First Age
Sartanians in Arcaea.
We cant peg where this may lie in absolute timeline as we have no relative timeline to compare with.
Sartania's seccession is placed to the nearest full moon and hence called 0 moon day. every 12th moon day we celebrate our anniversary.
The Second age begins on the 0 moon day!
Second Age - Eternal War
The Second age of Sartania started when it seceded from Arcaea, the real reasons are unknown to many but it might be based on poor administration by Arcaea of its rural regions - Irneas, Mraulaxmon.
When Sartania seceded from Arcaea under the command of Pontifex Sedira in the guidance of Lord Sartan - he made Sartania a self sufficient land with Niel as its capital, Mraulaxmon, Irneas, Orbeh, Tapiliez, and Nocaneb.
The people rejoiced and hoped that the Pontifex would guide them as she had promised. Lords from Arcaea - loyal to Sedira's cause and from other continents joined the realm, but this period didnt last long - inefficiency, lack of gold, inadequate leaders or simply bad timing for the seceeding caused a few of the regions to go rogue namely- Irneas, Tapiliez and gave the oppurtunity to Arcaea to take back Nocaneb.
Meanwhile in Arcaea and Highland Empire (our ally at the time) rebellions took place and new rulers rose to power. Seeing Sartania's isolationist behaviour Highland Empire lowered its relationship with us, and Arcaea attacked us.
Tapiliez was taken-over by Arcaea to curtail Sartania's growth to the north but the region revolted to Highland Empire because of poor governance- which again shows the inadequacy of Arcaea.
Lady Gheros who joined the realm soon after it seceeded had two choices. To find a new home or correct what's been going wrong. she chose the latter - the first moon day, Pontifex Sedira stepped down owing to internal pressure. Lady Gheros won by a comfortable margin and as the new Pontifex she swore - "To protect Sartania and if possible make peace with Arcaea without sacrificing Sartania's interests".
On her succession to the throne - Pontifex Gheros sent her messengers with gifts to many Royals on the island and many replied favourably. Its also rumoured that Lady Gheros lost one of her pet leopards in an bizzare incident involving the feline and a gift received from Sir Jon, King of Highland Empire.
Irneas was re-integrated into Sartania a day before Lady Gheros sucession (around the first moon), Tuhpos (annexed around second moon) and Apasur in the north remain to be annexed from the rogue and bandits.
Highland Empire joined Sartania's cause and an alliance was drawn up. In the meantime, Lord Sarig Of Lasanar decided to aid Arcaea in its destruction of Sartania - forming an overwhelming alliance. However, oweing to pressure from Highland Empire and Taith Aethil - he withdrew his forces to within his borders.
At the moment, Sartania is fighting a bitter war with Arcaea - who demands that both the regions - Orbeh and Mraulaxmon be returned to her and a public apology, these demands are vociferously rejected by Sartania. Due to the recent lootings by Arcaea in the disputed area - Sartania rejects any and all demands made by Arcaea which involves giving away of either or both regions to Arcaea.
Around the second moon day, Sartania included Tuhpos - a townsland into its realm and hence increaing its income by a fair amount.
Even though the war is one is to one, its still not level pegging, as Arcaea generates nearly double the tax that Sartania generates. Maybe soon Arcaea will feel Sartania and Sartan's retribution.
This is a long drawn war and will continue for many moons.
Yarah was captured by Sartania, Arcaea and Sartania - discussed peace and thought of a scenario to ecpedite the end of the war by warring for a fixed amount of time to break the stalemate. however Yarah with consultation with his council went back on his word. this event angered the lady and TO of tuhpos was re-sought but it failure and loss of ORbeh simultaneously - broke the camels back, Sartania's end was quickly upon them.
Sartan's dissatisfaction was clearly visble and Gheros's continual effort to appease him were not working, Sartan threatened to leave Sartania as the nobles were slowly wandering from his laws.
Third Age - Golden Age
4 moons from its createion Sartania, sought peace with Arcaea, things had terribly gone wrong since the last moon day, Orbeh ahd been lost and thier second attempt at TOing Tuhpos had suceeded but the region rebelled. Lady Gheros's unwillingness to raise taxes beyond a certain level was also hurting it - but she was adamant, instead she sought peace with Arcaea. Eventually Lady Gheros gave in to Arcaea's demands - more than she had expected but peace sometimes comes at a price... maybe time will allow these wounds to heal and maybe with time it will rise to the position it was supposed to.
Chronicles of Hireshmont, Traitor, Heretic, and Prophet
Then Sartania waged noble war with the failing Highland Empire. Their allies in Arcachon do battle against their foes-by-proxy, Arcaea. Arcaea agreed with the HE to defend its borders, so Arcachon has agreed to aid Sartania in breaking Arcaean aid. Akanos was threated from two sides, on the west by Lasanar, on the east by Sartanian forces in Obtal. Disent among the Counsel caused delay in reaction to Lasanar's failed attack on Akanos. Some said to attack Akanos' weakened defenses, some said to run a takeover on Obtal. It seemed Lady Gheros, the Pontifex, was in favor of gaining Obtal immediately fro Sartania. Time will tell if the takeover succeedes.
During the takeover of Obtal, rumours began spreading of a brewing discontent and rebellion. It seemed Sartan's history of internal discontent was possibly rearing its ugly head again. Lady Gheros sent out a reasonable request for the members of the supposed rebellion to identify themselves and lodge grievances. Rumours of police sweeps and warnings of possible arrests swept through the ranks.
