South Island/South Island VIII/Taselak 2024-10-21
Battle for Taselak
message to all nobles participating in the battle in Taselak
No. | Role | Army | Unit | Commander | Realm | Unit | Formation | CS |
1 | A | Ergo's Sentinels | Nix | Sandalak | 127 Arch | skirmish | 1530 | |
2 | A | Golden Arrows | Galvan | Sandalak | 217 Arch | skirmish | 2047 | |
3 | A | Internal Affairs Auditors | Markus II | Sandalak | 68 SF | skirmish | 1371 | |
4 | A | Syndicate HOOFS | Baldrick | Sandalak | 90 Cav | wedge | 1593 | |
5 | A | The Fury's Own | Reynxia | Sandalak | 52 MI | line | 964 | |
6 | A | The Greys | Ecksrei | Sandalak | 71 Cav | wedge | 1409 | |
7 | A | You shall not pass | Bronko III | Sandalak | 60 SF | skirmish | 1089 | |
8 | D | 2nd Infantry Division | Clayton | Ikalak | 182 Inf | line | 1624 | |
9 | D | Aria's archers | Aria | Ikalak | 114 Arch | skirmish | 850 | |
10 | D | Asparagus Spears | Bartrum | Ikalak | 168 Arch | skirmish | 1667 | |
11 | D | BEES! | Deacon | Ikalak | 133 Arch | skirmish | 1359 | |
12 | D | Burning Hammer | Vex | Ikalak | 75 Cav | wedge | 1081 | |
13 | D | Court of the White Rider | Scein | Ikalak | 115 Cav | wedge | 1562 | |
14 | D | Crucible of Adversity | Buliwyf | Ikalak | 202 Inf | line | 1621 | |
15 | D | Geert's Goons | Geert | Ikalak | 86 Arch | skirmish | 1120 | |
16 | D | Honeycrisp Zealots | Dirk | Ikalak | 99 Inf | line | 935 | |
17 | D | Ikalak Opalbowmen | Grigglack | Ikalak | 47 Arch | line | 603 | |
18 | D | Just Enough Too… | Djust | Ikalak | 165 Arch | skirmish | 1978 | |
19 | D | Knights of the Blood Rose | Valerian | Ikalak | 67 Inf | line | 766 | |
20 | D | Lake Guard | Linda | Ikalak | 132 Inf | line | 1235 | |
21 | D | Light it up like Ikalak | Ahmadkin Imad | Ikalak | 97 Arch | skirmish | 1028 | |
22 | D | Pocket Dust | Dalerick | Ikalak | 125 Inf | line | 1055 | |
23 | D | Royal Toads | Toadicus | Ikalak | 75 Inf | line | 1002 | |
24 | D | Star Brigade | Javert | Ikalak | 170 Arch | skirmish | 1601 | |
25 | D | try to out run these lances! | Armitage IV | Ikalak | 81 Cav | wedge | 1113 |
7 attackers (52 MI, 344 Arch, 161 Cav, 128 SF)
18 defenders (882 Inf, 980 Arch, 271 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 10003 vs. 22200
The forces from Ikalak brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Sandalak and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The Sandalak troops attack because they are at war with Ikalak.
Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
Even though there is a fortification nearby, neither attackers nor defenders are able to make use of it, so the battlefield is in the open.
Nix Polytus, Chancellor of Sandalak, Royal of Sandalak, Marshal of the Golden Legion takes command of her army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Buliwyf Fylkir, Foehammer of Ikalak, Knight of Ikalak, Marshal of the Scarlet Widows takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1
4 (90-C) 6 (71-C) | 2 (217-A) 3 (68-S) | 1 (127-A) 5 (52-M) 7 (60-S) | 21 (97-A) | 8 (182-I) 9 (114-A) 10 (168-A) 11 (133-A) 14 (202-I) 15 (86-A) 16 (99-I) 17 (47-A) 18 (165-A) 19 (67-I) 20 (132-I) 22 (125-I) 23 (75-I) 24 (170-A) | 12 (75-C) 13 (115-C) 25 (81-C) |
Geert's Goons (15) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 231 hits.
