South Island/South Island VIII/Riakond 2024-07-06
Battle in Riakond
message to all nobles participating in the battle in Riakond
No. | Role | Army | Unit | Commander | Realm | Unit | Formation | CS |
1 | A | 2nd Infantry Division | Clayton | Ikalak | 123 Inf | box | 1350 | |
2 | A | Asparagus Spears | Bartrum | Ikalak | 167 Arch | line | 1525 | |
3 | A | Burning Hammer | Vex | Ikalak | 72 Cav | wedge | 1119 | |
4 | A | Court of the White Rider | Scein | Ikalak | 113 Cav | wedge | 1612 | |
5 | A | Crucible of Adversity | Buliwyf | Ikalak | 225 Inf | box | 1766 | |
6 | A | Ergo's Uglies | Ergo | Ikalak | 179 Inf | box | 1426 | |
7 | A | Geert's Goons | Geert | Ikalak | 65 Arch | box | 1031 | |
8 | A | Just Enough Too… | Djust | Ikalak | 163 Arch | box | 1901 | |
9 | A | Lake Guard | Linda | Ikalak | 99 Inf | box | 980 | |
10 | A | Light it up like Ikalak | Ahmadkin Imad | Ikalak | 74 Arch | skirmish | 862 | |
11 | A | Pocket Dust | Dalerick | Ikalak | 113 Inf | box | 1125 | |
12 | A | Sol's Naughty Friends | Dirk | Ikalak | 90 Inf | box | 984 | |
13 | A | Vig's Berzerkers | Vigharthur | Ikalak | 153 Inf | box | 1549 | |
14 | D | Acquisitions and Mergers | Sol | Sandalak | 80 SF | line | 1553 | |
15 | D | Administrative Force | Julia | Sandalak | 60 MI | skirmish | 1034 | |
16 | D | Angry German Peasants | Bronko III | Sandalak | 110 Inf | line | 953 | |
17 | D | Dawnguard | Illuthen | Sandalak | 63 Arch | skirmish | 750 | |
18 | D | Expensive Horses | John | Sandalak | 33 Cav | wedge | 736 | |
19 | D | Falling Snow | Ian | Sandalak | 134 Arch | skirmish | 1490 | |
20 | D | Fortunate Fletchers | Tahlia | Sandalak | 57 Arch | skirmish | 789 | |
21 | D | Golden Hooves | Galvan | Sandalak | 52 Cav | wedge | 934 | |
22 | D | Mungo Stormtroopers | Rhinehart | Sandalak | 124 Inf | line | 791 | |
23 | D | Okay Flingers | Wulfric Halfhand | Sandalak | 238 MI | line | 2535 | |
24 | D | Retribution | Walz | Sandalak | 64 Inf | line | 846 | |
25 | D | Stormreaver Statistics Squad | Markus II | Sandalak | 176 Inf | line | 1459 | |
26 | D | Zingari Guards | Rousou | Sandalak | 125 Inf | line | 1168 |
13 attackers (982 Inf, 469 Arch, 185 Cav)
13 defenders (599 Inf, 298 MI, 254 Arch, 85 Cav, 80 SF)
Total combat strengths: 17230 vs. 15038
The forces from Sandalak brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Ikalak and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The Ikalak troops attack because they are at war with Sandalak.
It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
Buliwyf Fylkir, Foehammer of Ikalak, Knight of Ikalak, Marshal of the Scarlet Widows takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Rhinehart O’Relaious, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Senator of Bieth, Marshal of the Gilded Legion takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1
3 (72-C) 4 (113-C) | 1 (123-I) 2 (167-A) 5 (225-I) 9 (99-I) 10 (74-A) 11 (113-I) 12 (90-I) 13 (153-I) | 6 (179-I) 7 (65-A) 8 (163-A) | 15 (60-M) 17 (63-A) 19 (134-A) 20 (57-A) | 14 (80-S) 16 (110-I) 23 (238-M) 24 (64-I) 25 (176-I) 26 (125-I) | 18 (33-C) 21 (52-C) 22 (124-I) |
Asparagus Spears (2) fire on Falling Snow (19), scoring 269 hits.
