Ironsides Family/Bowie/The visit with Dame Sorsha, Return of Civility

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The Visit with Dame Sorsha, Return of Civility

Roleplay from Kratos Wolff

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Kratos waited patiently as he admired the building, and then suddendly the same Lady from before came out, only this time not mad, but this time she was happy, and a bit dizzy. She introduced herself as "Sorsha McDowell".

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Kratos Wolff, as you already know"... "What happened earlier is nothing, just like wars and monster raids, violence is, and will always be, common-place." He smiled and followed her inside, were he found a shocking sight. Kratos eye's widened and he had a confused expression. He looked back and forth at Bowie, who was gently holding a violin, and Mathias, with a glass of whiskey. But he contained his laughter.

"I see you two didn't try to tear each other appart, but its more surprising to see you sharing a drink, and playing violin?" He laughed a bit, then resumed "This reminds me of our trip towards the Ravian Empire, except we are not on a stinky old boat, and you are no longer strangers to me." Kratos took a seat and asked. "What shall we talk about then, we cannot let go of such a special occasion, surely we are all back to our senses."

Kratos Wolff (Knight of Qubel)

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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Returning to the room with Sir Kratos in tow, Sorsha returned to the desk where she began nursing her drink while listening to the men talk. She wondered just what could have happened on this old stinky boat, it seemed intriguing.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed Lorlan return with a couple more servants, each with a large platter of food. They set them on a table to the side. She nodded her approval and they bowed, leaving quickly.

Walking over, she took up a few grapes and returned to her seat. She watched Count Bowie with keen interest, studying him in the presence of others and inwardly smiled, who would have thought that deep down he could become this personable.

Then her gaze turned to Mathias and her gaze lingered over him, only to realize how quiet he had become. It was then she started to wonder if maybe what she had told him had been too harsh. He had made himself vulnerable to her and she had left him with nothing in return but an IF. Was she in a crazy sense, driving him away? She shook her head at her own thought. No… after the words he had spoken earlier, he had made it clear he would fight for her no matter what.

But was she being too demanding? She bit her lip, lost in thought wondering what on earth she could do to bring him closer to her. A memory came to her, of what seemed a lifetime ago and she smiled. She remembered when he had taken her to Qubel’s folly, it had been quite the adventure, and in the end, she had began to fall for him.

Last she watched Kratos with a timid smile, he seemed friendly enough. In the presence of someone she hardly knew, her shyness always returned.

Lost in this state, she peeled the grapes slowly before eating them.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count enjoyed the pleasantness of the evening. It was added by the presence of his Sallowsian brother and knight Sir Kratos, and by the calm company of Duke Mathias and Lady Sorsha.

After he finished playing and had another drink, he decided to share something with the group that he had never spoken of before.

“Listen up, there is something that I have known for a very long time that has been eating away at me. I would like to share it with you, in the company of people I do not think are planning to kill me, well most of you, so that in the future, if any fatality should consume me, you will be in possession of a rare perspective of the great Demon of Dwilight. You earn my trust, and I reward you with this truth. When I was the Judge of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, the Earl of Fissoa Fields, Eldrond Nabarl, reported to me that there was some fishy business going on in the city of Fissoa. He discovered that the tax reports were being tampered with and some gold went missing. As an eager noble, and the man responsible, I immediately began investigating. I questioned everyone who could possibly have been involved. As far as I learned, the Earl and the Grand Duke Leon Agenor were the only two people in the city, and the Banker, the Earl of Libba, before he became a prophet, Samuel Quasath, was the highest suspect because he had been planning a colony effort to the city of Shinnen. The Grand Duke related information about him through his sources, and mentioned a possible rebellion plot. I continued to gather facts about the Earl of Libba, and the possible rebellion organized by him. Then, I indirectly confronted Earl Samuel by asking him how far his progress was in his expedition to Shinnen, of which I wished to be included in. He had responded that it was delayed indefinitely due to lack of resources and other pressing matters. I then asked the Grand Duke to present the report that he collected on the Earl of Libba so I may follow up his findings. On this, the Grand Duke suddenly said that the tampering must have been done by an infiltrator and that there is no more reason to continue the investigation. I obeyed him and shelved my case.

Things did not add up. I knew that there was no one else in the city of Fissoa except the Earl of Fissoa Fields and the Grand Duke himself. I also knew that there are only two people who are able to tamper with tax reports, the Grand Duke and the Banker. I could only conclude that the Grand Duke had been caught embezzling money and wished to silence my efforts. I obeyed the order to stay silent while his corruption expanded his vault. I learned then that honour and prestige were empty values. Hierarchy was a mere tool for crooks. Why should I have lived as an outstanding noble, honourable, reliable, and working for my place in the realm when those at the top were pilfering and abusing their power? I vowed then never to obey anyone again. I resolved to be Master of myself. This event may have been what allowed the demon to enter. For a month or so later, I came into my own and fled that hollow petty duchy. I stole 300 gold from them, probably a small sum compared to what the Grand Duke is stealing to this day.”

He sat back and stared down. He was not comfortable with his confession but realized he had done a service to his former realm. They may never know what he knew, but at least the crimes of the Grand Duke have not gone unnoticed. He was confused whether he spoke as the man, or the demon. At this moment, the two were inseparable.

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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At his confession Sorsha stopped chewing her grapes to finish the rest of her glass. Her eyes regarded him compassionately and she cocked her head, silently examining him. It was blatantly obvious how uncomfortable the admission had made him feel. So the dark Count had a conscience after all, one he tried so hard to hide. Was this the darkness that ate away at him? Did he love and hate himself all the same, because of events that had forced him to become this way? Was she no different than him? In hopes of removing the sensation and returning them to an even keel, she spoke up.

