The Church of Sartan/Views

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Here is a list of all views on other Religions of the Church of Sartan. All Religions that have been in contact with the Church of Sartan are listed here. That includes Religions currently not on the Far East. The Religions that are not listed are currently ignored by the Church of Sartan.

The Church of Ibladesh

Location: East Island, Ibladesh
View: Variant

The Church of Sartan has its roots in the Church of Ibladesh. They have the same Gods and beliefs and are valuable friends of the Church of Sartan. The only difference is that the Church of Ibladesh follows all four Gods, while the Church of Sartan follow only Sartan, God of War.

The Order of the Elders

Location: Far East, Soliferum
View: Ignore

The Trinity

Location: Far East, Soliferum
View: Ignore

Magna Aenilia Ecclesia

Location: Far East, Greater Aenilia, Arcaea
View: Misguided

Adgharhin Way

Location: Far East, Archanon
View: Evil

A evil Religion situated on the North Island of the Far East and the state-sponsored Religion of Archanon. They neither honour War or Sartan. Sartan punished them after several assassination attempts on followers of the Church of Sartan. Sartania currently has pushed Archanon back in the name of Sartan. Sartan has shown his mercy to allow them to change their ways, but they foolishly ignore this and continue to fight. Sartan will keep punishing the Followers of Adgharhin until they see what they have done wrong.

The Church of Qyrvagg

Location: Beluaterra, Irombrozia
View: Evil

According to the Church of Qyrvagg Sartan has been replaced by Qyrvagg, who was according to them his young brother and a Demi-God, after Qyrvagg was victorious in a battle against Sartan. This battle however never happened and Qyrvagg has never been a Demi-God. Qyrvagg has not even ever existed as a mortal. The Church of Qyrvagg has never been anything more then a evil organization that want to destroy the Church of Sartan. Followers of the Church of Qyrvagg go against the moral conduct of Sartan. They believe that despicable tactics as looting, starvation and Rebellions are allowed, while the moral conduct of Sartan clearly says such things are not tolerated. They proclaim the Sartanian followers as weak and have made up stories about the existence of Qyrvagg. Sartan has punished them several times to show them what they have done wrong, but they still have not seen the true light. Irombrozia, where the Church of Qyrvagg is mainly located, has seen many horrors and in the end has been reduced to two regions, just enough to survive. However if they continue to follow their false God and do not keep to the moral conduct of Sartan then they will one day fall. Sartan will follow them to every Realm they hide and punish them as long as necessary.

The Church of Sartan
Writings Sartan's Morale Code of ConductBook of Prayers Image: Symbol
of the Church
Descriptions HierarchyTemplesViewsOrganisation
Noble Narrations Tales and VisionsSermons
Believers NoblesReligious Spread