You shall not pass (7) fire on Light it up like Ikalak (21), scoring 361 hits.
Asparagus Spears (10) fire on The Fury's Own (5), scoring 447 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (21) fire on You shall not pass (7), scoring 279 hits.
Just Enough Too… (18) move closer to get better shots.
The Fury's Own (5) fire on Just Enough Too… (18), scoring 144 hits.
BEES! (11) move closer to get better shots.
Star Brigade (24) move closer to get better shots.
Aria's archers (9) move closer to get better shots.
Golden Arrows (2) fire on Star Brigade (24), scoring 213 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (17) move closer to get better shots.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) fire on BEES! (11), scoring 515 hits.
Internal Affairs Auditors (3) fire on Aria's archers (9), scoring 322 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 957, Defenders: 1555
Syndicate HOOFS (4) and The Greys (6) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
try to out run these lances! (25), Court of the White Rider (13) and Burning Hammer (12) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Royal Toads (23), Honeycrisp Zealots (16), Lake Guard (20), Crucible of Adversity (14), 2nd Infantry Division (8), Pocket Dust (22) and Knights of the Blood Rose (19) advance towards the enemy.
You shall not pass (7) take 279 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Light it up like Ikalak (21) take 361 hits from archer fire, which cause 17 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (18) take 144 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
The Fury's Own (5) take 447 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
BEES! (11) take 515 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties.
Star Brigade (24) take 213 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Aria's archers (9) take 322 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) take 231 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 957 (0 from close combat and 957 from ranged), Defenders: 1555 (0 from close combat and 1555 from ranged)
Total casualties: 22 attackers, 72 defenders
Turn No. 2
2 (217-A) 3 (68-S) | 1 (120-A) 4 (90-C) 5 (44-M) 6 (71-C) 7 (53-S) | 8 (182-I) 9 (93-A) 11 (112-A) 14 (202-I) 16 (99-I) 17 (47-A) 18 (161-A) 19 (67-I) 20 (132-I) 21 (80-A) 22 (125-I) 23 (75-I) 24 (161-A) | 10 (168-A) 12 (75-C) 13 (115-C) 15 (86-A) 25 (81-C) |
Internal Affairs Auditors (3) fire on Just Enough Too… (18), scoring 145 hits.
Golden Arrows (2) fire on Crucible of Adversity (14), scoring 788 hits.
BEES! (11) fire on Syndicate HOOFS (4), scoring 345 hits.
The Fury's Own (5) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (8), scoring 251 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (17) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 130 hits.
Star Brigade (24) fire on The Greys (6), scoring 398 hits.
Aria's archers (9) fire on You shall not pass (7), scoring 109 hits.
You shall not pass (7) fire on Lake Guard (20), scoring 370 hits.
Just Enough Too… (18) fire on The Fury's Own (5), scoring 509 hits.
Geert's Goons (15) move closer to get better shots.
Light it up like Ikalak (21) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 230 hits.
Asparagus Spears (10) move closer to get better shots.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) fire on Asparagus Spears (10), scoring 477 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1721, Defenders: 2031
Burning Hammer (12) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
The Greys (6) and Syndicate HOOFS (4) charge ahead, into the defenders\' ranks.
try to out run these lances! (25) and Court of the White Rider (13) charge ahead, into the attackers\' ranks.
Lake Guard (20), Honeycrisp Zealots (16), 2nd Infantry Division (8), Crucible of Adversity (14), Pocket Dust (22), Knights of the Blood Rose (19) and Royal Toads (23) advance towards the enemy.
Pocket Dust (22), Knights of the Blood Rose (19) and Royal Toads (23) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.
Close Combat (Center Line):
45 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
11 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Burning Hammer (12) score 872 hits on The Greys (6).
