Giblot (Realm)/Timeline/Councils/Democracy

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Yssdragill.gif Democracy

Not taking any chances as you open up this chapter of Giblots history, you make sure to glance over the pages in this section before reading on. Miraculously none have been harmed. In fact theyre almost as good as new! Must be your lucky day...

After the Civil War, the nobles of Giblot regained the right to directly elect almost every government official. In addition to the four council members, a new branch of government called the Circuit Judges was formed. The Four Circuit Judges handle most realm-wide decisions, with the tie-breaking vote being cast by the Supreme Judge when needed. Three of the Circuit Judges are directly elected, and the fourth is appointed by the Supreme Judge. The only other appointed position is the Duke of Giblot. The Circuit Judges however, did not stand the test of time, and were abolished just two months after their conception.

Below is a history of the Councils of Giblot after the Civil War, the Fall of Thanatos, and the Rise of Democracy

Council Chancellor Minister of Defence Supreme Judge Minister of Finances Duke of Giblot
Democracy Sera Kardon Sadi Renal Goerygboy
Sadi's Demise Sera Kardon Shaman / Shinu Renal Goerygboy
Revolution TwistedKitty Robert Shinu Renal Goerygboy
Shaman Nobody Shinu Renal Alexander
Frodo Reborn Sera Goergyboy Renal Alexander
Return of House Gary Alexander Sera / Orlak Goergyboy Renal / Sera Shinu
Strife Alexander Orlak / Frodo Reborn Goergyboy Renal Shinu
More Strife Alexander Frodo Reborn Goergyboy Sera / Franklin of Orange Shinu
Tension Alexander Robert Goergyboy / Frodo Reborn James Shinu
Ceasefire Alexander Robert Frodo Reborn / Goergyboy James Shinu
New Beginnings Robert Black Goergyboy James / Henri Shinu
Despotism Robert Black Goergyboy / Alexander Shaman Shinu
Settling? Elros Robert Henri / Ista James Shinu

Council of Democracy

The Council of Democracy was formed immediately after the Civil War. As leader of the Rebellion, Sera became Chancellor immediately. Quickly, elections were held for the remaining Government Positions, with Goergyboy being appointed as Duke of Giblot the day after. The most notable achievement of this Council was ending all wars between Giblot and neighbouring realms, even including the long-lasting war of hatred against Outer Tilog. Peace with OT was not greeted kindly by most nobles, but they recognised the need to get the realm back in order after the chaos of the revolution. Within weeks, talk turned from rebuilding to conquest again, this time directed at Helsera. Some years ago Helsera was allowed to fall into the hands of the Assassins, who promised to return the region after a short time. The Assassins reneged on that agreement, and Giblot eventually decided they would take Helsera back by force.

Sadi's Demise

In the first full election since the Civil War, most members of the government were re-confirmed, but with one glaring exception. Sadi. In the prior month, Sadi had attempted to frame Georgyboy for paying the ransom of the Assassin Infiltrator Miles, and had also tampered with votes in the hotly debated issue of whether or not to ban Twisted Kitty for alleged connections to Thanatos. When these offences were discovered, the nobles of Giblot responded by electing Shaman to replace Sadi as Supreme Judge. The day after the election, a strange, demonic fire destroyed Sadi's home, and he was never again seen in Giblot. Some claim he was taken by demons, others say he emmigrated in the dark of night.

It was in this month where Helsera was finally returned to Giblot lands. At the time, Sera was present and many a high standing Helseran figure disappeared upon the night the region flipped. Of course, some cynics have suggested that Sera had no effect on proceedings at all. Later on that day they were found on pikes in the main center of Helsera however. Thus ensuring Helseras devout Loyalty. At least for the moment...


Upon the Election of this new Council, two new Council Members emerged from the old and with them came new ideas, beliefs and a new direction. Of course Sera had given up his position willingly, tired of his duties. Already much of the realms internal bickering has been laid to rest since Sera and his divisive figure stepped away from power.

At first the month remained largely uneventful until midway through it, Shaman called for an uprising to replace the Democracy with a Monarchy. Although at first TwistedKitty played the role of the caring Chancellor, she quickly stepped down to allow Shaman to do this, even though Shaman had but one follower at the time. Even for TK's duplicity however, Shaman found almost all of Giblot's Democratic institutions still intact and thus he was rendered unable to reform the Government the way he wanted. Not one to be beaten however, he quickly stripped Goergyboy of his title as Duke of Giblot and replaced him with another Monarchist, Alexander Gary as a compromise.

Not content with this botched outcome however, within a day Frodo Reborn had launched a counter rebellion to remove the monarchist Shaman as Chancellor of Giblot. It had fairly substantial support from Giblot's Nobles, with 14 of them aligning themselves under Frodos banner, including the former Chancellor, Sera Osha. Under this pressure, Shaman quickly found his position untenable, and the uprising succeeded upon it's second day. Tragically, Shaman actually had no supporters in this rebellion so there are no additional heads to put on the chopping block at this time. It is rumoured that Shaman has fled to Beluaterra...