Falling Snow (19) fire on Just Enough Too… (8), scoring 924 hits.
Dawnguard (17) fire on Ergo's Uglies (6), scoring 245 hits.
Okay Flingers (23) move closer to get better shots.
Light it up like Ikalak (10) fire on Okay Flingers (23), scoring 304 hits.
Just Enough Too… (8) fire on Administrative Force (15), scoring 397 hits.
Administrative Force (15) fire on Geert's Goons (7), scoring 517 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) move closer to get better shots.
Fortunate Fletchers (20) fire on Crucible of Adversity (5), scoring 200 hits.
Geert's Goons (7) fire on Acquisitions and Mergers (14), scoring 363 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1886, Defenders: 1333
Burning Hammer (3) and Court of the White Rider (4) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Golden Hooves (21) and Expensive Horses (18) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
2nd Infantry Division (1), Ergo's Uglies (6), Crucible of Adversity (5), Vig's Berzerkers (13), Sol's Naughty Friends (12), Lake Guard (9) and Pocket Dust (11) advance towards the enemy.
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25), Angry German Peasants (16), Mungo Stormtroopers (22), Retribution (24) and Zingari Guards (26) advance towards the enemy.
Ergo's Uglies (6) take 245 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Crucible of Adversity (5) take 200 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Falling Snow (19) take 269 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Ian Ceallaigh, Senator of Adrelhia has been wounded by Asparagus Spears (2).
Okay Flingers (23) take 304 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (8) take 924 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.
Administrative Force (15) take 397 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Julia Knight, Dame of Sandalak has been wounded by Just Enough Too… (8).
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) take 363 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Geert's Goons (7) take 517 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1886 (0 from close combat and 1886 from ranged), Defenders: 1333 (0 from close combat and 1333 from ranged)
Total casualties: 35 attackers, 30 defenders
Turn No. 2
2 (167-A) 3 (72-C) 4 (113-C) 10 (74-A) | 1 (123-I) 5 (222-I) 7 (55-A) 8 (145-A) 9 (99-I) 11 (113-I) 12 (90-I) 13 (153-I) | 6 (175-I) | 14 (71-S) 15 (52-M) 16 (110-I) 17 (63-A) 18 (33-C) 19 (127-A) 20 (57-A) 21 (52-C) 23 (232-M) 24 (64-I) 25 (176-I) 26 (125-I) | 22 (124-I) |
Dawnguard (17) fire on Ergo's Uglies (6), scoring 364 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (20) fire on Crucible of Adversity (5), scoring 358 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) fire on Just Enough Too… (8), scoring 1032 hits.
Just Enough Too… (8) fire on Okay Flingers (23), scoring 781 hits.
Administrative Force (15) fire on Vig's Berzerkers (13), scoring 322 hits.
Geert's Goons (7) fire on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25), scoring 499 hits.
Asparagus Spears (2) fire on Falling Snow (19), scoring 446 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (10) fire on Zingari Guards (26), scoring 246 hits.
Okay Flingers (23) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (1), scoring 637 hits.
Falling Snow (19) fire on Pocket Dust (11), scoring 500 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3213, Defenders: 1972
Burning Hammer (3) and Court of the White Rider (4) charge ahead, into the defenders\' ranks.
Golden Hooves (21) and Expensive Horses (18) charge ahead, into the attackers\' ranks.
Lake Guard (9), Vig's Berzerkers (13), Crucible of Adversity (5), 2nd Infantry Division (1), Pocket Dust (11) and Sol's Naughty Friends (12) advance towards the enemy.
Zingari Guards (26), Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25), Retribution (24), Mungo Stormtroopers (22) and Angry German Peasants (16) advance towards the enemy.
2nd Infantry Division (1), Pocket Dust (11), Ergo's Uglies (6) and Sol's Naughty Friends (12) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.
Close Combat (Center Line):
12 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
Lake Guard (9) score 473 hits on Golden Hooves (21).
Vig's Berzerkers (13) score 1073 hits on Expensive Horses (18) (1493 before overkill).
Golden Hooves (21) score 1180 hits on Court of the White Rider (4).
Golden Hooves (21) score 729 hits on Lake Guard (9).
