South Island/South Island VIII/Ikalak 2024-12-13

From BattleMaster Wiki

Battle in Ikalak
1AErgo's SentinelsNixSandalak114 Archskirmish  1206
2AFalling SnowIanSandalak166 Archskirmish  1811
3AGolden ArrowsGalvanSandalak209 Archskirmish  2169
4AOkay FlingersWulfric HalfhandSandalak210 MIbox  2372
5AThe Fury's OwnReynxiaSandalak39 MIline  702
6DBanana marksman(militia/guard unit)Ikalak19 Archline  367
7D Dragul GuardKellaineIkalak37 Archskirmish  439
8DErgo's Uglies(militia/guard unit)Ikalak114 Infline  951
9DFor Glory(militia/guard unit)Ikalak24 Infline  363
10DGood Archer People(militia/guard unit)Ikalak29 Archline  432
11D Ikalak OpalbowmenGrigglackIkalak106 Archline  1279
12DJavert's Legend(militia/guard unit)Ikalak31 Infline  386
13DJavert's Mighty Pinpricks(militia/guard unit)Ikalak55 Archline  642
14DJavert's Pointy Flying Sticks(militia/guard unit)Ikalak27 Archline  370
15DJavert's Ready Stance(militia/guard unit)Ikalak26 Infline  323
16DJavert's Trusty Song(militia/guard unit)Ikalak70 Infline  687
17DJavert's Unbreakable Bulwark(militia/guard unit)Ikalak26 Infline  334
18DJavert's Voice in the Dark(militia/guard unit)Ikalak42 Infline  468
19DJavert's 24601st Stand(militia/guard unit)Ikalak41 Archline  524
20DJavert's Armor(militia/guard unit)Ikalak43 Infline  499
21DJavert's Charge(militia/guard unit)Ikalak4 Cavwedge  119
22DJavert's Closest Friends(militia/guard unit)Ikalak31 Archline  462
23DJavert's Ready(militia/guard unit)Ikalak38 Archline  484
24DJavert's Solitude(militia/guard unit)Ikalak39 Infline  434
25DJavert's Tenor Tenure(militia/guard unit)Ikalak41 Infline  454
26DJavert's Test(militia/guard unit)Ikalak42 Archline  527
27D Lake GuardLindaIkalak134 Infline  1252
28D Royal ToadsToadicusIkalak39 Infline  659
29DStar Brigade(militia/guard unit)Ikalak135 Archline  1635

5 attackers (249 MI, 489 Arch)
24 defenders (629 Inf, 560 Arch, 4 Cav)
Total combat strengths: 8260 vs. 14090

The region owner Ikalak and their allies defend.
The Sandalak troops attack because they are at war with Ikalak.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
The defenders take up positions inside the Fortress (5).
Wulfric Halfhand ka Habb, Goldhammer of Sandalak, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Marshal of the Golden Legion takes command of his army. They deploy in Infantry Charge formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

   1 (114-A)
2 (166-A)
3 (209-A)
4 (210-M)
5 (39-M)
  7 (37-A)
6 (19-A)
8 (114-I)
9 (24-I)
10 (29-A)
11 (106-A)
12 (31-I)
13 (55-A)
14 (27-A)
15 (26-I)
16 (70-I)
17 (26-I)
18 (42-I)
19 (41-A)
20 (43-I)
21 (4-C)
22 (31-A)
23 (38-A)
24 (39-I)
25 (41-I)
26 (42-A)
27 (134-I)
28 (39-I)
29 (135-A)

Javert's Mighty Pinpricks (13) fire on Okay Flingers (4), scoring 389 hits.
Star Brigade (29) fire on The Fury's Own (5), scoring 929 hits.
Javert's 24601st Stand (19) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 129 hits.
Javert's Ready (23) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 68 hits.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) fire on Dragul Guard (7), scoring 288 hits.
Dragul Guard (7) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 127 hits.
Falling Snow (2) fire on Ikalak Opalbowmen (11), scoring 554 hits.
Banana marksman (6) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 102 hits.
The Fury's Own (5) fire on Lake Guard (27), scoring 191 hits.
Okay Flingers (4) fire on Ergo's Uglies (8), scoring 908 hits.
Golden Arrows (3) fire on Star Brigade (29), scoring 700 hits.
Javert's Test (26) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 160 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (11) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 417 hits.
Good Archer People (10) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 110 hits.
Javert's Closest Friends (22) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 137 hits.
Javert's Pointy Flying Sticks (14) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 63 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2631, Defenders: 2641
Javert's Charge (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Javert's Voice in the Dark (18), Javert's Tenor Tenure (25), Royal Toads (28), Javert's Legend (12), Javert's Armor (20), Javert's Ready Stance (15), For Glory (9), Ergo's Uglies (8), Javert's Solitude (24), Lake Guard (27), Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) and Javert's Trusty Song (16) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.

