Shadowdale/The Fire Queen

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Fire Queen is a collection of poems created by Gottfried Gotz, an arsonist who joined Shadowdale after he was set on fire by Shadow Queen Etain Dubhaine.

She set me ablaze

The fire queen, she set me ablaze,
Now I’m all covered in fire’s haze.
But guess what, I’m not mad at all,
‘Cause fire’s awesome, like a big ball!

She waved her hand, and poof, I’m lit,
It hurt a bit, I must admit.
But flames are bright, and that’s so fun,
Like playing outside in the sun.

My skin’s all red, I’m crispy now,
But I still love her, and here’s how:
Fire queen is super cool,
And fire’s like the bestest tool.

So even with my burn scars here,
I’m happy, and I have no fear.
‘Cause fire queen’s my friend, you see,
And I like fire—it’s just me!

Bryteh anned waarm

Da Fier Qwen es soh bryteh anned waarm,
wif flaamas dat dohn hert butt mayke u feal sayfe.
Shee liehts uhp tha daark anned hellpuhs uz fined owr whay.
Shee lieke ey bhig, frienlee fier thad maykes tings betur.
Wee alluh lov hur beecuz shee keepuhs uz wormm anned maykes shure wee nevut affrayd.