
From BattleMaster Wiki
North Mediterranean

Weinschenk in German means "Wine Pourer", and this great dark wooded area is known for its long and extended tradition of winemaking. The Weinschenk family is one of the oldest in this world...

Region Description

Weinschenk is known to boast great wine. It also is an excellent hunting retreat for the nearby City of Unterstrom. The most prestigious game is the great aurochs. Locals have also tamed some, and use them as cattle, work animal and also as mount. Though slower than a horse, adult beasts can weigh easily an entire ton and can carry men with even the greatest of girths.

The "uncounted" population can be quite troublesome at times as the thick forests can attract those in need of a place to hide from others. Who to escape, who to ambush, who to hide, and so forth. Most of them either bring trouble with them or come to cause some.

Since monsters rarely have interest in buildings, those are left standing as they are, and the looters clean all of value. Thus the settlement resembles a pile of bones, a skeleton, bones picked clean and bleached white in the sunlight, as well as the eerie shadows behind the curtain- and glass-less windows of the ruins like the shadows in the eye sockets of a old skull. This is a forest graveyard, the few people who have remained, much like the undertaker, keep out of sight.

In recent years, Weinschenk has become home to a minor little known sect of monks who spend most of their time meditating amongst the trees. Occasionally a small group of these religious men can be seen hugging trees or making head and wristbands from some of the many flowers they tend. A very few turn their eyes outwards, looking at the violent acts of men and forming a more organised gathering to call for a cessation to conflict and universal brother (and sister) hood.

Even more occasionally a passing noble will mistake their guild hall for a recruiting centre and take the monks in service as soldiers. Sadly their flowers do not offer much power against the leather or metal armour the other side is usually equipped with, nor are they interested in listening to the cries of 'Peace man!'.

Local Folklore

A rare golden and violet flower can be found in the densest parts of the woods. Any hunter who's kill falls in close proximity to this flower is said to have good fortune on the horizon; a blessing from the forest spirit.