Perdan Pride Index/Issue 3

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1 Gold Perdan's Pride Since Whenever it Came Out! 3rd Issue
Perdan's First Newspaper!
Sorcha Declared a Heretic!
Not more than a short two weeks ago, a splinter religion of the Church of Ibladesh declared Sorcha, a heretic.

The splinter religion, their priests believing that she has interpretted the words of Ramsus to here own will, has declared Sorcha an unworthy "voice of the gods" and her realm; has called apon their ranks to remove Sorcha from her position of power in Ibladesh, saying that it is not Ramsus' will for the Ibladesh vs Perdan war to drag on after fair peace offerings.

This splinter religion, while believing in the same gods that Sorcha considers herself the "voice" of, has a very different view on the war. Unlike Sorcha, who seems to drag on this war for as long as possible, the new religion feels that it is against the Four Lords' wills that a war drag on longer then necessary.

Essentially, the Four Lords Religion, runs parallel to the Church of Ibladesh but feels that Sorcha has abused her power, to own gain, and that such action is clearly not any god's will.

Itorunt Informer- The True Words... Or So They Claim.
In a recent edition of the Itorunt Informer, it was stated, and I quote, "Ibladeshian forces look to be reforming, and the Perdan and Ubent forces are scuttling home with their tails between their legs." and "Gone are the days when Itorunt could not hold a candle to it's enemies in terms of military might, for now even the great numbers of Perdan's soldiers cannot prevail! And not even against the whole army!"

Now, let's review that situation shall we. In that battle, yes, it was the entirity of Itorunt's army, but was it all of Perdan's Army? That battle consisted of Itorunt vs the stragglers of Perdan's Army. In truth, the vast majority of the Perdanese army had already turned around and distance away from this battle. In fact, just recently, the army that Itorunt "destroyed" has come back to the battlefield, with their numbers bolstered by the amounts of gold they looted. Their attack on Al Aquabah, in coordination with Ubent forces, put their CS at a level nearly 9000 points stronger than that of Itorunt, according to scribe reports. Also, according to the scribe reports of the battle, the Perdanese army lost a rather small amount of their Combat Strength due to the battle, allowing them to continue onwards ito Ibladeshian lands, while the armies of Ibladesh and Itorunt where wiped out.