Talk:Riombara/The Great War

From BattleMaster Wiki

Beautiful maps! I like maps! =D -- Gsklee 21:28, 17 October 2006 (CEST)

Thanks - I do like maps as well. Its so much easier to understand what someone is talking about - and they are perfect to make 'snapshots' of existing if there would be an easy way to copy the dynamic map into one jpg....TanSerrai 10:16, 18 October 2006 (CEST)

Kudos for the maps. Any chance of more anytime soon? Vellos 01:57, 27 October 2006 (CEST)

You wanted more maps? You get more maps....(insane grin)TanSerrai 13:01, 28 October 2006 (CEST)

This is a nice overvieuw of what is happening down south, but i must have a negative comment ;) 1) Fronen Capital is Fronopu and the circle on the map isn't really correct ;) 2) at the end your portraying Cs as troops when you say 18 000 you mean 18K cs and not troops. this isn't really accurate.

for the remainder your doing a good job.

May I suggest that you use 10CS for a man instead of 1CS for one? 10CS per man seems to be an approximate estimate. --Mithrandir Family 10:09, 9 November 2006 (CET)

Thanks for pointing out the wrong capital of Fronen, I'll correct it. As to CS: Right at the beginning I define (for RP purpose) 1 CS as 1 man. 1 man recruited in the game is seen (by me) as a pennant (1 knight plus 5-12 retainers). It just feels better to have mighty armies of 20.000 fighting it out than having 1000 assaulting - for example - a mighty fortress. Plus, it might just be 'historically' correct: In medieval armies often only knights were 'counted'. All others weren't considered worth much...more of a necessary evil. The fact that probably more battles were won by footmen than by armoured knights was conveniently ignored.TanSerrai 10:22, 9 November 2006 (CET)

By the way, you have an error. I had nothing to do with the Fronen Rebellion. Now, naturally, if you want to see me lurking behind every shadow, you're welcome to! But I was as surprised are you were when I saw, "Rebellion in Fronen!" Trust me, if it had been me running it, it would have gone off without a hitch. Namely, there would have been more rebels ready at the right time, and Enzeru would not have stepped down, thus making government reform impossible. Vellos 13:51, 17 January 2007 (CET)

thanks for that info. I think I'll correct it in the next update - still, as this is OOC info I don't know if Herkan would accept that at face value. Hireshmonts credibility has taken a serious dive after the Alaned-Retravic-Hireshmont treason...  :) TanSerrai 17:19, 17 January 2007 (CET)
OOC- lol, except, even on an OOC basis, I can tell you: Hireshmont never recieved reports from Alaned. I had another spy who, due to other unfortunate circumstances, has departed. Vellos 22:08, 17 January 2007 (CET)
How can you call it the "Alaned-Retravic-Hireshmont" treason if Retravic and Hireshmont aren't members of your realm? ;) --Bannable 01:37, 18 January 2007 (CET)
Well, it was Alaneds treason - and both Hireshmont and Retravic where implemented. So to be /really/ exact: Alaned comitted treason (thus the 'treason refers to him alone), Hireshmont and Retravic not. They only acted against Riombara in a way that is...consistent with Hireshmonts standards...grinTanSerrai 10:05, 18 January 2007 (CET)
I think you mean implicated ;) Anyways, it only led me to wanting to know about Argus' existance IC :(
Grin...similarily to us now thinking Hireshmont is behind everything, if you think Argus is behind all other occurences then you might be mistaken. Or not? At the very least, credit Riombara with having a rudimentary counterintelligence...TanSerrai

How did you create the maps? I'd like to do the same for other islands. -Gitami

I used photoshop and gimp. Gimp is a freeware graphic editing software that is amazingly powerfull...I can recomend it.
"Fwuvoghor uses this to declare war against Riombara. After fighting side by side, after being supported
by us against Avalon, they have decided to break our common alliance and attack - without provocation or cause."