Star Brigade (29) take 583 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) take 1116 hits from archer fire, which cause 44 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (8) take 605 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
Dragul Guard (7) take 192 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties.
Falling Snow (2) take 68 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Lake Guard (27) take 127 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
The Fury's Own (5) take 929 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties.
Okay Flingers (4) take 389 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Golden Arrows (3) take 129 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (11) take 462 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2631 (0 from close combat and 2631 from ranged), Defenders: 1969 (0 from close combat and 1969 from ranged)
Total casualties: 78 attackers, 49 defenders

Turn No. 2

   1 (70-A)
2 (164-A)
3 (205-A)
4 (203-M)
5 (18-M)
  7 (27-A)
8 (103-I)
9 (24-I)
12 (31-I)
15 (26-I)
16 (70-I)
17 (26-I)
18 (42-I)
20 (43-I)
24 (39-I)
25 (41-I)
27 (131-I)
28 (39-I)
6 (19-A)
10 (29-A)
11 (95-A)
13 (55-A)
14 (27-A)
19 (41-A)
21 (4-C)
22 (31-A)
23 (38-A)
26 (42-A)
29 (121-A)

Javert's Mighty Pinpricks (13) fire on Okay Flingers (4), scoring 241 hits.
Okay Flingers (4) fire on Lake Guard (27), scoring 1447 hits.
Banana marksman (6) fire on The Fury's Own (5), scoring 164 hits.
Falling Snow (2) fire on Ergo's Uglies (8), scoring 518 hits.
Javert's Closest Friends (22) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 127 hits.
Javert's Pointy Flying Sticks (14) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 92 hits.
Golden Arrows (3) fire on Royal Toads (28), scoring 1093 hits.
Javert's Test (26) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 117 hits.
Javert's 24601st Stand (19) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 158 hits.
Javert's Ready (23) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 120 hits.
The Fury's Own (5) fire on Javert's Trusty Song (16), scoring 311 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (11) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 295 hits.
Dragul Guard (7) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 138 hits.
Good Archer People (10) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 138 hits.
Star Brigade (29) fire on Ergo's Sentinels (1), scoring 245 hits.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) fire on Javert's Armor (20), scoring 333 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1835, Defenders: 3702
Javert's Charge (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Javert's Voice in the Dark (18) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Royal Toads (28) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Javert's Trusty Song (16) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Javert's Solitude (24) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Javert's Armor (20) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Javert's Ready Stance (15) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Javert's Legend (12) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Lake Guard (27) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Ergo's Uglies (8) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
For Glory (9) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.

Okay Flingers (4) take 241 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Royal Toads (28) take 1093 hits from archer fire, which cause 22 casualties.
Falling Snow (2) take 92 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Golden Arrows (3) take 127 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Javert's Trusty Song (16) take 311 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Javert's Armor (20) take 333 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
The Fury's Own (5) take 164 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Lake Guard (27) take 1447 hits from archer fire, which cause 34 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (8) take 518 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Ergo's Sentinels (1) take 1211 hits from archer fire, which cause 47 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1835 (0 from close combat and 1835 from ranged), Defenders: 3702 (0 from close combat and 3702 from ranged)
Total casualties: 62 attackers, 75 defenders

Turn No. 3

   2 (161-A)
3 (201-A)
4 (199-M)
5 (14-M)
8 (94-I)
9 (24-I)
12 (31-I)
15 (26-I)
16 (65-I)
17 (26-I)
18 (42-I)
20 (38-I)
24 (39-I)
25 (41-I)
27 (97-I)
28 (17-I)
7 (27-A)
6 (19-A)
10 (29-A)
11 (95-A)
13 (55-A)
14 (27-A)
19 (41-A)
21 (4-C)
22 (31-A)
23 (38-A)
26 (42-A)
29 (121-A)