Golden Hooves (21) score 751 hits on Burning Hammer (3).
Crucible of Adversity (5) score 643 hits on Expensive Horses (18) (894 before overkill).
Burning Hammer (3) score 3064 hits on Golden Hooves (21).
Expensive Horses (18) score 825 hits on Crucible of Adversity (5).
Expensive Horses (18) score 629 hits on Vig's Berzerkers (13).
Court of the White Rider (4) score 2767 hits on Golden Hooves (21).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 4114, Defenders: 8020 (8691 before overkill)
Zingari Guards (26) take 246 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Lake Guard (9) take 729 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties.
Vig's Berzerkers (13) take 951 hits (629 in close combat, 322 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties.
Golden Hooves (21) take 6304 hits in close combat, which cause 52 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Galvan Arylon, Governor of Taselak has been wounded by Court of the White Rider (4).
Crucible of Adversity (5) take 1183 hits (825 in close combat, 358 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties.
Burning Hammer (3) take 751 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties.
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) take 499 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (8) take 1032 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (1) take 637 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
Clayton Windbreaker, Viscount of Triewa has been wounded by Okay Flingers (23).
Pocket Dust (11) take 500 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Expensive Horses (18) take 1716 hits in close combat, which cause 33 casualties, wiping the unit out.
John Dixon, Knight of Toren Stronghold has been wounded by Crucible of Adversity (5).
Court of the White Rider (4) take 1180 hits in close combat, which cause 31 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (6) take 364 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Okay Flingers (23) take 781 hits from archer fire, which cause 16 casualties.
Falling Snow (19) take 446 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 7327 (4114 from close combat and 3213 from ranged), Defenders: 9992 (8020 from close combat and 1972 from ranged)
Total casualties: 142 attackers, 129 defenders
Turn No. 3
2 (167-A) 10 (74-A) | 7 (55-A) 8 (125-A) | 1 (113-I) 3 (52-C) 4 (82-C) 5 (203-I) 6 (169-I) 9 (87-I) 11 (105-I) 12 (90-I) 13 (137-I) | 16 (110-I) 24 (64-I) 25 (165-I) 26 (119-I) | 14 (71-S) 15 (52-M) 17 (63-A) 19 (116-A) 20 (57-A) 22 (124-I) 23 (216-M) |
Falling Snow (19) fire on Crucible of Adversity (5), scoring 1331 hits.
Okay Flingers (23) fire on Vig's Berzerkers (13), scoring 1268 hits.
Asparagus Spears (2) fire on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25), scoring 636 hits.
Just Enough Too… (8) fire on Zingari Guards (26), scoring 1564 hits.
Geert's Goons (7) fire on Angry German Peasants (16), scoring 659 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (10) fire on Retribution (24), scoring 504 hits.
Administrative Force (15) fire on Ergo's Uglies (6), scoring 910 hits.
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) fire on Court of the White Rider (4), scoring 541 hits.
Dawnguard (17) fire on 2nd Infantry Division (1), scoring 570 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (20) fire on Pocket Dust (11), scoring 682 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 5302, Defenders: 3363
Burning Hammer (3) and Court of the White Rider (4) charge forward.
Pocket Dust (11), 2nd Infantry Division (1), Crucible of Adversity (5), Vig's Berzerkers (13), Sol's Naughty Friends (12), Lake Guard (9) and Ergo's Uglies (6) advance towards the enemy.
Mungo Stormtroopers (22) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
26 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
15 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Angry German Peasants (16) score 379 hits on Court of the White Rider (4).
Angry German Peasants (16) score 359 hits on Sol\'s Naughty Friends (12).
Pocket Dust (11) score 705 hits on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25).
Burning Hammer (3) score 1756 hits on Zingari Guards (26).
Court of the White Rider (4) score 3512 hits on Angry German Peasants (16).
2nd Infantry Division (1) score 868 hits on Zingari Guards (26).
Retribution (24) score 524 hits on Crucible of Adversity (5).
Crucible of Adversity (5) score 1308 hits on Retribution (24).
Vig's Berzerkers (13) score 1279 hits on Mungo Stormtroopers (22).