Lake Guard (20) score 635 hits on Syndicate HOOFS (4).
The Greys (6) score 1320 hits on Court of the White Rider (13).
The Greys (6) score 881 hits on Burning Hammer (12).
The Greys (6) score 1041 hits on Honeycrisp Zealots (16).
The Greys (6) score 679 hits on try to out run these lances! (25).
Syndicate HOOFS (4) score 1442 hits on Crucible of Adversity (14).
Syndicate HOOFS (4) score 1200 hits on Lake Guard (20).
Syndicate HOOFS (4) score 1542 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (8).
Honeycrisp Zealots (16) score 602 hits on The Greys (6).
2nd Infantry Division (8) score 1228 hits on Syndicate HOOFS (4).
try to out run these lances! (25) score 2209 hits on The Greys (6).
Crucible of Adversity (14) score 1312 hits on Syndicate HOOFS (4).
Court of the White Rider (13) score 2685 hits on The Greys (6).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 9543, Defenders: 8105
Golden Arrows (2) take 230 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Burning Hammer (12) take 881 hits in close combat, which cause 29 casualties.
Lake Guard (20) take 1570 hits (1200 in close combat, 370 from archer fire), which cause 40 casualties.
Linda Estrall, Viscountess of Abykal has been wounded by You shall not pass (7).
The Greys (6) take 6766 hits (6368 in close combat, 398 from archer fire), which cause 71 casualties, wiping the unit out. 12 more soldiers die on the field.
Ecksrei Bayemvee, Senator of Bieth has been wounded by Court of the White Rider (13).
Syndicate HOOFS (4) take 3520 hits (3175 in close combat, 345 from archer fire), which cause 71 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Baldrick Lynch, Senator of Figobar has been wounded by Crucible of Adversity (14).
The Fury's Own (5) take 509 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Honeycrisp Zealots (16) take 1041 hits in close combat, which cause 32 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (8) take 1793 hits (1542 in close combat, 251 from archer fire), which cause 44 casualties.
try to out run these lances! (25) take 679 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties.
Crucible of Adversity (14) take 2230 hits (1442 in close combat, 788 from archer fire), which cause 62 casualties.
You shall not pass (7) take 109 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (18) take 145 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Asparagus Spears (10) take 477 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties.
Court of the White Rider (13) take 1320 hits in close combat, which cause 38 casualties.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) take 130 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 11264 (9543 from close combat and 1721 from ranged), Defenders: 10136 (8105 from close combat and 2031 from ranged)
Total casualties: 167 attackers, 291 defenders
Turn No. 3
2 (208-A) 3 (68-S) | 1 (116-A) 5 (35-M) 7 (50-S) | 8 (138-I) 12 (46-C) 13 (77-C) 14 (140-I) 16 (67-I) 19 (67-I) 20 (92-I) 22 (125-I) 23 (75-I) 25 (60-C) | 9 (93-A) 10 (147-A) 11 (112-A) 15 (86-A) 17 (47-A) 18 (157-A) 21 (80-A) 24 (161-A) |
The Fury's Own (5) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (8), scoring 319 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (21) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 208 hits.
Internal Affairs Auditors (3) fire on Crucible of Adversity (14), scoring 556 hits.
Just Enough Too… (18) fire on You shall not pass (7), scoring 542 hits.
Golden Arrows (2) fire on Court of the White Rider (13), scoring 469 hits.
Aria's archers (9) fire on The Fury's Own (5), scoring 171 hits.
Asparagus Spears (10) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 237 hits.
You shall not pass (7) fire on Pocket Dust (22), scoring 375 hits.
Geert's Goons (15) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 182 hits.
BEES! (11) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 207 hits.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) fire on Royal Toads (23), scoring 1189 hits.
Star Brigade (24) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 253 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (17) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 110 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1910, Defenders: 2908
try to out run these lances! (25), Burning Hammer (12) and Court of the White Rider (13) charge ahead, into the attackers\' ranks.