Javert's 24601st Stand (19) fire on Okay Flingers (4), scoring 437 hits.
Javert's Mighty Pinpricks (13) fire on The Fury's Own (5), scoring 311 hits.
Falling Snow (2) fire on Lake Guard (27), scoring 1205 hits.
Javert's Pointy Flying Sticks (14) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 84 hits.
Good Archer People (10) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 80 hits.
Dragul Guard (7) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 127 hits.
Okay Flingers (4) fire on Ergo's Uglies (8), scoring 906 hits.
Javert's Ready (23) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 153 hits.
The Fury's Own (5) fire on Javert's Trusty Song (16), scoring 136 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (11) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 226 hits.
Banana marksman (6) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 74 hits.
Javert's Test (26) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 158 hits.
Javert's Closest Friends (22) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 149 hits.
Star Brigade (29) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 467 hits.
Golden Arrows (3) fire on Javert's Voice in the Dark (18), scoring 1505 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2266, Defenders: 3752
Javert's Charge (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
Javert's Trusty Song (16) score 315 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) score 188 hits on The Fury's Own (5).
Javert's Solitude (24) score 268 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Okay Flingers (4) score 39 hits on For Glory (9).
Okay Flingers (4) score 146 hits on Lake Guard (27).
Okay Flingers (4) score 152 hits on Ergo's Uglies (8).
Okay Flingers (4) score 93 hits on Javert's Trusty Song (16).
Okay Flingers (4) score 83 hits on Javert's Voice in the Dark (18).
Okay Flingers (4) score 46 hits on Javert's Ready Stance (15).
Okay Flingers (4) score 35 hits on Royal Toads (28).
Okay Flingers (4) score 75 hits on Javert's Tenor Tenure (25).
Okay Flingers (4) score 73 hits on Javert's Solitude (24).
Okay Flingers (4) score 68 hits on Javert's Armor (20).
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) score 240 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
The Fury's Own (5) score 70 hits on Javert's Legend (12).
The Fury's Own (5) score 48 hits on Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17).
Ergo's Uglies (8) score 553 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Lake Guard (27) score 832 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Ready Stance (15) score 173 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Armor (20) score 319 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Legend (12) score 259 hits on The Fury's Own (5).
For Glory (9) score 227 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Voice in the Dark (18) score 335 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Royal Toads (28) score 273 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3982, Defenders: 928

Falling Snow (2) take 1434 hits from archer fire, which cause 48 casualties.
Javert's Trusty Song (16) take 229 hits (93 in close combat, 136 from archer fire), which cause 4 casualties.
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) take 48 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Solitude (24) take 73 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Okay Flingers (4) take 3972 hits (3535 in close combat, 437 from archer fire), which cause 74 casualties.
Wulfric Halfhand ka Habb, Goldhammer of Sandalak, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Marshal of the Golden Legion has been wounded by Lake Guard (27).
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) take 75 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
The Fury's Own (5) take 758 hits (447 in close combat, 311 from archer fire), which cause 14 casualties, wiping the unit out. 8 more soldiers die on the field.
Reynxia Laquedem, Dame of Toren Stronghold has been wounded by Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17).
Ergo's Uglies (8) take 1058 hits (152 in close combat, 906 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties.
Lake Guard (27) take 1351 hits (146 in close combat, 1205 from archer fire), which cause 32 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Linda Estrall, Margravine of Ikalak has been wounded by Falling Snow (2).
Javert's Ready Stance (15) take 46 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Armor (20) take 68 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Legend (12) take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
For Glory (9) take 39 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Voice in the Dark (18) take 1588 hits (83 in close combat, 1505 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Royal Toads (28) take 35 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Toadicus Graham, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Okay Flingers (4).
Golden Arrows (3) take 84 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6248 (3982 from close combat and 2266 from ranged), Defenders: 4680 (928 from close combat and 3752 from ranged)
Total casualties: 139 attackers, 89 defenders

Turn No. 4

   2 (113-A)
3 (198-A)
4 (125-M)
8 (75-I)
9 (23-I)
12 (30-I)
15 (25-I)
16 (61-I)
17 (25-I)
20 (37-I)
24 (38-I)
25 (40-I)
28 (16-I)
  7 (27-A)
6 (19-A)
10 (29-A)
11 (95-A)
13 (55-A)
14 (27-A)
19 (41-A)
21 (4-C)
22 (31-A)
23 (38-A)
26 (42-A)
29 (121-A)

