Fox Talks/Caergoth Tournament

From BattleMaster Wiki
Caergoth med.png Caergoth's Wor'ight, Riverholm's Stout

Greetings loyal readers! Local festivities delayed the printing of our most recent article but fear not, for the printing office has been reclaimed and restored to a usable state. So, this is the way! A total of 157 nobles from 13 realms flocked to Wor'ight at King Magnus' invitation for Caergoth's first tournament. For a change of pace, renowned jouster Sir DrSeptre of the Barony took the 600 gold prize and winner's honours in the sword ring (with Sir Nicholas of Suville taking 200 gold and second place), while Sir Neo of Darka took his first victory in the joust, three lances to none (with Sir Silverowl of Carelia taking second place).

The Especially Generous
A list of those cunning enough to narrow the competition with more than a few barrels of alcohol.

Nicholus(4), Regis, Night Hawk, Brakus, Memnoch----Bartho, Kenshi, Malastare, Hunberto, Alana, Neo, Gauhui, Cassius, Regulus, Antonyuz, Abby, Lucius, Ice

The usual system, those to the left of the dashes treated their fellows to multiple rounds while those to the right are either light of gold purse or just plain stingy (or maybe they're the practical ones?). If you bought us all a round and find your name absent from our list, send us word and we'll add you in. Gotta give credit where it's due, especially for something as important as free alcohol. Speaking of which, it is also worthy to note that more and more nobles seem to be bringing their own brews to these tournament things. To name a few, Icesky Ale (of Beluaterra), Chasnoff Whiskey (of..Chasnoff), Burning Ale (of Riverholm), and of course, the generously donated kegs of Riverholm's Finest Stout™ that we all took home with us. Thank you, Bergelmir the Generous, thank you.

Singing, As Usual
Sir Brander Burnaby of Caergoth, ever the entertainer, treated the Wor'ight crowd to song before falling into ale-induced silence for the rest of the tourney. Directed at El Cid of the Ash Sea Islands, Brander's song isn't what we would call complimentary, but we admit to an amused quirk in the corner of our mouths when we drew up the draft copy.

Due to column constraints, we'll be printing a brutally abbreviated version of the song. You can find the full version on the insert

The Seven drunken nights of El Cid


And as I went home on Sunday night as drunk as drunk could be
I saw a lad sneaking out the back, a quarter after three (I think it may have been closer to 2:45)
Well, I called me wife (HEY WIFE!) and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me
Who was that lad sneaking out the back a quarter after three?

Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool,
So drunk you cannot see
That was just the tax man that the Queen she sent to me
Well, it's many a day I've travelled and a hundred miles or more
But an Abington who can last till three I've never seen before

Alternative Drink?
Sir Samael of Tara dared to defy the unwritten rule of all tournaments (to consume unhealthy amounts of alcohol in its various forms) by serving up a strange, rather foul smelling orange liquid - allegedly tea, we're still skeptical- to his fellow tourney goers. Naturally, we felt compelled to taste the apparently healthy carrot-based concoction in the interest of our adventurous journalism spirit ,and we can say with some confidence that there are no words to describe its flavor. None. Apparently our sample was lacking sweetener. We'll accept that theory.

See Samael's Alchemical Compendium for recipes!

Barony News Marker.png Darka beginner.pngThe Winners CircleDarka beginner.pngBarony News Marker.png
From DrSeptre, Champion of the Sword!

(Q)-Joustmaster and Swordmaster, how did you manage that???

It is not easy. It has taken many years of training. In the last year I spent most of my time training the sword. Even though I have spent more time lately training with the sword I prefer jousting any day. Sword fighting is hard and there are many great swordsmen out there. It is much harder to stand out in sword fighting then jousting. I did come close to winning both this time as I won the sword fighting and was 3rd in the joust.

(Q)-If you don't mind our asking, any plans for the prize money?

Some will go to training but most will go to my realm.

(Q)-Your fan base has expanded into both competitions, anything you'd like to say to them?

I would like to thank all my fans and nobles. This was only my 2nd sword fighting win compared to 16 jousting titles but they mean just a much.

Sir DrSeptre Meadowcrest
Baron of Howling Waste

Sixteen jousts and two sword victories would mean a lot to us too...

From Neo, Champion of the Lance!

-Well it's probably my first time winning a jousting tournament, and the closest I've come was only second place prior to this. Hard work will definitely be needed, and leading a cavalry unit would be really be helpful in this. As long as you keep to it, it'll only be a matter of time.

-I might consider using the money to try an build a new RC in Ixzal, and probably send most of the money home. A portion of the money will be donated to the treasury of Ixzal's Darkanism temple, and also to our priestess Borelli in her ceaseless efforts to strengthen the religion in our lands.

-Enjoy yourselves.

Neo Garant
Baron of Ixzal

Nice to see a new face, you give all of us chronic losers hope!

Secrets of Family Sciurus
Rumour around the tavern tent suggests there is more to the outwardly decent, supposedly good-mannered Lord Marcrinus Sciurus of Caergoth than meets the eye. We couldn't help but overhear the endless chatter around the keg of his expertise in the field of "hospitality" and his extensive knowledge of "fine establishments". Apparently Lord Marcrinus did not appreciate the attention he was receiving at the tournament and sent many of his pursuers packing, but many tourney goers were witnessed scurrying away from his table happy to simply have met the man. How embarrassing, we wonder what his grandmother will think? Tsk, tsk, tsk.