After it seemed that Obtal would not fall without looting, and in response to increased internal pressure, Lady Gheros ordered looting of gold to commence in Obtal. Much food was also burned. It is believed she allowed the looting in response to outcries from her nobility, some of them angry. It is not known why Sartan himself changed his ways, unless his ways were being ignored before, or are now being ignored. Only time will tell.
Obtal fell roughly two days after looting began. Soon after it fell, the forces of Sartania began loyally helping the locals rebuild, and aiding the local police. The current Judge, Sparticus, ordered police work for all, and beurocrats to begin analyzing the situation. Edward did the same, but a bit later. Prior to the orders of either of these officials, several nobles had taken the initiative and already been working to bring Obtal into Sartanian firm control.
Directly following the takeover of Obtal, Renee was installed as the regional commander. Unrest continued even greater than before. Rumours spread of religious factions, defections, and increased civil unrest. The peasents of Obtal grew to hate Sartania even more.
Just before the planned Invasion of Athios, the greatest crime in the history of Sartania occurred. The Church of Sartan was split. I, Hireshmont, the Prophet of Qyrvagg, instigated a defection of several nobles. Our reason was that Sartan had left the lands of Sartania, he had been overthrown by Qyrvagg, his younger brother, the New God of War and Battle. Sartan's time was ending, Qyrvagg's was begginning. Thus began the Schism, the Great Betrayal of Hireshmont, Prophet of Qyrvagg, and Baiko, Master of the Holy Hosts of Qyrvagg. Qyrvagg stands as a beacon to all those whod esire total war. The Church, Holy Host, and Temple shall, in time, be firmly established. The planned location was announced to be Valentia, in Beluaterra.
As Baiko and Hireshmont, the leaders of this new religion, fled Sartania, they were brought to trial. A heated debate ensued concerning the exact identity of Qyrvagg, how he held authority, whether Gheros or Edward had following Sartan's True Ideals, and other matters. Sparticus, the judge at that time, mediated patiently and justly. Rumours say that Hireshmont stayed behind in Obtal, begging to be executed so that his cousin in Valentia could become the new Prophet of Qyrvagg.
Hireshmont was to be executed on December 5th, 2005. Becoming the greatest traitor and heretic Sartania had ever had, and the first prophet of the (Nonexistent, depending on who you talk to) God, Qyrvagg. But, unfortunately, Sartanian officials, in a remarkable bungle, failed to catch him. He announced his location and movements, wore brightly colored clothing, and tried to turn himself in. The polcie wouldnt have it. He then walked to tuhpos, hoping to be caught there. On the way, there was annattempt to assassinate him, which failed in even scratching Hireshmont's blessed (or cursed) body. After three full days opportunity to catch and kill Hireshmont, he simply laughed a bit, boarded ship, and headed to the East Continent. Thus ended Hireshmont the Betrayer's career in Sartania.
End Hireshmont's Chronicles
First Publicised Festival Of Niel
The Chronicle of Selene
It is with great sadness that I put my pen to paper to record what has befallen Sartania. I know not how long the golden age lasted or when exactly it ended but whenever it was it was before my time.
From what I have heard events unfolded somewhat like this: the ancient Kingdom of Arcaea was at war with six realms, Sartania was one of them. Somehow, though they had only two regions left, the Arcaeans managed to gain the upper hand, over a long period of time they conquered sourrounding regions and grew stronger. Sartania and others fought Arcaea but Arcaea made allies, the barbarous Northerners of Arcachon and others. The death of Sartania was certain when Arcaea vanquished the fomerly great realm of Ethiala by making allies of the duchies which had seceded from it. With its new allies Arcaea was able to seperate Sartania from her allies and we came under pressure from both the Northerners and the Arcaeans. Despite a series of victories won by the brilliance of some of Sartania's greatest leaders, we were doomed. It was at this point that I arrived in Sartania. I was present for our last great victory where we defeated the armies of Arcachon on their own soil. But as we revelled n our victory word reached us that Arcaea had mustered a great host and were marching on the capital city of Niel. Our men were weary from battle but we force marched our way back to Niel.
Alas for our men arrived so tired and with such battle-worn equipment that we were unable to defeat the Arcaeans. The last remnants of our armies who had fallen behind and been spared annihilation at Niel were picked off over the coming days piecemeal. Yet still we fought in Niel, for days we prevented Arcaea from commanding the city. It was at this point that our daring plan was hatched.
While Arcaea was distracted our allies had been making gains in the south at the expense of Arcaeas allies. Cathay in particular had won many victories and they offered us refuge. We had no doubt that in Cathay we would be able to combine our forces so that we could build a New Sartania in our enemy's lands. So quietly we mustered all the gold we could and, one dark night, we gathered all the soldiers that Sartania had left to offer and fought our way out of the doomed city. It is at this point that I can no longer provide first hand knowledge.
While my brethren headed to Cathay, marching without fear through hostile territory, I headed to our last region untouched by enemy troops, Mraulaxon. I stayed there for a while with the last diehards who would not leave Sartania. Ultimately I was appointed the last Sartanian Countess of Mraulaxon. It was my task to hand the region to Arcaea in exchange for gold which we could use in our effort and thus spare the people from the tribulations of war and to keep the region from the Northerners. For at least Arcaea had fought with honour and nobility and it was for this reason we were prepared to accept King Jenred's offer.
Thus passed Sartania, that most glorious of realms, into the dark.