Golden Arrows (3) fire on Dragul Guard (7), scoring 606 hits.
Javert's 24601st Stand (19) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 64 hits.
Javert's Pointy Flying Sticks (14) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 110 hits.
Falling Snow (2) fire on Star Brigade (29), scoring 379 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (11) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 388 hits.
Javert's Closest Friends (22) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 86 hits.
Dragul Guard (7) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 101 hits.
Javert's Mighty Pinpricks (13) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 111 hits.
Javert's Ready (23) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 126 hits.
Good Archer People (10) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 79 hits.
Star Brigade (29) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 238 hits.
Javert's Test (26) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 136 hits.
Banana marksman (6) fire on Falling Snow (2), scoring 45 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1484, Defenders: 985
Javert's Charge (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
For Glory (9) score 258 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Armor (20) score 212 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Ready Stance (15) score 175 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Okay Flingers (4) score 70 hits on For Glory (9).
Okay Flingers (4) score 110 hits on Javert's Legend (12).
Okay Flingers (4) score 267 hits on Ergo's Uglies (8).
Okay Flingers (4) score 209 hits on Javert's Trusty Song (16).
Okay Flingers (4) score 88 hits on Javert's Ready Stance (15).
Okay Flingers (4) score 96 hits on Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17).
Okay Flingers (4) score 44 hits on Royal Toads (28).
Okay Flingers (4) score 115 hits on Javert's Tenor Tenure (25).
Okay Flingers (4) score 117 hits on Javert's Solitude (24).
Okay Flingers (4) score 102 hits on Javert's Armor (20).
Royal Toads (28) score 337 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Ergo's Uglies (8) score 356 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Legend (12) score 251 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Trusty Song (16) score 326 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Solitude (24) score 223 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) score 208 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) score 218 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2564, Defenders: 1218

For Glory (9) take 70 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Armor (20) take 102 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Javert's Ready Stance (15) take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Okay Flingers (4) take 2564 hits in close combat, which cause 47 casualties.
Wulfric Halfhand ka Habb, Goldhammer of Sandalak, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Marshal of the Golden Legion has been seriously wounded by For Glory (9).
Golden Arrows (3) take 110 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Falling Snow (2) take 1374 hits from archer fire, which cause 46 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Ian Ceallaigh, Governor of Hartfort has been wounded by Javert's 24601st Stand (19).
Royal Toads (28) take 44 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (8) take 267 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Dragul Guard (7) take 404 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 21 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Javert's Legend (12) take 110 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Javert's Trusty Song (16) take 209 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Javert's Solitude (24) take 117 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) take 96 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Star Brigade (29) take 316 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) take 115 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4048 (2564 from close combat and 1484 from ranged), Defenders: 1938 (1218 from close combat and 720 from ranged)
Total casualties: 96 attackers, 50 defenders

Turn No. 5

   3 (195-A)
4 (78-M)
8 (70-I)
9 (22-I)
12 (28-I)
15 (24-I)
16 (58-I)
17 (23-I)
20 (35-I)
24 (36-I)
25 (38-I)
28 (15-I)
  6 (19-A)
10 (29-A)
11 (95-A)
13 (55-A)
14 (27-A)
19 (41-A)
21 (4-C)
22 (31-A)
23 (38-A)
26 (42-A)
29 (113-A)

Banana marksman (6) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 83 hits.
Javert's Ready (23) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 84 hits.
Javert's Test (26) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 104 hits.
Golden Arrows (3) fire on Star Brigade (29), scoring 840 hits.
Javert's 24601st Stand (19) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 106 hits.
Javert's Closest Friends (22) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 76 hits.
Javert's Pointy Flying Sticks (14) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 56 hits.
Star Brigade (29) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 352 hits.
Javert's Mighty Pinpricks (13) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 138 hits.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (11) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 209 hits.
Good Archer People (10) fire on Golden Arrows (3), scoring 86 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1294, Defenders: 840
Javert's Charge (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Javert's Legend (12) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
Golden Arrows (3) score 61 hits on Javert's Legend (12).
Golden Arrows (3) score 45 hits on Royal Toads (28).
Golden Arrows (3) score 115 hits on Javert's Solitude (24).
Javert's Solitude (24) score 172 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Royal Toads (28) score 352 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Legend (12) score 248 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 772, Defenders: 221