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) score 458 hits on Pocket Dust (11).
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) score 825 hits on Ergo\'s Uglies (6).
Sol's Naughty Friends (12) score 611 hits on Angry German Peasants (16).
Mungo Stormtroopers (22) score 183 hits on Lake Guard (9).
Mungo Stormtroopers (22) score 304 hits on Vig's Berzerkers (13).
Zingari Guards (26) score 499 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (1).
Zingari Guards (26) score 270 hits on Burning Hammer (3).
Lake Guard (9) score 562 hits on Mungo Stormtroopers (22).
Ergo's Uglies (6) score 640 hits on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3801, Defenders: 11241
Angry German Peasants (16) take 4782 hits (4123 in close combat, 659 from archer fire), which cause 110 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Bronko III von Lucker, Knight of Sandalak has been wounded by Sol's Naughty Friends (12).
Pocket Dust (11) take 1140 hits (458 in close combat, 682 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties.
Burning Hammer (3) take 270 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Vex Konran, Baroness of Berakor has been wounded by Zingari Guards (26).
Court of the White Rider (4) take 920 hits (379 in close combat, 541 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (1) take 1069 hits (499 in close combat, 570 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties.
Retribution (24) take 1812 hits (1308 in close combat, 504 from archer fire), which cause 33 casualties.
Walz Wentworth, Master of Commerce of Sandalak, Senator of Kail has been wounded by Crucible of Adversity (5).
Crucible of Adversity (5) take 1855 hits (524 in close combat, 1331 from archer fire), which cause 29 casualties.
Vig's Berzerkers (13) take 1572 hits (304 in close combat, 1268 from archer fire), which cause 27 casualties.
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) take 1981 hits (1345 in close combat, 636 from archer fire), which cause 46 casualties.
Sol's Naughty Friends (12) take 359 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Mungo Stormtroopers (22) take 1841 hits in close combat, which cause 112 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Rhinehart O’Relaious, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Senator of Bieth, Marshal of the Gilded Legion has been wounded by Lake Guard (9).
Zingari Guards (26) take 4188 hits (2624 in close combat, 1564 from archer fire), which cause 103 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 10 Sandalak banners fall.
Rousou Zingari, High Arbiter of Sandalak, Senator of Eledrir has been wounded by 2nd Infantry Division (1).
Lake Guard (9) take 183 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (6) take 1735 hits (825 in close combat, 910 from archer fire), which cause 30 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 9103 (3801 from close combat and 5302 from ranged), Defenders: 14604 (11241 from close combat and 3363 from ranged)
Total casualties: 162 attackers, 404 defenders
Turn No. 4
2 (167-A) 10 (74-A) | 7 (55-A) 8 (125-A) | 1 (96-I) 3 (45-C) 4 (57-C) 5 (174-I) 6 (139-I) 9 (84-I) 11 (87-I) 12 (84-I) 13 (110-I) 24 (31-I) 25 (119-I) | 14 (71-S) 15 (52-M) 17 (63-A) 19 (116-A) 20 (57-A) 23 (216-M) |
Dawnguard (17) fire on Just Enough Too… (8), scoring 234 hits.
Light it up like Ikalak (10) fire on Okay Flingers (23), scoring 359 hits.
Just Enough Too… (8) fire on Acquisitions and Mergers (14), scoring 767 hits.
Asparagus Spears (2) fire on Falling Snow (19), scoring 286 hits.
Falling Snow (19) fire on Geert's Goons (7), scoring 731 hits.
Fortunate Fletchers (20) fire on Asparagus Spears (2), scoring 152 hits.
Okay Flingers (23) fire carefully into the close combat near them.
Okay Flingers (23) fire on Crucible of Adversity (5), scoring 1732 hits.
Geert's Goons (7) fire on Administrative Force (15), scoring 245 hits.
Administrative Force (15) move into the close combat just ahead.
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) fire on Light it up like Ikalak (10), scoring 415 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3264, Defenders: 1657
Burning Hammer (3) charge forward.
Fortunate Fletchers (20), Okay Flingers (23) and Acquisitions and Mergers (14) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.
Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
26 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
Ergo's Uglies (6) score 727 hits on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25).
Vig's Berzerkers (13) score 1017 hits on Retribution (24).
Pocket Dust (11) score 345 hits on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25).
Pocket Dust (11) score 152 hits on Administrative Force (15).
Sol's Naughty Friends (12) score 600 hits on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25).
Lake Guard (9) score 530 hits on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25).
2nd Infantry Division (1) score 930 hits on Administrative Force (15).
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) score 98 hits on Court of the White Rider (4).
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) score 127 hits on Pocket Dust (11).
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) score 126 hits on Lake Guard (9).
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) score 219 hits on Ergo\'s Uglies (6).
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) score 110 hits on Sol\'s Naughty Friends (12).
Crucible of Adversity (5) score 1230 hits on Retribution (24).
Administrative Force (15) score 170 hits on Pocket Dust (11).
Administrative Force (15) score 227 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (1).
Court of the White Rider (4) score 1029 hits on Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25).
Retribution (24) score 250 hits on Crucible of Adversity (5).
Retribution (24) score 118 hits on Vig's Berzerkers (13).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1445, Defenders: 6560
Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
6 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Dawnguard (17) score 75 hits on Burning Hammer (3).
Falling Snow (19) score 185 hits on Burning Hammer (3).
Burning Hammer (3) score 903 hits on Dawnguard (17).
Burning Hammer (3) score 1342 hits on Falling Snow (19).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 260, Defenders: 2245
Dawnguard (17) take 903 hits in close combat, which cause 26 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 7 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Ergo's Uglies (6) take 219 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Vig's Berzerkers (13) take 118 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Vigharthur Crownguard, Earl of Korlok has been wounded by Retribution (24).
Pocket Dust (11) take 297 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Light it up like Ikalak (10) take 415 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sol's Naughty Friends (12) take 110 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Lake Guard (9) take 126 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Just Enough Too… (8) take 234 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Asparagus Spears (2) take 152 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (1) take 227 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Falling Snow (19) take 1628 hits (1342 in close combat, 286 from archer fire), which cause 42 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Okay Flingers (23) take 359 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Stormreaver Statistics Squad (25) take 3231 hits in close combat, which cause 74 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 14 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Markus II Stormreaver, Senator of Yayhan has been wounded by Court of the White Rider (4).
Geert's Goons (7) take 731 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Geert Finch, Earl of Mewun has been wounded by Falling Snow (19).
Crucible of Adversity (5) take 1982 hits (250 in close combat, 1732 from archer fire), which cause 31 casualties.
Administrative Force (15) take 1327 hits (1082 in close combat, 245 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Julia Knight, Dame of Sandalak has been wounded by Pocket Dust (11).
Court of the White Rider (4) take 98 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) take 767 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.
Retribution (24) take 2247 hits in close combat, which cause 31 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Walz Wentworth, Master of Commerce of Sandalak, Senator of Kail has been wounded by Crucible of Adversity (5).
Burning Hammer (3) take 260 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Vex Konran, Baroness of Berakor has been wounded by Dawnguard (17).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4969 (1705 from close combat and 3264 from ranged), Defenders: 10462 (8805 from close combat and 1657 from ranged)
Total casualties: 95 attackers, 245 defenders
Turn No. 5
2 (163-A) | 7 (41-A) 8 (120-A) | 1 (92-I) 5 (143-I) 6 (135-I) 9 (82-I) 11 (82-I) 12 (82-I) 13 (108-I) | 3 (38-C) 14 (53-S) 20 (57-A) 23 (209-M) |
Just Enough Too… (8) move closer to get better shots.
Asparagus Spears (2) move closer to get better shots.
Geert's Goons (7) move closer to get better shots.
Vig's Berzerkers (13), 2nd Infantry Division (1), Lake Guard (9), Ergo's Uglies (6), Crucible of Adversity (5), Sol's Naughty Friends (12) and Pocket Dust (11) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
26 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
8 Sandalak banners are visible in the melee.
Vig's Berzerkers (13) score 987 hits on Fortunate Fletchers (20).
2nd Infantry Division (1) score 876 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Lake Guard (9) score 591 hits on Acquisitions and Mergers (14).
