Geographical placement
The city of Twainville is located in the west part of the Marwood. Twainville is surrounded by the woodland of Twainwood. From the towers of the city you can take a look to all regions that surround Twainwood. To the north you can see Eregon, to the east Nark, to the south-east Kydonia, to the south Gallaecia, to the south-west Ulitsa and to the north-west Masatodon.
At the first moment the city of Twainville was controlled by rogue forces and it was normal to see monsters and undead walking through the region.
Ordenstaat took over Twainville in 2009, and formed it's second duchy. With the fall of Ordenstaat the city turned rogue again.
Again the city was controlled by rogue forces.
The city of Twainville was taken over by Barcan forces on 11/11/11, a day called to be glorious for the Phoenician Legion that performed the takeover, and for the entire Republic of Barca. With the city under Barca's flag the Republic started the Second Duchy of the Republic of Barca.
To build up.
Local Lord's Faith: - Verdis Elementum
Major Faiths: - Triunism