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
Javert's Trusty Song (16) score 339 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
For Glory (9) score 227 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) score 196 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) score 220 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Ready Stance (15) score 193 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Javert's Armor (20) score 248 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Ergo's Uglies (8) score 436 hits on Okay Flingers (4).
Okay Flingers (4) score 71 hits on For Glory (9).
Okay Flingers (4) score 239 hits on Ergo's Uglies (8).
Okay Flingers (4) score 206 hits on Javert's Trusty Song (16).
Okay Flingers (4) score 88 hits on Javert's Ready Stance (15).
Okay Flingers (4) score 76 hits on Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17).
Okay Flingers (4) score 115 hits on Javert's Tenor Tenure (25).
Okay Flingers (4) score 103 hits on Javert's Armor (20).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1859, Defenders: 898

Javert's Trusty Song (16) take 206 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
For Glory (9) take 71 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Golden Arrows (3) take 2066 hits (772 in close combat, 1294 from archer fire), which cause 66 casualties.
Galvan Arylon, Royal of Sandalak, Duke of Golden Market, Senator of Cave of Guilt has been wounded by Javert's Legend (12).
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) take 76 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) take 115 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Javert's Ready Stance (15) take 88 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Armor (20) take 103 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Ergo's Uglies (8) take 239 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Javert's Solitude (24) take 115 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Star Brigade (29) take 700 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 17 casualties.
Royal Toads (28) take 45 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Toadicus Graham, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Golden Arrows (3).
Okay Flingers (4) take 1859 hits in close combat, which cause 34 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Wulfric Halfhand ka Habb, Goldhammer of Sandalak, Duke of Kerfort Towers, Marshal of the Golden Legion has been seriously wounded by For Glory (9).
Javert's Legend (12) take 61 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3925 (2631 from close combat and 1294 from ranged), Defenders: 1819 (1119 from close combat and 700 from ranged)
Total casualties: 100 attackers, 35 defenders

Turn No. 6

   3 (129-A)
12 (27-I)
24 (34-I)
28 (14-I)
8 (66-I)
9 (21-I)
15 (23-I)
16 (55-I)
17 (22-I)
20 (33-I)
25 (36-I)
  6 (19-A)
10 (29-A)
11 (95-A)
13 (55-A)
14 (27-A)
19 (41-A)
21 (4-C)
22 (31-A)
23 (38-A)
26 (42-A)
29 (96-A)

Javert's Mighty Pinpricks (13) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Star Brigade (29) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Javert's Closest Friends (22) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Javert's Pointy Flying Sticks (14) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Ikalak Opalbowmen (11) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Banana marksman (6) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Javert's Test (26) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Javert's Ready (23) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Good Archer People (10) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Javert's 24601st Stand (19) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Javert's Charge (21) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
Ergo's Uglies (8) score 326 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Armor (20) score 290 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) score 132 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Ready Stance (15) score 188 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Royal Toads (28) score 277 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Legend (12) score 203 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Trusty Song (16) score 324 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
For Glory (9) score 243 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Solitude (24) score 291 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) score 227 hits on Golden Arrows (3).
Golden Arrows (3) score 20 hits on For Glory (9).
Golden Arrows (3) score 27 hits on Javert's Legend (12).
Golden Arrows (3) score 87 hits on Ergo's Uglies (8).
Golden Arrows (3) score 62 hits on Javert's Trusty Song (16).
Golden Arrows (3) score 30 hits on Javert's Ready Stance (15).
Golden Arrows (3) score 20 hits on Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17).
Golden Arrows (3) score 14 hits on Royal Toads (28).
Golden Arrows (3) score 36 hits on Javert's Tenor Tenure (25).
Golden Arrows (3) score 42 hits on Javert's Solitude (24).
Golden Arrows (3) score 41 hits on Javert's Armor (20).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2501, Defenders: 379

Ergo's Uglies (8) take 87 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Javert's Armor (20) take 41 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Unbreakable Bulwark (17) take 20 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Javert's Ready Stance (15) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Royal Toads (28) take 14 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Toadicus Graham, Knight of Ikalak has been seriously wounded by Golden Arrows (3).
Javert's Legend (12) take 27 hits in close combat. No casualties.
Javert's Trusty Song (16) take 62 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
For Glory (9) take 20 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Solitude (24) take 42 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Javert's Tenor Tenure (25) take 36 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Golden Arrows (3) take 2501 hits in close combat, which cause 79 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2501 (2501 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 379 (379 from close combat and 0 from ranged)
Total casualties: 79 attackers, 8 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 9 %.
The battle does 7 % damage to the fortifications.