“Count, we do what we need to survive… If you have come forward with the truth, then it will take time but the lie shouldn’t eat at you any longer. I have done some things I am not proud of either as we will continuously do until our last breath” she admitted softly, thinking how much she had lied to protect her pitiful hide from the previous Queen, how she despised her.

“For all my life I have prided myself in one thing, and when came time to prove my worth… I failed. I am guilty of cowardice and subterfuge, something that eats away at me as well. I had my appearance altered from everyone I knew and loved and watched from the shadows,” she admitted darkly. “I should have stayed and fought, but I let them down when they needed me most, and I did so selfishly.” Her eyes quickly darted in Mathias’ direction and back to Bowie, now avoiding the Duke’s gaze. “My greatest wish at the time was to destroy Katayanna any way I knew how. Someone I had previously swore to protect until my dying breath. Were she still here, I would strive to continue, but the satisfaction of destroying her wouldn’t be enough, above all else for her actions I wished to make her suffer,” she added hotly with a violet burning gaze and rose from her chair to pace. “I do not have peace in my heart for those who left when the challenge became too much for them, as much as I, their cowardice was great.”

There was a small bit of silence, and she smiled maliciously, the eerie moment of madness so alien on her, but then it slowly dissipated.

“Thank you for trusting us with the truth. I am learning that all things happen for a purpose. When you left Fissoa, it was D’Hara who gained you. Speaking for myself, I’d say it was a terrible loss for them, and our wonderful gain.” She smiled amicably. “For how else could we keep the nobles lively without the presence of the Dark Count in our midst, as someone so wisely told me a very long time ago.” she said pointedly to Bowie, “we all must play our parts. Even if some of us are a bit wealthier than others,” she laughed musically, the room beginning to spin a bit.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

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The Dark Count knew the Lady was consoling him, but he already made up his mind.

"All I want now is to go home, to Sallowtown. There I will find my sanctuary, and I can shut myself in away from all of the crooked, self-serving, dim-witted nobles in this world. D'Hara is a third rate realm, poor and lacklustre. It wouldn't know the meaning of glory if it kissed them on the cheek. It doesn't know what to value and what to truly seek even if someone wrapped it up in a present and tied a red bow on. And they call themselves nobles. I want to go home. Then I can be at peace."

He stood up and put the violin down.

"I think I will leave now, I am drained. It was a pleasure spending an evening with you Dame Sorsha. Next time I shall invite you to my estate in Qubel and we can enjoy another evening together. Duke Mathias, you are a worthy opponent. Sir Kratos, don't give up our dream. So long."

He began to leave.

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Kratos Wolff

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As the Count got up to leave Kratos got up too, and he told Bowie. "It's great to hear that you trust us, and that you shared a secret with us, it is truly and honor, and know that your honesty will be rewarded, by the same will."... Kratos drank a shot of whiskey and continued "As for our dreams and goals, they will never die off, no matter what happens, we cannot be stoped now."

After hearing this the Count left, and Kratos walked towards the door. Before going out he looked back, and said "I noticed the both of you looking at eachother from time to time, nervously I may add, perhaps now that I leave you will both have the time to stare at eachother... or not. Anyways, It was a pleasure meeting you Dame Sorsha, and an honor sharing a drink with you again Duke Mathias, even though I cannot compete with you when it comes to drinking." Kratos grinned and turned around, waved and walked out the door, leaving no room for reply.

As he got out he found his men waiting a bit far from the estate, enjoying some food. Kratos walked over to them.

~"Where did you guys get this food?"

One of them replied quickly

"One of 'em servants gave it to us sir.."

~"Oh, how generous, now lets get moving, we have to go to the Lighthouse." Kratos said and the men got up to follow him... There is nowere Kratos will go without his men, he has had many different groups before, and they have always proven to be great company, and good sparring partners.

Kratos Wolff (Knight of Qubel)

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

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As Bowie said his goodbyes, followed by Kratos who gave a quick farewell complete with a nugget of blunt honesty she blinked back, stupefied. She had wanted to relate to Bowie, not make him leave. There came a heavy silence in the room and Sorsha finished the last of her glass.

She then looked over to Mathias who was still there and sighed hopelessly. Apart from his barging in with a wave of his blade, he had barely said anything to her or anyone else for that matter. A part of her was extremely disappointed. For all he spoke of how she was his, he barely made an effort to show she was even in the same room as he was.

Ugh…She didn’t feel so good all of a sudden. She eyed the bottle of whiskey only to realize that most of it was gone, she swallowed back and closed her eyes. Well at least Alec would be happy that she had even opened it at all. How she missed her easygoing brother and home...

She realized a few moments had passed and opened her eyes. The chair seemed too comfortable and if she let herself she would fall asleep there. She decided to seek her bed before he could see what the drink was doing to her. A few seconds later, she rose from her chair and walked toward the door. She paused at the entrance and looked back. “Is nice to see you again Mathiasss,” she said her tongue feeling too large for her mouth. She was unsure of what else to say and simply added with a whisper “g’night m’lord.”

She walked out of the room before he could really see how affected she was. She felt incredibly guilty for leaving him but almost instantly forgot as she noticed how the hallway seemed to waver in front of her. She took a few slow steps, only to stop with a hand out to the wall in hopes of stilling the hallway around her before she lost her footing. Okay… so maybe she wasn’t as good a drinker as they all seemed to be, she had tried...

The walking made her stomach turn and she covered her mouth, breathing slowly. She didn’t even have the energy to continue and slid against the wall to the ground. “Ugh…” she groaned miserably, trying to move but her body felt like pudding. She sat there for a minute, eyes closed, trying to regain her senses. She gave a small laugh, wondering if she tried hard enough to wish her bed, that when she opened her eyes again she would be in it. Her mother had always smiled and told her she was a dreamer. How right she was.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)
