasant coerced by lingering tyrannists into disguising himself as Enzeru. It took days for Republican forces to barge through the temples reinforced doors only to find the lead false. The searchers of the traitorous Enzeru soon found another lead. We discovered that Enzeru had been hopping from safehouse to safehouse evading authorities. Fronenian patrols finally caught up with the criminal in Jyl. According to Jylian patrols, Enzeru was found in a cellar in a farmhouse in Aldawr, a hamlet in the region. He was disheveled and disguised as a peasant farmer. In order to make his disguise more believeable Enzeru had grown a long beard. He was armed with a crossbow, but after seeing how he was outnumbered and weak, Enzeru cooperated with authorities.
Enzeru is now bound in chains and in a temporary potable cell. I am taking him to the Donald Square Prison in Fronepu where Enzeru will wait out his last few days. Public execution by hanging will come by the end of the week. Enzeru's hanging will be the last major punishment for Rebellion-related crimes. This is truly a joyous day in Fronen.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on January 27
I fully support an alliance with Vlaan, Khthon, and Avalon. Fronen and Khthon have historic connections. Fronen had an alliance with Plergoth. The former Plergothian leaders such as Nymatal who allied themselved with Fronen have all moved to Vlaanderen. Avalon is really the surprise here. Avalon and Fronen were at war once. However, Avalon's Chancellor Grim-Reaper has stepped down. With the unpopular Chancellor gone and relatively new government in Avalon I think our realms could become closer. The Avalonian Supreme Judge is also quite honorable. In my short time as Grnad Justiciar he and I haev worked together quite amiably. I think closer relations are a superb idea.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on January 26
Enzeru you continue to write even seriously wounded. I heard you were unconscious. I suppose I was mistaken. Seriously wounded, stuck in a temple, surrounded, and far from a press yet you continue to publish where you do not belong.
Enzeru, how are you locked in a Mhedian temple AND editing my paper, printed in Fronepu? And this newspaper two is for nobles of Fronen. You are not a noble of Fronen any longer. Perhaps while you live you an create your own paper, the "Rogue Writer" or "Traitors Weekly", or the "Anti-Republic Report"?
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on January 22
Response *deleted*
Enzeru. Enzeru, that name is missing a title. I have almost always called you Prime Minister, Duke, Lord, Steweard, Estimable Sir, something. It really feels odd not to give you a title. More to the point though, you do realize the magnitude of your crime. You know I did not plan to kill you but now that you mention it execution DOES seem fitting.
Lets see what you've done.
1. You endorsed a ruler whose clear goals were to obtain and hold power as well as to remove liberties.
2. You sent out Dukes into exile. Dukes who have been with you for years.
3. You've questioned the nobility of our Minister without justification.
4. You've endorsed rebellion and therefore the killing of your countrymen.
5. You've cause embarrassed Fronen, formerly the most powerful realm on the continent, in front of every other nation.
6. You severly weakened our military.
7. You have weakened the realm's economy.
8. You've betrayed my trust. I was your vassal until you became Prime Minister. I trusted your judgement and expected your support. I supported you until your treason. You NEVER supported me, and you did not make good judgment.
That is all off the top of my head. I invite other LOYAL Fronen nobles to add to this list. Nobody cares about you and Arianna. I hardly know the girl anyway. I wonder Enzeru, if you realize just how idolized you were? You had the respect of the entire realm. Do you wonder why both sides of the conflict thought you were on their side before you announced your treachery? It was so.... so much of a disappointment to us all. Now your glorified name will go down in history books as the greatest traitor the Republic has ever seen.
I shall ask the House of Lords what they think about execution for you. After thinking about the degree of your treason it might be called-for.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on January 17
Message from Purgatory
Well it looks like while I'm here waiting to have my wounds heal, I get a notice before I pass out again...that "honorable" Grand Justiciar Alexius decideds to ban me.
If you had the decency, at least wait til I heal, instead of banning me here in my tent and wait until the 3 days come and then you can execute me.
And one other thing, Apothes is just jealous that he doesn't have a female companion to call his own. So he decides to accuse me of "other" likings.
Until I'm recovered, Enzeru out!
Written by Enzeru Bakos on January 17
Avalon Provoking Fronen?
For the second time now, Avalon has been caught breaking the conditions of the Avalon and Fronen Peace Treaty by attacking Plergoth troops in a region they have claims on, which breaks article 6 of the treaty. The other breach of the treaty had been disrespecting article 12. This is stirring things up in Fronen, and I, for one, do not appreciate watching Avalon involve itself in a conflict that does not regard it instead of letting their weapons rust and break apart. With RoF currently blocking our path to the south, irritated nobles are sharpening their swords in anticipation for future bloodshed.
Written by LouisJoseph Chénier on January 7
Huh? Fwuvoghor Provoking Fronen
Okay it seems to me there is a win-win situation for Fronen and Fwuvoghor. Fwuvoghor lets us pass and we agree not to attack Irombrozia. After all, Riombara can handle them and we can fight off Luz de Bia while they do. Neither Fronen nor Fwuvoghor breaks an alliance that way. We also should keep in mind that Fronen is the biggest military power on the continent. Our army is roughly three and a half times larger than Fwuvoghor's. We've also proven that we will take action against those who keep us from aiding our ally. Avalon tried that and Avalon we beaten badly. Also, Avalon was more powerful militarily(though probably not intellectually) than Fwuvoghor. If Avalon was crushed so badly Fwuvoghor stands no chance in a war. Fwuvoghor knows their are only two nations sending military aid to Riombara, Thalmarkin and Fronen. Thalmarkin has sent less than 2000CS to help the cause, mainly because of the great distance that must be crossed from Thalmarkin to Riombara. Fronen has contributed thousands of CS worth of soldiers to the Riombaran cause. Fronen is the only nation that will really be affected by this and Fwuvoghor knows that. They really are asking for war with Fronen.
There's an easy way around that war, but whether our two Republics will choose to take the easy way is all speculation.
Written by Alexius DeSyrr on January 4
I agree with Alexius on all points, and in my opinion, this is shared among pretty much every noble of Fronen (some would call for more drastic measures though). I just wanted to add a simple speculation to this, a little food for thought for the RoF. If war breaks out, what do they expect to happen? Most likely, their realm will be utterly destroyed and all their regions given to Riombara, aiding them further in their conflicts. In other words, RoF declaring war on us is like restraining our armies for a day and then joining us to attack Iromboriza. I doubt that is what they want, and they should quickly send another emissary to Fronepu offering right of passage. I used to view RoF highly, but this move just wasn't wise.
Written by LouisJoseph Chénier on January 4