Ergo's Uglies (6) score 621 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) score 511 hits on Lake Guard (9).
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) score 335 hits on Burning Hammer (3).
Crucible of Adversity (5) score 839 hits on Fortunate Fletchers (20).
Sol's Naughty Friends (12) score 796 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Pocket Dust (11) score 602 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Burning Hammer (3) score 105 hits on Acquisitions and Mergers (14).
Burning Hammer (3) score 122 hits on Fortunate Fletchers (20).
Burning Hammer (3) score 367 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Fortunate Fletchers (20) score 95 hits on Crucible of Adversity (5).
Fortunate Fletchers (20) score 79 hits on Vig's Berzerkers (13).
Fortunate Fletchers (20) score 37 hits on Burning Hammer (3).
Okay Flingers (23) score 325 hits on Pocket Dust (11).
Okay Flingers (23) score 435 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (1).
Okay Flingers (23) score 184 hits on Burning Hammer (3).
Okay Flingers (23) score 680 hits on Ergo\'s Uglies (6).
Okay Flingers (23) score 350 hits on Sol\'s Naughty Friends (12).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3031, Defenders: 5906
Vig's Berzerkers (13) take 79 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
2nd Infantry Division (1) take 435 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Clayton Windbreaker, Viscount of Triewa has been wounded by Okay Flingers (23).
Lake Guard (9) take 511 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (6) take 680 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties.
Ergo Guile, Duke of The Emerald Orchards, Earl of Penfort has been wounded by Okay Flingers (23).
Acquisitions and Mergers (14) take 696 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sol McGahee, Chancellor III of Sandalak, Royal of Sandalak, Duke of Golden Market, Governor of Sandalak has been wounded by Burning Hammer (3).
Crucible of Adversity (5) take 95 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Sol's Naughty Friends (12) take 350 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Dirk Brennaborg, Viscount of Abykal has been wounded by Okay Flingers (23).
Pocket Dust (11) take 325 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Dalerick Aboolio, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Okay Flingers (23).
Burning Hammer (3) take 556 hits in close combat, which cause 15 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Vex Konran, Baroness of Berakor has been seriously wounded by Acquisitions and Mergers (14).
Fortunate Fletchers (20) take 1948 hits in close combat, which cause 52 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Tahlia Varrix, Senator of Lesthem has been wounded by Crucible of Adversity (5).
Okay Flingers (23) take 3262 hits in close combat, which cause 68 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3031 (3031 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 5906 (5906 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 56 attackers, 139 defenders
Turn No. 6
2 (163-A) | 7 (41-A) 8 (120-A) | 1 (85-I) 5 (141-I) 6 (123-I) 9 (74-I) 11 (77-I) 12 (76-I) 13 (107-I) 23 (141-M) |
Just Enough Too… (8) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
Asparagus Spears (2) move closer to get better shots.
Geert's Goons (7) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
Sol's Naughty Friends (12) and Pocket Dust (11) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.
Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
12 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
2nd Infantry Division (1) score 735 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Ergo's Uglies (6) score 811 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Okay Flingers (23) score 419 hits on Crucible of Adversity (5).
Okay Flingers (23) score 150 hits on Lake Guard (9).
Okay Flingers (23) score 218 hits on 2nd Infantry Division (1).
Okay Flingers (23) score 319 hits on Vig's Berzerkers (13).
Okay Flingers (23) score 344 hits on Ergo\'s Uglies (6).
Lake Guard (9) score 531 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Vig's Berzerkers (13) score 679 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Crucible of Adversity (5) score 588 hits on Okay Flingers (23).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1450, Defenders: 3344
2nd Infantry Division (1) take 218 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (6) take 344 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Okay Flingers (23) take 3344 hits in close combat, which cause 70 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Wulfric Halfhand ka Habb, Senator of Saenna has been wounded by Crucible of Adversity (5).
Lake Guard (9) take 150 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Vig's Berzerkers (13) take 319 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Crucible of Adversity (5) take 419 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1450 (1450 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 3344 (3344 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 24 attackers, 70 defenders
Attacker Victory!
The battle does some damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 19 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.