Lapallanch Family/Kihalin/The Tournament in Askileon

From BattleMaster Wiki

Tournament Report (39 minutes ago)

Welcome to the tournament in Askileon. 24 nobles from 10 realms paid their 0 gold entrance fee and visit the tournament grounds today to claim the winner's honours and 2500 (gold) for swordfighting (1000 for second place swordfighting) and 2500 (gold) for jousting (1000 for second place jousting).

This is a tournament of both, jousting and swordfight. Let's begin with the swords:

Round 1, 24 participants:

  • Kenshin from Morek Empire -beats- Sif from Luria Nova
  • Puck from Libero Empire -beats- Kendark from Luria Nova
  • Kihalin from Astrum -beats- Orris from Morek Empire
  • Medea from Luria Nova -beats- Alana from Corsanctum
  • Lillith from Morek Empire -beats- Tybalt from D'Hara
  • Kwa from Asylon -beats- Aldarion from Luria Nova
  • Gordon from Astrum -beats- Xerias from Luria Nova
  • Saul from Luria Nova -beats- Rebec from D'Hara
  • Xena from Barca -beats- Theon from Luria Nova
  • Brand from Morek Empire -beats- Gunnar from Swordfell
  • Aldus from Luria Nova -beats- Godfrey Von from Luria Nova
  • Mastraacht from Aurvandil -beats- Rafaello from Luria Nova

Round 2, 12 participants:

  • Puck from Libero Empire -beats- Xena from Barca
  • Kihalin from Astrum -beats- Medea from Luria Nova
  • Gordon from Astrum -beats- Aldus from Luria Nova
  • Saul from Luria Nova -beats- Mastraacht from Aurvandil
  • Kwa from Asylon -beats- Kenshin from Morek Empire
  • Lillith from Morek Empire -beats- Brand from Morek Empire

Round 3, 6 participants:

  • Kwa from Asylon -beats- Puck from Libero Empire
  • Gordon from Astrum -beats- Kihalin from Astrum
  • Saul from Luria Nova -beats- Lillith from Morek Empire

Semifinal round:

  • Kwa from Asylon -beats- Gordon from Astrum
  • Saul - wildcard

Final Round:

  • Saul from Luria Nova -beats- Kwa from Asylon

Winner: Saul

In the second part of the tournament, the traditional jousting contest is being held:

Round 1, 24 participants:

  • Theon from Luria Nova -beats- Brand from Morek Empire 3 to 0
  • Kwa from Asylon -beats- Gordon from Astrum 3 to 0
  • Puck from Libero Empire -beats- Xerias from Luria Nova 3 to 0
  • Lillith from Morek Empire -beats- Aldus from Luria Nova 3 to 0
  • Tybalt from D'Hara -beats- Kihalin from Astrum 3 to 0
  • Rafaello from Luria Nova -beats- Aldarion from Luria Nova 3 to 0
  • Rebec from D'Hara -beats- Mastraacht from Aurvandil 3 to 0
  • Sif from Luria Nova -beats- Kenshin from Morek Empire 3 to 0
  • Alana from Corsanctum -beats- Xena from Barca 3 to 0
  • Medea from Luria Nova -beats- Orris from Morek Empire 2 to 1
  • Gunnar from Swordfell -beats- Saul from Luria Nova 2 to 1
  • Godfrey Von from Luria Nova -beats- Kendark from Luria Nova 2 to 1

Round 2, 12 participants:

  • Rafaello from Luria Nova -beats- Medea from Luria Nova 2 to 1
  • Tybalt from D'Hara -beats- Godfrey Von from Luria Nova 3 to 0
  • Sif from Luria Nova -beats- Theon from Luria Nova 2 to 1
  • Kwa from Asylon -beats- Gunnar from Swordfell 3 to 0
  • Puck from Libero Empire -beats- Lillith from Morek Empire 2 to 1
  • Rebec from D'Hara -beats- Alana from Corsanctum 3 to 0

Round 3, 6 participants:

  • Rebec from D'Hara -beats- Kwa from Asylon 2 to 1
  • Tybalt from D'Hara -beats- Puck from Libero Empire 3 to 0
  • Rafaello from Luria Nova -beats- Sif from Luria Nova 3 to 0

Semifinal round:

  • Rebec from D'Hara -beats- Rafaello from Luria Nova 3 to 0
  • Tybalt - wildcard

Final Round:

  • Rebec from D'Hara -beats- Tybalt from D'Hara 3 to 0

Winner: Rebec

That was the tournament in Askileon. Congratulations to the winners and to all participants.

Tournament gains (39 minutes ago)

  • You gained 1 honour and 0 prestige during the tournament.
  • Your jousting skill has improved.