Melhed/Agyrian Acedemy/Terriad/Age of Shadow/2v2/Peace Calls
The calls of King Jecht Tideweaver of Shattered Vales for peace are rejected by Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine of Ar Agyr on suspicion of Shattered Vales working with the Sunken Kingdom.
Letter from Jecht Tideweaver | |
Message sent to Message to all rulers | |
Rulers of Beluaterra,
With the rapidly increasing threat of undead from the south, I would like to formally invite Queen Baelunìataisharà, Queen Aibhlidhn, and Hierophant Aleksandr into formal peace talks so we can focus on the true threat. I would also like to invite Hegemon Tiberius to act as a neutral observer between the two parties. Territorial and petty disputes should be set aside as the real threat to humanity rears its ugly head once again. There has been bloodshed on both sides and should it continue what will be left to meet the swelling hordes? The tide rises, | |
Jecht Tideweaver (King of Shattered Vales) |
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine | |
Message sent to Message to all rulers | |
King Jecht,
I have yet to receive any kind of meaningful apology for the sorcerous assault on my person. And whilst I cannot prove that your people were responsible for the portal opened in Gor Ault - with all the subsequent damage to my countrymen and to my own person - the lack of that apology makes it seem all the more likely. You came North to piss on the realms who had for decades bent every effort to supporting the Valesmen in their own homeland. Needless to say I am not much inclined to form a common league with you for any purpose whatsoever. | |
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr) |
Letter from Aleksandr De La Salle | |
Message sent to Message to all rulers | |
Queen Aibhlidhn,
We now that the hatred between At Agyr, Thalmarkin, Irondale and the Vales has torn down apart our relationships, so if you don't have an apology from the Vales at the moment, what you can have is an apology from Irondale of any crimes committed towards the peasantry or the nobility of your realm in this war, and that is valid towards Thalmarkin. I don't pursue fighting this war again, we can help Thalmarkin to rebuild their lands as a gesture of good faith of they like. I don't want wars between man and the Dalefolk is tired of fighting this war, not tired of fighting alongside our allies, but the end of this war, to my eyes, is a war of pride. We must fight against our common enemy, not ourselves. Look how Nothoi's southern border burns, how rogue hordes have passed through them, how they are rogues roaming freely in your realm. Those are the symptoms of a large problem. We stopped fighting the Necromancer. I want to change that and I, in the name of Irondale, I seek peace to complete that objective. With respect | |
Aleksandr De La Salle (King of Irondale) |
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine | |
Message sent to Message to all rulers | |
King Aleksandr,
I hold no ill will towards Irondale. Nor in fact any ill will towards the majority of the Valesmen. However I no longer have any interest in taking the field alongside the latter because I do not trust their current leadership not to stab me in the back the moment it suits them. Quite possibly in league with the Necromancer whose methods they now seem to ape. However it's my intention to abdicate in the near future as I have suffered grievous wounds of late which necessitate a long period of healing. So perhaps if you're really lucky you'll find my successor of a more forgiving disposition. | |
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr) |