Pocket Dust (22), Crucible of Adversity (14), 2nd Infantry Division (8), Lake Guard (20), Knights of the Blood Rose (19), Royal Toads (23) and Honeycrisp Zealots (16) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
11 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
4 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
The Fury's Own (5) score 369 hits on Court of the White Rider (13).
try to out run these lances! (25) score 1784 hits on Ergo's Sentinels (1).
You shall not pass (7) score 300 hits on Burning Hammer (12).
Burning Hammer (12) score 2083 hits on You shall not pass (7).
Court of the White Rider (13) score 2486 hits on The Fury's Own (5).
Ergo's Sentinels (1) score 137 hits on try to out run these lances! (25).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 6353, Defenders: 806
The Fury's Own (5) take 2657 hits (2486 in close combat, 171 from archer fire), which cause 35 casualties, wiping the unit out. 10 more soldiers die on the field.
Reynxia Laquedem, Dame of Toren Stronghold has been wounded by Court of the White Rider (13).
Pocket Dust (22) take 375 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Internal Affairs Auditors (3) take 752 hits from archer fire, which cause 17 casualties.
Markus II Stormreaver, Master of Commerce of Sandalak, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Senator of Rhic has been wounded by Star Brigade (24).
Golden Arrows (2) take 237 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Crucible of Adversity (14) take 556 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties.
try to out run these lances! (25) take 137 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (8) take 319 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
You shall not pass (7) take 2625 hits (2083 in close combat, 542 from archer fire), which cause 50 casualties, wiping the unit out. 11 more soldiers die on the field.
Bronko III von Lucker, Governor of Toren Stronghold has been wounded by Burning Hammer (12).
Burning Hammer (12) take 300 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Court of the White Rider (13) take 838 hits (369 in close combat, 469 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Royal Toads (23) take 1189 hits from archer fire, which cause 24 casualties.
Toadicus Graham, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Ergo's Sentinels (1).
Ergo's Sentinels (1) take 1992 hits (1784 in close combat, 208 from archer fire), which cause 58 casualties. 2 Sandalak banners fall.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 8263 (6353 from close combat and 1910 from ranged), Defenders: 3714 (806 from close combat and 2908 from ranged)
Total casualties: 169 attackers, 96 defenders
Turn No. 4
2 (199-A) 3 (51-S) | 1 (58-A) 25 (56-C) | 8 (130-I) 14 (125-I) 16 (67-I) 19 (67-I) 20 (92-I) 22 (114-I) 23 (51-I) | 9 (93-A) 10 (147-A) 11 (112-A) 15 (86-A) 17 (47-A) 18 (157-A) 21 (80-A) 24 (161-A) |
Star Brigade (24) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 213 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (21) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 214 hits.
Internal Affairs Auditors (3) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (8), scoring 1028 hits.
Asparagus Spears (10) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 172 hits.
Just Enough Too… (18) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 307 hits.
BEES! (11) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 181 hits.
Golden Arrows (2) fire on Crucible of Adversity (14), scoring 956 hits.
Geert's Goons (15) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 361 hits.
Aria's archers (9) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 50 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (17) fire on Internal Affairs Auditors (3), scoring 143 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1641, Defenders: 1984
2nd Infantry Division (8), Pocket Dust (22), Crucible of Adversity (14), Royal Toads (23), Knights of the Blood Rose (19), Lake Guard (20) and Honeycrisp Zealots (16) advance towards the enemy.
Pocket Dust (22), Crucible of Adversity (14), Royal Toads (23), Knights of the Blood Rose (19), Lake Guard (20) and Honeycrisp Zealots (16) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.
Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
9 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
2nd Infantry Division (8) score 1079 hits on Ergo's Sentinels (1).
try to out run these lances! (25) score 938 hits on Ergo's Sentinels (1).
Ergo's Sentinels (1) score 126 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (8).
Ergo's Sentinels (1) score 65 hits on try to out run these lances! (25).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2017, Defenders: 191
2nd Infantry Division (8) take 1154 hits (126 in close combat, 1028 from archer fire), which cause 28 casualties.