I thought I'd point out a tiny bit of irony in this: "after being supported by us against Avalon," Ahh, right, one of your closest allies. One who has somehow managed to put aside whatever grudge they should have had and ally with Fronen.

they have decided to break our common alliance and attack - without provocation or cause. The alliance was suspended for the duration of Riombara's war with Irombrozia and Delvin knew that. There was provocation, but it was in very small amounts over a very large amount of time. Our causes for attacking Riombara, I know for fact, were shown to all the rulers of BT. --Bannable 14:08, 17 February 2007 (CET)

Great accounting, quite accurate and detailed! Couple slight gramatical errors keeps comming up though: there is a difference between the ammount of soldiers in a battle and their Combat Strength. Saying there were (for example) "Luz has cautiously moved nearly 9.000 men into Mio Dupaki," is quite misleading. You may also want to use a comma instead of a period when breaking large numbers into hundreds to be mathematically correct, a period is a decimal point. -Balewind

Thanks for the praise! On CS / number of men: For RP purpose I count 1 CS = 1 warrior. It simply looks better to have 15.000 men assault a mighty fortress than 600 men (as the game shows). I try to explain it as '1 man recruited ingame equals 1 lance' which in medieval times meant 1 knight plus 5-7 retainers. As to decimal points: In Austria we use 9.000 to display 'nine thousand' and 9,55 to display 9 'point' 55 (9 plus 55 hundreths). Is that actually different in english speaking countries? TanSerrai 12:20, 9 April 2007 (CEST)
I think the english speaking countries use commas instead of dots. So 9000 would be 9,000. -Andrasta 15:10, 9 April 2007 (CEST)
I think most people can figure out the difference between commas and decimals. Anyway... This is a great account of the war. --Indirik 15:23, 9 April 2007 (CEST)
The numbers don't have to be innacurate for story purposes. This is an accurate description of the war so why not let the numbers reflect that? It in no way changes the greatness or validity of the events. I find it quite strange to hear that Austrians use commas in place of decimals and vice-versa, I had thought math was the one universal language? The Austrian mathematical sites I have found seem to support the standard. Anywho, it's a very good accounting all around despite the embellishments.-Balewind
I know that at least in Denmark commas and points are used in the way TanSerrai has used them here, and I believe it is the same elsewhere in mainland Europe, though not in England. Just one of tjhose differences, like no. and nr. --The1exile 15:31, 10 April 2007 (CEST)

The Irony

It appears that Riombara is not quite as large as she was before I created Luz de guys also had most of what is currently Imbrozia under your belts (including the City). But then again, the 3 regions that make up this BS LdB Secession Kingdom were also friendly towards us as a realm dubbed Eno Chia. I wonder if my namesake will search through her roots and defeat your tyranny once again...bloody treaty breakers, you are very fortunate I left Beluaterra, or else Riombara would be a pile of rubble by now for your shennanigins. Gross incompetance by the Luz de Bians along with a dash of negligence has surely led them to this dark spot they once again find themselves in. The bloody realm could have been defeated by anyone on that Island, but to take a beating from a defeated foe is just ridiculous--and bloody depressing. Who loses battles to an already supposedly defeated foe living supposedly because of your mercy? The whole thing is a sad affair. Lady Doc's Biatch

You are quite right, it is a sad affair. Perhaps Luz de Bia should have thought twice before attempting to tear Riombara appart with backstabbing and a surprise attack from their conveniently moved capital. Now it has cost them that capital and more if they do not swallow their pride and admit their wrong while surrendering. The death of their nation due to pride boots nothing. It is my hope that Luz de Bia and Riombara can end this foolishly wrought war and prepare for the real comming storm. -Lady Agaresh Balewind
I believe this may be the first time I have ever agreed with Lady Agaresh, but I too favor peace. This war has gone on long enough, and has achieved it's purpose in testing the hearts, minds, and wills of those involved. Men such as Nhoc have been exposed for what they are: vile, cowardly, weak, and unvirtuous. The war need not go on. Any fighting which continues is merely expansionism and oppression: things Qyrvaggism staunchly stands against. Land, power, economic gains... these are not reasons for war. Self defense is good reason for war, as is eradication of the the antitheseses (OOC- Plural of antithesis) of the Virtues of Battle. Now is no time to continue the vast and bloody carnage which envelops the southeastern lands of Beluaterra. Vellos 23:30, 20 April 2007 (CEST)