Metsamees Family/Thaur

From BattleMaster Wiki
Thaur and Ur

White haired and blue eyed, second son of Raimond and Aurora, and younger brother to Ragnar.

Ever since youth Thaur had looked up to his brother Ragnar even more than his father. Though being a entire 5 years younger than Ragnar, Thaur did his best to keep up with his brother, though as expected not once did he succeed. Ragnar trained his combat arts with fierce passion and proved quite skilled with time, and Thaur began training from even younger age with fierceness surpassing his brothers, and nearing self destruction.

Though all members of the clan study atleast the basic usage of most common weaponry, most usually pick one or another to focus on. Thaur on the other hand kept learning all, and became quite skilled in the usage of many conventional weapons (swords, battle axes, maces, war hammers, spears, polearms, claws, bows, crossbows, throwing knives) aswell as feau unique ones (like whips, falxes, chains), but in turn truly masters none.

Much like his father and brother, Thaur had inherited a strong body and a calm mind. As Raimond was calm and solitary to the point of being cold and distant, and Ragnar being calm but half way chaotic acting on impulses alot proving a interesting mix, Thaur in turn was also calm but possessing a curious mind, and developed quite vengeful personality.

Though Ragnar specialized on combat and possessed little other interests, Thaur in the other hand was interested in almost anything. Thaur and Ragnar despite being brother never were on good terms with each other, a little brother 5 years younger was too immature and thus a bother to Ragnar, and a older brother who always out performed Thaur was a source of frustration to him.

Causing them to strife with each other often, usually ending in Thaur getting a bloody nose, however there was a single instance where Ragnar praised Thaur. It was when Ragnar realized that his little brother was more knowledgeable on other subjects like herbalism or mythology, also on the theoretical knowledge of smithing and other traits. Thaur also had a superior gift in art, sculpturing and even music. Wheres Ragnar was unable to play any instrument, woudnt bother to sculpt or paint anything. Though he deemed those traits uninteresting and worthless to himself, he was seriously impressed with his little brothers works, which would be the first time Ragnar had taken interest let alone be impressed in art and music.

Thaur in his noble life.

Then Ragnar reached the age of 16 he left home, as is often some sort of unwritten tradition in this particular Metsamees lineage.

When Thaur reached the age of 15 he left home aswell, a year earlier to catch up to his brother faster, he traveled to Atamara and studied magic from the texts, and payd heed to the warnings and limits of Metsamees clan takeing lesson from Arctoses recent failure. Later he traveled with Ikki for some time studying alchemy under his tutelage. News of his brothers death, left Thaur in the winds, he had lost his destination, and he mourned his passing greatly, but in time got over it, and started a life of a wanderer.

During his travels he had picked up a stray puppy in the wild, seeming to be a dog or a mix of dog and wolf, the dog got a name "Ur" and grew up to a hulking beast resembling a dog in shape, but in size its too gargantuan for a dog. He has traveled with Thaur ever since, and has been taught by him well, and serves well as a tracking, hunting, guard and war dog, aswell as the most trustworthy friend Thaur could ask.

For years he traveled many places, when finally he heard of a nation called Aurora, bearing the name of his mother. To which he left and joined the realm, in order to give his effort to make a nation, bearing his mothers name, worthy to bear it. He is fully aware that to many his mother would mean noting, but others opinions rarely do matter to him.

In Aurora he served in the army named The Lions of Aurora. Of which he soon became the vice-marshal later the marshal. He eventually was pointed as viscount of Weinschenk, and for a brief time also served as lord stewards replacement.

After a struggle the realm decided to merge in to Corsanctum and save what is left to save of it before it gets eaten alive by the monsters abundant in the region.

Thaur followed suit and joined the realm much against his better judgment, he never did have any fondness for overly pious people. But he had given his word to see the region retaken from the monsters.

Long years Thaur served the realm, doing his part to drive the advancement, though it never did gain any momentum.

In his time in Corsanctum he secluded himself, all but entirely cut himself off, from the rest of people in that realm. And spent his time advancing his skill in alchemy, slowly but surely, at times gaining greater progress leaps, by obtaining insight and material from books and experimental notes he stole from the hands of deranged grouping who spawned monsters.

Years after the end of Aurora, Thaur conducted a mutational treatment on himself, turning his flesh and blood in to poison. Disillusioned about retaking the Unterwood, he still dispiritedly serves Corsanctum, bound by a promise given long ago.