Talk:Unit Captain
Me thinks captains could have another use, they could maintain the army if the knight itself is prisoned. Each time im prisoned my troop disapears, me thinks that if im prisoned the captain will take the troop and head for the capital. Once the knight is released he would meet up with the rest of his troops and captain. (Well berhaps some/most of the troops would desert while under the command of the captain, expecialy if they hadnt been payd.)--Metsamees 08:18, 28 May 2007 (CEST)
- I only see two (major) problems: First your units does already continue to exist even without captain. They just desert or are hunted. Second, you can't have units twirl around lands without a knight to order them, breaking pacts or causing diplomatic troubles. Foreign Curs 09:39, 28 May 2007 (CEST)
- Do you get imprisoned after your troop is wiped out or do your troops disappear after you are imprisoned?--Fodder 10:06, 28 May 2007 (CEST)
- None of both. You get imprisonned in battle no matter how much troops you still have or when you travel without troops. And your troops do not dissapear when you are imprisonned. Foreign Curs 10:25, 28 May 2007 (CEST)
I see, they useto did disapear on me, i just havent been captured reasently (while my unit was alive). And i didnt mean they "twirl" around the world while im in prison, i ment they just suttenly rejoin me when i get out. Some time ago i was imprisoned while 15-20 men were still living, and after i got out no one was remaining, thats where i got the impression that they dissapear. --Metsamees 06:59, 29 May 2007 (CEST)
- It's quite possible that your men were either hunted down and killed by the enemy, or they deserted when you couldn't pay them because you were in prison. If there were wounded men, then some of them may have died. Also, if your unit was scattered when you were imprisoned, the men will slowly drift away on their own. A combination of all of those things could esaily result in a 15 man unit "disappearing" during a 7 day imprisonment. --Indirik 14:28, 29 May 2007 (CEST)