Crucible of Adversity (14) take 956 hits from archer fire, which cause 27 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
try to out run these lances! (25) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Internal Affairs Auditors (3) take 1428 hits from archer fire, which cause 33 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 5 Sandalak banners fall.
Markus II Stormreaver, Master of Commerce of Sandalak, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Senator of Rhic has been killed by BEES! (11).
Golden Arrows (2) take 213 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) take 2017 hits in close combat, which cause 58 casualties, wiping the unit out. 25 more soldiers die on the field.
Nix Polytus, Chancellor of Sandalak, Royal of Sandalak, Marshal of the Golden Legion has been wounded by 2nd Infantry Division (8).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3658 (2017 from close combat and 1641 from ranged), Defenders: 2175 (191 from close combat and 1984 from ranged)
Total casualties: 99 attackers, 57 defenders
Turn No. 5
2 (191-A) | 8 (102-I) 16 (67-I) 19 (67-I) 20 (92-I) 22 (114-I) 23 (51-I) 25 (54-C) | 9 (93-A) 10 (147-A) 11 (112-A) 15 (86-A) 17 (47-A) 18 (157-A) 21 (80-A) 24 (161-A) |
Just Enough Too… (18) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 340 hits.
Golden Arrows (2) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (8), scoring 1637 hits.
Geert's Goons (15) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 296 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (17) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 94 hits.
BEES! (11) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 141 hits.
Asparagus Spears (10) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 249 hits.
Star Brigade (24) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 422 hits.
Aria's archers (9) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 72 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (21) fire on Golden Arrows (2), scoring 90 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1704, Defenders: 1637
try to out run these lances! (25) charge forward.
Knights of the Blood Rose (19), Lake Guard (20), Pocket Dust (22), Royal Toads (23), 2nd Infantry Division (8) and Honeycrisp Zealots (16) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Attacker Line 3):
46 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
Knights of the Blood Rose (19) score 493 hits on Golden Arrows (2).
Lake Guard (20) score 695 hits on Golden Arrows (2).
Pocket Dust (22) score 662 hits on Golden Arrows (2).
Golden Arrows (2) score 65 hits on Pocket Dust (22).
Golden Arrows (2) score 56 hits on Lake Guard (20).
Golden Arrows (2) score 47 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (8).
Golden Arrows (2) score 34 hits on Honeycrisp Zealots (16).
Golden Arrows (2) score 29 hits on try to out run these lances! (25).
Golden Arrows (2) score 28 hits on Royal Toads (23).
Golden Arrows (2) score 33 hits on Knights of the Blood Rose (19).
try to out run these lances! (25) score 2086 hits on Golden Arrows (2).
Royal Toads (23) score 514 hits on Golden Arrows (2).
2nd Infantry Division (8) score 892 hits on Golden Arrows (2).
Honeycrisp Zealots (16) score 475 hits on Golden Arrows (2).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 5817, Defenders: 292
The attackers are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.
Knights of the Blood Rose (19) take 33 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Valerian Mormont, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Golden Arrows (2).
Lake Guard (20) take 56 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Pocket Dust (22) take 65 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Golden Arrows (2) take 7521 hits (5817 in close combat, 1704 from archer fire), which cause 191 casualties, wiping the unit out. 35 more soldiers die on the field.
Galvan Arylon, Royal of Sandalak, Duke of Golden Market, Governor of Taselak has been wounded by Pocket Dust (22).
try to out run these lances! (25) take 29 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Royal Toads (23) take 28 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (8) take 1684 hits (47 in close combat, 1637 from archer fire), which cause 42 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Honeycrisp Zealots (16) take 34 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 7521 (5817 from close combat and 1704 from ranged), Defenders: 1929 (292 from close combat and 1637 from ranged)
Total casualties: 191 attackers, 49 defenders
Defender Victory!
The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 8 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.