Return of House Gary

Although his fellow Council Members were returned with substantially larger majorities, Frodo Reborn did not manage to maintain the position he won through bloody coup and once again he fell back into the shadows. Alexander Gary was elected in his stead as Chancellor of Giblot, a former Prime Minister of Giblot in the bad old Republican days. But the question on everyones minds of course was, would Alexander bring the stability Giblot so desparately seeks? The answer is yes apparently.

Life has settled down enormously since the beginning of Alexander's reign, and certain dissident members of the Giblot hierarchy have held their tongues since Alexander took the Throne. Even with this new found Peace however, the Council has shuffled around a fair deal. With Renal clearing off for to pursue the mythical Wamphyri Family Vats for a while and Sera yielding the most demanding of his responsibilities to take on others.


Although the Council once again stabilised this month, events managed to engulf Giblot. The first thing the new Council had to deal with were the implications of the death of Moira, Chancellor of Outer Tilog in Rollsovar. The second Tilogian Council member who had fallen in battle against the forces of Giblot in recent months. The situation was further complicated by the news of Valasts love for Moira, which had only been revealed to a few before Moira's "tragic" death.

As we waited for the Lukonite attack to come, Orlak managed to get himself captured by an army of Brigands, Pickpockets and Outlaws in South Bakker. Fool. It was not long after that farce that the forces of Lukon finally arrived in Outer Tilog city, their war with Alebad already long forgotten - apparently. Needless to say, the combined Lukonite-Tilogian Army was summarily crushed when it finally dared set foot in Steepglades...

More Strife

Although the army of Lukon was crushed the first time it visited Giblot, the people of Lukon swore to return and overwhelm Giblot's Graveyards and Cemeteries with their dead a second time! Nice people. Sadly though just as many if not more soldiers of Giblot were lost in the fighting that broke out.

We also lost two of our eldest troopleaders this month. Our former Chancellor, Sera Osha and Renal Enstance after they both tired of the depressingly quiet atmosphere present in Giblot. Though both vowed to return to their day.


After a particularly stressful month of war the council began to come under fire for it's underwhelming contributions to the realm during such a crucial time. Indeed, Alexander himself threatened to remove Council members towards the end of the previous month due to their lax ways and apparent unwillingness to carry out the tasks they were elected for. These problems, coupled with the strong campaigns by both James and Robert led to the replacement of the Banker and General at the most recent election.

Later on in the month Goergyboy the Militant surrendered his position to goto the funeral of his brother, Shan'naal after his mysterious death. This led to his replacement by Frodo Reborn in what was essentially a one horse race.


Frodo Reborn managed to defeat Goergyboy when he fought for election once again at the beginning of this month, however within just a couple of days he was captured in battle in Rollsovar, allowing for Goergyboy to quickly replace him. The battle that caused Frodo's capture we lost, as even the benefit of palisades could not account for the 7,000 fewer CS we wielded compared to the combined forces of Lukon and Outer Tilog. Mysteriously, after Lukon and Outer Tilog's crushing victory both realms quickly vacated Rollsovar. Allowing for the Nobles of Giblot to go deal with the Undead hordes present in almost all other regions of Giblot, allowed to spread and expand freely in the run up to the expected confrontation in Rollsovar.

For weeks, Lukon and Outer Tilog threatened to return, this time with a force to attack Giblot. However just as soon as the first Lukonites began to arrive in Rollsovar, confirming the worst fears of many, the Lukonites suddenly left as quickly as they arrived. Shortly after, a ceasefire was announced between Giblot and Lukon and the people of Giblot rejoiced.

New Beginnings

Alexander announced shortly before this election that he would step down, after helping Giblot through a particularly dark period of her history. He plans to enjoy his retirement in Ammersfield. Robert der Trihs, the former General was the man narrowly chosen to follow in Alexanders footsteps, allowing Black Recluse to become General in an equally close election. The month ahead was a fairly boring one by usual standards.


For a majority of the month of despotism, little at all happened in Giblot. The army twiddled it's thumbs, as did the Chancellor in his diplomacy. The action ended up coming towards the end of the month, when Goergyboy went mad in pursuit of his book. Not since the heady days of Shaman Detinu's tenure as Supreme Judge, have we seen such cheerful abuse of power. We've never seen so many fines sent flying about..


With the new Chancellor who was new to the council of Giblot, Elros, everybody was starting to calm down and the government seemed fine. The once again reshuffled government are all popular members of Giblot and stand unopposed. It seems Giblot is settling down but have we observed long enough to find out. We all know Giblot, it would be a miracle if it one day settled down but this one looks pretty honest. Well it is Giblot so we will just have to wait and see.

The Councils of Giblot

The Old Council | The New Order | The Cultural Revolution | The New Republic | Democracy